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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
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Request TE25 How to extract left channel from audio file jen 3 2003-02-22 14:17:25

Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
Request - TE25 - How to extract left channel from audio file No.34765
jen  2003-02-22 06:29:22 ( ID:fo0xt1hlskl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have multi-language vcd, left channel play chinese audio, right channel play english audio, when I watch vcd I need to munually adjust speaker to the desire channel. now I want to remake vcd for english only (left channel), please tell how to setup, thank you very much

Minion  2003-02-22 06:40:56 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Use a Audio editing program like "Sound Forge" to seperate the english audio track, then it can convert it from a Mono track to a Sterio tract the out put it as a Wav file that you can encode in Tmpgenc...

jen  2003-02-22 06:54:22 ( ID:fo0xt1hlskl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Dear Minion, thanks for your prompt reply, sound forge price range frm 150-300 usd, its too pricey to me, any free shareware i can use ?

Ashy  2003-02-22 14:17:25 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Virtualdub will do the job nicely.

1. Load your VCD into Virtualdub.

2. Click 'Audio' then 'Full processing mode' then 'Conversion' from the menu.

3. Where it says 'channel' choose the channel you wish to save. I.E. the left channel. Click OK.

4. Next click File then 'Save wav' from the menu. Choose a name for the wav and save it somewhere. This will save the left track into both channels.


1. Load your wav into TMPG in the 'Audio' field and check 'Audio only' as the stream setting.

2. Now encode. When TMPG has finished you will have an .MP2 file.

3. Go to File>MPEGtools and load your VCD into the the Video field of the
simple multiplexer'
Load your new Mp2 into the audio field.
Choose 'MPEG1 video cd' as the 'Type' then name your output and click run.

4. When TMPG is finished you will have a new VCD with just the English track.


Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]

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