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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I want to encode a VOB file into MPEG1 file for VCD, and I used the three filters to realize loading VOB directly by TMPGENC.
The problem is the file I got have no audio signal.
In the procedure, I have selected "Audio + Video", and audio is 44.1 @ 224.
Cloud you please have a look and tell me how to solve it?
Thanks a lot
Thank you so much for your warm-hearted help.
I will try to seperate audio first, then multiplex audio and video. Do you mean this way?
I read from a web of Taiwan that TMPGENC can read VOB directly without seperating the audio and video, by using the filters "", " ", and " ". If it works, the procedure will be much easier. SO I tried. Now it seems it will not work, as you said.
BTW, your quick replies really surprised me. Thank you again.
Thank you so much for your warm-hearted help.
I will try to seperate audio first, then multiplex audio and video. Do you mean this way?
I read from a web of Taiwan that TMPGENC can read VOB directly without seperating the audio and video, by using the filters "", " ", and " ". If it works, the procedure will be much easier. SO I tried. Now it seems it will not work, as you said.
BTW, your quick replies really surprised me. Thank you again.
Don't bother wasting your time loading vobs directly into TMPG as it will take you at least 3 times longer to encode the file.
Use the project file wich DVD2AVI creates and load that into TMPG and save yourself a lot of time without losing any quality.
I use a prog. called FlaskMPEG to convert. 75 min film took about 4 hours.
I am new to this game. Only problem I have is after encoding with TMPG. I try to burn the film onto CD 74mins 650mb using Nero Burn, but get error message
saying that the file is too large for the CD. Can U help.
I'm creating mpeg1 files compatible with vcd. I set it up to the better quality so some movies take over 15 hours to encode. I was wondering if there is a way of stoping the process and resume it later so i don't have to wait the 15 hours continiously. Or the only way to do this is by encoding small parts and at the end, merge them?
There is a round about way in which you can just pause TMPG if you require to use the PC for something else.
Just click the STOP button and this will pause the encoding process and bring up the box asking you if you wish to abort the process. As long as you don't click YES you will be able to resume encoding when you click the NO button.
IF you push the TMPG encoding GUI to the edge of your screen just so you can see the STOP button, when you press it you will still be able to pause encoding and at the same time keep the GUI out of the way preventing you from accidently closing it. I think this is better than having to merge a few small files together.
I have much simplier solution but it works only on ACPI compatible PC's and only if you use Windows 2000 or XP.
You can choose "Hibernate" your computer rather than "shut down" during encoding. Hibernating saves all your RAM to disk and restores its back after Windows is started again. And TMPGenc will continue from the sampe point.
If you need to make small pause withour shutting down computer - call any dialog window in program (Options for example) - during this time encoding is paused.
The hibernate idea sounds good if it works, but what a flipping daft and pointless suggestion for pausing TMPG by clicking one of the options.
As soon as you click anywhere on your desktop it resumes, so what would be the point in pausing it if you can't do anything else. Using my method it doesn't restart until you cancel the abort.
I had a 530 MB MPEG file with some errors. Media Player (all the versions I tried) would hang at a certain spot. VCDGear couldn't fix it. So I tried to remultiplex it with TMPGEnc 2.5.3. However, even this program gives an error (at about 62%) in quartz.dll (crashes). I have tried both directX 6 and 8. No use. What is the actual problem?
you answered your own question,your file has errors,and there is no easy way to fix it.probably at about 62% of the way through your file you have some corrupted frames,all I could sudgest is to try to run it through virtua dub and scan for errors and mask the bad frames and make a copy,or,if the file os only bad at one spot you could cut out the bad spot and merge the files back together..but i think these are your only solutions...
After start enconding from .avi to .mpeg1 format the error wornig occoured whit this message: "at address 0284DB4A Read error occurred against address 0284DB4A"
Please, somebody could tell me what it is and how to remove it?
If you are using Pinnacle systems software i.e. DV500Plus, it has a HW codec builtin. Looks to bee a conflict with the OpenDML between TMPGenc VFAPI plugin and early versions of DV500Plus drivers. Upgrade to 3.0 on DV500Plus! Looks to fix the conflict.
I have the same error message, but with WIN98SE it woked well I use Pinnacle DV200, but when upgrading to WIN2000 I got the error message I am still using the same Pinnacle DV200 card and software.
Will TMPGenc act as plug_ins of Adobe Primere?
I always use Primere to edit my videos,but there is not a MPEG Codec to export the movies. I loves TMPGenc, but I can't uses it in Premere to export my vidieo.
BITRATE - you can up the bitrate to improve the quality - you will get less of a blocky effect. This means creating a non-standard VCD though (an XVCD) and your player may not be able to play it. Check out and look at the players list. Find your player and see what has worked for others
SOURCE - If your source quality is not too great you can use filters in TMPGenc such as the noise reduction filter. This will slow down encoding time though and don't forget that if the source is bad you can never improve it, only make it look a bit better
RESOLUTION - If you increase both res and bitrate you will get a nicer picture (sharper) but again your DVD player may only support up to a certain res/bitrate. Note that if you up the res it is essential to up the bitrate as well otherwise the stretched image will look worse (IMHO)
AUDIO - Try using some of the plugins like toolame encoder and ssrc (see vcdhelp tools section). Also you can drop the audio to 128KB to free up more bitrate for the video
ENCODING - I have found the 2 pass VBR at the High (slow) motion search to produce the best results. It takes longer but it is worth it
I generally only encode high resolution DIVX's so my source is mostly very good quality. The above may not apply to VHS source for example.
as Olli already said: ... it all depends on a number of things
If your sorce is 'blocky' in fast moving scenes you can try around with 'soften block noise' under Setting -> Quantize Matrix. But this will make the movie look more blurry.
