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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
I'm having trouble converting a movie i downloaded on the web (twice), each time i tried the convertion stopped at 99% with an error (write error occured at adress 004028A9 of module 'TEMPENC.EXE' with 009006C0)
I noticed the file name ends up with .DVDrip.VITE could it be i need to change a setting in the environmental setting or maybe am missing a codec?
>Well If it stoped at 99% then it should be done encodeing anyways...Can you play the file that you encoded???
Nope the file is not playing and window media player is only showing a question mark instead of a running time next to a black screen. Very frustrating after 5 hours of converting. :)
The file can still be fixable...Maybe....the last part of encodeing is were Tmpgenc writes the Header and the sequence end code and that is were the crash probably happened so you can try to load the file into the multiplex and just run it through and it might correct the problem with the incomplete header...
>The file can still be fixable...Maybe....the last part of encodeing is were Tmpgenc writes the Header and the sequence end code and that is were the crash probably happened so you can try to load the file into the multiplex and just run it through and it might correct the problem with the incomplete header...
I'm sorry i probably sound like the beginner i am :D
The multiplex and simple mulitplex look for MPG files so i guess it's the converted file that doesn't work i need to load there isn't it?
In any case thank you for sticking with me in my present perillious adventure :D
When I convert my avi files(divx) to VCD(PAL) I get a lot of red places over the picture. Not full time but they vary time by time.
I use tmpg with default setings (setings what it's put whwn I start it with wizard).
Can anyone teach me if I am doing something wrong.
PS! I have AMD +1800 with >500 MB ram and 64MB video.
There are @ things you can try..First make sure you do not have the "Angel Potion"Codec, it can cause discoloration in Tmpgenc encoded files, if you do have it delete it...another thing that might help is to raise the "Direct show file reader" in the Vfapi Plugins, go to "options" to "enviromental settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and raise the "Direct show" to "2"...
Go through the BBS for about 4 hours, I noticed what you said in Topic No.27747, 13841, etc about comparing CCE and TMPG. My questions is:
1. As of CCE, I use BitrateView to check encoded MPEG-2 file and found it is always upper field first, no matter what I set CCE's corresponding item. Is that normal?
2. I used to use TMPG to encode avi(PAL DV for home video) to dvd with CQ70@8000*2000 no padding@10bits@High Quality;
Q.Matrix=default and no check on "No Motion half pixel";
and audio=wav@1536.
Typically on DVD-R can hold 90 minutes. Do you have any commens on my settings?
3. You said CCE produce better pricture quality than TMPG. In terms of the settings above, can CCE still make difference?
The advantage that CCE has over tmpgenc is that it can produce Mpeg2 files with better Quality with a lower bitrate than tmpgenc and it is MUCH faster than Tmpgenc ,up to 5 times faster..but CCE has a LOT of disadvantages like it doesn"t have many filters, and doesn"t resize the resolution for SVCD/VCD compliance and you need a external multiplexor the join the audio and video streams and the Mpeg1 Quality for CCE isn"t as good as Tmpgenc, and CCE costs 40 times as much..But the good thing is that you can easily overcome these Problems by frame serveing to CCE and there are many ways to do it, with AVISYnth, Virtual Dub,the Vfapi converter, and the Link2 tool...But CCE does have a problem with the field order,so it is best Not to put a check in the "Upper field First" box cuz all CCE does with it is put a Flag on the header instead of adjusting the field order...
I agree with Minion. CCE is THE best MPEG2 encoder there is, regarding quality, once you learn how yo use it properly.
Don't get me wrong TMPG is an unbeatable MPEG1 encoder and not even CCE can match it, but for encoding MPEG2 the speed and quality of CCE can't be beaten.
CCE is commercial encoder which is used in the movie industry by proffesionals and thus has to produce top quality results and this it does.
Use identical settings in CCE as TMPG and you will see the difference CCE can make especially at low bitrates.
TMPG still has it's use though because you can use it to frameserve to CCE. Without it a lot of people wouldn't even be able to use CCE which is the annoying thing about CCE.
All that money for an encoder which doesn't even have the ability to resize an image. It's about time this simple and usually standard feature in encoders was implemented in CCE till then we'll have to use programs such as TMPG and AVIsynth or Virtualdub to frameserve to CCE.
