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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 618 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 Mpeg conversion problems Brookfresh 4 2002-12-10 10:59:54
Question TE25 tmpgenc muxed mpeg smaller then with mpeg2vcr 3.1 jetty 2 2002-12-10 08:41:13
Question TE25 i need help learning to encode leon 4 2002-12-09 22:26:05
Question TE25 Sound cuts off Shawshank 1 2002-12-09 21:02:32
Question TE25 picture quality Skaarebord122 0 2002-12-09 01:15:35
Question TE25 George Skaarebord122 0 2002-12-08 23:26:39
Question TE25 unsupported file .avi???? bjorn b 2 2002-12-09 22:19:33
Question TE25 frame counter error? Mark 1 2002-12-09 22:17:38
Question TE25 Video freezes! jgraham95 1 2002-12-09 22:16:30
Question TE25 Editting problem the clock in TMPG is off spiderman2k1 0 2002-12-08 20:43:15
Question TE25 partial video encoding macyman 1 2002-12-09 22:13:29
Question TE25 How to convert VHS to VCD eliman 1 2002-12-08 21:11:00

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Question - TE25 - Mpeg conversion problems No.31696
Brookfresh  2002-12-09 10:43:32 ( ID:pc0of8z2isc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi all.
I have copied a file from a VCD onto my hard-drive with plans to create a DVD. However, the file is a .mpeg but it wont be recognised by any software I have - except DVD workshop and I only ave a trial version of this program so thats no use.

I tried using TMPG and it says it is unsupported. Could anyone help me out here its very frustrating.

minion  2002-12-09 22:38:36 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

First Off why would you want to Make a DVD Out of a VCD??The Quality if the Resulting DVD will Be Less than The Original VCD, Just because the Movie is on a DVD Doesn"t make it any better Quality..The Quality will be even worse if you Resize the VCD resolution of "352+240" to a Standard DVD Resolution of "720+480"...From What I understand the Trial Version of "Ulead DVD Workshop" works exactly the same as the Full version accept that it runs out in 30 days, that is for the 1.2 version..I have the Full 1.3 version and it works great...If the VCD File was Ripped of a VCD Disk then you might be able to get Tmpgenc to read the File if you try to Run the Mpeg1 file through the "Simple Multi-Plex", this should re-write the Header so the file might be easier to read..You can also raise the Priority of the "Microsoft Mpeg1 file reader" in the "Vfapi Plugins" and raiseing the "Direct show File Reader" Might help also...But If I were you I would Keep the VCD a VCD and Make DVD"s out of Higher Quality sources and with Resolutions that are closer to the Mpeg standard, But you can also Burn DVD"s as 352+240 and 352+480 But not all Authoring Programs support these DVD Resolutions....

jetty  2002-12-09 22:50:14 ( ID:cai47j4msd6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

DVDWS trial version 1.2 is fully functional 30 days. If you hurry you can manage maybe with your goal of a VCD.

Brookfresh  2002-12-10 10:50:13 ( ID:pc0of8z2isc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for the advice.
The reason I am burning VCD files to DVD is because my DVD player in the front room wont play them, it will play DVD+R however.
I did as you suggested and used the MPeg tools to multiplex the files.
After I multiplexed the Mpeg files I used NeoDVD+4 to burn the DVD successfully, however when I played it on my DVD player there was no sound. There is sound when played through my computer though!
Is there perhaps a setting I need to be aware of for the sound.

My front room player is a pioneer DVK101 by the way, its getting on a bit now and I spent a lot of money on a new PC with a DVD burner so I cant replace it for a while.

Brookfresh  2002-12-10 10:59:54 ( ID:pc0of8z2isc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for the advice.
The reason I am burning VCD files to DVD is because my DVD player in the front room wont play them, it will play DVD+R however.
I did as you suggested and used the MPeg tools to multiplex the files.
After I multiplexed the Mpeg files I used NeoDVD+4 to burn the DVD successfully, however when I played it on my DVD player there was no sound. There is sound when played through my computer though!
Is there perhaps a setting I need to be aware of for the sound.

