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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I downloaded TMPGEnc Plus for a 30 day trial...I tried using it to produce Mpeg2 files for DVD authoring with DVD-IT PE......I am able to tweak the TMPGEnc parameters to produce Mpeg-2 files of magnificent quality, better than any other encoder I've tried, but when I try to use these files in DVD-IT PE, I get an error message that the files don't have one Sequence Header per GOP.....Now, I know that they do, because I've been through all the settings and have set the GOP parameters accordingly, but still get this error message....I am encoding in PAL, so the total GOP limit is 15 frames....with 1 Sequence Header every GOP....
can anyone tell me what is going this happening because its just an evaluation version....? I am convinced that Tsunami is unbeatable so really want to use it, but can't until I find out what I'm doing wrong...
If you are loading your file as a program stream then don't. Most DVD authoring systems prefer separate Video and audio streams, so demultiplex your MPEG to a separate Video and Audio stream.
If you read the post properly it already states that the GOP length is 15 and that he has added a sequence header.
The actual GOP structure you quote is irrelevant.
I had a similar GOP (Group Of Picture) problem in My DVD (a watered down versin of DVD-IT). The simple way of fixing the problem was to load the file to be encoded using the DVD template; this method doesn't always work,however, and is, I suspect, version dependent.
Tmpg which worked great for me for a long time now locks up and freezes durng conversion.I have deleted and reinstalled it many times with no help.This happens on all movies that I try and convert. It happens at different times even on the same movie.It locks my computer up hard.No other problems with any other programs I run.
p3 1000
384 ram
Running xp.
Any advice?
And thanks in advance.
The same thing just started happening to me. I've been doing standard SVCD settings with a bitrate of 1900 for months without problem. Now (after installing v2.54) I'm getting hard lockups during encoding. I may try to drop back to a previous version of TMPGEnc.
Athlon TB 900
i downloaded a movie that is like an hour long and it's also split into 11 parts. well the original files are asx (i think) so i convert it into mpeg with tmpgenc. after that i joined it by using the tools under the file menu. after burning it unto a disk, it plays well on my computer, but when i played it on my dvd, the person isn't speaking at the right time, as if the audio is a little bit too fast for the video, but then sometimes it comes together again and then BOOM it's back to you know.... what is wrong??? i thought that it could be the cd brand that i'm using, but i guess it isn't... can anyone help me. i just don't understand how it would play perfect on the computer and all messed up in my dvd player...
That can happen if you encoded to a frame rate different than your avi files frame rate,and useing the merge and cut to join many files there can be an audio de-sync problems,files allways play better and smoother on a computer cuz the computer sort of compinsates for any flaws in the movie where a dvd player is VERY sensitive with what it will read, what I would advise is to use a different joining and editing program cause the mpeg tools just cause problems.......
Ok, so your sure it DOES play fine on your PC. If this is the case then it's not the encoding method, but the burning method and is usually down to the burning software.
What are you using to burn the movie? If you are using Nero then I would advise you to upgrade to the latest version as there is a bug in earlier versions which causes this in some players.
If that doesn't cure it try another software such as VCDeasy or one that has been known to correct this problem is Instant CD/DVD.
Also don't burn your disk any higher than 4x or it can and usually does cause problems in many hardware DVD players.
One other note on the files you downloaded, those files where obviously split purposely so they could be downloaded easier. You should have then used the original program to join the files back together. Where they winrar files with extensions such as .rar .01 .02 ? If not you should have used a proper file joining problem to re-combine them back together as joining so many MPEG files like you did is not advisable and can cause problems.
>Ok, so your sure it DOES play fine on your PC. If this is the case then it's not the encoding method, but the burning method and is usually down to the burning software.
>What are you using to burn the movie? If you are using Nero then I would advise you to upgrade to the latest version as there is a bug in earlier versions which causes this in some players.
>If that doesn't cure it try another software such as VCDeasy or one that has been known to correct this problem is Instant CD/DVD.
>Also don't burn your disk any higher than 4x or it can and usually does cause problems in many hardware DVD players.
