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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I have some videos that are just over 800mb they are like 820mb. Its annoying when i have to put the ending on a second disc for so little space. Do they make cdr's bigger than 800 mb. If they do where can i get them?
Second question
I was watching the x games recently and saw how they would freeze the picture then zoom in on a small portion of the screen to make it full screen. The zoomed picture had perfect quality. When i play videos on the computer they are in a small portion of the screen but when they are enlarged the video quality gets worse. I thought why cant i make that original size video play full screen by zooming in without stretching the video out and distorting the image. is there any program that allows you to play in full screen without stretching the picture out???????? Please help!!!!!!!
thanks in advance
If you have $100,000.00 to spend on High tech video hardware then you can Zoom in and have good quality but You are out of luck if you want a little freeware utility to do this for you...There are 900mb CD-R"s but I do not have an idea were they can be found and they are supposed to be much more expensive and I have heard of some compatibility issues with some burners and players, what I do when i encode a movie and it is a bit to big to fit on a CD-R I just encode the file again till I get it right, which can suck if it take 10 hours to encode a 2 hour movie but for me it only takes about 3 hours so it isn"t a big deal ,i can encode 3 movies while I"m sleeping.......
this vcd stuff is pissing me off i spend so much time making them. If i just got a summer job and worked during that time i could just buy the videos i made and save a little time even.
can anyone tell me the difference between "full screen (keep aspect ratio)"
and "full screen (keep aspect ratio2)"???
can't see any difference if i use it..
what's the best/right for svcd??
If you hold you Mouse over the were it says "Video arrange method" a dialog box pops up explaining all the different settings...I use "Fullscreen (Keep aspect ratio)" it all depends on your movie........
Its simple. Double click on it and you will come into an Window where you can set/change the start and ending part of the stream with both sliders and number of the frame.
Its just me but usually I split my projects with bbmpeg after the encoding.
Imho its much less fuss when you want to convert the audio stream(s) with an external programm like headac3he. The quality of the audio encoding part of tmpgenc is not good anyway.
Normaly I let smartripper separate video and audio streams then I make an project with DVD2AVI. The resulting audio/video streams will be muxed and cutted in bbmpeg.
Several weeks ago Griff made reference to the super high quality obtained from the Nova-t Card. Well, his comments didn't go un-noticed by me. I immediately bought the bundle and set it up on one of my machines.
To say that I was Gob-Smacked by the quality of the recorded TV programs would be an understatement. They are superb. Pure DVD quality.
The quality is retained even after burning to DVD-R via Ulead's DVD Workshop.
If you get to read this post, Griff, thank's a bunch. A really brilliant piece of kit.
I want to convert many JPEGs into many MPEGs so that I have several MPEGs that only exist of one frame.
Every time I want to convert one JPEG to MPEG TMPG takes all the images of the folder the image is located in and converts all images to one slideshow.
How can I disable that TMPG takes all images? And how can I convert many JPEGs to many MPEGs? Batch encode?
Tmpgenc takes all the jpegs cuz they are named sequentially, so you need to change the names of the files, and yes you can use the "batch encode".........
Trying to encode a movie file download from kazaa but Tmpge 2.57 stop at 30% of encoding. Use the media player to look at the movie and there is not a problem, the movie looks ok to the beginnig and to the end.
Just because "Media Player" will play it does not mean that there isn"t anything wrong with it.Media player will play pretty much anything as long as it has the codec and the header is partially intact..Try useing the source range and go to the spot were it crashes and use the "cut editing" feature to cut out a few frames before and after were it crashes then see if it will encode the whole movie or you can just start encodeing were the encoder left off then join the 2 mpeg files toghether with the "merge and Cut"....
I have a movie spread accross 3 SVCD format cd's (each disk just under 700mb and encoded in mpeg 2 with a bit rate around 2500 kbps) that play ok in my standalone dvd player.
I have a 2 part avi movie that I would like to convert to svcd format and put onto 3 cds with a similar bit rate. Each of the 2 parts of the avi is under 700mb.
When I put the first avi into tmpenc is says that the resultant file size is huge - into gb's. Ideally I need it to be around 1gb - enough to fill 1 and a half disks. However, the only way I can do this is to reduce the bit rate down to a level that would give poor picture quality.
