Pegasys Products BBS

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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
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Free talk TE25 ***** Advice for Newbies ***** Ashy 2 2002-04-14 23:13:25

Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
Free talk - TE25 - ***** Advice for Newbies ***** No.18977
Ashy  2002-04-14 20:54:52 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am making this post to warn any newcomers to this BBS of the fact that they may have their time wasted and may receive unsound advice from an individual who goes by the name of 'Techno'

I have noticed repeatedly that this board has become a sort of personal playground for Techno who it seems feels like it is a game to answer every question posted on this board before anyone else whether the answer is correct and has a sound basis for the reply or not.

This is where Techno and I differ. Of the experience I have with this software I will then try and answer a question if the problem has been experienced by myself and only then will I answer. I will not make guesses or pull suggestions out of a hat just so I can be the first to answer hoping people will find me important because I post the first reply.

Even when I do have the experience to TRY and answer a question, I will always do a search on the net to back up my own suggestions before wasting anybodys time and I always welcome people to correct any advice I give if they have had the same experience and know other ways of solving the problem as there is always more one way of solving a problem.
I do not take it personally if Iam corrected and thouroughly respect the people who do take time to give details of as to why they have given their advice as I always try to do, unlike Techno who tries to FORCE his advice upon newcomers who don't know any better and shams anybody who gives advice to the contrary.
Please don't get this post wrong. I am not trying to discredit ALL the advice that Techno supplies as some of it is sound advice. Unfortunately a lot isn't and is given with no solid basis and is often incorrect and obviously doesn't come from experience.

Having said this I must unfortunetly inform this board I shall no longer be able to activly reply to questions and give advice as I have a busy schedule coming up and sadly won't be able to attend this board as often to correct the distorted and time wasting advice of said inividual and one or two others.

I do like to help those in need and don't do it merely for my own pleasure because it gives me a kick and makes me feel important to see my name on every possible post replied to. I do it to help relieve the frustration of others by using my own experience because I know what it's like when it happens.

On a final note to any newcomers.
Before you take the advice of anyone on this board and one person especially, do yourself a favour a do a quick search on this board as your question has probably already been answered more than once by more than one person and also do a search on search engine with your problem and gather the advice of more than one person and then make your own mind up because as I have learned in the past, bad advice is as frustrating as the problem itself or no advice at all.

If anyone on this board does happen to think my advice has any credibility on this board then feel free to email me, but I can't guarantee a speedy reply.


Ashy  2002-04-14 21:28:15 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Techno if your threats are a lame attempt to worry me that you have contacted the moderators.
I must unfortunately inform you I am already in contact with the board moderators and have asked them to review some of you previous posts and possibly ban your whole I.P. Due to your unsolicted distribution of hacks thus depriving the author of TMPGenc of hard earned recompense for his work which has the knock on affect of depriving us of regular updates and further development to the program.

It's not really personal but you need to seriously think about your activities on this board or you WILL be banned eventually.


M.Bastian  2002-04-14 23:13:25 ( ID:lh1udvptj1c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well spoken,
regarding the hack offerings I mailed a few weeks back and the treads were deleted. I dont know if he'd got a warning but I guess so.

>...thinking you are correct all the time and you own this board, ...

Techno, exactly this is your problem.

Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]

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