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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 619 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 Resume? Alexander 0 2002-12-08 15:56:43
Question TE25 playback Alexander 0 2002-12-08 13:32:57
Question TE25 underflow of xxx xxxx s packets jetty 0 2002-12-08 12:04:17
Question TE25 audio during preview? e 1 2002-12-08 11:09:34
Request TE25 TMPGEnc template for Pocket PC gladel 0 2002-12-08 03:09:25
Question TE25 audio during preview? e 2 2002-12-08 15:46:33
Question TE25 m2v Video stream not accepted jetty 0 2002-12-07 23:48:13
Question TE25 XVid encoding macyman 0 2002-12-07 21:49:21
Question TE25 mpgs gael8739 5 2002-12-08 17:19:29
Question TE25 Edit merge item jetty 2 2002-12-07 23:42:43
Question TE25 avi to mpeg poiquiop 1 2002-12-07 21:10:03
Bug report TE25 scanline out of range vinaking 0 2002-12-07 15:09:19

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Question - TE25 - Resume? No.31671
Alexander  2002-12-08 15:56:43 ( ID:2x22b6ydf8j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Just wanna ask 2 questions:first,when i am changing a movie ,avi to mpeg,it

always takes 1h20min+,well is it possible to stop the decoding and resume

later.And second question:whats inverse telecine???Is it important?what is it?

Question - TE25 - playback No.31670
Alexander  2002-12-08 13:32:57 ( ID:hq6ue3/uega )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

HI,i've recorded my avi to mpeg's then i've recorded them in a CD as vcd's.

But the thing is,when i play it in my dvd player it does work but when i press

rewind or forward the sound goes off but the video is still on.So the only way

i can see my movies properly is that i look at them from the beggining at the

end.So can anyone help me on this problem.I would really appreciet that.

Question - TE25 - underflow of xxx xxxx s packets No.31669
jetty  2002-12-08 12:04:17 ( ID:cai47j4msd6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks to helpful partipiciants of this forum I'm managed to overcome most problems.

This theme seems to have been discussed earlier here but still I couldn't find any covering overview.
I hope it is the last issue wich I'm facing with my clips, extracted from several different video titles there are some which TPMGenc multiplexer reports that there is buffer underflow of xxx s packets.

Do I can repair this somehow?

Let say there is usually a clip of 5-10 minutes at bitrate 5000 and the amount of named underflow buffers s packets is 150 000. Audio has been mp2, which I have converted from ac3 streams. But I cheked also the video stream alone, without any audio and still there was the same amount (minus 2000-3000). I have compared also to normal pure video streams and there is still 0, when muxed without audio. Seems rather many, while usually there has been less, 10-15 s packets if any. As amount differs more then 10000x it's weird. These clips play elswhere normally.


Question - TE25 - audio during preview? No.31667
e  2002-12-08 03:12:48 ( ID:o9bgigj6qgg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

should i hear the audio during the preview? it doesn't and i'm wondering if there is a problem.

ASHY  2002-12-08 11:09:34 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Request - TE25 - TMPGEnc template for Pocket PC No.31666
gladel  2002-12-08 03:09:25 ( ID:9cy6w7pzhnc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

is there a downloadable pocket pc template for tmpgenc?

Question - TE25 - audio during preview? No.31663
e  2002-12-08 02:45:45 ( ID:o9bgigj6qgg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

should i hear the audio during the preview? it doesn't and i'm wondering if there is a problem.

tiring_day  2002-12-08 03:15:21 ( ID:xyu/largcr. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I take it you mean when encoding, if so then no.


ASHY  2002-12-08 15:46:33 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No he is referring to the preview and no there isn't any sound when using it.


Question - TE25 - m2v Video stream not accepted No.31662
jetty  2002-12-07 23:48:13 ( ID:cai47j4msd6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How to urge TMPGenc to support video streams which are slightly erratic somehow but software and DVD settop players still play without any problem these.
How to improve TMPGenc tolerance?

My problems started from the fact that I used year ago Chopper named DVD video cutter which corrupted every 2nd DVD clip file on a way that now Tmpgenc nor Vobedit can't split a video stream what Tmpgenc could multiplex later with audio. My goal is mostly to clean vob clips and multiplex again for burning onto dvdr.

Both origianl vob and splitted m2v play with software palyers and on setop player - but for TMPGenc these video streams are nothing ...

Help appreciated!

Question - TE25 - XVid encoding No.31661
macyman  2002-12-07 21:49:21 ( ID:gmkjvginmbj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have encoded a few xvid movies with
TMPGE by simply changing the enviromental
settings as follows:
Directshow ....3
TMPGE Project...-2
all others....0

It worked for the first half of my movie
but when I do the same for the second
it stops after about 20 minutes with an
error message.
Any suggestions?

