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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Request TE25 black screen on avi just audio newbie1 0 2002-09-08 17:39:56
Request TE25 black screen on avi just audio newbie1 3 2002-09-09 21:39:14
Question TE25 jerky scenes geohei 6 2002-09-10 02:59:08
Question TE25 RE: ATI "All in Wonder" mpgs... should I use TMPG? Paul M 2 2002-09-09 22:23:23
Question TE25 Speed me up ! Divx 0 2002-09-08 13:54:40
Question TE25 a missing 10 mins Anserine 4 2002-09-10 17:00:06
Question TE25 Best audio encoder MannaZen1 2 2002-09-08 18:42:26
Question TE25 Audio Distort minime 2 2002-09-10 05:09:13
Question TE25 ACM initialization Failed / illegal floating decimal point calculation error BlodShed 4 2003-02-09 15:31:53
Question TE25 Video compare with CCE and Tmpgenc ? Denniz 4 2002-09-09 20:38:47
Question TE25 DivX to MPG, sync probs Johnson 7 2002-09-12 05:00:31
Question TE25 Scripting Subtitles zenxeon 0 2002-09-08 03:05:34

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Request - TE25 - black screen on avi just audio No.27783
newbie1  2002-09-08 17:39:56 ( ID:ruczdfwc0k. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Just starting to get into the copy stuff, converting an avi, the file comes out into mpg without any video, just audio. Any suggestions? Wish I had a step by step to go through.

thanks, great program, I just have to learn how to use it.

Request - TE25 - black screen on avi just audio No.27779
newbie1  2002-09-08 17:23:34 ( ID:ruczdfwc0k. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Just starting to get into the copy stuff, converting an avi, the file comes out into mpg without any video, just audio. Any suggestions? Wish I had a step by step to go through.

thanks, great program, I just have to learn how to use it.

Minion  2002-09-08 22:08:36 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You probably just need to raise the priority of the "direct show file reader". you do this by going to "options" to "enviromental settings" to "vfapi plugins" and raise the "direct Show" to "2"..

thatguy  2002-09-09 20:27:10 ( ID:p.tqmrkte1l )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i've had similar problem downloading avi movies off the net and converting them. most of the time the person who made the avi from they're digital camcorder used a codec that tmpg doesn't support. to fix it just run it through virtual dubb. i use the divx codec and uncompressed audio. it makes the file much bigger, but you get the result you want out of tmpg when its done that way.

ASHY  2002-09-09 21:39:14 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What's the point in creating a DIVX out of an already AVI movie?
If it's an AVI TMPG will support it as long as the correct codec is installed. If media player will play it then TMPG should be able to open it.
The problem is not likely related to the type of AVI anyway, but is just a simple matter of raising the priority of the directshow reader as minion points out. This usually solves the problem as long as you have the correct codec installed.
As for converting AVI's to DIVX with Virtualdub, this is a pointless, time wasting and quality degrading step.
If you need to use Virtualdub to open a movie because you are having problems with TMPG then just simply frameserve the file to TMPG from Virtualdub rather than waste time and space creating another AVI.


Question - TE25 - jerky scenes No.27772
geohei  2002-09-08 14:46:38 ( ID:s2jtz1ncbs. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I use TMPGenc 2.56. When convert a DivX 5.x encoded movie to MPEG-2 (VBR, CD, CBR, ... doesn't matter) I get a jerky MPEG-2. The MPEG-2 file itself plays jerky (checked with WinDVD and PowerDVD) as well as the SVCD itself (checked on a few DVD players).

The DivX plays smooth.

The jerks occur at #0.5 seconds and are only visible when there the scene moves violently.

How can I overcome this problem?


Johnson  2002-09-08 16:38:14 ( ID:ghvttwecibn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've been getting a similar problem, anyone know the answer to this one?

ASHY  2002-09-08 16:55:36 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You have most probabably changed the framerate of the MPEG from the original framerate of the DIVX. TMPG does not do a proper framerate conversion and will cause jerky playback such as you describe.
There are a number of ways to do a proper conversion depending on your requirments.
Post back with more detail and we will give info how to do it correctly.


geohei  2002-09-08 19:18:11 ( ID:s2jtz1ncbs. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Do you mean that I changed the framerate of the TMPGEnc encoded MPEG-2? - No!
VirtualDub says the framerate is 25.000, and I used the SVCD PAL Template of TMPGEnc to encode the DivX. No framerate conversion took place.

However, VirtualDub says that the file has 129543 frames, while the maximum adjustable in Source Range (TMPGEnc) is 155450.

How is that possible?

BTW ... I did already a framerate conversion with TMPGEnc (from 23.976 to 25.000). You are right saying that this produces jerks. However that's not what I did here. The framerate which VirtualDub detects (25.000) is used in TMPGEnc.