CCE won't accept MPEGs or certain frame sizes either as the source, so even though it's quality is better it's features certainly leave a lot to be desired when compared to TMPG.
If it came down to it and somebody said I could only use one encoder and no other then there would be only once choice I could make. It would have to be TMPG because this is the only encoder which is practically capable of encoding to or from almost any format.
If you hold your Mouse pointer over were you load in the External Audio encoders a list of compatible encoders will pop up,but it is basicly just "Toolame and SCMPX for Mpeg audio encodeing and SCMPX and SSRC for sample rate converters..But you can encode your audio seperately with Besweet and Just Mux it with the encoded video file....
Ok maybe someone on this board can help me cause i can't figure what is goin on
This is the problem
I have an .avi i made using Adobe premiere both the audio and video work fine on it its a 720x480 .avi. When I go and convert it to an .mpg with TMPG it converts it to an mpg but with audio only i doesnt convert any video i just get a black screen. I made sure i wasn't converting just audio so thats not the problem and i cant figure out what i am doing wrong. I have converted files before with TMPG and have never had a proble until now.
Any help would greatly be appreciated
I am trying to turn a divx avi file into a vcd compatable mpeg but when i try to encode i keep getting errors that just have a bunch of random numbers listed. I think it has to do with the audio because it does not show up when i go to the screen that lets me clip the movie file. Also if i don't click the start and end of the movie in the clipping area, the movies will come up approx. 4 or 5 times the amount of frames than the actual movies are. I have five divx files.. one encodes to mpeg fine but the other four are like the above. Pleas help.
You can try Extracting the audio to a WAV file with Virtual-Dub and use that as your audio source, the audio in DIVX files is usually Very Compressed and Tmpgenc one some systems doesn"t like to Encode Compressed audio formats..And the problem with Setting the begining and start frames with the source range or there are 2 or 3 times as many frames is usually caused by an error in the Header in the diVX file, is seems Common with Downloaded files..You might be able to correct it by makeing a Direct Stream Copy with V-Dub and encode that or use V-Dub to frame serve the file to tmpgenc...
I live in the US. My family lives in Europe and take DV footage and edit and have always burned to SVCD for me here. Now, we have moved to DVD-R. Today when I received the new format I tried to play it in my Pioneer DV343 and it just rolled. The screen, menu, and everything just rolled.
Here is my question:
They use Pinnacle studio 8 to edit and then author the DVD-R. (We used to use TMPGE to encode to SVCD but now they just authored direct from Pinnacle. This might be the problem. Maybe we need to just produce the AVI as ususal and then encode tyhat AVI to DVD in TMPGE?)
Could the problem be Region problem? I didn't think it would since there shouldn't be a copyright issue? Could it be another video setting in which this sets the finisihed product not to play? All these questions were to me not a problem since the Stand alone DVD-player sets it to either NTSC or PAL, I thought.
Before, using SVCD my DVD player played and displayed perfectly PAL or an NTSC signal on my TV. I can't understand why this is not working now.
They edit in Pinnacle and produce make movie: they then burn in ULEAD DVD moviefactory with menu. Picture just rolls...
Any help or guidance would be appreciated...
P.S I tried this DVD-R at our large fancy electronics place in every Pioneer DVD player on a few different TV's. Same problem...
Well It could be a couple things..Like On My DVD player I can Play Pal VCD"s and SVCD"s but when it comes to Pal DVD"s it doesn"t play them at all..So it could be a Format problem, unless you have a TV that is a specificly designed to play Both Pal and Ntsc and a DVD Player that says it will play Pal DVD"s then that might be the problem..I don"t know why mine and yours will play Pal SVCD"s accept that maybe it could be the Increased Pal resolution..One way you can find out if it is your TV/DVD Player is to load the DVD into your Computer and see if your Computer will play it and if your computer can play it you can think about going through the Tedius task of converting the Pal to NTSc then re-encodeing it and burning it to a DVD...
I have a problem.. Oh yeah and I am having trouble with tmpg. I am converting Divx to Mpeg2. I get 90% done.. around frame 62104 and blammo. It just freezes and does nothing. I have dual tualatin with 768 ddr ram... Resources are not the problem. The original Divx copy can be viewed flawlessly by player2 and shows up in the preview screen of tmpg as well. I thought clever me.. I would just copy the rest of the file from the stopped frame and just combine later.. It still freezes but 10 frames later on 62104. Any ideas?
