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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I used the TMPGEnc and I had very good compression when I converted AVI to SVCD... When the AVI file was 600MB the SVCD had about 700MB and I could burn it on 1 CD with good quality
Now I downloaded the new TMPEnc and when I convert the same movie with the same setting like in the old version the movie is HUGE... about 4 times as big.
My question is now: How can I get the same compression with the new version?
just wanted a good straight response..... i have the dma modes set. etc. i get good speed. 6.0x average..... just wanted to know what the ASPI adapter is/does/and if it is even worth it.... P4 2.0GHz wIn2000Server .
I"m pretty sure that you have to have an aspi layer installed on your system for you even to rip a dvd, but the best aspi layer I have tried is "Force ASPI" on my 800mhz system it made my ripping speed go fron 4 times to 11 times with a 8 times for the exact workings of how the aspi layer works I don"t really know but It sure helped on my system...
Installing a good ASPI layer will definitely help where ripping is concerned.
I agree with minion, the best ASPI layer I have found is Adaptec's.
Ensure you install version 4.60 and not 4.70 as version 4.70 does not work correctly with some ripping programs such as Smartripper.
ASHY . i think you meant install 1.6 not 4.6 instead of 1.7 not 4.7 .
but in anycase... i cant find ANYWHERE 1.6 . all i find is 1.7. . the regular places dooom vcd blahblahblah all have 1.7 . . which you said not to install... any thoughts places ideas?>
No I mean 4.60
1.7 is the version number of force aspi not the version number of the aspi layer.
Adaptecs aspi layer is version 4.60 or the new one which doesn't work very well is 4.70.
Download force aspi 1.7 as this will install adaptecs version 4.60 aspi layer.
The "highest quality" is the highest quality and "motion estimate search" is the lowest quality, but there isn"t that much differance between normal and highest quality considering the extra ammount of time it takes...
i see a huge differance between normal anmd highest quality
in normal mode i see groups of blocks that move
you can really see it in the background
in highest quality mode i can barily see any artifacts
i think the only choice is highest quality
but i like motion estimate search also
good quality
I think 'high quality' does have a slight advantage over 'normal', but I know from my own tests and experience that the 'highest quality' setting makes no difference to the outcome quality at all, the only thing it does do is drastically increase the encode time. For the time it takes to do an encode with the 'highest' quality setting, you could have done a 2 pass encode with the 'normal' setting.
I'm a new user of TMPGEnc, and I am having a strange problem. (I'm using 2.55, by the way.) Whenever I attempt to use TMPGEnc on certain sorts of files, and all of these are MPEG-1 files, I get no sound output, if I try to output MPEG-1 with constant bit rate.
Here's a test case. Take some 320x240 MPEG or other. Load it into MPEG Tools (Merge and Cut). Cut a bit, and save it, using "Video CD". Now load it on the main screen of TMEG and convert to 352x240. I get no sound. It doesn't seem to matter much what files I use: captured video, stuff off the web, whatever.
I think the MPEG Tools are doing something to the sound somehow: Not something that makes it impossible to play the file, but something that confuses TMPGEnc later.
I'm running Windows XP, with an ATI Radeon 7500 All-in-Wonder.
The audio from your mpeg1 file has to be in "wav" format, mpeg audio is hard for "tmpgenc" to decode then encode cuz it is a highly compressed format, so what you have to do is "de-multiplex" your mpeg file and encode the mp2 audio to wav then use that as your audio source....
The "p3p package.dll" optimizes tmpgenc for pentium 3 cpu"s, to get rid of the error go into your "tmpgenc" folder and copy and paste the "p3p package.dll" into your "system and system32" folders....then it will work....
i have a movie that i have completely in mpg format, and everything is going great. however, now i have been able to split the file, but it will never finish splitting the second half. so, i have cd1, but cd2 locks up after it finishes the second part after clicking on run to split the second half. any suggestions?
