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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I have just downloaded Blade2 and want to put it as a vcd so i can watch it on my tv. The problem is that it is not that great quality. Is there any way to sharpen the quality at all?
under the "settings" there is a list of enhancements check the one you want and then double click it and a screen will come up with settings and your movie file will come up with a slider under it. move the slider till you get to a part of the movie with bad quality,and then adjust the settings can do this with all the enhancements,but it will make the encodeing take longer....but you can"t make a really bad quality movie look good ........
Ive been converting my avi files in2 mpg files, Im wanting to put them in 2parts so i can put them on vcd! Im can always make up Part1 but when i try to make up part2 it just keeps coming up "seeking file"!!!!! Can some1 please help me get rid of this problem!
you have to wait for it to seek the file ,depending on the size of your movie the longer this will take,some times 5-10 minutes..ypo see after you cut the first half of your movie and start to cut the second half,the program has to go through the first half of your movie till if finds were you want the second half to begin,be patient and it should start in a few minutes,it will do the same thing for the audio........hope this helps....sherlock
you can change it from wide screen to full screen,in the aspect ratio section choose fullscreen custom,and try adjusting the screen size,but it can give you a streched look,I dont usualy do this cuz my dvd player has a zoom feature that makes it full screen,there is probably a better way but I don"t know it but Thecno might....
ok thanks!! I got1 more problem! I waited for the file2 encode for part2 and it worked fine for the file and the audio! But it never showed up with the megabytes! hen the programme crashes! Can u help with this aswell?
It's not only /always a problem of cheap cd's but dust or somthing else on the
cd. I heard from different stand alone DVD-Players this probs also.
in my cases, a cleaning of the cds was helpful
i've converted part 1 of an avi fine,Then part 2 gets about 50% done.. then i get an error msg (Illegal floating decimal) Then It stops.
I've read some of the other post.. seeing if I could fix the problem..
I need help Please
And Thank You In advance
I've gotten the same error as Megan and will try the DirectShow changes - but I'm not sure what you mean by tick/untick all of the quantize matrix settings. Please simplify for the inept such as I: Should the boxes have check marks beside them when I'm done or not?
Techno means get rid of the check marks in the boxes,but one of the boxes is allways checked,but to un-check it you will have to un-check all the boxes in the "cpu" tab eg:mmx,mmx2,sse.This makes the program not use the floating point system so the "floating point error" should go away.If i"m wrong Techno please correct me........hope this helps......sherlock
Is it better to convert a Divx( MPEG4) avi to DVD or SVCD...Can someone tell me which will give you better picture quality and will both be able to be watched on a DVD player?
I have been reading about it a lot and the thing is this.
VCD is to poor quality for movies. It's oki for crappy stuff and so on and smaller file but for movies I prefer DivX (640*480, no less quality than that) or DVD movies.
The thing is that SVCD is in between DVD and VCD. A SVCD looks like a DVD movie, the sound is good and the quality of the picture on TV is verry good. (SVCD is for playing on TV not the computer).
The only thing with SVCD is that the sharpness you have on DVD movies will not be that good on SVCD. But on the other hand, CD-R's are so cheap you can spend a few (like 2-4 on movies) the quality is better than VCD and it's sharp enought compared to VCD.
A DivX in 640*480 converted to SVCD is allmost the same quality but the differens is that you can play it without problems on most computers, output it to TV or play it in a DVD player that supports SVCD. But with DivX you have to play it on a computer.
The reason why people is sticking to DivX is that you can fit a movie onto a CD where as SVCD takes up 2 cd's but who cares since it's so cheap to buy cd-r's anyway.
I have been reading about it a lot and the thing is this.
VCD is to poor quality for movies. It's oki for crappy stuff and so on and smaller file but for movies I prefer DivX (640*480, no less quality than that) or DVD movies.
The thing is that SVCD is in between DVD and VCD. A SVCD looks like a DVD movie, the sound is good and the quality of the picture on TV is verry good. (SVCD is for playing on TV not the computer).
The only thing with SVCD is that the sharpness you have on DVD movies will not be that good on SVCD. But on the other hand, CD-R's are so cheap you can spend a few (like 2-4 on movies) the quality is better than VCD and it's sharp enought compared to VCD.
A DivX in 640*480 converted to SVCD is allmost the same quality but the differens is that you can play it without problems on most computers, output it to TV or play it in a DVD player that supports SVCD. But with DivX you have to play it on a computer.
The reason why people is sticking to DivX is that you can fit a movie onto a CD where as SVCD takes up 2 cd's but who cares since it's so cheap to buy cd-r's anyway.
you can make vcd"s with svcd quality(or pretty close)if you make a svcd with a bitrate of 2250kbs and a vcd with 2250kbs the quality is allmost the same,accept the audio may be a little less in quality,this is what I have noticed on my system...
I have the plus version of TMPGenc and am wondering what the proper conversion settings should be after expanding a MPEG4 file to avi then trying to encode back to MPEG2 so I can burn to dvd...I have tried a couple of different times and each time I encode and burn my dvd looks like the old multi generation loss VHS tapes of old...Is there any way to enhance the picture quality? Can someone shed some light on the proper settings for a converted DIVX file so as to have a watchable picture? I also seem to be losing sound as well...I am lost here
No, encoding of DivX is not the purpose of TMPGenc. It is an mpeg1/2 encoder (the best I've ever seen).
It is able to decode DivX (if you have the right codec installed), so you can use it to transform divx into mpeg.
I would like to know if tmpgenc makes 100% vcd 2.0 mpegs. I know that what it makes is accepted by nero for burning, but i plan on doing menus and need the files to be absolutley 100% vcd 2.0. if any one can tell me an answer or give me a template or whatever i need i would be most gratefull. Also what is the difference between vcd 2.0 and 1.0?
There is a long answer to that question, the best place to find it is .
Which vcd standard to burn is a setting in your authoring software not in the mpeg encoder. Just use the right setting of the streamtype to use in TMPGenc and you will never have a problem authoring a file to CD (at least I never had)
I have some trouble when using TMPGEnc for cutting my *.mpg programme.
after i covert *.dat to *,mpg, and i want to do some editing in that *.mpg file in TMPGnc, at the Merge & Cut section, my file was disabled and an error message appear that my Mpeg file is illegal!How come?!And how can i solve it?!
I've used this programme from V.20 but everything was ok before~
Thanks for ur attention!
A dat file is a vcd compiant mpeg1 file. In order to get back a simple mpeg stream first us a tool ( like mpegtool ) to copy the dat to a mpeg file, then encode it in TMPGenc and enjoy...
Anyway I know CCE SP is out there somewhere but anyway I wanna get this all clear.
Is there any thing that is good with 2-pass VBR, is it better than Automatic VBR and if so, will 3-pass or more do any difference to the movie quality ?
It seems to me that the major differens in encoding a movie is how high you set the average bitrate when it comes to scenes with a lot of movement ?
I am about to start using phillips vcd2tk and have read a guide that i found from In the guide it says that tmpgenc does not create true multiplexed VCD 2.0 compliant mpeg. vcd2tk will only accept this white book standard. So is this true and will I have to use a seperate multiplexer or is the guide wrong or outdated?