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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TDA3 Error 0x80040216 Ocean_Snipe7 0 2010-10-02 15:25:22
Question TAW4 Bullet only visible when focus Dpalomaki 1 2010-10-01 02:25:43
Question TE40 Editing using Filters Richard_P 4 2010-10-04 08:54:20
Question TME3 TMPGEnc MPEG Editor 3, now crashes on startup Eric Koester 2 2010-09-29 02:02:49
Question TDA3 "clip's total bitrate is too high for a DVD-Video" but it isn't Georges 1 2010-10-05 02:54:46
Question TE40 Aspect ratio questions BobD 2 2010-10-06 00:16:41
Question TAW4 Why is Quality of DVD-for-TV different on different DVD-TV players? Alexandra 5 2010-10-02 01:48:02
Question TAW4 Installation Error Gizmoz 2 2011-04-01 18:23:37
Question TE40 Wont open downloaded AVI's so I can convert mark_steele 1 2010-09-23 02:32:08
Question TAW4 Burning Output Folder to disc dansalcedo 0 2010-09-21 15:45:35
Request TE40 Can I use Frame serve? HG TAN 0 2010-09-21 11:25:18
Question TAW4 Exporting Subtitles Waver 2 2010-09-26 18:31:36

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Question - TDA3 - Error 0x80040216 No.63705
Ocean_Snipe7  2010-10-02 15:25:22 ( ID:vyb5a7rnjim )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a dvd that im trying to format to a 4.7gb size, ive had no problem doing that before but randomly it will stop the output and pop up error 0x80040216 the output has stopped. Then i have to restart and every time the error pops up. does anyone know whats causing this and/or know how to fix it?

Question - TAW4 - Bullet only visible when focus No.63698
Dpalomaki  2010-09-30 22:11:02 ( ID:8o4cienbi6h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

In a menu I want to use bullet buttons in front of background text to select chapters.

How do I set a bullet to appear/be visible only when it is the focus?

tkrave  2010-10-01 02:25:43 ( ID:rtaw9vhji5c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I don't think there's an easy way to do it, at least, I don't think there's a built in function for it in the menu editor.

The only way I can think of doing it, and this is just a trick (and a theory since I have not actually done it yet), is to make a button image where the bullet is same color as the background. So when the button does not have focus, you wouldn't see the bullet since it's the same as a background, but when it becomes highlighted, it would appear due to the color overlay of the highlight.

Like I said, that's just a trick and not a proper way of doing it, but there's just no official option to add bullets.

Question - TE40 - Editing using Filters No.63690
Richard_P  2010-09-29 14:16:39 ( ID:9mve/chye3j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi All,

I am currently going through a process of converting some old VHS recordings to DVD. I have the recordings on a DVD but would like to improve the picture quality within Xpress 4.0.

Can anyone recommend some basic configuration settings that would help me in this Project and improve the quality. Things like you would normally see with a few lines in the recording from time to time, ghost noise etc. Any ideas or recommendation to start that I can then use as a Template>

Thanks very much,

tkrave  2010-09-30 02:42:50 ( ID:rtaw9vhji5c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

These are the filters I recommend taking a look at. Of course, their use will vary depending on the quality of the VHS footage, so you need to adjust the settings until it looks good to you.

This is a nice filter to sharpen the image and make details more defined.

Smart Sharpness:
Another good filter for making the image sharper. Avoid the regular Sharpness filter; I can never get it to look good.

Color correction:
If your video is discolored or washed out, this filter can help intensify the colors.

Video noise reduction:
This is good for getting rid of the graininess of a video. Don't overdo it though; if you do, you'll lose fine details.

Ghost reduction:
If you've got some ghosting, this might fix it.

Color phase correction:
Your ghosting might also be caused by color phase misalignment; if so, try this filter.

Anyway, those are the ones I'd try for a VHS transfer. You can see a preview of what these filters do on this page:

Richard_P  2010-09-30 08:49:09 ( ID:9mve/chye3j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi tkrave,

Many thanks for coming back with the information and link.

I am not sure what to place on each setting and it would take some time and rendering to see the finished effect. With regards to these filters any ideas on what number to at least start with which I can use as a Template basis.

I can then +/- from the base to get the desired result.


tkrave  2010-09-30 10:13:59 ( ID:rtaw9vhji5c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You can actually see the results immediately, no rendering required. Navigate to a place in your video where you can clearly see what you're trying to fix. So if you're trying to fix ghosting, try and find a frame where you can clearly see the ghosting.

