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TMPGEnc 2.5 (Free or plus version) BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
When encoding for DVD PAL when I set the BIT rate at a constant CBR 8000 I get an error report at about 3% into the encoding.I am exporting from Avid as a quick time reference file and combing the audio & video together.Any Ideas?
Well One thing I can tell you is that Encodeing QT Refrance files seems allways end up in some sort of Error as I do not believe that Tmpgenc actually fully supports them, and the QT Plugin allways Has Problems with QT Referance files and it could be because I don"t thing that the QT Plugin supports Files made with Quicktime 6 ....We Get Posts evey now and then in here about the Same Problem you are Haveing and There hasn"t really been any solutions...The only thing I can sudgest is to Maybe try rendering your Project as a AVI file then Just encodeing the File Like normal....good luck
I'm new to dvd authoring, and I'm having trouble getting smooth-playing MPEG-2 from a video source. The video is captured with a Media 100 card on a Mac system (.mov) and converted in TMPGenc to MPEG-2. It's a small clip, just under 4 minutes, basically a long commercial. Lots of graphics flying around, and video mixed with stills, etc.. The stuttering/hesitation in question is constant, but especially pronounced when a graphic enters the screen. I'm using CBR/7000, and I've tried all kinds of different GOP configurations to no avail. Any ideas on how to get this to play back smoothly on a set-top dvd player? I'm authoring and burning with ReelDVD 3.1.1 and a Panasonic a06/106d burner. Oh yeah, it's not a field order problem, I checked that first.
>What is the source frame rate and what frame rate are you encoding to?
29.97 on both. I'm thinking now that the problem lies in the way Windows is handling Quicktime files created on a Mac. I was able to solve the problem by rendering the .mov as an image sequence, and re-rendering the image sequence as an .avi, which results in a smoother mpeg from tmpgenc. I have no idea why this works.
Well some Information on the File you are encodeing would be Nice as we can not read Minds....Sometimes if there is an error in the file you are encodeing Tmpgenc will stop encodeing when it hits the error....
Being new to the world of video editing and production;
Having encoded directly from premier using plug-in two files are created one audio and one video. How do i create a DVD with both files combined and playable on either a PC or DVD player?
I take it you are creating a DVD?
If so you should just load both files into your DVD authoring program and let it do the rest if not then select 'CBR MPEG1 layer II' audio instead of 'CBR Linear PCM audio' in the first screen of the wizard.
If you have a Real DVD Authoring Program then you can load Both Video and Audio files into it to Author to DVD, But Ashy is correct that you should have Chosen Mpeg 1 Layer 2 audio because Wav audio Just takes up too much Space on the DVD..What would be even better is if you had an AC3 encoder to encode the Wav to AC3 then use the AC3 audio in your DVD because AC3 is the Best Format for DVD Because of it"s Quality and Small file sizes...There is a Freeware AC3 encoder called "BeSweet" that you can find on Google if you wish to try it....Cheers
I have used TMPGEnc to convert an video .avi file (downloaded from the net) to a mpeg file and the video has worked fine. So now I am trying to get sound onto the mpeg video file. the sound on the .avi file is ac3.
I have tried the following:
Putting the avi file into the audio source to convert it to a mp2 file with 44100Hz and 224 kbits/s using TMPGEnc, but the produced mp2 file has no sound.
Using virtualdub to create a .wav file and then multiplexing it with the mpeg video file using TMPGEnc but TMPGEnc gives the error 'illegal MPEG audio stream'. The .wav file plays ok in windows media player but not winamp.
Using db power amp to create a mp3 file but i can't get this to play on either winamp or windows media player and the mp3 file is too small which suggests it hasn't converted the file anyhow.
I have the program 'ac3 decoder' but I suppose you need to get the .ac3 audio file and then convert that to the correct settings. I don't know how to get the .ac3 audio file from the .avi file.
Any assitance would be extremely grateful, cos watch'in silent movies just aint my cup o' tea.
First, why are you trying to multiplex a wav file with an MPEG, surely you realise this won't work as wav is not a comatible audio source for MPEG.
What you should have done is used the wav to encode to MP2 with TMPG. Also Mp3 is not a compatible audio format if you intend to play this movie on a set top player.
What you really need to do is install an Ac3 codec which can decode the audio in TMPG. There is only one which can do this at the moment and it can be found here:
In "Audio sourse" I put the same name of file like in "Video sourse" (for example: "bla-bla.avi". I can't perform encoding because warning: "File "bla-bla.avi" can not open or unsuported". What I have to do?
I had a similar problem. Although I'm still bit of a novice at this I'll tell you what I did:
I used the program G-spot to find out what codecs were being used and then obtained the codecs. For the codecs I douwnloaded the ACE Mega codecs pack pro version and then, using the custom install command, just installed the codec I wanted.