Question - TE25 - mpgs No.31655
gael8739  2002-12-07 20:16:15 ( ID:anoz9rmzeel )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok, here is what I have now figured out. My dvd player does not support vcd playback, but does support mpg playback. However, some mpgs don't play, it just makes a ticking sound and nothing happens. My problem is that I can't seem to distinguish any differences between mpgs that work and ones that won't. Does anybody have any advice? Why would some work but others won't?


minion  2002-12-07 21:19:29 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I"m sure there are Standards to What files the Player will play, Contact the DVD Players Manufacturer and ask them when the Mpeg standard for the types of Mpeg files it will play...Maybe it only plays Mpeg1 files?? or Files of a Certain Resolution and Bitrate and audio frequency..Haveing a Player that Only plays Mpeg files can Be Quite a Hassle Cuz You can"t Add menu"s or Chapters to the files to make them More enjoyable to watch and in Your Case you can"t figure out what Type of Files it will play, Maybe try getting a Player that palys VCD?SVCD"s instead of Mpeg file then you will know what you have to do to Get it to play your Movie...

Gael8739  2002-12-07 22:38:35 ( ID:anoz9rmzeel )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for the advice, I've tried contacting the manufacturer, but have not heard back yet.

Gael8739  2002-12-08 00:48:04 ( ID:anoz9rmzeel )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok, now I feel like a complete moron. I figured out what my problem was. Apparently all of my discs were burned in Joliet format instead of ISO 9960. After reburning them in ISO every single mpg file works perfectly. Man, I feel like a complete newbie now.

Thanks for the help anyways guys. This forum is awesome.

ASHY  2002-12-08 11:03:03 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think it's pretty unlikely that your DVD player doesn't support VCD playback if it supports Raw MPEG playback.

What model of player do you have?
How have you tried to create these VCD's, what templates have you used in TMPG and which VCD burning software did you use.


Dereck  2002-12-08 17:19:29 ( ID:anoz9rmzeel )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

My player is an Apex ad1200 (#D1200020805). What I read from various people on another forum ( was: Apparently this model used to have VCD support but Apex wasn't paying royalties for the rights so they had to removed it. The outside of my player and the box it came in didn't say anything about VCDs at all. However, since I've now figured out how to play raw mpgs, I don't need to worry about VCDs. I did try making 2 different VCD discs before. I used the Tmpgenc template to convert the avi and then Nero to burn to disc. When I tried it in my DVD player, it just returned an "Unknown Disc" error. Although, it is possible that I did something wrong in the VCD process, I don't know. I have heard from several others with the same player that it does not support VCDs, but it will play raw mpgs. Again, I very new at this and I could be completely wrong, but I'm just going by what others have told me.


Question - TE25 - Edit merge item No.31652
jetty  2002-12-07 18:35:11 ( ID:cai47j4msd6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Sorry to ask again. Please can someone sugest how to preview the video I want to cut. I tried with both codecs but still no sucess.
Most of time the preview window remains black or freezed frame in there.
Tempgenc is only application what I know and can also use, what is capable properly cutting mpg streams. I can't use any other methos to get range time because in the 20% from beginning there is a bad frame what I need to cut off.
But this Tempgenc Mpeg Tools preview don't work with any mpefg2 clips properly.

I hope anyone can help me with this Merge and Cut tool.


minion  2002-12-07 21:13:54 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Like I said in your Other post There is much you can do..and Tmpgenc Doesn"t Accurately Cut Files even when it is Working properly Especially if they are VBR Cuz the Merge & Cut does not support VBR Mpeg files...Try useing a Different Mpeg editor Like even "Womble Mpeg-VCR", you can download a Older Working full version at in the Tools section...

jetty  2002-12-07 23:42:43 ( ID:cai47j4msd6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for mpeg2vcr info.
I finally managed to cut also with Tmpegenc but didn't get desired results ...
Neither Mpeg2vcr doesn't support AC3, so I had considered going back few steps .. or does mpeg2vcr 3.1 can be added ac3 support?


Question - TE25 - avi to mpeg No.31650
poiquiop  2002-12-07 16:24:07 ( ID:r1uuw7ztgnw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

hi. i am tying to convert avi to mpeg in svcd ntsc-film format. its not working. i select the avi file i want and it tells me it cannot open or its uncupported. so i try it with decompressed audio. same message. but, i can put my avi file into the audio box just fine.

any help please


minion  2002-12-07 21:10:03 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Did you try raiseing the "Direct show File reader" in the Vfapi plugins"???

Bug report - TE25 - scanline out of range No.31649
vinaking  2002-12-07 15:09:19 ( ID:ixm5nb9rodk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I keep getting the error message "Index of scanline is out of range" whenever I try to convert to SVCD PAL. Any suggestions?

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