The best bet is to read through the various TMPgenc guides at to get an general idea and then experiment with 30 seconds of an typical scene of your movie changing one filter at a time until youre satisfied.
You actually can play around with the bitrate and most players will still play this stream. Reminds me I must try sometime soon if my player can cope with VCD VBR streams. :)
look at the manual that came with your dvd player(stand alone)and see if it say"s it supports vcd 2.0 .if it does you can up the bitrate on your vcd"s(mpeg1)sometimes up to 5000kbs and this is awesome picture quality,but you only get 15-10 min per cd,but at 2000kbs has produced some excelent results with 45 min per cd,but tmpgenc doesn"t have any templates for high bit rates for mpeg1,but I heard you can find some on the net....
You can load an standard Template and unlock it with loading Template/Extra/unlock.mcf
Now you can edit the Bitrate Setting and save as a new Template.
Hello, why is it everytime I try to encode something to svcd I get something that says mpeg-2 is only support by evaluation and is demo and will last 30 more days? I dont know if this is codec of tmpgenc someone please let me know thanks. Im using 2.01
I am very new to this program...if i encoded a .wmv to mpeg1 and it works fine...and i also was successful in getting it to play with winDVD once i burned it... i really need to get this to play in a DVD player...i have tried it in 3 different DVD players and a playstation2...can someone please help me?
No DONT load the VCD template and encode.
It may be unecessary. Depending on some parameters of the file.
Is the file at a standard VCD resolution i.e 352x288 at 25 FPS for PAL or is it 352x240 at 29.97 for NTSC. If it is just run it through MPEG Tools in TMPG using the Simple multiplex option. Put the same file in both Video and Audio boxes and choose MPEG1 Video cd as the type. Then just burn in Nero using the Video cd option.
If it isn't at a standard resolution then I'm afraid you WILL have to encode the file again using one of the VCD templates.
Read the Goddam post again Techno!
I made the point of loading the template in the last sentence only if the mpeg file didn't conform to VCD specifications. If it doesn't it needs re-encoding.
I followed the Wizard on the latest version of tmpeg to create a PAL VCD as I'm UK based. All goes fine till the last stage, when I come to Encode I have NO preveiw picture just audio.
i have the same problem trying to encode movies and it really makes me mad , ive heard it may be some bad data in your source file but sometimes the computer just cant carry out the encoding and freezes mostly due to low system resources ( low on RAM usage )
I will NOT e-mail you Techno. You seem like an egotistical punk KID who needs to get a life other than computers AND GROW UP! Just because you have experience does NOT mean you can treat others as though they know nothing, as I have seen repeatedly in the TWO times I've visited this site's boards. I request not to have any more of your "advice" and "wisdom". Go bother someone else.
To all those who refuted, thank you for your advice and support. :o) But I ask that if you can help me encode an mpeg-1 or mpeg-2 for VCD or SVCD at DVD quality, please e-mail me or contact me on AIM at tvgm18. It'd be wonderful to have one-on-one help rather than play tag on the message board. :o) (p.s. techno, this does NOT mean you) If you need me to, I will get ICQ as well, and I do have Yahoo messenger, too. I'd really appreciate your help and support. :o)
> To all those who refuted, thank you for your advice and support. :o) But I
> ask that if you can help me encode an mpeg-1 or mpeg-2 for VCD or SVCD at DVD
> quality, please e-mail me or contact me on AIM at tvgm18.
Judging from standard of VCD/SVCD/DVD, this question means nothing.
okok I said i ingore him but the reason for this email only is just too good to let go by uncommented.
The templates aso. of TMPgenc are TEXT files. Snap and Paste rules here. Or how about making a downloadpage on his website ... or just explaining what has to be done(GOP Structure this setting, VBR that setting bla bla)
okok I said i ingore him but the reason for this email only is just too good to let go by uncommented.
The templates aso. of TMPgenc are TEXT files. Snap and Paste rules here. Or how about making a downloadpage on his website ... or just explaining what has to be done(GOP Structure this setting, VBR that setting bla bla)
I'm using TMPGEnc to convert DVD -> SVCD. I currently use Azid to decode the AC3-sound to WAV and then TMPGEnc to convert this WAV and the Video to (S)VCD. But there is one problem: TMPGEnc does not allow to specify an audio delay when muxing the streams. It would be really great, if TMPGEnc would allow me to specify the audio delay reported by DVD2AVI oder SmartRipper when setting up the encode process. This would allow to prevent lip-synch-problems so that the resulting mpg-file is completely perfect after encoding and no additional demuxing and remuxing using another tool would be required.
I know there are other possibilities to do this (e.g. using DVD2AVI to decode the AC3 or using HeadAC3), but I think it would be the easiest way to let TMPGEnc handle this, as it is the program that multiplexes the streams.
In all other aspects, TMPGEnc is the best tool around!