My front room player is a pioneer DVK101 by the way, its getting on a bit now and I spent a lot of money on a new PC with a DVD burner so I cant replace it for a while.

Question - TE25 - tmpgenc muxed mpeg smaller then with mpeg2vcr 3.1 No.31693
jetty  2002-12-09 09:31:42 ( ID:cai47j4msd6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Does anyone knows why Tmpgenc muxed m2v and m2p final stream is less Mb the the one with mpeg2vcr?
Difference is 3-4 Mb less per 500Mb. Extracting padding stream from mpeg2vcr muxed system stream is similar amount of 3-4 Mb bigger. Likely it's the answer.
But what is meaning behind it?
Is it a good idea to remux with Tmpgenc mpeg2vcr muxed streams in order to get smaller file and as I guess, also of a better quality, when there isn't any uneccesary information.


minion  2002-12-09 22:27:44 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Mpeg VCR has a problem with adding extra Padding to a File...With me If I use Mpeg2VCR to Edit or Mux Files It adds to much padding that The Files are Useless unless you remove the Padding..For some reason If I add a 750mb Video file and a 50mb Audio file to the Muxer I usually end up with a File that is over 2gb, the same thing happens with Edited files..So Consider yourself lucky Cuz you aren"t getting very much padding to your Files compared to Me...

jetty  2002-12-10 08:41:13 ( ID:cai47j4msd6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Couldn't it work also in other cases to get rid of tons of extra padding?
I mean that when tmpgenc refuses to mux then I mux with mpg2vcr31 and remux then once again (mpg system stream) with tmpgenc and then resulting mpg is some Mb smaller, that is the point when I posted the question here.

Question - TE25 - i need help learning to encode No.31688
leon  2002-12-09 06:05:53 ( ID:zd6plgnioum )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i am new and i dont know what all files i can encode and what ones i cant and i need to know how to use the encoder if anyone can help me id really like that.

bjorn b  2002-12-09 16:09:16 ( ID:d.z2bgmtbrk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

what do you need help with?

leon  2002-12-09 21:29:42 ( ID:zd6plgnioum )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

when i download it is it soposed to be juat a file no loader because if so i need to know how do work the file?

minion  2002-12-09 22:24:21 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When you Download Tmpgenc there should Be a Bunch of files,Take ALL of these Files and Put them in a Folder..To run the Program you Just double click the "Tmpgenc.exe" file...Tmpgenc Mostly encodes AVI file formats to Mpeg But it also accepts Mpeg1 files and Mpeg2 files if you have the Proper Mpeg2 decoder installed, it also works sometimes with WMV and ASF Files and you can encode MOV File if you have a Certain Plugin...To encode a File is Self explanitory If you use the "Wizard".....

tiring_day  2002-12-09 22:26:05 ( ID:mk8pw3dua56 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ] is a good place to start, will help you with the basics.


Question - TE25 - Sound cuts off No.31686
Shawshank  2002-12-09 05:48:56 ( ID:625o1vwzpoc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am converting .avi files to mpeg. There is perfectly fine audio on all avi files., but when I try to convert some of them, The audio cuts out :30 into the movie. I looked up the video screen in the wisard's "Source" option and the program seems to verify this problem by indicating no audio after the first 20 seconds or some of the movie. PLEASE HELP!

Cyber_GELF  2002-12-09 21:02:32 ( ID:d9iizo2w1fg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

convert the audio to WAV first using a different prog like Vdub then convert that... It seems to work for all the ones that cut the audio out...

Question - TE25 - picture quality No.31685
Skaarebord122  2002-12-09 01:15:35 ( ID:z/8ecsfy4kj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How do i convert my avi file to the best quality mpg format video because when I convert my avi to mpg using the program the sharpness of the picture slightly decreases?

