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Does anybody know how to create a batch file manually?
I need to encode a load of MP3 audio plus seperate video files, and TMPGenc asks for editing conformation after each one i load - it will take me weeks to sit there and press OK after each one loads!
If anybody has the format, i can write a piece of code that i will make available for anyone.
Have you configured VOBSUB to automatically load when it detects subtitles?
Also are the subs in the same folder as the AVI and do they have exactly the same name as the AVI?
When VOBSUB is loaded you should see a green arrow in the right of the taskbar.
In addition to above. If TMPG then closes you have a codec problem. Install FFDSHOW and then ensure that directshow is top priority in the VFAPI plugins.
If all else fails you can get FFDSHOW to automatically add the subs for you.
Navigate to FFDSHOW in your programs menu and select 'Configuration'.
Scroll down to 'subtitles' and put a check in the box. On the right click 'Search in' then locate the folder that contains your subs. Now OK it.
Now when you load a movie into any program FFDSHOW will automatically load the subs for it as long as they have the same name as the movie.
3. Place the real media file in the root of your C: drive drive and rename it - AVsample.rm
4. Place a script like the one below in a text file and rename the text file - test.avs
(remember to change the 15 to the frame rate of YOUR file)
5. Now to check that you have done everything properly, load the test.avs file into mediplayer and play it.
If you have done it correctly it should play like any other media file.
Now go ahead and load it into TMPG.
*Now what do I do. Where do I upoad the AVS file into. Do I upload it in the video source or audio and do I have to change anything after that.
Hello i have some problem when i'm using merge & cut
why that when i try to merge two vcd files ( dat extension ) into mpeg1
i always get the result files only half the duration the original files
ex : my dat files duration is one hour then when tmpgenc convert to mpg
i only have a movie with 29 minutes duration
here is the step that i do
1. i download tmpgenc free version 2.5
2. i install it to my pc
3. i run the tmpgenc.exe, the i choose mpeg tools
4. click the merge & cut tab, then i add a asveqo01.dat file
5. browse to set the directory for output file
6. click run
7. show calculating video stream 1813.88 second
when it's done i check it always only result half duration of my original files.
what step do i miss ???
thanks for the help
hi use tmpgenc alot just for the mpeg tools to megre cut and demux svcd to convert them to dvd later on but i find it takes alot for me to sit there and do it all. is there any way that a command line can u loaded in to a batch file for the mpeg tools?
hey, ive tried different versions such as the free version and also the plus version which i have now, no matter what avi i try it comes up with that same thing "can not open file, or unsupported" I used to have the free version on this computer before my hard drive crashed and now on this new hard drive I can't seem to get it to convert any avi's. If anyone can help please feel free to email me or comment on here.
p.s. I trieda Matroska file and it seemed to work, though i didn't go through the process of converting them.
Hello, I just downloaded tmpge 2.5 and I was trying to edit out a couple of frames from a small 10 second clip I have. The problem is that before I took out a few frames the file size was around 988kb and then after I edited it and made it shorter the file size grew to 1.64mb. Im trying to keep the size under 1mb, what are the things I can do to reduce the file size? Keep in mind im a noob and am working in the wizard mode.
When I start the wizard I have ntsc/cbr standard format,
next I have non interlace/4:3 525 line [ntc, 704x480],
next under other settings I have mpeg 1 video - 352x240 - frame rate=29.97 - rate control mode=cbr - bitrate=1150 - vbv buff size=40kb - motion precision=normal.
I see where I can unlock the bitrate and tried lowering it along with estimating the file size I want but it didnt work.
I just downloaded TMPGEnc (free version) and tried to set the source file to an mpeg-2 file created by VideoReDo. I get the error:
Microsoft Visual C++ Library
Runtime Error!
Program: C:TMPGEnc.exe
-pure virtual function call
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
I was converting an avi file encoded with Xvid to an SVCD compatible mpg using the wizard (I'm using newest free tmpgenc available in downloads section) The original size was 640x480, so i chose 1:1 VGA source as recommended, then (while following an online guide I went to the advanced tab in the expert settings and selected "full screen (keep aspect ratio)" <-- the first one. Then after it was done I burned it using VCDeasy as an svcd, and when i played it a small section from the bottom (and maybe top and sides) did not appear on my tv, cutting off part of the bottom line of the subtitles (they are part of the video not separate file). Afterword i burned another svcd doing all the same things except i chose "center (keep aspect ratio)" but the same problem occured, can someone help me out? Thanks!
(btw..I am using a toshiba sd-3960.. I THINK im not sure but it looks like the picture on the toshiba website)
You ran into the overscan problem... Every TV cut's of a part of the Picture, that's normal.
A second problem is the use of ANY kind of Keep aspect ratio - MPEG2-Files never do have an AR of 1:1, so i can't be the correct choice.
If you have 640x480 without any black bars as Target, just use Full screen - simply Full screen, nothing else.
I have some videos of the Laguna Seca Race that I recorded with my ATI 8500 DV. They are in MPEG 2 format but when I try to open in TMPGENC it says it's not supported. What gives?
I need to but out the commercials and shrink the video size to fit on DVD 4.7GB.
I use TMPGEnc 2.5 to encode my Adobe Premiere AVI outputs (uncompressed) to MPG for DVD. The AVI video from Adobe is 720x480 with 48 KHz, 16 bit audio. Within TMPGEnc, I select NTSC high resolution (720x480) with CBR Linear PCM audio. If I continue to select the defaults in the following menus, I only get about 60 minutes on a 4.7 GB DVD. Yet the claim is I can get about 2 hours. What am I doing wrong?
Forgive my ignorance, folks. I forgot to mention one of the defaults is the video bit rate is about 8000 kbits/sec. I read somewhere that this can be lowered, which would allow more video footage to be put on the DVD. Is this advisable - how low can I go?
OK..OK..OK...before some of you start harping on me for not thoroughly searching the forum, I'm doing that. I saw a post from Ashy that 2000 kbit/sec is the lower limit for DVD capability. So I'll use that as a guide in future compressions. Start at 8000 kbits/sec and lower enough to get below 4.7 GB, or to 2000 kbits/sec, whichever comes first.
A 2 hour film will easily fit a regular DVD if you use the right settings.
For a start as B_racer said do not use PCM. It uses far too much space. Use MP2 audio instead and set the bitrate to 224Kb/s.
CQ VBR will give you the best quality vs filesize. If the movie is not particularly packed with action then you could easily get away with reducing the max bitrate to 6000 Kb/s without any noticible loss in quality.