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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
- I'm using Sonic(tm) MYDVD to create DVDs on my hard drive. TMPGEnc
crashes while trying to load MPEG-2 layer files both in the wizard
& on the main program screen. If I uninstall MYDVD, TMPGEnc works
like a champ! (fix anyone?) :)
- Would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to see the ability to export to .VOB format in
TMPGEnc so I can get rid of MYDVD altogether. If TMPGEnc created the
.VOB files, there's a proggie out there called IFOEDIT that will
create the necessary .IFO & .BUP files from the .VOB files.
- FWIW, Nero does NOT support the conversion of .MPG to .VOB. Nero
will only create the file system. You have to come up with the DVD. :)
> I'm using Sonic(tm) MYDVD to create DVDs on my hard drive. TMPGEnc
crashes while trying to load MPEG-2 layer files both in the wizard
& on the main program screen. If I uninstall MYDVD, TMPGEnc works
like a champ! (fix anyone?) :)
I have the same problem. The simple solution is to frameserve the mpeg2 files to TEMPGenc using DVD2AVI (to frameserve, "Frame Serve", quite literally means use software in a server-client relation. DVD2AVI serves the movie frames to the TEMPGenc client. there's no loss of quality ;-)
>Would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to see the ability to export to .VOB format in
TMPGEnc so I can get rid of MYDVD altogether. If TMPGEnc created the
.VOB files, there's a proggie out there called IFOEDIT that will
create the necessary .IFO & .BUP files from the .VOB files.
Interesting idea. But if you're going to generate the VOB's you may as well generate the IFO's as well. Then TMPGEnc becomes an authoring package as well.
Is thier any was to shrink the file size when your converting a mepg2 file to mpeg1? when i try to convert a 159mb file over the estamted file size afterwords is 3361380.36mb??:/ can someone please help me?:) BTW, i dont have any audio in the file...its just video.
That file size estimate is odviously an error,you could make 100dvd"s with a file that size,Try frame serveing the mpeg2 file to tmpgenc from dvd2avi cuz it seems that tmpgenc is reading the file wrong, the size of a mpeg file is directly linked to the bitrate used to encode that file, generally speaking svcd/mpeg2 is about 20mb per minute and vcd/mpeg1 is 10 mb per minute that is useing the standard bitrate specification, so lowering the bitrate will decrease the file size.....
Ok, you download dvd2avi and then load your mpeg file into it and make a " d2v project file" then load the project file into tmpgenc then tmpgenc will think the project file is an avi file when it is your mpeg file then encode, if you want to learn about different techniques and what mpeg encodeing is all about go to "" and read a lot..
I think the author of TMPGenc is missing an opportunity. There are a lot of MPEG editors out there selling from $100 to $700 (MyFlix, nanoPEG, mpeg2vcr, M2-Edit). I have been looking for something that I can use to edit VBR MPEG2 files created by the Hauppauge WinTV-PVR model 250. See the following for more info.
Except for a slight audio sync problem, TMPGenc is the best low cost option I have found. If this problem could be fixed and a few features added, the editor alone could be a product that people might pay for. nanoPEG (which comes with WinTV-PVR) is similar to cut & merge and sells for $200. The output is not as clean as TMPGenc. I purchased TMPGenc several months ago for encoding, but was surprised to find that it's editor is competitive with options costing a lot more.
A couple of suggestions. An option to save/load cut lists from the editor would be very helpful. Occasionally TMPGenc does crash when I am trying to set the cut points. I can live with that, but it is frustrating to have to start over. If I could restore a saved cut list, it wouldn't be a big deal. It would also make it easier to find cut points if there was a way to move forward/back by a larger number of frames. Maybe something like buttons to skip forward/back by 10 and 100 frames. If find zeroing in on the cut frame I want to be one of the most tedious parts of editing. It's surprising that most programs don't provide a better way to do this.
Almost forgot, it would be nice to have an option to split a clip. This option creates two clips from same file with the end of the first and start of the second set by the split point. This way you don't have to keep reloading the same file.
I'm using the Hauppauge WinTV Nova-t digital terrestial card. I think that TMPGEnc is a good editor for the mpeg 2 files that this card creates. The audio sync problem is a problem I also have in TMPGEnc; it's not caused by dropped video frames however, but a bug, which causes the audio to skip occasionaly (it does this on the mpa files even when no video is present).
If you want more sophisticated editing abilities, why don't you try frameserving the mpeg2 files into Premier, I've read that it is possible to do this.
