Pegasys Products BBS

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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 222 / 984 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TDA3 Recording DVDs for playing on a set-top DVD player kinsham 2 2010-07-09 00:39:37
Question TE40 "don't send" followed by "runtime error 204" message box. mishal 0 2008-10-19 20:51:23
Question TE40 Mishal mishal 1 2008-10-24 07:56:56
Question TME3 H.264/AVC thomas 1 2008-10-24 08:32:29
Question TDA3 How do I get subtitles in the output file? Don Crawford 1 2008-10-23 22:58:54
Question TDA3 Importing original menus with DVD Author 3 kinsham 1 2008-10-18 00:29:57
Question TMVS Jittery Picture et0609 1 2008-10-24 08:15:26
Free talk TE40 Basics macblob 0 2008-10-16 08:25:50
Question TE40 bluray mpg files and bitrate bo bennedsen 2 2009-04-28 10:53:43
Question TE40 Which program to use pete 1 2008-10-17 06:28:51
Question TE40 Demux mp4 audio/video streams? bmcfarl 2 2008-10-26 11:12:39
Question TE40 WHY there's no OFFICIALLY MODERATED TMPG FORUM? code_red 4 2009-08-31 05:23:40

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Question - TDA3 - Recording DVDs for playing on a set-top DVD player No.60794
kinsham  2008-10-20 14:55:17 ( ID:qpjq3cph0fl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've had some very mixed results from recording a DVD created by DVD Author 3 and playing them on a standard living room player box (a mid-range Toshiba sd3960 about 5 years old and also a friends box whose make I can't remember).

Some DVDs play, most just aren't recognized at all and I can't figure out where the problem lies, is it the source file type, the player box, my codecs, the DVD type?

DVD-R, DVD+RW give much the same mixed results. I haven't tried DVD+R yet, waiting for some to come. The VOBs always play just fine on various PC players (e.g. WMP, QT, WinDVD, Mark's DVD Tray player), so I end up with a lot of coasters!

Any experiences that may point to a solution? It would be nice to have a tool that could read the characteristics of an MPEG that works, versus one that doesn't.

myself  2008-10-24 08:22:47 ( ID:uexq2jhhhql )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If your DVD´s are well played at PC players it means is problem of
Toshiba sd3960 player, please try to check the playing settings or its specifications.
You may need to contact your Toshiba sd3960 player´s technical support.
I recommend you to first make sure to output your projects correctly then proceed to burn them, also use re-writable media in order to test, this is for avoid media waste disks.
good luck

javen  Home )  2010-07-09 00:39:37 ( ID:rwucyi5p5ho )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Joboshare DVD Copy

Question - TE40 - "don't send" followed by "runtime error 204" message box. No.58456
mishal  2008-10-19 20:51:23 ( ID:zslpla4yj/f )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've seen that whenever i try to convert more than 1 file thru this App it crashes with a "don't send" followed by "runtime error 204" message box. any clues ? I have xp.

Question - TE40 - Mishal No.58454
mishal  2008-10-19 20:50:27 ( ID:zslpla4yj/f )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've seen that whenever i try to convert more than 1 file thru this App it crashes with a "don't send" followed by "runtime error 204" message box. any clues ? I have xp.

myself  2008-10-24 07:56:56 ( ID:uexq2jhhhql )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Try to run the application as Administrator, also check about your codecs, its possible that you have broken one, XPress 4 reads all codecs installed in your PC so when one is broken, corrupted, limited edition, weird, or not compatible such crash tents to come out.
So try by uninstall codecs pack or trial codecs, those sometimes brings trouble.
good luck

Question - TME3 - H.264/AVC No.61151
thomas  2008-10-19 19:22:47 ( ID:jplr.nkuqb. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Will H.264 be supported?

myself  2008-10-24 08:32:29 ( ID:uexq2jhhhql )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I dont think so since this software is for Edition of MPEG format only.

good luck

Question - TDA3 - How do I get subtitles in the output file? No.60792
Don Crawford  2008-10-19 05:46:06 ( ID:h4u79hwvtbw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have successfully added subtitles in the edit mode, and these display on simulation, but they do not appear when I play back the output file. How can I fix this, please?

tkrave  2008-10-23 22:58:54 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Have you activated the subtitles? By default they won't appear, just like commercial DVDs, so you have to go to the subtitle or setup menu and activate the subtitle stream.

Question - TDA3 - Importing original menus with DVD Author 3 No.60790
kinsham  2008-10-17 22:21:20 ( ID:g4ajwquspuo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have some PAL DVDs that I'd like to make into exact copies but in NTSC format. Is it possible to import the original DVD menu, I don't see a way? Only the video clips get imported from the VIDEO_TS folder and I seem to have to create my own menu.

Bob  2008-10-18 00:29:57 ( ID:ucbus1wjjgl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This cannot be done in DVD Author and from my previous research, menus from existing DVDs cannot be re-used in new DVDs without some very complicated, technical processing.

Check here for some tools that can help do that:

Question - TMVS - Jittery Picture No.61232
et0609  2008-10-17 11:15:30 ( ID:4kuruui81ha )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have just converted an AVI to Apple tv format normal quality and the picture quality is good, however, I have repeated jittering throughout the entire movie. I also get picture freezes and the audio continues. Any Ideas what may be causign this?

myself  2008-10-24 08:15:26 ( ID:uexq2jhhhql )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think this could be related to your QT version, or you may need to re-install it or install another MPEG-4 AVC codec. Also if you have QT PRO could be a reason.
good luck

Free talk - TE40 - Basics No.58453
macblob  2008-10-16 08:25:50 ( ID:2srqdi1ahy6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have found this one site to help me with allot of my questions when it comes to dvd quality and conversion.

