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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
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Question TE25 Finished MPEG-2 SVCD has repetative stutter Golf 3 2002-07-06 17:27:24

Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
Question - TE25 - Finished MPEG-2 SVCD has repetative stutter No.24513
Golf  2002-07-06 14:33:59 ( ID:9g/6yzlcctr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have converted several AVI movies to SVCD PAL with these settings: Non-interlace, Video source: 1:1, Video arrange Method : Full screen (keep aspect ratio) etc...

When I play the finished MPEG-2 in WinDVD or others, the movie has a repetative stutter where it slows for a moment, every second. The picture and sound seem to stay in sync, but the file has this constant stammer.

When I play the AVI in WinDVD, it plays perfectly.

Is there a process or option I need to select to cure this?

I use a P3 733Mhz proz


ASHY  2002-07-06 15:40:08 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You have probably changed the framerate from the original AVI.


Golf  2002-07-06 16:20:26 ( ID:9g/6yzlcctr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Yes, my AVI file has Fram Rate : 23 frames/second.
And under MPEGs setting / Video tab, the frame setting is locked in 25 frames/s. Is it this one I should change to 23 (and how ?), and will that resolve the "stutter" problem ?
Also, will the finished SVCD play on a normal DVD player ?

Thanks in advance

ASHY  2002-07-06 17:27:24 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you wish to play the MPEG in a country which uses the PAL system you will have to keep the framerate 25fps.

The only way is to change the framerate of the original AVI.
First you will have to extract the audio to a wav file using virtual dub.
Load the AVI file into virtualdub and extract the audio to a wav.
Next change the framerate to 25 fps. When you do this note the time in the box at bottom right exactly and then convert it to seconds. WRITE THIS DOWN, you will need it later.

Close Virtualdub and download Cooledit 2000.
open Cool edit 2000.

When the program opens you will be presented with a box allowing you to choose 2 options. Choose options 1 and 3.

In the program click file>open and open the wav you created earlier.
Wait for it to finish then click 'Edit' and untick 'enable undo' then click 'select entire wave' next click 'Transform' and choose 'Time/pitch' from the drop down menu then click 'stretch'
In this box tick the following options:

Low precision
Time stretch (preserves pitch)

In the box that says 'Length' type in the exact figure you got in secs from Virtualdub for e.g. 4802.360 then click ok.
Wait for the program to do it's stuff then when its finished click 'file' then 'save as' and name and save your file as a wav.

This should give you a Wav file which will be the same length as the movie in the next step. Close Cool edit 2000.

To change the framerate of an AVI all you need is this program.

Change it to 25 fps then load your AVI and your new wav into TMPG and encode as normal using the SVCD PAL template.

Note: you may check that the audio is in sync with AVI by multiplexing the files with Virtualdub first.


Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]

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