Thanks for the suggestion. I am also thinking of trying Womble's mpeg2vcr which was suggested by others here. It sounds like a good editor but costs $250. I just think that TMPGenc is almost there as a good cut/merge only editor, and could be a great low cost solution with a little work. There are lots of people getting into PVR who just want to record TV shows and edit out the commercials. They don't need all the features that many editors have, and the cost of the good ones is high. I think there is a market for a good low cost simple editor.
There is no audio plugin for tmpgenc accept the "wav" plugin, the reasom for not being able to load your dvd audio is probably because tmpgenc only supports certain types of audio but it is best to use uncompressed wav audio, but if you install some ac3 filters you might be able to load ac3 streams but i"m not sure..
That plugin isn't the best for TMPG. It's quite slow and doesn't allow audio.
Remove that plugin and install this one instead, it's much quicker and decodes audio.
i. Get a copy of Smartripper, and IFOEdit. Open up Smartripper and in "backup mode" copy the DVD to your hard drive.
ii. Go to the video_ts directory that Smartripper created and check how big the DVD is; if it's more than 4.5GB, the DVD will need to be backed up onto two DVD-Rs and I've explained how to do this previously on this BBS. Just go back about ten pages or so. If the DVD's less than 4.5GB, using IFOEdit open up VIDEO_TS.IFO in the video_ts directory.
iii. Making sure that you've taken out your origional DVD from the DVD drive click on play DVD (in IFOEdit).
iv. Check that each chapter plays correctly. If IFOEdit reports that there's something wrong with the file structure and askes if you would like to correct this, click on yes.
v. If ALL the chapters on the DVD play correctly you're ready to burn the DVD-R. If the chapters don't play correctly, or are out of sequence then most likely the DVD's got a complicated structure that Smartripper can't handle; it may be possible to rectify such problems but if you're new to backing up DVDs I would't attemp it.
vi. Assuming you're using Nero as the DVD-r buner, copy ALL the files in the video_ts directory on your hard drive into the VIDEO_TS directory that Nero creates in its file browser.
Thanks for all your help Minion and Griff !! this is good information and i really appreciate your time you took out to reply back with this information, again thanks guys!!
run wizard, load mpg file, and number of minutes is wrong.
I get 336073 min / 27 sec.
file is actually 54 min / 17 sec.
Running win2k
I think 2.53 is ok, 2.56 TmpgEnc is bad.
Try to demultiplex the Video source from the audio source. Then load them separately into TMPGEnc. Perhaps you have to convert the audiostream into wav (very big file!).
How to demux:
Lets share your idea.
What do you think is the Best PC configuration for best MPEG encoding with current hardware available (not with hardward MPEG encoder board)?
Im not sure what you eman by 'configuration'
Since TMPGenc is very processor intensive, the faster your processor, the faster encoding ...a nice wad of RAM doesnt hurt either.
What I mean is what type of processor, p4 or athlon, single or multiple processors, what type of RAM, DDR or RDRAM and what type of Harddisk or disk system.
What type of combination (configuration) will provide best performance in term of speed and quality.
Well since tmpgenc is optimized for Intel"s and Pentium 3 and 4 you might get a bit better performance then with a Athlon and since it is capible of multi-threading so you can use multiple processors and a whack of DDR-ram is better than sdr-ram so say a dual P4 2.2ghz with say a gig of DDr Ram would give you some killer performance probably encode at faster than real time and with the price of fast computers these days it isn"t to expensive to get a real fast cpu anymore,I just ordered a 1.7ghz Intel with everything accept the monitor and it was $499 canadian which is pretty cheap, and for quality I don"t think it really matters how fast or what kind of system you have with quality just the software the your source files...
As far as I know, there is no dual processor board for P4 yet.
Do you think a dual 1Ghz PIII is better than single 2Ghz P4?
Will RDRAM better than DDR RAM?
I notice that the amount of RAM make no different, but will the speed of the RAM make significant different?
How about Harddisk? Speed is important?
I have encoded avi-files to DVD-formate or Video-CD-formate and burned it on a CD through normal cd-burner (not DVD-burner) but can not play it back an my DVD-Player device. Can any body tell me what I should do?
1. Are you sure your DVD player is capable of playing VCD's or computer generated CD's.
2. Are you creating MPEG-1 files for VCD and if so are you sure you are creating VCD's with your CD burner.
3. I recommend Ahead NERO CD burner, for burning Video CD's. I have never had a problem with any of the VCD's i have created and I now have almost 1000 in my collection.
4. If this doesn't work for you please feel free to contact me and I will see if I can help further.
and look at the section DVD player compatibility list. See the report other owners have written about your player , most also mention the type of media that works with the player
Ollie which cd's actually work in your player. A friend of mine has exactly the same player and has only managed to get rewritables to work so far, so I would appreciate it if you would post the CDR's you have used succesfully.