Then just enable the filter and play with the settings. You'll see the affects immediately. You probably won't be able to play the video smoothly but just looking at one frame should give you an idea of how it will look.

I have no idea what your video looks like, so you might not even need to use all of those filters. Me guessing what settings to use probably won't help since the settings always depend on the video quality. Just play around with the settings until it looks good to you.

Richard_P  2010-10-04 08:54:20 ( ID:9mve/chye3j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Thanks for this, very much appreciated.

The quality seems to be better and is improved over the original recording.


Question - TME3 - TMPGEnc MPEG Editor 3, now crashes on startup No.63679
Eric Koester  2010-09-27 13:08:34 ( ID:fd8ox8172oc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi. I've been using TMPGEnc MPEG Editor since version 1 in 2004.
I have been using version 3 since December 2009. I've not had problems until recently. Tonight, I tried to start version and it crashes at startup every time. I uninstalled version and then installed version Both of those versions crash at startup. I have not tried older version, yet.
I am running Windows XP Pro (service pack 3). I wonder if anyone else has seen this crashing? I wonder if some recent Microsoft Update has caused this? Help appreciated! Eric

Eric Koester  2010-09-28 00:18:04 ( ID:fd8ox8172oc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

From what I have seen in this BBS, it looks like TMPGEnc is sensitive to what version of .NET you have on your pc. It now seems very likely that a Microsoft update of .NET poisoned the water for TMPGEnc. It looks like a recent .NET 3.5 service pack update was downloaded by Microsoft Automatic Updates. Is this the culpret?

The bottom line question is, what versions of .NET 2.0, .NET 3.0 and .NET 3.5 does TMPGEnc need to work correctly in Windows XP Pro with SP3?


tkrave  2010-09-29 02:02:49 ( ID:rtaw9vhji5c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It might be something else. My TME3 is working okay. I'm also using Win XP SP3 and I've got the most recent version/updates of .NET including the .NET Framework 4 client profile.
I believe for TME3, you need to have at least .NET 3.0.

Not sure what else could be causing the crashing. You should contact user support, because they may know the reason or at least maybe they've had other people reporting the problem.

Question - TDA3 - "clip's total bitrate is too high for a DVD-Video" but it isn't No.63677
Georges  2010-09-27 07:04:50 ( ID:m0vlaiaea.k )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I hope somebody here can help me out. I've got an m2v file which I am trying to turn into a DVD. I am also trying to include 2 audio tracks - 1 lpcm, 1 AC3. Here are the bitrates they are encoded in (according to mediainfo):

m2v - 7243 Kbps (9800 Kbps)
lpcm - 1536 Kbps, 48.0 KHz
AC3 - 448 Kbps, 48.0 KHz

I am making a DVD-9.

Here's the problem: With these 3 files loaded into DVD Author 3, here is the warning I get when trying to iutput the DVD:

"The clip's total bitrate is too high for a DVD-Video.
The Clip current total bitrate is 11784 Kb/s. However, in a DVD-Video the clip total bitrate should be lower than 9848 Kb/s.
If you ignore the alerts the DVD_Video you build will not conform to the DVD_Video standard. Do you wish to continue anyway?"

This makes no sense to me. I have used 2 different bitrate calculators to come up with the recommended bitrate for the video file, taking into consideration the total bitrate of both audio files. One recommended 7550 Kbps maximum bitrate for the video and the other recommended 7768 Kbps max, so I went with 7600 max bit rate. If you add the video and audio bitrates I listed above together, you will get 9227 Kbps.

So why is DVD Author 3 telling me the total is 11784 Kbps? That's what you get if you add the 9800 bitrate displayed in mediainfo in parentheses with both audio tracks. But it shouldn't be doing that should it? Gspot lists the m2v video bitrate as 7552 Kbps. So add 7552(m2v) + 1536(lpcm) + 448(AC3), and you get 9576 Kbps, still under the 9848 Kbps max that DVD Author 3 mentions.

So should I just completely ignore the warning and still make the DVD anyways? Why does mediainfo list 9800 Kbps in parentheses if it says the bitrate is 7243 Kpbs? Any advice would be much appreciated.

tkrave  2010-10-05 02:54:46 ( ID:rtaw9vhji5c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I would just make the dvd anyway and ignore the warning.

