TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS

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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 223 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Classify Title User name Reply Last update
Question Probably a stupid question: Merge m2v and wav into mpeg2 tom 1 2003-03-06 19:10:01
Question Question EkS- 4 2003-03-07 14:28:59
Request Big Problem Stephen 3 2003-03-08 07:54:08
Question Avoiding the "tinny" sound with v2.59+ ? Paul 2 2003-03-06 21:02:14
Question can't insert a after effected file carliz 0 2003-03-06 03:49:50
Question freezes freddyfender 0 2003-03-06 02:20:50
Question Adding Chapters... I26 8 2003-03-09 14:18:51
Question ACM error Jon D 1 2003-03-05 22:47:03
Question Ntsc to pal???? Pete 1 2003-03-05 18:00:06
Question how to install the download file TMPGE Enc-2.510 carliz 2 2003-03-06 03:26:45
Question "Direct Show rendering is currently disabled..." mist 1 2003-03-05 10:25:31
Question VCD CBR 1150 and 500 give same size file Red Guy 5 2003-03-05 18:02:40

TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 223 / 680 ]   Next > >>
Question - Probably a stupid question: Merge m2v and wav into mpeg2 No.35169
tom  2003-03-06 09:34:04 ( ID:qtu4puq.di6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well, probably my question is somewhat trivial for you:

I have encoded my original avi. file --> the result are seperate wav. and m2v. files.

I would now like to produce one consolidated mpeg2 file to burn it to a DVD.

How do I do that?


Minion  2003-03-06 19:10:01 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well you Can"t..If useing WAV audio for the audio to make a DVD your Authoring program has to support loading the audio and Video seperately into the Authoring Program..If you want to make a DVD Compliant Mpeg 2 file you will have to use Mp2 audio in the File..Most Higher quality authoring Programs support loading the audio and video seperately...

Question - Question No.35164
EkS-  2003-03-06 08:59:01 ( ID:pv/clry3rd2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This might be a stupid question, but can you burn dvd-r's off of a reguler cd-burner? I just got into burning movie's so I was jus' wondering. Thank's!

matt  2003-03-06 09:54:09 ( ID:hztmmyhjehm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

that would be great if it were possible. Unfortunately u need a dvd burner which will cost u a few hundred bucks!

matt  2003-03-06 09:58:00 ( ID:hztmmyhjehm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

if you are downloading movies, and u want to view them on ure dvd player, you have to split the file if it is less than the capacity of your cd accordingly.

Then use nero to burn the mpg files onto vcd. If you still are not sure, you can learn everything u need to know at :

EkS-  2003-03-07 07:16:51 ( ID:3klxseepvmg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yeah. I know how to do all the dvd stuff, but I just wanted to know bout the dvd-r. Because I don't like burning 2-3 cd's.


Ashy  2003-03-07 14:28:59 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Your right it is a bit of a daft question. If we could burn DVDr's on regular burners I think we'd all be doing it.
I'm afraid your gonna have to shell out a couple of hundred if you wanna burn DVD's.


Request - Big Problem No.35160
Stephen  2003-03-06 07:59:06 ( ID:3prn1.6hw.l )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've been Using Tmpg for the last year or so, with rarely a problem and getting the newer versions as they come out. Well Friday of last week, it starts giving me read and write errors while I was making a batch list of svcds. I eventually got a couple of them to finish, but I still have several that will not go over 3-70%. My computer will either freeze at some point or reboot. Well I also record a show off my tuner card every few days to make it into a vcd, and it started doing the same thing yesterday.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled Tmpg and still get the errors, here is a sample list of them:

Read error occurred at address 100066E0 of module 'dvd2avi.VFP' with 02D777A1

Read error occurred at address 016A6BF2 of module 'P3PACKAGE.DLL' with 02F31BDF

Read error occurred at address 004722E7 of module 'Tmpgenc.exe' with 20222625

Sometimes the Read Error is a Write error if it gets over 50% complete (I'm using 2passVBR). Like I've said it has just started happening in the past few days and I have not changed my computer's hardware configuration in 5 months. I do not believe I have added any software lately.

I did transfer the actual source files I was using as audio and video inputs to my laptop, put them in its dvd2avi and then processed them in the same version of tmpgenc with no problem whatsoever, except that it took twice as long as it does to encode on my desktop.

I have looked on every board I could find for a solution and apparently a few other people are having similar problems to mine. But I can't find a solution, besides its bad source files(not true here), or don't overclock your computer(which I haven't), and finally I ran memtester to check my ram for several hours and it never showed a problem with my ram.

Thanks for any help

Minion  2003-03-06 19:06:27 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How about trying an earlier version??

Ashy  2003-03-07 14:35:08 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When was the last time you cleaned up your PC and defragged your drive?

