Pegasys Products BBS

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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Bug report TE25 Muxing rate bug ASHY 0 2002-11-16 17:57:23

Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
Bug report - TE25 - Muxing rate bug No.30802
ASHY  2002-11-16 17:57:23 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

TMPG seems to have introduced a bug to it's muxing rate. It is now using the same muxing rate for 'Non standard VCD' files as for 'Standard VCD'

This is wrongly adding padding to 'Non standard VCD' files and causing a file size increase.


Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]

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