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Question TE25 SVCD to VCD Fatherted 6 2002-05-11 13:31:38

Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
Question - TE25 - SVCD to VCD No.20970
Fatherted  2002-05-10 11:31:50 ( ID:0n/gi1ssn7g )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have downloaded a film and it is in SVCD format but I need it in VCD format to play it on my DVD player. I have tried the normal trick with multiplexing but i get an error saying "Warning ..246845s packets cause buffer underflow. The Mpeg file might cause an error when it played . When i check the size of the file it is only about 1/2 the original size. It seems to chop the file. I have also tried to use the cut and merge to change the header but that did not work either. I also tried to burn it in Nero as a VCD without reencoding it but that did'nt work either, I also tried to burn it after Nero had reecoded it and that did'nt work either.....
Can anyone help ?????
The movie is a new one (spid....) and is 3 cds long. The first CD works, but CD2 and CD3 dont .....
Please Help !!!!

ASHY  2002-05-10 12:42:53 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How do you mean the first one works? Do you mean as it is or after doing the trick and burning?
The reason you are getting the buffer underflow warning is because you are mutiplexing as a 'MPEG1 video vcd' and not 'MPEG1 video cd(non standard)'

Rather than try this supposedly VCD trick, try this which is probably the reason why the vcd trick works on some players in the first place.

For some reason some incompatible players assume the MPEG movie is stored in the MPEGAV folder on a burned disk rather than the MPEG2 folder which is standard SVCD and won't be able to find the movie giving a warning such as 'Check disk'.

The MPEGAV folder is used for VCD not SVCD.
When you multiplex an MPEG2 file as an MPEG1 VCD and burn it as a VCD, the file will be put in the MPEGAV folder instead of the standard MPEG2 folder, this allows players which automatically look in the MPEGAV folder to find and play the file which is probably why the trick works in the first place.

Most SVCD burning programs allow the folder name to be changed to make it compatible with your player and is the proper way to do it as doing it the VCD trick way will make the movie incompatible with normal players and wont play, but this way should make it compatible with both types of players.

You will find this option under the 'Video cd' tab in nero in the 'New compilation window'. Just click the button called 'Compatibility' and change the folder name from 'MPEG2' to 'MPEGAV'.
Same goes for VCDeasy. You'll find it under Settings>S(VCD) player where it says SVCD you will see a tick box.


Oakley  2002-05-10 15:01:25 ( ID:3ftytkbel6r )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Search for the word spider on this forum. There's a person who goes by the name Shovelhed that posted about the same problem with discs 2 and 3. He said he used dvd2avi and then reencoded the avi video and mpeg into svcd. Then he changed the headers to vcd and he said it worked. Haven' tried it yet. Though I actually found that when I multiplex the first disc, I get the buffer error at 100%, tmpgenc does not rewrite the headers, and I get static and green blocks at the top and bottom of the screen. Do you have the same problem? If I use the non-standard video cd format to multiplex, I do not get the buffer error, tmpgenc reqrites the header, but the movie plays really slow and the green blocks are still there. Do you think that simply changing the folder rather than multiplexing will fix this green block problem? The folloing page says that green blocks will appear on the pc but not on the dvd player.

Oakley  2002-05-10 15:04:54 ( ID:3ftytkbel6r )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

One other thing...I meant use dvd2avi to convert the svcd to avi, and then use the video and audio to make an svcd, not video and mpeg.

ASHY  2002-05-10 16:03:14 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Read again what the post says.
I was trying to give reason as to why this trick may work.

When you burn a SVCD with your burning program you end up with a set of folders on your disk.
One of these folders is called 'MPEG2'.
This folder contains the movie.

If your player doesn't natively play SVCD then it will automatically look for your movie in a folder called 'MPEGAV'.
This is the folder which contains the movie on a VCD not a SVCD.

Therefore if you burn an SVCD your player cannot locate the file in the folder MPEGAV because it it in the MPEG2 folder and simply won't play.

This so called trick simply puts the movie in the 'MPEGAV' folder rather than the normal 'MPEG2' folder on the disk thus allowing your player to locate the disk.

The only problem is when you use the SVCD to VCD trick, you will confuse your player.

There are certain fundamental differences between MPEG2 and MPEG1.
Your player is reading the header of the file and is attempting to set it self to decode an MPEG1 file, but the file is MPEG2.

This leads to display problems because the decoding parameters aren't correctly set by the player to read the file.

The trick may work on some players, but I would guess that these players would also simply work by changing the folder name to MPEGAV instead of MPEG2.

Try it. See what happens.

My only advice is to run those 3 files you have downloaded through TMPG's simple multiplexer as an 'MPEG-2 SVCD' to make sure the headers are correctly re-written so your burning software doesn't reject them.


Minion  2002-05-10 22:50:45 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If what "ashy" said doesn"t work try makeing a project file out of the mpeg2 with dvd2avi and then encode to vcd......or you can (i haven"t tried this) load your mpeg2 into the "vfapi converter" and make a psudo avi and encode that to vcd.........

ASHY  2002-05-11 13:31:38 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The VFAPI converter only works with project files. If you have too Minions way will work using DVD2AVI.


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