Depending on the Audio format in your AVI file you will either have to extract the audio from the avi to wav format with Virtual Dub or you will need to install a Decoder ...If the audio is VBR MP3 you will need to extract the audio to Wav if the Audio is AC3 then you will need to install the "AC3ACM Decoder" so Tmpgenc can decode the AC3 audio...You can get the AC3 ACM Decoder here : ...Cheers
Earlier today i was converting some DivX to VCd flwlessly. I then trie dopening up another avbi file and I kept getting error meesages about some memory error and some dll filw. I reinstalled Nimo Codec PAck and TMPGenc Plus a few times with no results. I come to restart my OS (Win2k SPK 4) and TMPGenc won't even start up!! I reinstalled my Service Pack, and TMPGenc still won't even startup! Please help! All I hear is an error sound when I come to startup TMPGenc, and I get no message. Please help!
Earlier today i was converting some DivX to VCD flawlessly. I then tried opening up another avi file and I kept getting error meesages about some memory error and some dll file. I reinstalled Nimo Codec Pack and TMPGenc Plus a few times with no results. I come to restart my OS (Win2k SPK 4) and TMPGenc won't even start up!! I reinstalled my Service Pack, and TMPGenc still won't even startup! Please help! All I hear is an error sound when I come to startup TMPGenc, and I get no message. Please help!
Delete or Rename the AVI and try to start TMPGEnc. This should help.
Don't try to open the Video again in TMPGEnc, try to open it in VirtualDub. If this works, use the Frameserver of VirtualDub to serv the Video to TMPGEnc.
Well The way you would go about it would depend on the File that you downloaded, But since you did not leave any Information at all about the File you downloaded it will be Difficult to give you any Instruction .....Some Information on the Video & Audio Format and the Resolution and Frame rate of the File would help us determine The best way to go about Putting this File on DVD..But Basicly you Run Tmpgenc you load in your File and then you choose the Appropriate DVD Template and encode it to Mpeg2 ..The you will need a DVD authoring Program to format the Mpeg file so it can be Burned to DVD...There is a Lot of Information on this type of Stuff at :'
There is a company selling a product called CopiesAnything. ( for $50. They try to pass it off as a DVD backup program but it is actually a zip file containing freeware programs. Included programs include VirtalDub, DVD2AVI, and our beloved TMPGEnc free version. Derrow, the author of IfoEdit, which is also being sold illegally as part of this zip file, is trying to contact the company and get them shut down.
I am posting this because I am hoping TMPGEnc will take legal action and sue CopiesAnything. As a software developer it really disgusts me when someone steals someone's work and tries to pass it off as there own and profit from it.
For more information about this refer to the IfoEdit forums at
I agree these poachers are just total a......s for trying to make money off other peoples hardwork especially when the software is given free by the original authors anyway and hope they get everthing that's coming to them.
I just hate scammers and these tossers are a damn nuisance to good hearted programers who develop good software then let us have it for free, then these gits come along and try and take the credit for it.
I just hope they get what they deserve and all the other DVD copying software which is just the same and uses free programs that can be downloaded quite easily.
If they wanted to make money from it the least they could have done is asked the authors permission to use the program and give them some of the profits.
How do you change the out put feild ... I know my source (DV PAL) is lower field..But to get the best result regarding compatibility with the stand alone player it is best that the target MPEG is upper !! Programs like procoder can do this but HOW on earth do I do it with TMPGEnc ????
>But to get the best result regarding compatibility with the stand alone player it is best that the target MPEG is upper
Who the hell told you that?
You should encode using the same field order as the original otherwise you will get motion vector problems.
Also it doesn't matter which field order you start with either upper or lower, it won't make a difference to your player or the TV just as long as it is the same as the original.
You will find the 'Field order' setting under the 'Advanced' tab, but I strongly don't advise swapping the field order.
I know that I should not shift the field order on my source that would make no sense ! as for how I got the information...the programmers of Procoder and the maker of videotools and my old Denon dvd player !
I use Tmpgenc standard PAL-SVCD format to product mpeg2 file. When playing SVCD, the motion scene and object, especially with fast horizontal movement, is not very smooth. But the still scene is very good.
Framerate of source file is 25, the same as PAL SVCD, and field order is right.
The jerky motion looks like cartoon film. Actually I cannot describe it in details. For your reference, I've uploaded the clip to the followed website.
Framerate of source file is 25, the same as PAL SVCD, and field order is right.
The jerky motion looks like cartoon film. Actually I cannot describe it in details. For your reference, I've uploaded the clip to the followed website.
Has this footage been captured with an interlaced camera?
Does the original AVI not have the same effect and have you actually played the SVCD on your set top player.
The reason why I ask, is because this looks like interlaced footage from an interlaced camera which will NOT look right when played on a progressive display such as a monitor, but should look ok on your TV.
HI, Im using the latest version of tmpgenc plus, im trying to encode divx/xvid to svcd. The program starts fime, and ive used an older version b4 with worked 100%, but this time the encoding hangs i different places. Ive always used the nemo codec package, and i think i had the latest xvid codec installed, i just can understand why it freezes up. What environmental setting should i have, ive set direct draw to 2 and the rest to 0. Pleaase help