>One other note on the files you downloaded, those files where obviously split purposely so they could be downloaded easier. You should have then used the original program to join the files back together. Where they winrar files with extensions such as .rar .01 .02 ? If not you should have used a proper file joining problem to re-combine them back together as joining so many MPEG files like you did is not advisable and can cause problems.
Hello, I am having a problem when i convert an avi or mpg to avi.. if i got an avi and i want to make changes to it, and i edit it and i want to save it in avi format, i have selected the divx low-motion codec... and i use regular sound..and when i get the output avi file.. it has green little splotches like when you mix up codecs if you have AngelPotion (i have had the same problem, but it was pink then).. but now it is green when i convert to avi.. can someone please answer my question? I really want to get back to converting my movies.. Thanks :)
If you are makeing avi files out of avi files or avi files out of mpeg files then try useing "virtualdub" that is what it is designed for, and if you want to make an avi out of an mpeg then I use dvd2avi cuz it is really fast like allmost real time on my slow machine.....
The Divx codec you are using is now oudated. Use a later improved codec such as 4.12 or Divx 5. You will get better results than using the older Divx low and fast motion codecs and increase your bitrate.
The other thing is why are you saving it again as AVI at all. This is unecessary and will decrease the quality of the movie. You should be using Virtualdub to edit the file and then frameserve that file to TMPG rather than creating another AVI which is not only preserving the quality of the original AVI, but will also speed things up as you are not creating another unecessary AVI.
Go to for info how to frameserve from Virtualdub to TMPG.
There are lots of them , one is "mpeg2vcr" and "m2-edit pro" and power vcr edits mpeg"s and joines them..there are literally dozzens of them, but if you are just doing mpeg1/vcd then you can use vcd cutter it is freeware......
Enabling the padding option in the 2xpass VBR bitrate window causes packet errors when trying to multiplex with bbmpeg. It claims that there is no user data and halts without finishing the segment's scan data or the rest of the multiplex. These streams also cause other multiplexors to halt and packet error problems with VCD-Easy/Imager. In fact, the only fix I have found (without re-encoding without the padding option) is the mpeg->mpeg fix option with VCDGear.
I have since stopped using this padding option and the errors have ceased. There are quite a few others who have experienced the same problems per the doom9 boards.
I agree with minion adding the padding seems pointless to me. Do you really need to add it. Is your DVD player that critical when it comes to playing DVD's.
Also the reason why that bag of shite called VCDgear fixed your file is because it removed the padding from the MPEG file.
If you need to remove padding from any more movies I suggest you not use VCDgear and just load the file into the MPEGtools multiplexer. You will see the padding stream there and it will allow you to remove it.
I was just noting the bug report because a lot of people are getting this error, including myself, and I just recently figured out what was causing all the problems.......
BTW, do you have a link for that MPEGtools multiplexer please?
Because website is not working...
i need some similar program...
my problem is no audio...u knok..its M-3kind that tmpgenc cannot detect..
plez~~ help me.....
I need to know how could I add a logo on the movie? I know that Virtual Dub can add the logo to the movie files but at the end, it is avi. file that I need to convert back to mpg from tmpge software and this will reduce the quality. Could anyone tell me if there is a way to add a logo in tmpge software or other method? Is adobe premier can? The main reason is to burn my own movie to my Video CD. So definitely I need CBR 1150 mbps.
really desperate..
Very very beg that one day tmpge have a ADD LOGO feature....I will prey
I have a avi file which has an unsupported audio format. I've extracted the audio using virtualdub, and use that as the audio source when encoding a vcd from original avi file. Problem is the sound is about 1sec out. How do you remedy this?
Encoded using constant bitrate, and the problem is less noticeable than 2 pass or CQ. Is the Rate Control Mode the cause of this problem?
The sound in the original avi file when played in WinMediaPlayer and WinDVD is fine, no sync problems.