The only suggesting that actually works when this type of error happens in the mpeg tools is to use something different, get a different mpeg editor cuz the mpeg tools are constantly haveing problems, the only free one I can think of actually isnt a mpeg editor but you can use it that way,"bbmpeg" has a multiplexor that will split the output file at what ever size you want so first you would de-multiplex your mpeg then load each file into the multiplexor in bbmpeg and make the spliting size say 800mb then it will multiplex your file and out put it in 800mb parts....seems like a hassle to do it this way but it is better than nothing....
thanks for the advice! i just starting to learn how to do all this, and its becoming more of a pain than what ive heard. oh well, thanks for your help :-)
Yep, I cant cut past like 3810 seconds when i rip, my mpegs are GREAT! but i cant cut cuz it its always messing up! i reformatted put nothing ON! NO DRIVERS and it still messes up, wow ok i will try a different cutter i guess.
Encodeing movies can be a bit frustrateing cuz rarely is there a time when every thing goes right but I guess that is the challange and what makes it rewarding, ....
Hello, is there a way to delay the audio about 2 seconds. I need to make the audio and video sync and they are 2 seconds apart. I want to be able to start the video encoding and then have the audio start encoding about 2 seconds after. Any Suggestions? Thank you.
Is it your mpeg file that is out of sync or your avi file? either way just encode like normal then de-multiplex you mpeg file and get "bbmpeg" or "mpeg2vcr" and they have multiplexors that let you offset the audio or video when multiplexing to correct sync problems...
In a way but not with "tmpgenc" I hope you aren"t useing mp3 files for audio in your vcd"s or svcd"s cuz they will not play on most dvd player cuz they are not part of the vcd or svcd standard but if you just want to know for other reasons you can use "cool edit" or "sound forge" or "goldwave" but I think you will have to decode your mp3"s into wav files then edit them then output them as mp3"s or output them as wav then encode back to mp3, It is difficult to edit compressed files be it mp3 or mpeg files unless they are uncompressed that is why you might have to convert your mp3 to wav to edit them then encode them back to can find a few good audio editors on kaaza for download...
I finally converted an avi to an mpg and I uninstalled Angel Potion Codec and the movie came out great, instead of all the purple pixels. However, now the problem exists in burning it as a VCD. I have Nero Express and it gives the option of making VCDs, which I chose to do. I have a 700MB CD and the movie is 637MB, and is about 86 min. in length, and 640x272 resolution. I chose the ".mcf" file from KVCD that lets you burn a 120 min. movie onto 1 CD at 704x480 resolution, but now I noticed that Nero won't let me burn it because the length is too long, I guess. I know this because the bar on the bottom which shows how much space is left turns red after 80 minutes and it's past that. The data side of it is less than 700MBs, but the length of the movie is 86 minutes. It was doing that when it was in avi format too, so now I'm thinking whether or not it was worth the 3 hours to encode it into an mpg because I might as well have just left it as an avi if I knew it would give me the same problem as the mpg file. I thought maybe MPEGCutter would cut the file into 2 parts so that I can burn it on 2 CDs instead--maybe even add chapters so that when I play it on my DVD player, then it would be as if it were off the real DVD, where I can hit the skip button and it would go to the next chapter. But I couldn't even figure out how to use the program. Please give me some advise on all these problems. I was having a big problem where all the movies I tried were taking 24-26 hours to encode, but all of a sudden something happened and it only takes 2-3 hours. I guess maybe uninstalling Angel Potion Codec helped. Also, if you know of a free program that lets you make chapters out of the mpg file, I would really appreciate it if you could let me know. Also, I was given advise that I should go into TMPGEnc and use the Merge function and have it rewrite the header because that may have been the problem in burning the movie. So I did this and I went back and added the file into Nero's VCD creator and the bar on the bottom went red again after 80 minutes, signaling that the file is too big for the CD. It encodes the file, but then it spits the CD out again before burning it. I tried burning it last night and it encoded the mpg file for about a couple of hours it spit the CD out saying that there was not enough space on the medium for the size of the file and I should insert a larger medium or something like that. Please help. Thanks.