ASHY  2002-09-08 19:24:32 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If it isn't a framerate problem then all I can suggest is it maybe you do not have the field order set correctly. Change the field order to the opposite of what you encoded with before and try again.


geohei  2002-09-08 21:43:01 ( ID:s2jtz1ncbs. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Your suggestion surprises me.

- If the field order relevant with progressive (non-interlace) source material?
- A DivX is generally progressive, isn't it?- What about my previous question with the different number of frames regarding VirtualDub and TMPGEnc?

BTW ... I tested your suggestion to change the field order, and it worked! The jerks disappeared. BUT I reverted back to the original setting of the field order and the jerks disappeared as well! I have absolutely no explanantion for that, especially that the final MPEG-2 file was slightly different in size, with EXACTLY the same project being used ?!?!

Either TMPGEnc has a bug or the project doesn't save all settings!?

I would really like to know what's going on here.


geohei  2002-09-10 02:59:08 ( ID:s2jtz1ncbs. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

ASHY - still there?

More things I found out ...

The frame rate in the "Source range" window shows 30 fps (with my 25 fps source .avi) when the "DirectShow File Multimedia Reader" is selected in the "Enviromental settings" (VFAPI plug-in) with priority 1. WIsn't this a bug?


Question - TE25 - RE: ATI "All in Wonder" mpgs... should I use TMPG? No.27769
Paul M  2002-09-08 14:37:10 ( ID:/1isfusp3aa )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello people. I have spent the last couple of days playing with the ATI "All in Wonder"7500 video capture card... learning first hand what you guys have meant about uncompressed AVI devouring disk space and trying to come up with a comfortable - to me - middle ground. I really don't like the 352 x 240 size and prefer to capture at a slightly larger size. Now I am using an "mpeg 1" format, but I wonder just how good the ATI MPEG 1 really is.... Should I recode the ATI mpg with TMPG, or should I try to use a compressed AVI format and than use TMPG? My end goal is to use NERO to burn to CD-Rs.

Minion  2002-09-08 22:02:07 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You would probably get the best results if you capture un-compressed AVI and then encode to mpeg with Tmpgenc..Captureing to Mpeg then encodeing to mpeg won"t produce very good quality, but if you can Capture good Quality Mpeg to the same resolution that you want the finnished product to be, that would save a lot of time and disk space...

ASHY  2002-09-09 22:23:23 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

In my experience of capturing (and I have tried all sorts) the DIVX 5 codec still proves to beat any other codec including the so called lossless Huffyuv codec which frankly I think produces crap results.

If you have a fast PC then capturing with the DIVX 5 codec set at it's highest 1 pass quality based setting and fastest performance/quality setting will give very high quality results almost like uncompressed AVI (yes really) and certainly better than MPEG 1 capturing.

The file size is usually a few gigs for a regular movie. If you find you can't use the fastest performace/quality setting because of dropped frames then simply change the setting to a lower one until the dropped frames dissappear this won't affect the actual quality of the capture, but tends to produce a larger file size because of less compression in the file.

Also capturing to at least the framesize of the intended outcome will help too, but having said this I have always found that capturing to the highest resolution possible without dropping frames improves the quality of the final MPEG when the framesize is reduced when encoding.

If you need to know of an excellant capture program and one of the best I have used so far which will give some options other capture programs won't offer then try IUVCR.
I don't use Virtualdub for capturing as I have found it restricts the use of certain drivers and is an old VFW windows program anyway which are slow and offer less advantages than using an improved WDM program such as IUVCR.


Question - TE25 - Speed me up ! No.27768
Divx  2002-09-08 13:54:40 ( ID:r.o1gyof2bc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What can I do to speed up my encoding. I use a custom xsvd from one of the pros on here. But have way to many movies to work on.

Hard space?
# of movies being done at one?
What else?


Question - TE25 - a missing 10 mins No.27763
Anserine  2002-09-08 13:08:08 ( ID:hxjbfoabs7h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi. I am having trouble converting an avi file to mpeg.
The movie converts fine but the finished mpeg is missin 10 mins of
the original avi.
This has happened with 2 seperate movies (both from SMR).
Does anybody know where i am going wrong?
thanks in advance for any help

Minion  2002-09-08 22:29:42 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Were is the 10 minutes Missing???Fom the end from the middle or is it all there but just 10 minutes shorter...

Anserine  2002-09-09 16:07:38 ( ID:hxjbfoabs7h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

sorry its right at the end of the AVI file

Minion  2002-09-09 22:15:20 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well Tmpgenc probably crashed or hit a Bad spot in your avi file, if you don"t want to encode the whole file over again you can use the "Source Range" in the "Advanced Settings" to start encodeing a new file were the other one left off and then use the "Merge & Cut" to join the 2 files together...

Anserine  2002-09-10 17:00:06 ( ID:hxjbfoabs7h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

lol thats exactly what i did, but thanks anyway.