Question - TE40 - Aspect ratio questions No.63671
BobD  2010-09-25 07:23:25 ( ID:5naf9/4evxn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a source that is 854 x 480 which I converted to an NTSC DVD compliant MPEG (720 x 480) with 16:9 aspect ratio. I then used that MPEG file as the source file and authored a 16x9 format DVD using TDA3. What I notice when viewing the DVD on a widescreen 16x9 TV is that it fills the screen with no black borders, and a little bit of the original content is cropped from each side and the top and bottom with no visible aspect ratio distortion. My question is how does it go from an 854x480 to 720x480 without any aspect ratio distortion or black borders? Thanks.

tkrave  2010-09-28 10:10:45 ( ID:rtaw9vhji5c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

854x480 is pretty much 16:9 (not exactly perfect, but close enough).

You'll also notice that 720x480 is NOT 16:9.

What the DVD-Video format does is it applies different pixel aspect ratios depending on the format of the video (widescreen vs. 4:3). So for a widescreen video, it's actually stretching the pixels to the 16:9 ratio, and conversely squashing the pixels if the video is 4:3.

So this results in an image that should look 16:9 even though the actual pixel dimensions are not. Since your original video was 16:9 and not wider, it does not require black bars to be added when viewed on a 16:9 TV/monitor.

BobD  2010-10-06 00:16:41 ( ID:5naf9/4evxn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks tkrave for the great explanation.

Question - TAW4 - Why is Quality of DVD-for-TV different on different DVD-TV players? No.63668
Alexandra  2010-09-25 02:06:18 ( ID:93xkbarkbec )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have created & burned DVD-TV disc - for 16:9 HD.

Tech. info:
1.Videos were created from Photodex Producer as HD-1080i - MPEG-2 Video
2.The is was runt hru XPRESS 4.0 with several Filters output was MPEG-2, interlaced, 1440x816, frame rate: 29.97
3.These files were inserted into Authoring 4 - and Menu was created.

Tested several different settings, came up with one, which LOOK GREAT on TV (16:9 - HD flat screen) and DVD-player (very geneneric) at home.
Photos were sharp, colors same as on photographs, details were good - no pixelation.
(It look good on both Menus & the photo/slides)

Burned the DVD, thourougly checked it several times - it played also well on computers.

MAILED it TO CLIENT ... he called yesterday - result on his Office TV was a DISASTER !!! - Blurred photos, colors distorted toward yellow, details blending into patches, even the Menu was blurred ...

WHY it is playing so good on one TV with DVD player - on so horrible on other??

Question #2:
HOW to find some "generic" settings ??

Thanks in advance for any advice on this problem.


tkrave  2010-09-25 02:52:06 ( ID:rtaw9vhji5c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Can your client try it on some other TV? I don't see how it can play well on your TV and computer but not display properly on their TV. The only thing I can think of is that their DVD player is not decoding the video properly.

Did you change any track settings in Authoring Works 4? By default, the settings are pretty standard/generic so there shouldn't be any problems with the settings as long as they weren't changed.

Alexandra  2010-09-25 09:09:00 ( ID:93xkbarkbec )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thank you very much for your reply.

My client said, he will try it on more DVD & TV at home.
(He said, he's got about 6 (six) (!!!) of them there...)'

As for your quote: "I don't see how it can play well on your TV and computer but not display properly on their TV. " ... that was my assumption, that once it will play on our ($25- 1 year old) DVD player - it will play without problem anywhere else.

As for "settings" - I'm very much novice to any tranfer from: "Computer-to-TV" jargon or terminology.

I did about 25 different settings (about 25 hours - 3 days) ... (well documented on paper, especialy ones, they did NOT work....) - untill I've got one setting , which worked well on OUR TV/DVD PLAYER.

I'm baffled and confused .... Is this MY problem,(some sttings not done properly ... is this CLIENT problem - something changed on HIS TV/PLAYER ....

... until this will be sorted / solved / discovered "HOW & WHY" ...
regardless how my Slideshows/Photoshows are GREAT ...

I do not dare to approach another potential customer - for fear of getting same response / reaction again ...


Are we getting ahead of ourselves, technology and computer capabilities ???

... I'm thinking of "poor Leonardo DaVinci" .. and his dreams of helicopter... Just 300 years too early ...


Comfused & very greatfull for any responce or ideas:


tkrave  2010-09-28 09:56:06 ( ID:rtaw9vhji5c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Did you save this project? Can you open it up again in Authoring Works 4 and tell me what the track settings are?