How much to big is it cuz if it is less than say 10-15mb you can use the "overburn" option in Nero this will let you burn more than the disk says it holds..anyway I"m glad that you got your computer working at a good speed again ,I knew that getting rid of that codec would solve your problems cuz it is a notoriusly bad codec and can cause a whole host of problems.As for doing chapters I know there are lots of authoring programs that let you do chapters like "dvdit" and "ulead dvd workshop", the encoder I use for mpeg2 lets me do the chapters in the settings before I encode and the encoded mpeg file has the chapters allready in it, but maybe this will be a feature in tmpgenc in the future (i hope).......anyway take care
Hi guys I was just wondering if anyone knows how to fix this problem,I downloaded the new 2.55 trial version and as soon as I open the program I get the evil "The 30 day Mpeg2 trial Has Expired" thirty days , hell it hasn"t been 30 seconds yet, so I tried to edit my registry to get rid of any mention of tmpgenc and I thought I got every thing but I still get the error.Does anyone know how to fix this problem, it"s kinda hard to help out on the BBS if I can"t Keep up with the new versions, I know I might be able to fix it if I set back the date on my computer but I don"t want to go to that much of an extreme if I don"t have to........Thanx Guys......
If you "fix" that, I think you infringes MPEG-2 patent licnese or license agreement of TMPGEnc. I do not think it is good idea to mention about registry etc. at all. Plus, if you have TMPGEnc Plus, you do not need TMPGEnc.
Trust me If they didn"t like what I said they would have deleted the post, I don"t want to install the 2.55 version over the 2.54 version until I know that I will like it better than the 2,54 , like the 2.53 129 was better than the 2.53 130 so I didn"t install it, so I want to see if the 2.55 is better than the 2.54...I does not infringe on copyrights if I havent used the 30 day an answer would to my problem would be good not your misinformed criticism...
This would probably be my last post on this topic.
"TMPGEnc Plus" does not have installer, and people can try different version on same PC, Now I am using 2.54a and 2.55 in one PC, and I do not see any problems because of those 2 different versions.
I am not making an issue of what Minion is asking, but HOW Minion is asking...
OK now, let's wait and see how this topic goes. sherlock!
You still haven"t solved my problem,It still exists, I guess you didn"t understand my question,the one time I ask a question and all I get is problems,and by the way I"m not irish so don"t call me shamrock...
Hi All,
I want to know why I get a black preview screen when I try to convert
from AVI(Divx) or sometimes from MPEG to a VCD ,& the converted movie
is only an Audio file with a black screen!?!!? Could you please help me to solve the problem ?
My O/S is winXP > could it be the problem ?
waiting for your replies :)
First make sure you have all the proper codecs installed on your machine, and make sure that your "direct show "vfapi plugin is at a priority of "2", hopefully this will get the file to be encoded....
Every time I try to convert .avi file to .mpg file I get the error message Can't load P3Package.dlll Please let me know what is wrong or if I should have a specific codec. Thanks in advance.
I ripped a dvd with smart ripper and used dvd2avi then used tmpg to encode it as mpeg1 for a vcd. Frame rate was set at 23.976 fps and frame type was interlaced. Forced film was also on. I used the template (videocd ntscfilm.mcf) to encode. I used Nero to burn the video cd. The cd plays fine in my computer, 700 mghz running windows ME. Using Power Dvd to view the vcd. But when I put in my home Dvd player which is an Apex Ad-660 I get glitches in the first 5 minutes of the movie then it's fine for a while and then the movie looks like it's fast fowarding and then audio is out of synch then it starts playing fine again with audio back in synch.Could it be the nero software? My dvd is supposed to play mp3, cd-r and cd-rw ? anyone else have this problem?
This is a common problem with "tmpgenc" encodes, and have noticed that if you encode with your vbv buffer at a lower setting like 60, and you burn your disks at a lower speed like as slow as you can burn this might solve your problem .It has worked in the past with my system....