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Question TE25 Video compare with CCE and Tmpgenc ? Denniz 4 2002-09-09 20:38:47

Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
Question - TE25 - Video compare with CCE and Tmpgenc ? No.27747
Denniz  Home )  2002-09-08 08:40:38 ( ID:a1gdtat1r4r )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Is there anyone who know how much better CCE is on encoding (not that it's faster) but the quality on the picture compared to Tmpgenc with the best settings (slow encoding). Is it possible to see that there is a difference. ?

I read below that it is possible to encode video in CCE and audio on Tmpgenc and have the best of two worlds, but I can't use CCE since im on a not supportede CPU, sucks.

I would like Tmpgenc to bee just as good as CCE on encoding video even if it's slow :)

Minion  2002-09-08 11:32:58 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You can actually use CCE with the settings of Tmpgenc so it"s like haveing tmpgenc as the front end and CCE is the encodeing engine, so you get to use the filters that Tmpgenc has with CCE..The mpeg2 quality is Better especially at low bitrates, but the mpeg1 isn"t very good at all and CCE has no filters or any way to re-size the resolution so you pretty much have to use it this way to get the best results or you can use AVISynth with the CCE 2.5 version..What kind of system do you have that doesn"t run CCE??On there site they say that have tested it with AThlons Intel Celeron Pentium Xeon Duron,Pretty much any computer optimized with MMX and SSE, but you need at least 600mhz and 256mb-ram...

ASHY  2002-09-08 17:39:52 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You won't be able to match the MPEG2 encoding quality of CCE no matter what you do with TMPG, but you can come close.
CCE uses the 'Constant quality(CQ)' method so use this method with TMPG also and you will acheive superior results. Forget about 2 pass.
Bitrate= Min- 1800 Max- 4000 Quality- 65%
VBV buffer set at 0(automatic)
DC component precision- 10

Use 'High quality' as the motion search precision. No point in using highest as you probably wont notice a difference in quality except for the dramatic increase in encoding time.
If you use the MPEG standard encoding setting in the Quantize matrix this will also give slightly better results, but at the sacrifice of a slightly higher file size. Check soften block noise unless you are using ver high bitrates, but for SVCD I would recommend checking it to reduce blockiness.


Denniz  Home )  2002-09-09 13:17:39 ( ID:.uhbhxbi0ng )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well im only on 500mhz K6-2+ and I have 256mb ram.. so the thing is that CCE ueses specific things in the CPU's.. seems lame, since I don't care if it would take 2weeks of encoding instead of 1week and so on. I have a server so I don't care about that, just that Im not going to buy a new computer just to be able to use CCE, not worth it. You can install CCE 2.50 but it craches when it runs, probably becaus my cpu is not supported and 2.64 you can't install, checks for some MMX or something.

I see, so the best way to encode SVCD is a combination of Tmpgenc and CCE as the video encoding engien :]

Thanks for the tip on what to do.

ASHY  2002-09-09 20:38:47 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What do you mean it's not worth upgrading just to use CCE. The processor you are using is terribly slow and outdated compared to todays processors and if you are serious about quality which is why I presume you want to use CCE then why not upgrade.
Processors are dirt cheap nowadays and a 1.7 ghz AMD or Intel processor can be picked up quite cheap and the encoding speed increase you will gain will be huge compared to your current processor. Using your current CPU it must be taking you somewhere between 15-20 hours to encode a movie. Using a 1.7 P4 I can encode a movie in about 1-2 hrs using CCE.
Think of the savings you will making on your electricity supply due to the fact you don't have to run your computer for long hours and also the wear and tear on your PC components such as your hard drive.


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