To find out the track settings, go to the Source Stage and in the track list on the left side of the window, click on the "Settings" button for your track(s).
A new window should open. Click on the "Video" tab. If you've changed any of these settings, list what you've changed. Likewise for the "Audio" tab.

If you haven't changed anything, then the problem might be something else.

Alexandra  2010-09-30 09:52:11 ( ID:93xkbarkbec )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thank you for your reply,
I'll check it out as you've suggested.

dpalomaki  2010-10-02 01:48:02 ( ID:8o4cienbi6h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What type of connection is he using between the DVD player and the TV?

There is a very wide range of playback and display quality depending on the the players, the make and model of set, any upscaling implemented, and the type of connection (RF, composite, s-video, component, HDMI). What looks good on one combinationmay not look good on another. Also, folsk who have gotten used to HD material will fond SD material looks, well, poor. Viewing via a RF or composite connction is about the worst, especially if the color space pushes the limit of the TV standard.

Question - TAW4 - Installation Error No.63664
Gizmoz  2010-09-23 17:52:18 ( ID:zdn3zemop7k )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am trying to install the latest demo version
of TMPGend Authoring Works 4.

The installshield setup runs, then an error message

Error 1714. The older version of TMPGenc Authoring
Works 4 Trial Version cannot be removed. Contact
your technical support group.

Then the install wizard finishes.

I installed a demo version of TMPGenc a year or so ago,
and had removed it.

I have searched my computer for remnants of the program,
and removed them, but still the error message appears.

Can anyone please suggest a solution?

crystalrain  2011-04-01 17:59:05 ( ID:qw9maki8ll6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

had the same problem
solution is download "windows installer cleanup utility" search google.
find tmpg references and delete them. 1714 is a windows installer error. not the program itself. now install should be fine.

crystalrain  2011-04-01 18:23:37 ( ID:qw9maki8ll6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>had the same problem
>solution is download "windows installer cleanup utility" search google.
>find tmpg references and delete them. 1714 is a windows installer error. not the program itself. now install should be fine.

this also worked for all the installation errors i was getting like
"wizard was interrupted", cannot install, invalid installer, cant find "tmpg..._.msi" no matter how many times i browsed for it and told it exactly where it was!...package corrupt, etc.

Question - TE40 - Wont open downloaded AVI's so I can convert No.63658
mark_steele  2010-09-22 11:14:52 ( ID:fvg6olb5ns. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi all, I am trying to open movie files I have downloaded but it will not let me. The files are AVI's, or so it says.
I am using TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress version
I click on add file and then select my file and get the following.
The error message I am getting is
>Can not open video part of file C:\(file location and name).avi only the audio file can be opened.
When I click ok, nothing happens.
Why will it not open these files.

tkrave  2010-09-23 02:32:08 ( ID:rtaw9vhji5c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You most likely don't have the right codec for the video. Use a program like GSpot ( or MediaInfo ( to find out the proper codec.

Question - TAW4 - Burning Output Folder to disc No.63652
dansalcedo  2010-09-21 15:45:35 ( ID:tnrzkezayv. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I'm having a problem burning the output files to DVD. When I open the Disc Writing Tool and select Write Disc I get he following error:

Invalid Parameter. (00000b1f)

If I take the output folder and burn it with Windows it works fine. Just having problems burning within TMPGEnc AW4.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Request - TE40 - Can I use Frame serve? No.63651
HG TAN  2010-09-21 11:25:18 ( ID:opgp4jtk2yj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm using TMPGEnc 2.5 plus now, planning to upgrade to TMPGEnc XPress. SoI have tried the trial version but discovered that it can't accept the .vdr file frame served from VirtualDub.

Please advise.

Question - TAW4 - Exporting Subtitles No.63643
Waver  2010-09-20 09:12:35 ( ID:lndrqdrey76 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Anyway to export subtitles to use with other software?
for example avi or mov with alpha channel so we can use it with motion graphics software like Adobe after effects??


tkrave  2010-09-21 03:48:59 ( ID:rtaw9vhji5c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think you can only export subtitles you've created (either by typing them in manually or using a .srt file or something) then you can export them as an XML subtitle file (.xsubtitle) or a .subtitle file.

Waver  2010-09-26 18:31:36 ( ID:ggakdg4dnbw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for the answer!
I can export (.xsubtitle) file but I need to convert it to (srt), tried different subtitle software but it seems (.xsubtitle) is not compatible with other programs.

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