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Question TE25 tmpg 2.59 larger video files!!!!!! stempel 6 2002-11-21 01:44:47

Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
Question - TE25 - tmpg 2.59 larger video files!!!!!! No.30774
stempel  2002-11-16 02:52:10 ( ID:sh/n3u0diok )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

hi... i am using tmpenc 2.58 and i tried now the new 2.59 and i used my own templet and the files are 80% larger than before......(2.58)

i am use CQ 70% minimun bit 400 and maximun 1800

why my mpeg1 files larger with the new version????????????????????

ASHY  2002-11-16 17:08:05 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Your right the files are bigger in the new version. I have checked every setting and they are all the same as far as I can see, but i do know the reason why the files are bigger.

For some reason TMPG is adding extra data to multiplexed streams as elementry streams are exactly the same.
If you re-multiplex the file in v2.58 the file size will be reduced to more or less to the same as a file encoded with v2.58, but if you then multiplex it again with v2.59 the file size swells again.

I'm not sure yet what extra data is being added to the file, but it may be something to do with the fact that TMPG didn't create 100% whitebook VCD 2.0 MPEGS and it has now been corrected thus the reason for the increase in size.


ASHY  2002-11-16 17:30:15 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok it seems the increase in size is due to the muxing rate of 'Non standard VCD' files and doesn't seem to affect 'Standard VCD'

For the exact same file the muxing rates are below:

In the old version the muxing rate is - 139955200 bps
in the new version the muxing rate is - 180659200 bps

quite a bit higher.

Maybe this is a bug and should be reported.


ASHY  2002-11-16 17:49:56 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

More info...

It seems this IS a bug.

The new version is using the exact same muxing rate for (Non standard VCD) as it is for (Standard VCD).

This should not happen as 'non standard' VCD is now being padded by TMPG with zero's which is what happens to 'standard VCD' files to keep them compliant.

This defeats the object of VBR as you don't want low bitrates in VBR files padded to bring them up to 'standard VCD' compliance and is the reason why the file size is increasing.


stempel  2002-11-17 06:24:18 ( ID:8daauuj9jng )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

hi ashy wow..... i think too that this is a bug ... i test the same things like you and other same result.......big... bigger ..2.59....

Kevin  2002-11-17 17:19:36 ( ID:mpdht.anhaj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yeah, for some reason the output file defaults to 234% of original file size.

New User  2002-11-21 01:44:47 ( ID:vhuu3gsaejr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If that is the case, should I stay away from upgrading. I am currently using 2.58.


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