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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 Nero Normalize? veloborg 2 2002-05-02 16:24:43
Question TE25 Odd or Even interlace field? KSmut 1 2002-05-02 02:38:22
Question TE25 TMPGEnc freezes JJ 1 2002-05-02 15:14:33
Question TE25 error message willie 2 2002-05-01 21:20:40
Question TE25 Encoding Widescreen (letterboxed) AVI (DiVX) starLisa 2 2002-05-01 18:31:46
Question TE25 Audio bitrate smaller as 32 kbtis/s ? marcpidoux 3 2002-05-02 11:17:39
Question TE25 grab settings Bobdown 1 2002-05-01 16:07:05
Question TE25 "an error occurred when audio was decoded" asianhots 2 2002-05-05 08:10:10
Question TE25 Problem when cutting and new Cut/edit tools Marcos 1 2002-05-01 16:10:18
Question TE25 how to keep MPEG File from Peaking hubukai 2 2002-05-01 22:08:47
Question TE25 mpeg2 johnny5 1 2002-05-01 21:29:13
Question TE25 Sound Problem Netscout 1 2002-05-01 15:09:32

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Question - TE25 - Nero Normalize? No.20388
veloborg  2002-05-01 23:31:37 ( ID:k6ontxsv63o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I understand that Nero can "normalize" all the tracks on an audio CD
so that one does not have to constantly adjust the volume.
What setting for normalize is best?
sorry for being off topic.

Minion  2002-05-02 02:31:26 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Way off topic!!!!!!!!!!!!

VeloBorg  2002-05-02 16:24:43 ( ID:oiqutcgiync )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

not as far off topic as you might imagine.
I note that the same people who use TMPGEnc also use Nero.

Question - TE25 - Odd or Even interlace field? No.20386
KSmut  2002-05-01 22:56:22 ( ID:/i1ldoowiqj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have an interlaced source file and would like to deinterlace it. However, I don't want to blend (Double) the 2 fields. Using TMPGEnc, is there a way to determine exactly which field to deinterlace (odd or even)?

Minion  2002-05-02 02:38:22 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

In the "settings" in "advanced" double click the "de-interlace"and a screen with your movie and a slider so you can scan your movie,and there are many settings for deinterlace,what I do is scan through my movie file and go to some realy bad scenes were the lines are really noticeable and just go through the settings till I find the best one that seems to get rid of the lines in each scene,It takes time but through trial and error you will find the best setting for you..........

Question - TE25 - TMPGEnc freezes No.20384
JJ  2002-05-01 21:14:51 ( ID:gmba1v2y8rm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have tried to convert .mov file to MPG, but TMPGEnc freezes at 33/5401 everytime. I have the QTReader,vfp codec but it still won't work. It is 80Kb in size but I have no date of Construction fo the codec.

Jatin Desai  2002-05-02 15:14:33 ( ID:kvg0pzhseo. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have the same problem. I captured some video with MS MovieMaker and whenever I try to convert it using TMPEnc, it frezees after about 10 seconds of video. I have tried the latest version (2.54a) but the problem still persists. The program even freezes after 10 seconds if I just try to 'preview'.

Thanks for any help.


Question - TE25 - error message No.20381
willie  2002-05-01 19:49:46 ( ID:xrzcutrpc2o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I try to convert an avi file i downloaded, but get a message that the file cannot be opened or unsupported. If it is an avi why am i getting that?

willie  2002-05-01 19:56:24 ( ID:xrzcutrpc2o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i don't know if this helps any but i just looked at the file and it is a mpeg layer 3..

Minion  2002-05-01 21:20:40 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Go to your "enviromental settings" then to "vfapi plugins" and raise your "direct show" to "2" and everything else to "0" this should solve yer problem.....

Question - TE25 - Encoding Widescreen (letterboxed) AVI (DiVX) No.20378
starLisa  2002-05-01 16:20:36 ( ID:/iwsdruxzao )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have an AVI file of a movie which is widescreen (letterboxed). When I encoded it to MPEG-1, it was expanded to full screen, which compressed the picture horizontally (everyone and everything was tall and skinny).

So I tried re-encoding it with the aspect ratio set to 4:3, and nothing changed (it had been originally at 1:1).

Is there any way to do this so that the resulting MPEG-1 comes out letterboxed like the original?

Thanks, and if you can e-mail me as well, that'd be great.


George  2002-05-01 18:13:49 ( ID:8qgg0woe4nr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I hope I can help you with this information.
(My English isn't the best)

I can give the following hint if you are using version2.53.
Start the Project Wizard (it's the easiest way) and on screen 3 of 5 Check the box "Clip Frame" and modify the settings. As follows.

1.Click Arrange settings
2. selcet Arrange mode: "Center (Custom size)"
3.Enter 354 x 202 or 352 x 200

I hope I helped you

M.Bastian  2002-05-01 18:31:46 ( ID:s6.9e2ix8qw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Im sure that works for avi files you encoded so far but the best method is to stick with the intended settings and only try out manual adjustments if the AVI isnt exactly 16:9.

Allow me to quote Ashi for the procedure:
Under the advanced tab choose the source aspect ratio as 16:9 display and the Video arrange method as 'Full screen (keep aspect ratio)'
If encoding in MPEG1 then make sure your output aspect ratio is 4:3 PAL or NTSC depending on your TV system.
If encoding in MPEG2 choose you output as 4:3 display.

