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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
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Question TE25 Error in file still usable? kathykatt 2 2002-04-30 23:37:02

Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
Question - TE25 - Error in file still usable? No.20303
kathykatt  2002-04-30 19:21:04 ( ID:grnxffocua6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

After an error while creating an mpeg, is it possible to begin again where the last try left off? I was at 96% and it takes me a couple hours to make an mpeg out of an avi. If I can start where I left off, or can't please help.

ASHY  2002-04-30 23:35:43 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Load your MPEG movie into TMPG then click File>preview.
Move the slider to the very end, just to be sure click the arrow a few times then note the frame count in the top left.
Then load your avi again and click setting>advanced and tick the source range filter then double click it.
In this box type in the frame count into the 'start frame' box then click 'move to start frame' and then 'set start frame'.
Move the slider to the end of the movie and repeat the above steps to set the end frame of the movie then encode.

Finally merge the two together by using MERGE&CUT in MPEGtools and adding your files making sure the beginning of the movie is first in the list to give you a full movie.


ASHY  2002-04-30 23:37:02 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

One other point click the 'correct' button before merging otherwise you may get a squeak were the files are joined.


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