This is likely your problem. TMPG does not like fragmented sources nor does it like writing to framented drives.

Most people who are well experienced with Video encoding and editing soon learn that a seperate defragged hard drive is the best way to go, but if you only have one then creating a seperate partion for video purposes only is the next best thing.
Just make sure you use the partition for Video only and keep it defragged.


Stephen  2003-03-08 07:54:08 ( ID:3prn1.6hw.l )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for reminding me about that, it had been a while(over 2 months) since I done that.

I have defragged my 2 drives/3 partitions. After doing the defrag I went to and ran a system check on my machine and it showed that even after the defrag my D and E drives were still very fragmentted, probably because of the large files still on them. Some of the files that went through the defrag are still giving me problems, some of them eventually processed. Like I originally mentioned, I record a couple of shows for vcd conversion and after the defrag I recorded another show but half of the files will not process fully (still getting the same errors). I'm probably going to totally wipe (format, defrag, etc.) 1 hard drive and 1 partition on my other hard drive this weekend then load tmpg on the devoted drive and see if that helps.

Thanks for the tips

Question - Avoiding the "tinny" sound with v2.59+ ? No.35157
Paul  2003-03-06 05:21:11 ( ID:8od7nydu0ak )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Looking at the changes for v2.59 and above, it says "Included sampling wavelength transform engine with high quality." Does this mean the "tinny" sound produced by older versions will no longer happen? That is, most people here have told others in the past to use an external audio encoder (such as SCMPX) to avoid the "tinny" effect, but does v2.59 fix this problem?

(I know some of you are going to say "just test it" but I don't have the material anymore to re-encode for a test). :)

Minion  2003-03-06 19:02:34 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well that was Probably the Idea when putting in a Higher Quality sample Rate converter, I personally haven"t really tried it Cuz I allways use a Seperate audio encoder so I can get the Best audio Quality I can..

Paul  2003-03-06 21:02:14 ( ID:8od7nydu0ak )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Good news: I was able to find a copy of my source material and yes, this new setting gets rid of the "tinny" effect! Great work, TMPGEnc! :)

Question - can't insert a after effected file No.35156
carliz  2003-03-06 03:49:50 ( ID:etekm3fejkh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i can't insert a file which is edited effect by peremiere 6.5 with rendering avi format.
how can i solve this problem?

Question - freezes No.35155
freddyfender  2003-03-06 02:20:50 ( ID:deolwaahbpj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

help. when i use this program to convert my file it freezes up. i end up with some green vertical lines at the top of my computer. i have yet to get throught the conversion process

Question - Adding Chapters... No.35146
I26  2003-03-05 23:21:14 ( ID:bait5g1pg8g )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok.....I was wondering what everyone uses to add chapters to the vcd. I used VCDEasy but it was making my video breakup 30-40m into the movie. I since stopped using it and my video is back to no problems. I hate not seeing the time show up on my player though cause the movie does not have chapters. All i see is "001". I always split my files then add chapters....that how you do it? Thanx for the help. :)

Ashy  2003-03-06 00:44:26 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You shouldn't need to add chapters to see the playing time.
What player do you own?


I26  2003-03-06 02:08:57 ( ID:bait5g1pg8g )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Its a Philips DVD 724 i think.

matt  2003-03-06 09:43:29 ( ID:hztmmyhjehm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i use nero to add chapters to my vcd's.

Minion  2003-03-06 18:57:46 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Nero Doesn"t add Chapters...It will just add a Menu at the Beginning, Nero Vision Express will add chapters But then you have to let it encode your File also..Most Ulead Programs will Let you do Chapters Like "Ulead DVD Movie Factory 2" and "Ulead DVD workshop 1.3" and so will "Video studio 7"..I have used all of these at one time or another and they all work fairly good accept DVD workshop seems to best for Chapter"s and Menu"s...

Ashy  2003-03-07 14:49:58 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This could be an effect of Philips players which also have the FFW and RRW problem because of sequence headers.
There is a fix which may help you by adding sequance headers to your MPEG.
Look to the part about problems.


I26  2003-03-09 01:22:17 ( ID:bait5g1pg8g )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is a set top player i am talking about you realize. I have noe problem fast forwarding or rewinding. Its the time thing. All i see when playing a VCD without chapters is 001 on the readout. If i add chapters i see the time but then 30-40m in the video gets blocky throughout.

Ashy  2003-03-09 14:07:06 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Of course I realise you have a set top.
Look, chapters are inserted at sequence points. If these sequence points aren't there or have problems then the chapters can't be inserted.
Philips players are known for their problems with disks that lack the correct sequence points and this may relate to your time problem.


Ashy  2003-03-09 14:18:51 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

One other point.
Try disabling PBC on your player. This can cause the problem you are having. I know I have similar problem with no time on my DVD player when it is enabled.
This may cure your problem, but this also has the effect of disabling the use of menus in VCD/SVCD's.