This site has been up since 2005 and it still holds true to this day.
- Introduction to DVD-Video
- Quick suggestions and concepts
- Video tips weblog
- Blank DVD/CD/VHS media guide

- Introduction to video capturing
- Understanding your source
- Playback hardware suggestions
- Capture MPEG with ATI AIW cards
- Capture AVI with ATI AIW cards
- Audio sync and dropped frames

- Removing commercials in MPEG
- Edit disc from DVD recorder
- Edit with Adobe Premiere

- Introduction to restoring video
- Hardware video filters
- TMPG software video filters
- Introduction to restoring audio
- SoundForge software audio filters

- Introduction to video conversion
- Encode MPEG with TMPGEnc
- Convert VCD to DVD
- Convert PAL/NTSC standards

- Introduction and authoring FAQ
- Make menus in Photoshop
- Blank DVD media quality guide
- Author with Sonic DVDit!
- Author with Ulead DVD Workshop
- Author with TMPGEnc DVD Author
- Burn DVD files: Nero

- Introduction to copying discs
- Copy a DVD5 with DVD Decrypter
- Copy a DVD9 with DVD Shrink
- Copy to VCD/SVCD/DVD by Sefy

- Introduction to buying video stuff
- DVD recorder reviews and tips
- Where to buy DVD cases/storage
- Where to buy DVD media

- Make DVD cases in Photoshop
- DVD player troubleshooting
- DVD burner troubleshooting

This will get you to reading allot. But it is worth it.

Question - TE40 - bluray mpg files and bitrate No.58450
bo bennedsen  2008-10-16 00:17:45 ( ID:p5zxqypzhim )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

does anyone know why the bitrate in the bluray output file is limited to a max of 25000 ? I have several bluray videos with over 35000 in bitrate.. so the quality is pour when I encode the videos! I have found out that the AVC codec/output is good but then the sound is OFF !?

myself  2008-10-17 07:14:51 ( ID:uexq2jhhhql )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I do not know the reason but may be its because its the limit standard?, I dont know, but you can try by MPEG-2 Video, NTSC, 1920x1080, then you can set 32000 as max. bitrate at the tamplate "Settings" button,
give it a try.
About the AVC its very weird, what could be the reason?, I also wonder, may be your source file is broken?, try to multiplex it at MPEG Tools.

good luck

chandna  Home )  2009-04-28 10:53:43 ( ID:eqqm9uw1g1h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You are right we can encode upto 32000 only. How to encode at 35000?
.mp4 is not a bluray compliant file. we need .avc only. How to get these ?

Question - TE40 - Which program to use No.58448
pete  2008-10-15 09:29:06 ( ID:wyttuazbina )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have an MPG video file that I want to extract the audio portion. I need to wind up with an .ac3 file so I can use it in DVDLab.

myself  2008-10-17 06:28:51 ( ID:uexq2jhhhql )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you file is a standard mpeg video try the following:
-1 Open the MPEG Tools, and input directly your mpeg file.
-2 If it could be correctly input, click the "Start" button to
Demultiplex your file (the output file must be in the same folder).
-3 You will get a separated .ac3 file from demultiplexer.

good luck

Question - TE40 - Demux mp4 audio/video streams? No.58445
bmcfarl  2008-10-14 19:11:24 ( ID:bkaydvxemxf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi Guys :-)

Is there anyway to demux mp4 files into their separate audio/video streams? I have an mp4 file who's audio needs to be increased. I thought demuxing, adjusting the audio, then re-muxing would be a great way of handling this.

Thanks for any help on this!

Bryan McFarland

myself  2008-10-17 06:25:46 ( ID:uexq2jhhhql )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think there is no way to demux mp4 files since they are not supported on the MPEG Tool, so I recommendo you first to encode it as mpeg, apply the demultiplexer then make the corrections and re-encode it as mpeg4.

good luck

Goglu2  2008-10-26 11:12:39 ( ID:n6qooho.hnn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Search for a tool named Yamb.

Question - TE40 - WHY there's no OFFICIALLY MODERATED TMPG FORUM? No.58440
code_red  2008-10-13 21:50:53 ( ID:yt0vpqc//92 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Dear TMPG Inc.,

your software products are really great - but your care about the TMPG community is a shame!

Are you not interested in what your customers have to say? Are you not interested in what your customers think and would like from you? Don't you think it's time to help your customers to help each other?

Take a look on this forum - its usability is very poor... it's simpy the opposite from all your software products takes care about.

So shame on you TMPG!

Are you not able to do this better than that?

C'mon guys... ;)

myself  2008-10-17 06:22:19 ( ID:uexq2jhhhql )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I do not think you are right, I think they just cant handle this forum because they are so busy (creating and developing their software) to be able attend all users requests, besides this is an OPEN forum for USERS its not a support center.
So I suggest you to be concern and reconsider on what you said.
TMPGEnc makes really good products and so they deserve respect.

good luck

worldcitizen9  2008-10-25 03:05:34 ( ID:3w5peyd5vu6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Since they have announced that they will be using CUDA technology for their products already an update is coming out next week. I received an email. I am very, very happy with their work behind the scenes so I am ready to overlook that they haven't much time for customer forums. I would rather have better technology and programs from them than just a better moderated forum because I need good programs for my work and their programs are very well done.

worldcitizen9  2008-10-31 15:42:15 ( ID:a3.ighi03ln )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

CUDA version is out!! Thanks heaps!!TMPGEnc are on the job and I really appreciate it.

AK  2009-08-31 05:23:40 ( ID:59s0uqd9i3g )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It is not a bad product, but if one is to remove rose colored glasses, one would see that less time would be spent by posting replies for all to see, rather than answering them individually.

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