Question - TE25 - Best audio encoder No.27760
MannaZen1  Home )  2002-09-08 12:43:10 ( ID:bretwi1a3.g )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What would you reccomend as the best audio encoder?

ASHY  2002-09-08 17:00:51 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Dbpoweramp is the best allround encoder and gives excellant results. If you are specifically referring to the mp2 format then Dbpoweramp will handle this also. Toolame is another and can be used as a plug in with TMPG.
If you want good quality and very fast encoding then you can't beat MPEGDJencoder. This is the encoder I use and is ten times faster than other encoders including TMPG. What it takes TMPG 25-30 mins to encode only takes MPEGDJencoder 3 mins.


MannaZen1  Home )  2002-09-08 18:42:26 ( ID:bretwi1a3.g )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

thanks for the help, ill check them out

Question - TE25 - Audio Distort No.27757
minime  2002-09-08 12:14:32 ( ID:yhtgg1igalm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

hi all,

i was trying to convert an avi file into mpeg1 using TMPEG but the audio seem distort after the convertion. the audio avi is ok. i've tried to lower the audio at the setting but final mpeg still distort.

please advise

ASHY  2002-09-08 17:17:34 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Distort in what way?


minime  2002-09-10 05:09:13 ( ID:aqthpebepll )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


it's kinda of sound like the audio is too sharp.

Question - TE25 - ACM initialization Failed / illegal floating decimal point calculation error No.27752
BlodShed  2002-09-08 09:36:33 ( ID:oubv6g6s1pk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have problem with TMPEGenc. When I try to start converting DivX from virtualdub vdr it gives me error message: ACM initialization failed or illegal floating decimal point calculation order. I can use TMPEGenc normally if I multiplex the audio into wav format and then serve only video with virtualdub vdr and give wav directly to TMPEGenc. I have tried many TMPEGenc versions so thats not the case. I may have bad coded etc...hopefully someone has a clue that might help. I also installed DivX codecs(3.11,4.12,5.02) again with no luck. It seems this problem is only that TMPEGenc can't handle audio which is coming from virtualdub frameclient ?!?

BlodShed  2002-09-08 09:58:20 ( ID:oubv6g6s1pk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok I solved the problem!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!
I installed DVD2SVCD which had installed its own virtualdub script reader also into TMPEGencs VFAPI plugins...I just disabled the ReadAVS.dll from environmental settings-->VFAPI Plug-in and everything started to work again. Hopefully this information will help someone else someday :=)

thatguy  2002-09-09 20:33:27 ( ID:p.tqmrkte1l )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i've had the same problem. i think when you d/l from ftps like winmx and things, everytime you resume from a partial file it screws up the index a little. i've fixed the problem in the past bye making a fresh file, audio and video, with virtual dub. don't just do a direct stream copy or it won't fix it, you have to make a new file out of the old one with fresh avi encoding.

Eeyore  2002-11-10 21:45:45 ( ID:6bmubtpb/ch )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Blodshed, you're great! I had the exact same problem you had, and couldn't get TMPGenc to run. Tried your solutions, and now it's working fine.

Thank you!

ronk  2003-02-09 15:31:53 ( ID:d48f6gbtscw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

thank you solved my problem excellent

Question - TE25 - Video compare with CCE and Tmpgenc ? No.27747
Denniz  Home )  2002-09-08 08:40:38 ( ID:a1gdtat1r4r )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Is there anyone who know how much better CCE is on encoding (not that it's faster) but the quality on the picture compared to Tmpgenc with the best settings (slow encoding). Is it possible to see that there is a difference. ?

I read below that it is possible to encode video in CCE and audio on Tmpgenc and have the best of two worlds, but I can't use CCE since im on a not supportede CPU, sucks.

I would like Tmpgenc to bee just as good as CCE on encoding video even if it's slow :)

Minion  2002-09-08 11:32:58 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You can actually use CCE with the settings of Tmpgenc so it"s like haveing tmpgenc as the front end and CCE is the encodeing engine, so you get to use the filters that Tmpgenc has with CCE..The mpeg2 quality is Better especially at low bitrates, but the mpeg1 isn"t very good at all and CCE has no filters or any way to re-size the resolution so you pretty much have to use it this way to get the best results or you can use AVISynth with the CCE 2.5 version..What kind of system do you have that doesn"t run CCE??On there site they say that have tested it with AThlons Intel Celeron Pentium Xeon Duron,Pretty much any computer optimized with MMX and SSE, but you need at least 600mhz and 256mb-ram...

