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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I am using TMPGenc for about two weeks now. After the starting problem where overcome it made some good movies without any problems. I installed some other programs and filters and have now the problem that the sound of the movie cuts of at about 32 minutes every time I encode a movie. Has anybody a clue what is going on and how can it be fixed.
Hello, i got a little problem.
I Ripped a DVD with Smart Ripper and then use DVD2AVI to use TMPGENC to converting the Rip to a VCD. (As described in the
The DVD shows me only 20 Frames, when i was using the DVD2AVI, but the sound afterall works fine.
The i used TMPGENC for Converting to a PAL VCD. After all finished, the sound is still ok, but the picture (u see it, when slow the camera moving slow over the Horizont) lacks a bit, and do this regularly like every second or every 2 seconds. I get no errosrs when TMPGENC is finished.
Is there a problem at the Framerate, or is there a possibility to use only 2 Frames on an VCD mpeg?
Thanks for your replys.
(a sad and don¡t know what to do) ODITY
ok i read your post that said never use tmpgenc to open vob. files ;
why???? it works great for the first one. seems like a small bug . i would much rather go strait to the vob then deal with dvd2avi and last time i used
tmpgenc it took the vfapi and worked fine. { 8 months ago ) but the new version wont take it for anything. says loading error. so thats why i tried the mpeg-2 plug in in the frist place. thanks...........
i have a movie file that that was created using smartripper, dvd2avi and tmpgenc. I'm trying to use merge and cut to spit the file into 2. I thought if i split it into 2 equal parts, that i could burn a cd for windows media player for my non-dvd friends and then use the latest nero to make my own dvd. However, the picture and sound are not in sync. They seem to be ok on my big movie mpg file that is uncut if i use windows media player as long as i don't try to fast forward or advance it any. When i go to merge and cut it says that "at address 74f91d04, read error occured against address 74f91d04" It still allows me to cut but after it is finished i open windows media player and immediately i can tell they are not in sync. I've read some posts here to lower or increase frame rate but have no idea what you are talking about. Could you clarify this so I can understand. And what about the read error? I don't know all the specifics but i used "forced film" in dvd2avi and used 23.976 mpeg 1. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
if the audio is faster than the video, make sure the audio is 44100Hz and if it still causing the problem, increase the video frame rate fro to the next frame rate (25fps) then 29.97 etc...
i installed the mpeg-2 video plug in. ( because the vfapi plug in wont install) anyway ,everything works fine untill it gets to the second vob. file.
then the video locks and the auido keeps going untill done, tried changeing the
priorty,tried different movies, if i can get this working ,ill have no use for the vfapi plug in. oh also researched this site for the answer.if anyone can help .........thank you very much............. running XP
Which is the best way to get an mp2? BeSweet using floating point method using azid, ssrc, and then mp2enc? Graphedit, ssrc, toolame? Or tmpgenc built in mp2 support?
Yes you can. If you have a DAT file on a VCD goto and convert the DAT file to a mpg. If you have a SVCD mpg file you can convert it to a VCD in tmpgenc.
I tried to reencode one of my .avi music video into .mpeg so i can burn it better with my yamaha nero burner, but after the hecka long encoding process, there were no sound... it was a soundless video... Does anybody know why it's like this??? And how I can fix it??? I used TMPGEnc to reencode it.