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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
what do i do? it seems like it's converting fine but i try to play the new burned cd, nothing comes up on the screen. is the problem with my dvd player or with your software? i have a denon dvd-1000 .please help out here.
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I got a problem with encoding VBR with TMPEG.
flask MPEG and avisnth are used as frameserver, and everytime at 99% progress TMPEG prompts an error Message"Stream Reading Error".
Looking for a good mpeg-editprogram where you can cut the mpeg-file so it fits a regular CD-R. I've tried Ifilm edit 4.1 but the trialversion didn't allowed movies greater than 5 minutes. Anyone who knows a share/freeware program that with good quality.
You just select how much you would like to encode (video) and select the source range filter in the settings tab. Then hit start frame and then choose your last frame that you want to stop at, and hit stop frame.
Or use the MPEG tools within TMPG.
Just goto file and click MPEG tools then click the Merge&Cut tab. Select your movie by clicking the ADD button, choose the TYPE of stream you want i.e Video cd then highlight your movie and click the EDIT tab. Then choose where you want to cut the movie by selecting the start and end points and then click ok and then run. Don't worry if you get some silly error like 'Read error occured against address 73f01d04' it's just a bug and won't affect your movie.
The program seems to crash after finishing the first file of a batch encode. I will set four or five to run overnight and wake up and only one is complete. I observed the program shut itself down after completing a single encode file also. I don't think this is the normal behaviour.
Since I was unable to find any setting on any menu to control this, I assume it is a bug.
I've been having the same problem with Version 2.0 and forward. Anyhelp? I'm running w2k 384mb of mem and a 500mhz P3. No crash has been noticed, just shutting down after 1 mpeg. Help?
I have had the same problem Ver on Windows 2000. I Have a PIII 1.3Ghz, 500mb Ram and 20gb HDD. I tried encoding a video file as Mpeg1 and after it had finished it Bombed out with a Windows Program error. It did finish the file.
To follow up a little:
1. It happens on EVERY avi file I have (and all the ones Im trying are verified to be non corrupted.
2. I have a Tbird 233FSB 1GHz processor, 512MB RAM, 20GB free HD space, WinXP and no other programs running during the batch encode.
3. It always finishes completely and correctly the first encode in the batch then quits with no WinXP errors.
I have copied a DVD film using Clad DVD. I then used FlaskMPEG to convert to
MPEG1. I then used TMPG to compress to fit CD 650mb 74mins. Original film 75 mins long. I used the encoder no problem. When I try to burn to the CD using
NERO burn I get an error message stating that the file is too large to burn to
the CD. HELP!!! Where am I going wrong.
How large is the file in MB, never mind the minutes. Because your film is 75 mins long it doesn't necessarily mean it's gonna fit on 74 min cd. It all depends on the actual bitrate of the movie.
If your movie is just over 740mb then you may be able to use the overburn option in NERO. This will give you a few extra mins of recording time.
In NERO goto FILE>PREFERENCES>EXPERT FEATURES and tick ENABLE OVERBURN 'DISK AT ONCE' BURNING and put the maximum cd length to 78 mins.
Before you burn make sure you choose the Video CD option to burn your file and make sure you choose Disk at once as your write method.
If all else fails why don't you just get an 80 min cd, these are just as cheap as 74 min cd's.
The bit rate is 448 kpbs.
Just for your infothis is the first time I have attempted this.Everything goes well until i go to burn. I can watch the whole film on windows media player.
Beleive it or not i did buy 80min CD today. Thanks for your help.
Firstly your VCD is not a standard bitrate and may not be compatible with your DVD player.
Secondly the bitrate you have used will make the movie look terrible.
If you wish to encode a compatible MPEG for VCD then forget the Flask MPEG crap and use TMPG and load one of the Video cd templates, make sure you use the right one for your system i.e PAL or NTSC.
This will give you a movie which you will have to split in two.
According to this license agreement the License Key is valid for Version 2.5 This includes all minor updates. Version 2.6 will most likely be another purchase.
As far as it is minor version upgrade such as 2.5X or possibly 2.6X, it is free to upgrade! But version 3.X will not be free although No one knows when it is available.
Just got a new encoded file with the extention .ogm TMPGenc can't convert it to mpg to burn to disc, and I seem to be having trouble finding a tool to convert it to mpg. Anyone hve any pointers or suggestions?? Thanks!
I am trying to convert an MPG to AVI. I originally was doing it on a FAT32 drive and it errored out when the file got to 3.99G. So I converted the drive to NTFS. XP sees it as NTFS and it works fine. But now when I export to AVI, it gets 100% of the way done, but the file is only 4GB (should be more like 7) and it won't play in Media Player.
First email me back at if you have an answer, thanks
I have a couple AVIs that i want to encode to VideoCD NTSC compatible MPGs. The AVI doesn't use a DivX codec, but a Microsoft High-Speed MPEG-4 codec. I've tried changing it to DivX using VirtualDub.. It wouldn't support it. I need to change it into a DivX AVI first.. Then to an VCD mpeg. I need help!! I am encoding a whole series and i need it all..
Why do you need to change it to Divx first?
If you have the codec installed on your system with which you created the AVI then any program should be able to open the file including TMPG and Virtualdub.
Tmpg will open any AVI file as long as the right codec is present. If you are having problems opening the file in these programs then this suggests to me you dont have the required codecs installed on your system.
I try to transform a divx to mpeg (vcd) and on the second part of the file, I alway get (at the same place) a stream error. Is there something I can do to correct that?