If youre using an template you already have the correct output aspect ratio.

Question - TE25 - Audio bitrate smaller as 32 kbtis/s ? No.20374
marcpidoux  2002-05-01 15:31:58 ( ID:poh9bojgbwm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is it possible to set the audio setting smaller to 32 kbits/s ?

The idea is to create an mpeg video which will streams through a 56k modem.
With 32 kbits for the audio, we only have around 8 kbits for the image which is not really enough for a good quality.

Any idea? Request for next version?



ASHY  2002-05-01 16:02:12 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Mpeg is not a good format to stream over a 56k connection due to the lower compression.
I would use a different format for streaming such as WMV which is far more efficient for streaming.


marcpidoux  2002-05-01 16:40:06 ( ID:poh9bojgbwm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes, I know but this is a client request and I couldn't persuade him for another format...

Hovewer, this doesn't resolve my problem.

ASHY  2002-05-02 11:17:39 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok, my only suggestion is to create an mp3 out of your audio and multiplex this with your video. Some mp3 encoders will let you select a bitrate as low as 8kb.
TMPGenc will let you do this.
I recommend downloading the latest version 2.54 for this first.
Load your audio file into TMPG then click File>output to file and choose 'wave file'
In the audio section click the setting button on the right to chooses the Mp3 codec, the lowest one here seems to be 8kb at 8,000hz.
Once you have selected your codec then click 'save as type' and change to 'All files(*.*)' then name your output and give it an .mp3 extension and click save.

Then multiplex the output with your video. As long as the player at the other end has the ability to decode mp3 which of course media player has then there should be no problem with decoding the stream.

Note: You may have download and install the radium mp3 codec for full mp3 encoding options.


Question - TE25 - grab settings No.20372
Bobdown  2002-05-01 14:56:23 ( ID:ql/6z6wkmkr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How do you grab the settings from an existing mpeg file? i hear this is possible, but where do i go?

ASHY  2002-05-01 16:07:05 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Question - TE25 - "an error occurred when audio was decoded" No.20369
asianhots  2002-05-01 14:06:43 ( ID:5aalaaxnkja )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Will someone please help!!!!!!!! when i just began using tmpgenc and when i started to decode an avi file into a mpeg file i get this error saying "an error occurred when audio was decoded" what does this mean?!?! please help!!!!!!!

Steve Anderson  2002-05-01 16:38:37 ( ID:0u2j2/8rvw2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Are you using 2.53? I used to get this error in 2.53, but it's not happening for me in 2.54.

Steve Anderson

sizzy  2002-05-05 08:10:10 ( ID:ynm/nz9tz1r )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i have that problem too... so will 2.54 help then??? i should try that.

Question - TE25 - Problem when cutting and new Cut/edit tools No.20367
Marcos  Home )  2002-05-01 13:57:00 ( ID:4fppg9uvdyr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi there!
I'm having problems when I cut video clips to remove commercials from the shows. There is always a considerable margin of error that cuts off in the wrong place. I'm working around the problem with lots of trial and error. I wonder if this is a bug, if I'm doing something wrong or if this is a limitation with the MPEG2 format.
Also, I've just downloaded release 2.54; I read on the site there is a new cut/edit tool, but I could not find it. The interface looks exactly the same.

Thank you for any help.
Marcos, Brazil.

ASHY  2002-05-01 16:10:18 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Th new tool is located in the 'source range' filter.


Question - TE25 - how to keep MPEG File from Peaking No.20364
hubukai  2002-05-01 12:43:15 ( ID:nmlrtxs.nj6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I use TMPGEnc to encode video before burning it to DVD. I encode to 4000k / 224 audio and i am using MyDVD 3.1 to make the dvd, I get the error...
Video Picture size larger than buffer.. apparently the MPEG File is Peaking. can someone help me with this and what TMPGENC Settings to set so this does not happem.

please email to

Hataian  2002-05-01 20:01:37 ( ID:eo6ixh3rqra )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Did you set buffer size in settings at 0?
Then Tmpgenc adjusts the buffer size automatically.

Minion  2002-05-01 22:08:47 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

there are certain setting that you have to use to get mpeg"s to be recognized as dvd compliant in "mydvd or dvdit" or any "sonic" product,there is a post that tells you how to do it in the support forum for "sonic mydvd or dvdit"...

Question - TE25 - mpeg2 No.20362
johnny5  2002-05-01 10:42:58 ( ID:efggfmglara )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i have install 2.54 but now i cant open svcd(mpeg2), i have istalled an mpeg2 codec but this hasn't worked either. are there any more codecs too try

any help would be gratefull


Minion  2002-05-01 21:29:13 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

this seems to be a problem with certain mpeg2 files, what usualy works is to de-multiplex the mpeg and then load the two files individualy to "tmpgenc".

Question - TE25 - Sound Problem No.20360
Netscout  2002-05-01 10:19:47 ( ID:s5lnpqn2f6k )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I have a divx5 avi file with ac3 sound.
I want to change it to SVCD format.
I load the avi into video source all great.
But when i want to load the same file into audio source i get the error:

File can not open, or unsupported.

Whats that failure?
What cna i do?

Regards Netscout

ASHY  2002-05-01 15:09:32 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

See this article.

Question - audio error No.20276


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