Don"t tell me you are useing the "CBR" encodeing method????This is not the best method for encodeing mpeg files, the files are much too big and a lot of the bitrate is wasted and the quality is not as good as it could be...Useing the "CQ" method you can get better quality and smaller files sizes with a higher bitrate,generally speaking most scenes of a movie do not need the bitrate to be 2500kbs to produce a good picture but you do need the high bitrate to give good quality for high motion scenes, so if you used the "Constant Quality" setting with a minimum bitrate of say 1500kbs and a maximum bitrate of 5000kbs with the quality from 80-90, with these settings you could probably get 45-55 minutes on a CD-r with as good or probably better quality than the CBR setting..Useing this method is arguably as good or better than the "2-Pass" method, and you probably won"t need 3 cd-r"s unless the movie is over 100 minutes...
I have a registered version of 2.56 and I downloaded the 2.57 free version as an upgrade. Thing is that it gives me the "30 days left" dialog. I can't seem to find a way to input my serial number to unlock it. Any suggestions?
You can not register an "free" version, you can only register a "Plus" version, you should know that seeing how your a registered user but anyhow double click the banner at the bottom of this BBS, then go and download the "Plus" version, if you are intitled to a free upgrade the new version should register itself automaticly........
Just go to Pegasys's webpage, and download "TMPGEnc Plus 2.57",
I am using both 2.56, and 2.57, and working both of them without
problem.(I am also registered user.)
With the latest version (English) it won't register on my system either.
I am told my trial period is over so I downloaded the Japanese installer
(I run NT4 J) and it installed no trouble and registered itself with my
Thier English version installer is screwed.
I've contacted support in both Japanese and English but they are SLOW in replying!
I've tried everything suggested here and at Afterdawn. Nothing is working. I was able to use an older version of TMPGenc just fine. I've recently upgraded to XP and had to download all the supporting software once again to create VCD.
Someone help me. I can't get past the "cannot open, unsupported" error message when I try to open a video source. I used SmartRipper and dvd2avi. It worked before, why not now?
So what I think your problem is with loading in "D2v" files???You didn"t really say what your problem is .Well if it worked before and you haven"t done and major software installations or deletions, and the "dvd2avi project file reader is set to a high enough priority , and you haven"t moved or deleted or renamed any of the "VOB" or "D2V" files then you just might need to just run the vob files through DVD2AVI again, and if for some reason that does not work and you are at your wits end then try useing the "vfapi converter" you can download it from "" what you do it open the "vfapi converter" folder then install the "vfapi codec" by double clicking the "vfpset.bat" file, then load the "D2V" file into the "vfapi converter" then click "convert" then it will make a psudo AVI file that you can load into Tmpgenc then load the audio from DVD2AVI into Tmpgenc then encode like normal...It is a very handy tool to have to overcome little problems like this..........
I'm trying to work my way through afterdawn's new "DVD to SVCD" guide. I've used their "DVD to VCD" guide successfully but I'm stuck at the TMPGEnc step, so that is why I'm here.
I've checked all my settings and have tried all the suggestions from this BBS as well as afterdawn's. I have done a major upgrade. I've moved from Win98 to XP and have upgraded all the software needed for this project. I've ripped the movie twice and done the dvd2avi twice and I get the same error message when I try to load the video source into TMPGEnc, "not supported". I'm looking at for the converter you suggest and can't see it. Can you give me the direct link?
You can download the "Vfapi converter" here :http://www.divx ..I just upgraded from "Win Me" to "Win XP" and I didn"t have any problems with encodeing files, and I just upgraded from "Win XP" to "Win XP Pro" and everything is even better...But the "Vfapi converter" should give you a work around for this problem....
Just checking to make sure you haven't abandoned the forum .... people like you and Minion contribute a great deal to this board.... much appreciated by people like myself.
No not abandoned, just busy with a project at the moment (plus a few tempermental girlfriend troubles). Don't really have much time on my hands at the moment. Back soon though.
The program seems to shut down about 5 - 8 seconds into the movie. I am encoding avi to svcd the avi's play fine, but the program just comletly shutdown. what might the problem be? thanks in advance. cdman
I am trying to get subtitels to a movie, first I am jusing Virtuel dub to make the frameserve, then I open TMPGenc, and opend the frameserve, but get the message that it is illegal stream format.
The movie is convertet from AVI to MPG. the sound is convertet in Virtual dub.
The subtiels is SUBRIP subviewer3.
What am I dooing wromg.