Question - TE25 - George No.31684
Skaarebord122  2002-12-08 23:26:39 ( ID:z/8ecsfy4kj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How do i convert my avi file to the best quality mpg format video because when I convert my avi to mpg using the program the sharpness of the picture slightly decreases?

Question - TE25 - unsupported file .avi???? No.31681
bjorn b  2002-12-08 23:16:03 ( ID:d.z2bgmtbrk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I´m trying to encode a video clip. I have captured a 4Gb .avi file from DV-tape. But the program (tmpgen) says it´s not a supported filetype! I can encode the SOUND of the file, but can not even drag the filmclip into the tmpgenc program. I can encode smaller movies (such as 300Mb). Is there a sizelimit in tmpgenc?
thanks for your help.

bjorn b  2002-12-09 16:02:56 ( ID:d.z2bgmtbrk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

by the way, i am using TMPG Enc Plus v

minion  2002-12-09 22:19:33 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Have you Tried raiseing the "Direct Show File Reader"??

Question - TE25 - frame counter error? No.31679
Mark  2002-12-08 22:55:53 ( ID:/yifckrefb. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Why would TMPGEnc only recognize the first 8400 frames of a 100,000 frame dv-avi file?

The avi is added as the video source, the frame counter only reads as 8460, even though the file itself exceeds 100,000 frames...

Any ideas?

minion  2002-12-09 22:17:38 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Try useing the Source Range to set the start and end points of the File, this has Worked with Simular Problems in the Past...

Question - TE25 - Video freezes! No.31677
jgraham95  2002-12-08 20:52:27 ( ID:82zqdopxre6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Im having problems when encoding! Im encoding avi to mpg layer1 files but alot of the time when the encoding gets to about 50% the video freezes but the audio continues. When i burn it to disc as a VCD it plays fine but when it gets to 50% the video stays still and the audio still encodes. Does ny1 know whats causing this and how i can correct it? thanks in advance

minion  2002-12-09 22:16:30 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

There could be an error in the Source file at the Place were it stops encodeing, You can try encodeing again a few frames after were it stopped encodeing and Join the 2 parts together with the "Merge & Cut"..If you are encodeing a Movie you Downloaded off the Net then that is Probably the Problem Cuz Many Files have errors in them after they have been downloaded a Few times...

Question - TE25 - Editting problem the clock in TMPG is off No.31676
spiderman2k1  2002-12-08 20:43:15 ( ID:bxxga/fh0ck )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a file 4.02 gig's TMPG can see the file from start to finish but when you snip the file to edit the clock can only see 40 minute's of video and I can not edit more then 40 minute's any help thank's

Question - TE25 - partial video encoding No.31674
macyman  2002-12-08 18:50:48 ( ID:gudtsnnmqtw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I an encoding an .avi XVID file.
It works fine up until around frame
23000 (out of 87000), then although I
do NOT get an error message with TMPGE,
it appears to continue but the video just
sits there. In other words, the video stops
getting encoded, although it shows that TMPGE is
actually running through the frames, however in the
end only the sound continues in the mpeg file.
The original .avi seems fine.
Anybody know what this could be?

minion  2002-12-09 22:13:29 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

There is Probably an error In the AVI File were it stops encodeing...There isn"T much you can do about it Accept Maybe you can Try to frameserve the File to Tmpgenc with Something Like "Virtual Dub"...Or you can use the Source Range in the Advanced Settings to Start encodeing again a few frames after were it stopped encodeing then Join the 2 parts together with the "Merge & Cut"....

Question - TE25 - How to convert VHS to VCD No.31672
eliman  2002-12-08 17:40:15 ( ID:v8lpfz/r2rc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I want to know if there is any possible way i can convert my VHS to VCD format and if so how. Please reply to me quickly.
Thank You.

ASHY  2002-12-08 21:11:00 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

you need a capture card to capture the video to a format such as AVI then use TMPG to encode.


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