Question - ACM error No.35144
Jon D  2003-03-05 22:42:09 ( ID:tfcyoa98g5o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When i tried to convert a Xvid avi to an SVCD i get an error message saying there was an error when it tried to initialise ACM.
Does anyone know how to fix this and what/where can i download to fix it?

Ashy  2003-03-05 22:47:03 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

ACM = Audio Compression Manager.

Probably a codec problem.
Extract the audio in the XVID to a wav and use that as your audio source.


Question - Ntsc to pal???? No.35142
Pete  2003-03-05 17:37:01 ( ID:hztmmyhjehm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have an avi file i wish to convert to an mpg, I think the avi's source maybe ntsc. How can i convert the file to pal format, not necessarily using tmpgenc??? If i use pal in tmpgenc and the file i'm converting is ntsc, the mpg tends to be jumpy and not very 'smooth'.

Ashy  2003-03-05 18:00:06 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Depends on the framerate of the AVI. If it's 23.976 then just change the frame rate and then use an audio editor to shrink the audio.

If it's 29.97 then AVIsynth is your best bet.


Question - how to install the download file TMPGE Enc-2.510 No.35139
carliz  2003-03-05 14:19:21 ( ID:etekm3fejkh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

how to install the download file TMPGEEnc-2.510 in my computer XP.
because i can't find the installer inside the file.

Ashy  2003-03-05 17:24:19 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Just extract the zip and thats it.


carliz  2003-03-06 03:26:45 ( ID:etekm3fejkh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Just extract the zip and thats it.

thank you for your information.

Question - "Direct Show rendering is currently disabled..." No.35137
mist  2003-03-05 09:32:52 ( ID:zjthudbhkjh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

this is the msg. i got when i checked out an avi file that i was trying to
convert to mpeg with GSpot.
I want to convert an avi (not divx or xvid) to mpeg, but whenever i try
to set the avi file to the video source, the TEMPnc crushes.I tryed to raise
the priority of the Direct Show Multimedia File Reader to 1 and even 2 or
higher but i get the same result each time.
Is the fact that the Direct Show rendering is disabled connected whith the
TMPEGnc crashes? If so, how to correct the problem?

thx in advance

mist  2003-03-05 10:25:31 ( ID:zjthudbhkjh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i tryed to reinstall the DirectX again. The GSpot didn't read no errors this time but the TMEGEnc crashed again.

I'm totally lost.

Question - VCD CBR 1150 and 500 give same size file No.35131
Red Guy  2003-03-05 01:25:42 ( ID:hczhhoiwjxh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Converting a divx avi to vcd in tmpgenc.
setting the CBR changing the CBR makes no difference to the size of the resulting mpg.
Am I missing something?

ocj  2003-03-05 01:41:11 ( ID:h/v5gmnayao )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

the only time i have been able to get the file size down is if i use for example a 2 pass encoding and a 700 average bitrate so that i could fit 110 minutes on an 80 minute cd.

If you use CBR i think it automatically makes it 10 MB for every minute at least when I have split files with tmpgenc if I specify videocd compliant it makes every minute about 10 mb's each automatically.

You may want to try to use Manual VariableBitRate to encode and then you should get a real file size when you use the 500 bitrate or use 2 pass encoding.

mess around with the settings but i'm sure it's that you have it set as ConstantBitRate

ocj  2003-03-05 01:55:08 ( ID:h/v5gmnayao )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I checked it out and either way whether i used cbr or VBR the file size was 5 mb for 60 seconds.

Make sure that you are not using the wizard because that I know of you can only change the BR without the wizard. I used a 500 bitrate and got half the file size of the usual 10 mb per minute. If the file you made with a different bitrate is any lower or higher than 10 mb per minute then it is different than a standard compliant vcd file.

Red Guy  2003-03-05 04:04:20 ( ID:hczhhoiwjxh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thank for the info.
The answer was staring me in the face.
VCD is fixed at 1150 CBR

I found MPEG-2 352x576 at CBR 1000 will fit 86 mins on a CD and will play in my DVD player.

I'm stuck with CBR because my Samsung DVD won't cope with VBR.

Thanks again for your help

Minion  2003-03-05 08:10:53 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you want to Make a VCD with a Lower than Standard Bitrate you have to Change the "System" setting to "Video-CD Non-Standard" or tmpgenc will pad the stream to make it VCD compliant..Useing that Bitrate and resolution will leave you with Just awefull Quality, But hey ,to each his own...

Ashy  2003-03-05 18:02:40 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Minion is correct.
You can remove the padding in this MPEG by running the file through the simple multiplexer. Choose the 'MPEG1 VCD(non standard)' setting. The file size will then be reduced.


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