This forum is for users to exchange information and discuss with other users about a TMPGEnc product.
In case you need official support, please contact TMPG Inc.
TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
After I convert the DIVX5 to full uncompressed avi in virtual dub and then put it thru TMPGEnc to recompress to MPEG2the sound plays fine for about 4 minutes and then drops out...It then reappears a few minutes later starting from the exact spot it had dropped out from but totally out of synch with the film...What am I doing wrong...Techno if you have an answer please email me as this problem has caused me to create at least 4 coasters with very expensive blank dvd media
I would suggest you use 2-pass VBR, CBR is good but I tried to encode a VOB (dvd) with that method and the results where the same compared to 2-pass vbr only that it took up half the space.
The thing with 2-pass VBR is to keep a hight bitrate average between 2000-2400 then there could be some blockyness on fast moving pictures but it's hard to see and the whole movie is good enought quality anyway.
The above is for SVCD, for VCD you don't need to care about anything, just load up the template for your needs, select maximum motion search quality and encode.
I am trying to convert an AVI file over to a NTSC VCD MPEG-1 format. The original file is likely encoded in DIVX5 or DIVX4. I had originally Divx 3.11 Alpha installed on my machine, but was unable to 1.) play it in Medial Player, 2.) open it from TMPGEnc. However after installing DIVX5 I was able to play the video, but not able to encode it in TMPGEnc. There is a blank screen when I try to encode. However, I am able to encode older DIVX AVI files. Does TMPGEnc not support AVI that is encoded in DIVX5? Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the help...I was guessing that. However, where can I find DIVX 4.11?? All of the regular sites that I go to, to get DIVX, have all updated their links to DIVX 5. Great community- hope to contribute in the future.....
I have a mpeg2 svcd compliant file,accept for the frame size,it is 352 by 480,will this be accepted by my dvd/svcd player and will nero accept it as compliant?????thanx for your help........
try to encode a small part first, then put it in the nero template, see if it accepts it, if not, then follow the errors it gives so u can specify the settings it gives u.
I'm looking for a way to leverage my VCDHelp bitrate calculator. In effect, I would like to use two-pass variable bitrate without the first pass, to save time.
Rationale: Two-pass requires minimum and miximum, and average bitrate settings and resolves the bitrate bins during the first pass. Given a gross estimate of overall motion (low, medium, high, very high), I should be able to anticipate the same thing.
The best that I can do for now is use the AUTOMATIC bitrate and set the maximum bitrate and the quality. The size of the SVCD produced seems sightly dependent upon the setting but I cannot tell what the algorithm is.
I would like to use TMPGEnc and I am using MSP6.5 and a Rapter card from Canopus. What file type should I build to loose NO quaility. Please note I have used Type 1 DV files but too much detail was lost in rendering the avi file and then encoding again using TMPGEnc to build the MPEG2 file.
Trying to convert my DV movies from my Canon MV3i MC to VCD's for playback on my DVD player. Tried TMPGEnc and got fantastic picture quality results, however, the sound was extremely 'tinny' with a constant whistle noise in the background. Tried playing with some of the options, but this does not seem to help. Can anyone out there help. It would be most appreciated.
What is the original samplerate of your audio.
The samplerate converter of TMPG isn't too good and gives many probs like this.
My advice would be to run the audio through Virtualdub and change the samplerate first, but make sure you tick the high quality box.
Got toolame to work in TMPGEnc but the sound is no better. (bearing in mind, when playing it in original .avi format the sound is ok). Besweet doesn't seem to work in XP (even through command line), and the same goes for avi2mpg1.exe. Virtual dub doesn't accept avi. files! (by this point I'm pulling my hair out). An finally where can I find wavelab (no mention of it in!?
I am trying to encode an avi file that was generated from Premiere6. Its 1hr 17 min long.
TMPGEnc starts encoding ok but at 12mins the picture goes black. The resultant mpeg file has picture and audio upto 12mins but then picture is black but audio is ok to end.
The program com up witvh this ven i try to convert a MOV
I have the tool from
All is okay until i press "start"
then it says "Illegal floating decimal point calculation order."
Try this:
Option -> Environmental setting: Under the "CPU" tab, remove the "Enable SSE" check.
Press the "Setting" button, Under the "Quantize matrix" tab, remove the "Use floating point DCT" check.
It diten help.....
"Under the "CPU" tab, remove the "Enable SSE" check" I can not en/disabel it.
It is disablet and gray. And the DCT thing wase disabled it ditent help.
I'm trying to make an mpeg-1 from one big vob file (4.97gb), and it loads up fine. Then I go to preview, the time, and video stop at around 49 min, but I know that there is 117 min to the vob file, because I played it in PowerDVD XP.
Hmm If you use the correct guides out there on the net, there should be no problem converting a vob file with Tmpgenc to a VCD or SVCD or whatever.