It seems that the header or some frames get corrupted near the end of the file, you can still play Corrupted files with media Player, you can try makeing a copy of the file with V-Dub which could correct the problem ,or you can try useing V-Dub to frame serve the file to Tmpgenc...
I have had similar problems with a DBZ film, the avi played with no errors but the enc froze and again I tried to continue from the stop bit but it crashed again. I ran the file through Eo video and it managed with a slight audio corruption around the point of the previous problem. This led me to believe that the avi had originlly been encoded with some dodgy format ie(angel potion) and the audio was damaged.
I recently switched to 2.58 and I noticed that 40-minutes Mpeg1-VCD compliant creation is now impossible. I either get "read errors" at unpredictable timing or the system locks.
This is annoying since my rather old system takes 3.5 hours to encode 40 minutes file and to get an error after 3 hours is not the best thing one can have.....
I use Win2k, the videos are captured with VDub and originally coded as HuffYUV, so nothing really exhotic, the OS is at the latest review/patch and the PC, and the PC, an AMD K6-2@500Mhz, is very stable.
Amazing thing is that using 2.57 all is working fine as before, so I have just downgraded and sorted it out.
I would infere a bug exists in 2.58, has anybody other suggestions?
That is almost identical to my problem... I get to about frame 62104 out of around 74000 (40 minutes of 45) And the system just hangs. The system is still humping along with my dualie processors, but nothing is being done! It just stops. The rest of my system seems unaffected by this and I can close the tmpg down but.... Then even if I try to start conversion at the stop point and encode to the end frame it still freezes only a few frames later..
Thanks Chip Zero, I have seen your report but it does not look the same. It appears your situation is different with longer times till you define the source range.
Mine is different, it takes exactly the same time as usual, and stops unpredictably, preferably towards the end; sometimes it locks the PC, sometimes not.
I've finished now a 44 minutes conversion with highest quality settings and 2.57. No problem at all, just slow, but I cannot pretend much from my PC. However 12 hours without problems means 2.57 is stable.
2.58 is definitely not.
At this time I have to say I am convinced 2.58 is buggy.
Likely 2.59 will have a cure.
Useing the "Highest Quality" setting will not really improver the quality over "High Quality" but the encodeing time takes 2-3 Times longer..I"m sure if you didn"t use the Highers Quality setting the encodeing would be Quicker..
Thanks Minion, yours is a good suggestion in general
but the 2.58 encoder in my system (and I see the system of other people) is unstable anyway under low, normal, high or very high quality.
Thanks Minion, yours is a good suggestion in general
but the 2.58 encoder in my system (and I see the system of other people) is unstable anyway under low, normal, high or very high quality.
I guess useing The 2.57 version or earlier would probably be the best thing to do if you don"t have problems with them..There have been a Few New encoders that have been released in the last few weeks that seem fairly good, the new Main concept one seems fairly good and I have been getting pretty awesome results with the new CCE 2.66....
I have the following problem.When i want to convert a SVCD with a framerate of 29.970 f/s ( NTSC ) to a VCD with a framerate of 25 f/s ( PAL ), the audio always gets out of sync.When the movie goes further and further the audio gets more and more out of sync , so i couldn't solve this by putting the audio forward.I think this problem is caused by the framerate's , that the audio is based on how fast the movie plays.I really have so much trouble trying to solve this and i am out of options.Do you guys have the same problem ???
Well of cource it is going to be out of sync, you can"t use tmpgenc to convert NTSC to PAL and visa versa, you will allmost allways get stuttering playback and out of sync audio..There a very few programs that can do it properly, I hear that AVISynth does a good job of it and I know that Canopus ProCoder does it Quite well also, and there a couple others,Like Atlantis NTSC/Pal Converter....
Well Procoder is Quite a expensive Program,it runs about $700 and Antlantis NTSC/Pal converter costs about $150 but you can get AVISynth for Free at but it will take you Quite a While to learn how to use AVISynth cuz it isn"t really a program it is more of a Comand line application which involves writeing Scripts, it is Quite difficult to Totally master...