ASHY  2002-09-08 17:39:52 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You won't be able to match the MPEG2 encoding quality of CCE no matter what you do with TMPG, but you can come close.
CCE uses the 'Constant quality(CQ)' method so use this method with TMPG also and you will acheive superior results. Forget about 2 pass.
Bitrate= Min- 1800 Max- 4000 Quality- 65%
VBV buffer set at 0(automatic)
DC component precision- 10

Use 'High quality' as the motion search precision. No point in using highest as you probably wont notice a difference in quality except for the dramatic increase in encoding time.
If you use the MPEG standard encoding setting in the Quantize matrix this will also give slightly better results, but at the sacrifice of a slightly higher file size. Check soften block noise unless you are using ver high bitrates, but for SVCD I would recommend checking it to reduce blockiness.


Denniz  Home )  2002-09-09 13:17:39 ( ID:.uhbhxbi0ng )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well im only on 500mhz K6-2+ and I have 256mb ram.. so the thing is that CCE ueses specific things in the CPU's.. seems lame, since I don't care if it would take 2weeks of encoding instead of 1week and so on. I have a server so I don't care about that, just that Im not going to buy a new computer just to be able to use CCE, not worth it. You can install CCE 2.50 but it craches when it runs, probably becaus my cpu is not supported and 2.64 you can't install, checks for some MMX or something.

I see, so the best way to encode SVCD is a combination of Tmpgenc and CCE as the video encoding engien :]

Thanks for the tip on what to do.

ASHY  2002-09-09 20:38:47 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What do you mean it's not worth upgrading just to use CCE. The processor you are using is terribly slow and outdated compared to todays processors and if you are serious about quality which is why I presume you want to use CCE then why not upgrade.
Processors are dirt cheap nowadays and a 1.7 ghz AMD or Intel processor can be picked up quite cheap and the encoding speed increase you will gain will be huge compared to your current processor. Using your current CPU it must be taking you somewhere between 15-20 hours to encode a movie. Using a 1.7 P4 I can encode a movie in about 1-2 hrs using CCE.
Think of the savings you will making on your electricity supply due to the fact you don't have to run your computer for long hours and also the wear and tear on your PC components such as your hard drive.


Question - TE25 - DivX to MPG, sync probs No.27739
Johnson  2002-09-08 03:11:18 ( ID:ghvttwecibn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, I'm trying to convert a divx avi file I have into an mpg (so I can make a vcd out of it) now I need to split it in two, because its just a little bit too big. When I try to play it on my dvd player/pc(I've tried playing from hard disk and from cd) it will speed up for like 1 second, then slow back down to normal speed, and get more and more out of sync, but then speeds back up and resyncs! Anyone know what might cause this? I tried splitting it with virtual dub before and got a similar problem (same problem except it would never resync) Thank you for any help.

Minion  2002-09-08 07:02:50 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The most likely cause of this is that you encoded the file to a Different frame rate than the Divx file..The mpeg you are makeing has to have the same frame rate as the avi file you are makeing it from...

Johnson  2002-09-08 16:37:20 ( ID:ghvttwecibn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yeah thats what it sounds like i know, but it isn't, I checked it in virtual dub and it said 23.976 and so I used NTSF film (whatever it is :) ) but still no luck :(

thatguy  2002-09-09 20:30:29 ( ID:p.tqmrkte1l )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

when you changed the frame rate at all it can desync audio. try to find an audio maker, such as goldwave, and demultiplex the audio and video, add a half second of silence in the beggining and re-multiplex. theres instructions on how to do this on

ASHY  2002-09-09 21:28:37 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok so does this de-sync happen before or after splitting the MPEG? Also are you using a template to create this file or have you played around with the settings and what sort of MPEG are you creating, MPEG1 or 2?


Johnson  2002-09-09 22:07:43 ( ID:ghvttwecibn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm creating mpeg1, im using the NTSF film template because of the frame rate, the frame rates are exactly the same, I haven't changed them at all, when I try to encode into mpg I am using the source range option and cutting it in half. Thanks again for all the help so far, and I'm pretty sure its just the video that messes up, I have been using VirtualDub to extract the audio into an uncompressed wav, and the video looks like its speeding up and then resyncing later.

ASHY  2002-09-09 22:38:05 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Are you saying that you experience the problem with the AVI when you split it with Virtualdub and before it is encoded to MPEG?


Johnson  2002-09-12 05:00:31 ( ID:ghvttwecibn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No, I'm splitting it with TMPGEnc, so what I do is I open the file, use the NTSC Film preset, and set the video to the avi and the audio to the uncompressed .wav, then I set the source range from the start to roughly mid way so it is small enough for a cd.

Question - TE25 - Scripting Subtitles No.27738
zenxeon  2002-09-08 03:05:34 ( ID:/ltlglwfcqm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Does anyone know of any other program to use when scripting subtitles to an svcd?? I have used Virtualdub and go through the whole process of converting the srt to an ssa then starting the frame server then Tmpg enc and running it that way but the quality really sux when doing it that way, there seems to be some kind of distortment within the film.... Please reply with any good suggestions... thanks zenxeon

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