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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
If you do mean aspect ratio by that,then just press "settings"in Tmpgenc,
go to the video tab and set the correct settings in the field "aspect ratio".
I have been having problems with muxing in Impressions 2.21. Impressions has been giving my an unknown problem error about halfway through the muxing process.
I downloaded a trial version of ReelDVD 2.5 and tried loading the three Mpeg files that I want to use. All three have been encoded using Tmpeg. The last and longest (40 minutes) stops at about the time that the 'unknown problem error' comes up in Impressions.
ReelDVD says that in Group of Pictures #3692 the number of fields is 40 and that I need to have a GOP equal to or less than 36.
Does this mean that the max number of GOP should be set to 18 (since I'm NTSC) instead of the default 0?
before i convert my .avi, i want it to be displayed as widescreen when i play it on my dvd player. whenever i convert then burn an .avi, and play it on my dvd player using 1:1 aspect ratio it stretches the movie from the top of my tv to the bottom, when it should only take up 3/4 of the screen or something. how do i leave my .avi as widescreen when i convert?..
Pursuant to your slanderous personal attack and deliberate defamation
of my character, I have informed TMPGNET of your violation of their terms of service.
Since people like yourself give a bad name to the internet, as well as free BBSs like TMPGENC, I also look foward to contacting your ISP and informing them of your use of their internet access service for slander and defamation of character.
When trying to open a previously recorded avi-file with
Pinnacle Studio7 (dc10+-card), in Tmpeg 2.55/254 I get the error message:
Cannot open or not supported.
In several forums they had a possible solution by raising the
priority of the "Direct show multimedia file reader" to 2.
Unfortunately after changing this, nothing happened and I'm still not
able to read my Pinnacle-files.
Is there anyone with a possible solution for me? Please mail me!
After my test period of MPEG-2 function of TMPGEnc expired, I decided to purchase the TMPGEnc Plus. But first I got a trial version And here we have: the TMPGEnc Plus does not work with AVISynth plug-in. The free TMPGEnc works fine; I start FlaskMPEG and select "Link to AVISynth" as output. Then I start TMPGEnc and select an AVS file... and so on. I go the same way with TMPGEnc Plus, but it hangs after selecting the AVS file. It shows the Hourglass cursor and does nothing. Only with Task Manager I can close it. Is this a problem with trial version only? As I said, the free version works fine but without MPEG-2. Could somebody help?
OK. It works a half, the TMPGEnc can open AVS-file without stopping. But if I start the conversion, I get a message "IPC Source: Audio misalignement" and the Source does not run, while TMPGEnc is running with black screen (with this message, of course). Any more hints?
The Media Player says "File not found..." if I point to my AVS-file. I think, it can be a problem with the last tool, you wrote about. Since I've installed this tool the TMPGEnc Plus does not hang, but the free TMPGEnc shows the same error ("IPC Source: Audio misalignement...") and it worked fine before.
I think I finally found the reason! If I try to decode a NTSC DVD file with 29,97fps and 48000 Hz audio and put this through AVISynth as AVI with 29,97fps and 48000 Hz audio I get the problem. If I make the FlaskMPEG converting the video to 25fps and 41500Hz audio the TMPGEnc works fine.
Anyway, I have tested DVD2AVI with the same DVD file and got no audio from TMPGEnc. It seems, TMPGEnc cannot work with NTSC video format (;-) (of course, it can!).
could anyone tell me how after splitting a film in half the second disc has the video and audio slightly out of sinc with each other,and of course how to stop this happening,thanks in advance martin.
The reason why is cuz the mpeg tools suck, and to solve this you need to use a different mpeg editor, you can try "m2-edit pro" or "mpeg2vcr" there seems to be a constant problem of one sort or another with mpeg tools.....
I have trouble using TmpGenc to convert a MPEG2 into SVCD
The problem is that the MPEG has different recordings - and between each recording there is about 1 second of noise (seems that my video-camera is putting this noise between different recordings)
TmpgEnc is losing the sound after each recording - this 1 second of noise (gap, transition) seems to confuse TmgpEnc.
Sometimes TmpgEnc is not only losing audio - but crashing while converting.
Does anybody know how I can deal with that 1 sec noise between recordings ?
Is there a way to remove "transitions" ?
If you are loading the MPEG2 file directly into TMPG then why don't you try using DVD2AVI and create a d2v file from your MPEG2 and load that into TMPG instead.
I wonder if anyone can help me.
I have a .avi divx file that has "Morgan Stream Switcher" compression.
It can be played fine in 3 diffrent players but when I convert it to anything with TMPGEnc Plus, the video looks great but there is no audio.
Why can't TMPGEnc Plus convert the audio with the video?
Do I have to extract the audio with a diffrent program and then merge it with the processed video? I hope there is an easier way.
Please help if you can.
extract the audio with virtual dub in wav form the when u start the tmpg wizard insert the video and the extracted wav file and off u go.....all it is that tmpg doesnt support certain forms of audio
Can anyone please help with error message "Index of scan line is out of range 281" I spent 3 months downloading this movie and 4mins 27 secs into changing it from an 'avi' to an mpeg with TMPGEnc 2.55 I get this message and it stops encoding. Please if anyone can help, tell me in easy to understand lingo.
This could mean that there is some corruption in your avi file, possibly bad frames, there is nothing you can do about it accept you can start encodeing again at the point right after it crashed then you can join the files together after encodeing,you can do this by going to the "source range" setting and set it to start encodeing a few frames after it crashed then after it is done load the files in the merge and cut and merge them together.These are common problems with movies downloaded off the net cuz information gets lost or corrupted while encodeing especially in your case when it takes so long to download one movie.....
>I go the same p3package.dll error on mine. I did what menion said and it work (slow), but worked. I then stopped that and put the .dll file in system and system32 folders and it worked like a charm. I don't know what is wrong with your application, but I haven't seen anywhere that you uninstalled and reinstalled the application. (first rule of troubleshooting).
>It is simple enough that this may be a "PEBCAK" error. (Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard)
And to address all of the "put p3package.dll in the search field" that only brings up all of these complaints. Someone needs to place the .dll file on here so that it can be copied and give a valid solution to this. There is no real solution that I see. Us users have to sort through the complaining and ignorance in order to find a solution.
This can be caused by a few thing"s but first a little tip, if there is no video in the encodeing screen while encodeing then there is no video in your mpeg file,but first you should post the procedure and settings you used to encode your file and you should post the specs of your avi file like frame rate resolution and codec with out this information we can only guess at what might be wrong.first you need to have the proper codecs installed on your machine to decode your file, you should make sure that your "direct show" plugin is set to a high enuff priority, to do this go to "options" to "enviromental settings" to "vfapi plugins" and raise the "direct show" plugin to "2" by right clicking it.Another reason could be that your avi file is encoded with a codec that is not supported in tmpgenc like some dv can try these things to see if they work and if they don"t post the correct information so we don"t have to play a guessing game.......good luck....
OK, I get a "Read Error Occured at Address 00477747 of module 'TMPGEnc.exe' with 043E71AE" error when encoding MPEG2 video from AVI.
I've tried to figure this one out on my own but haven't been able to. Any help would be appreciated.
My system stats:
Celeron II 1 ghz oc'd to 1.3 ghz
PNY GEForce3 ti200
Intel 815 EP Chipset
512mb PC133 SDRAM
SB Live! 5.1 sound
WD 60 GB 7200 RPM HD
WD 40 GB 7200 RPM HD
Pinnacle DC10+ Video Capture
... and some other stuff that's the same as everyone else's
Running XP Professional