I find that purplemans guides are verry nice and easy (can be found under links on
The best way is to extract audio from vob file with msgraph, then running the vob file in dvd2avi and making a project file, load the project file and wav file into tmpgenc and convert. Works fine, nice and easy. Maby not the superbest quality but verry good and easy.
I think what techno is trying to say and my advice would be the same, DON'T encode directly from VOBS.
It is unecessary and will only increase the encoding time to 3x or 4x of that which it would take using the DVD2AVI method and it's unlikely you will any quality as the MPEG2 filters of DVD2AVI seem pretty good.
To revert back to the original idea behind this BBS requires the removal of Posts by certain immature persons, of little knowledge, who persistently give incorrect advice to persons seeking genuine help with TMPGEnc. The end result of which is utter confusion for the user.
Please appoint at least one Moderator who can sort out the men from the boys, and hopefully prevent this BBS from becoming a World-wide Web of doom.
Dont tease him too much ... his ego might explode and Edinburgh is a too fine City to waste :-D
Another option is to mail improper behavior to the approviate people ... i've done that when someone(guess)was offering help to crack TMPGenc here. The threads were removed. Some people would be astonished how much traces of themselves they about mailing the Principal of his school?
Techno does a good job at helping people out. perhaps instead of a moderator, you could request that the tmpgenc staff help people out. Without people like techno, many questions might not ever be answered...
hey william guess what there are moderators,just try swearing or something like offering advice on crack codes,and you will get a very nasty e-mail from them..
and for advice ,it is easy to critisize others when you are sitting on the side lines picking yer nose and NOT offering any help at go back to your crib and whine to those who care...Ashy & Techno offer some of the best and competent advice in this forum.......
I have found the support from Techno to be very relevant...The problem is that when you purchase the plus version you really can get no help other than on this BBS...and that is erratic at best..This is a good product but it seems to have a flaw that almost every other post on here speaks about...Losing video...That being said if there were moderators here they would pick up on that thread and themn maybe someone would address it for the masses...I cannot tell you how many hours I have wasted trying to get this program to work only to leave frustrated and give up until someone responds to my plea for help...and that person is usually Techno...So for that Thank you Techno.
>hey william guess what there are moderators,just try swearing or something like offering advice on crack codes,and you will get a very nasty e-mail from them..
Well well. Guess who arranged for such an e-mail to be sent to you! That's right my friend, ME!
Ashy is a young man who knows what he is talking about. More users should take his advice rather than a quick fix as offered by some.
Call me names if it makes you feel better, but remember this. By offering ŤracksEyou stop the supply of funds that are needed for the
future development of TMPGEnc.
you obviously weren"t the one,cuz I didn"t offer a crack for "tmpgenc" I don"t know one..but what I did offer I got from THIS don"t say you are what you aren"t..and this site isn"t for critism it is for poeple get get help for problems,so lets call a truce and do what this site is for....ok...
There is a vast army of TMPGEnc users who have no difficulty whatsoever in achieving good results from this fine programme without any problems at all.
I would point new or unsure users to where they can read the basics of virtually any video format.
Armed with this knowledge they should be able to avoid most of the pitfalls they encounter.
Try one of the many simple guides. Sefy Levi has written several good guides for the beginner to the more advanced.
Before you ask a question search the pages of this BBS for an answer.
Most questions are duplicated several times. And do read the FAQ page.
Look for a detailed response to your question as this tends to indicate a knowledgeable person has replied. Such as Ashy.
DonÃÕ expect TMPGEnc to do something it was not designed for.
Input the wrong format and it will complain.
Do make a test encode of about one minute. Burn it to an erasable disc and view it on your TV via your DVD player. Ignore the quality you see on your PC Monitor because itÃÔ not the same as you get from a TV. The technically minded will know exactly what I mean by this statement.
Publication of the long awaited Users Manual later this month will
hopefully discourage certain people from offering incorrect advice to
inexperienced users seeking help.
Until such times as the Manual is published, please continue to
correct the stupidity of certain individuals.
hi there ashy have been looking thru forums on articles re cinemascope aspect ratio and found your solution
i have a question having tried to do this it would appear that all i am doing is cropping the image
for example i have a demo trtailer i am working with for speed of testing which is 640x288 so have entered that under mpeg in aspectratio and clicked calculate giving me figures of 640 x 266
so in tmpgenc wizard have selected pal source and selected file with ar 1:1
gone to clip frame and arrange selected center (custom) and enetered fig of 640 at whcih point i notice it has cropped the picture
Newbie questions here - Is there anykind of a tutorial or instruction manual that I can access that can run me through an explanation of how to use TMPGenc? I've actually used the software once to convert an AVI file to MPEG2 to create a dvd readable on ordinary commercial DVD playere. It worked, but I have to admit I was just lucky. I didn't change any of the default settings but there appear to be a lot of things that can be tweeked. I'm looking to finalize a DVD project that I hope to be able to give out to 30 sets of parents and want it to be the best quality I can make it (its our 8th grade multimedia slide show combining several different AVI files of varying lengths of b/w 6 - 35 minutes). Thanks in advance