This beeing newbie question #1 you will find the answer hundreds of times on this site, go to "options" to "envirimental settings" to "vfapi plugins" raise the "Direct Show File Reader" to "2" by right clicking it, and if that don"t work then you need the proper codecs installed on your machine....
I have read posts about people having audio sync problems when converting NTSC to PAL , and I'm a bit puzzled ...
I have never had any audio sync problems ..all I do is
- Decompress the audio to pcm format using avi2vcd
- Encode the resulting large avi to 25 fps PAL using TMPGenc with the toolame audio tool and the ssrc bitrate calculator
I have never come across any audio sync problems .... by reading the posts I should be ....odd
The most common problem with ntsc to pal conversions the way you do it is "Choppy Playback" cuz the length of the movie doesn"t change so there shouldn"t be a sync problem, the sync problem comes in when you are trying to do a "proper" ntsc to pal conversion and you have to change the framerate of the avi file and there for changeing the length of the video file which causes major de-sync.When I used to download files off the net I would always just encode every file to ntsc regardless of frame rate and most of the vcd"s would end up with slowdown and speed up chopy playback problem,Tmpgenc actually compencates quite well encodeing to different framerates but it"s not perfect..
Thanks Minion ...but the audio never sounds choppy ..if anything it sounds a lot better than before when I used to use TMPGenc's in built audio functionality.
With toolame and ssrc even if I drop the audio rate to 128 (which I always do now) both the speech and music in my XVCD's is perfectly in sync with no detectable choppiness.
Minion isn't referring to the audio, but the actual movie playback itself.
The movie will have a slight stutter effect when you do framerate conversions with TMPG. If you haven't noticed it before you will now once you have a closer look. Take a look at something moving across the screen and you should see the effect.
I first came across this stuttering effect within TMPGenc when converting PAL footage to NTSC. I'm not sure if it's the same stutter effect that you're talking about but it kind of looks like the field order has been reversed (which generally only shows up during fast moving footage.) I'm not sure if my solution will work when converting NTSC to PAL but I found by setting the Deinterlace filter in TMPGenc (MPEG Settings -> Advanced) to Double (field), this will double the frame rate, so go back to (MPEG Settings -> Video) and putting the frame rate back to what you want (PAL: 25 or NTSC: 29.97).
In the past few days there occurs frequently an error while converting from Divx to SVCD. I have tried different versions of TMPGEnc but after some time the error was there again. The only text is: "Error 15152 15152" with an OK-Button. The conversion stops, but after clicking it converts again and produces the error after some seconds again. The error has occured only since 2 weeks or so. Before I converted about 50 movies.
I have encoded roughly 12 vcd's various ways and have a constant problem. When the movie is playing on the dvd player, during the entire film, the audio will be in synch for a few minutes...then the video will get ahead of the audio for a few minutes and back to normal does this the entire length of the film. I first simply encoded the film with TMPGenc then burned with nero. I then changed from nero to VCDeasy...same thing. I then used VirtualDub to extract the audio from the film, encoded both together with TMPGenc and then burned again with VCDeasy. SAME PROBLEM. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!
The "jerkey playback" problem is very common with avi files downloaded off the net at places like "kaaza" cuz many avi files on the net have frame rates that don"t conform to any mpeg standard (12.5fps,14.9fps,20fps)so when you encode them to mpeg tmpgenc has to make up for the missing frames and you get this jerkey out of sync effect, or if you just encode to the wrong frame rate you get this effect,post back with the stats of your avi file and the settings you encoded it with and then maybe we can see if that is the problem...
Well it all seems right to me, the original files all have a framerate of 23.976 and I am encoding it to the same framerate. If indeed it is from downloading from there some way to fix this problem?
Well you should really be encoding those movies to 29.97 fps by adding 3:2 pulldown to the movie unless your DVD player is capable of playing 23.97 movies smoothly which most players don't.
As for the synch problem, it is usually the burning software which is at fault.
Try using Instant CD/DVD 6.5 as this software has been known to correct this problem. Also don't burn above 4x as this can and usually does cause problems.
3:2 won't cause any interlacing problems if you do it correctly.
You MUST encode to MPEG2 for 3:2 pulldown to work. MPEG1 VCD doesn't support it.
The easiest way is to select the 'NTSC FILM SVCD' template or the 'PAL FILM SVCD' template then unlock it and change the parameters you wish to change. This will add the correct 3:2 pulldown for you.
If you wish to do it your self then make sure you are encoding to MPEG2 then select the following options:
Encode mode- 3:2 pulldown when playback
Framerate- 23.976 fps(internally 29.97 fps)