Well If you play your mpeg files in "media player" it can play your files out of sync, but if it is out of sync the same amount through the whole movie then you can fix it by multiplexing the audio and video with "bbmpeg" or "mpegvcr" cuz they have a feature in there multiplexor that lets you start the audio or video first so you can sync your file......
i have downloaded the tmpgenc and can't figure out how to convert my avi movies to mpeg 1. I am trying to load the avi file and i am getting a message "can not open, or unsupported" I am able to convert the sound but not video. What do i need to do?
You need to raise the priority of your "direct show file reader" you do this by going to "options" to "enviromental settings" to "vfapi plugins" and raise the priority on the "direct show" to "2".....
What gives better quality? Constant bit rate or Constant quality? Basically I am
trying to encode a movie into a standard mpeg file(not vcd standard, not dvd standard etc..)that can be played with any standard file player. So I am wondering what would give me the best quality overall? I am buring the file to
disc(700mb). I notice that i can set higher bitrates in the CQ setting then i can in CBR and get a smaller file. Ex. i can set the min and max in CQ at 1600 kbits per sec and the final size of a 50min movie is a lot smaller/more fittable on to a 700mb disc than the one that was encoded using 1600 bits for CBR. In order for the file using CBR to come out at nearly the same size as CQ or fittable onto one 700mb cd i had to set the bit rate for CBR at 1500 kbits. So is CBR file bigger because it's got better qaulity? I can't tell when i compared the two movies because both of the movies don't really contain a lot of high motion scenes(I encoded the same movie twice using the same audio settings) Any insight would be great thanks.
Cq is the better format but you had the bitrate settings set way to low to give you the best quality ,if you are useing standard vcd resolution 352 by 240 you can set the bitrate to 5000kbs max and 500min and the quality to 80, and un-tick the enable padding, and under the system settings put it at vcd non-standard ,I was able to get a 1 hour 50minute in fairly good quality on a single cd-r, the quality wasn"t what I was used to cuz i usually do high rez xsvcd"s but they looked good rof putting a whole movie on a cd-r when I usually put them on 3 cd-r"s......
Thanks for the advice Minion, but i have one more question, Is there any way to sorta figure out how big a file is going to be if you use CQ? Is there any way to sorta determine the size outcome after setting the min and max settings? Or do i bascially have to go through trial and error to figure out which is the correct bit rate? Thanks
If you are only using a software player, what is the point in encoding to MPEG at all? If you have no intention of making these files into VCD or DVD then you would acheive better quality and smaller file size encoding to DIVX.
I could do divx for a smaller file and better qaulity but i was thinking about lending it to my friends so they can watch it also. My friends however are a bit iffy about installing non-commerical items on their machines. So unless I try forcing divx down their throats i don't think it's going to happen lol.
Still i'd like to know if you could calculate the final file output size when using CQ.
What do you mean by non commercial? Do you mean you friends won't use a codec you don't have to pay for.
If that's the case they should wipe off half of the codecs that are already installed on their machines because I bet most of them are using some sort of non commercial codec already, for example what sort of MP3 codec do you friends use?
Also if that's the case then why don't you use DIVX 5 pro. This codec is commercial.
Any to answer your question, the way I do it is to encode a typical scene in the movie for a minute and then multiply the resulting file size by the amount of minutes in the film. This will give you an average size for the film and something to aim for with the bitrate.
To make it more accurate, encode say a five minute sample then do the math. This will give a more accurate representation of the final output size.
>What gives better quality? Constant bit rate or Constant quality? Basically I amtrying to encode a movie into a standard mpeg file(not vcd standard, not dvd standard etc..)that can be played with any standard file player. So I am wondering what would give me the best quality overall?
To reply to the origional question. The Constant Quality (CQ) setting is by far the best, as it gives the best quality for the final file size.
You could go down the DivX route, but if you want an mpeg just for playing on your PC, I'd experiment with the CQ settings, 'till you arrive at a quality vs file sizethat your happy with.
Hoorah we finally agree on something, so you DO have some worthwhile advice after all.
I wholly agree that the CQ method is by far the best and will give the better quality vs file size output.
Well sort of, you can use the "clip frame "feature to cut the bottom or top or sides of the frame off so depending on how big the writeing is you can do it, but you might not like the effect of haveing the frame cut off at the bottom or top......