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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 581 / 984 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 minion check the other post BH 0 2003-01-09 06:29:43
Question TE25 curious enoy 1 2003-01-09 08:16:14
Question TE25 Movie Maker 2 or Media Player 9 or Codec Pack? Proch 3 2003-01-09 22:03:45
Question TE25 Movie Maker 2 or Media Player 9 or Codec Pack? Proch 0 2003-01-09 03:34:49
Question TE25 Analyzing... Skyby 4 2003-01-10 05:21:50
Question TE25 Max. bitrate 2520 Viawise 2 2003-01-09 09:48:57
Question TE25 vob2audio out of sync problems AdonisXX 4 2003-01-10 16:49:45
Question TE25 strange video output Waltsdog 0 2003-01-08 21:38:12
Question TE25 My Problem (for Minion and others) BH 6 2003-01-09 08:05:36
Question TE25 2.5 Plus Merge and Cut bug using NT 4.0? msimonds 0 2003-01-08 19:53:46
Question TE25 JPEG to MPEG conversion Peter Erbar 5 2003-01-09 21:16:39
Question TE25 TMPG Crashes when Importing a VOB file Digiguru 2 2003-01-09 00:36:48

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Question - TE25 - minion check the other post No.33120
BH  2003-01-09 06:29:43 ( ID:knkidtxkexh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

help me, you seem to know what you are doing

Question - TE25 - curious No.33118
enoy  2003-01-09 06:23:23 ( ID:wewzsznh11h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

can i go from SVCD to VCD with this program?

Minion  2003-01-09 08:16:14 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes you can ..but the best way to do it with this Program is to First Use DVD2AVI to Make a D2V file from the Video and it will De-Mux the audio.. then load the D2V file into Tmpgenc as the Video and Don"t encode the audio Cuz the audio from the SVCD file is allready in the Correct Format for VCD and encodeing it will Just degrade the Quality..and select "Video Only" in the "Stream settings" ,Now encode it to VCD and when it is Done encodeing Just Use the "Simple Multiplex" in the Mpeg tools to Mux the video you just encoded with the Audio that was De-Muxed By DVD2AVI....

Question - TE25 - Movie Maker 2 or Media Player 9 or Codec Pack? No.33114
Proch  2003-01-09 03:37:44 ( ID:uy2d9plrddh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, I went to WindowsUpdate and installed the following (for Windows XP Pro):

Movie Maker 2
Media Player 9
Codec Pack

I have read many people talking about being unable to open their .avi files and the reply is always "raise directshow to 2", but this isn't working for me. I'm wondering which of the things I installed broke my encoding, and what can I do to fix it besides uninstalling?


Proch  2003-01-09 03:47:29 ( ID:uy2d9plrddh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ignore this... The answer is that you must close and rerun the application for the settings to take effect...

Minion  2003-01-09 05:42:08 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You Shouldn"t install Media Player 9 Cuz you might not be able to Encode with Tmpgenc after words, I had to Do a System restore after it screwed up My system...

ASHY  2003-01-09 22:03:45 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yep, Media player9 = crap. Caused all sorts of strange happenings on my PC and not just encoding related.


Question - TE25 - Movie Maker 2 or Media Player 9 or Codec Pack? No.33113
Proch  2003-01-09 03:34:49 ( ID:uy2d9plrddh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, I went to WindowsUpdate and installed the following (for Windows XP Pro):

Movie Maker 2
Media Player 9
Codec Pack

I have read many people talking about being unable to open their .avi files and the reply is always "raise directshow to 2", but this isn't working for me. I'm wondering which of the things I installed broke my encoding, and what can I do to fix it besides uninstalling?


Question - TE25 - Analyzing... No.33108
Skyby  2003-01-08 23:14:24 ( ID:f26/7jfl7lg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've been encoding afew videos using TMPGEnc. I notice that
the program does not do the actual encoding up to 50%...but it says "analyzing..." instead. My questions are what exact does it analyze? Why does it take that long to do it (the same amount of time to that of the actual encoding)? Is there a way to disable this to cut short the time?

Thanks for any inputs.


dankescheen  Home )  2003-01-09 00:42:11 ( ID:sr.dep3dv1. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is only in 2-pass.
1st pass : the encoder is analyzing the Video and logs the scenechanges, etc
2nd pass : encoding to mpg.

Same prodcedure as DivX 2Pass Encoding

Greetings from germany

Minion  2003-01-09 03:12:26 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

HEY You..You asked this same Question 3 times..And it was answered The First Time you Posted so Dont Do Multiple Posts...ok

Skyby  2003-01-10 05:20:01 ( ID:f26/7jfl7lg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That's weird because i only posted it once...but i did hit reload on my IE a couple times, maybe there's a bug in the scripting. well sorry for any inconvenience i have caused.

Skyby  2003-01-10 05:21:50 ( ID:f26/7jfl7lg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

oh and thank you, dankecheen, for the reply :) cheers

Question - TE25 - Max. bitrate 2520 No.33105
Viawise  Home )  2003-01-08 23:07:23 ( ID:bdlfyrnbrpw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi everybody,

I read a lot of articles in this bbs, but can't find anything about the maximum bitrate. I am trying to make good quality svcd's and as I read here the 'constant quality' setting is the best one. Regardless what setting I use it is not possible to set the max. bitrate higher then 2520 kbits/sec. This results in unacceptable quality. I have TMPGEnc 2.58. Could someone please tell me what to do?

Thanks in advance!

dankescheen  Home )  2003-01-09 00:32:36 ( ID:sr.dep3dv1. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is very easy...
Load the template "unlock" (it's in folder extra, now you can change these settings & much more. Or you can open the svcd-template with a text-editor and change the settings from true to false.

Greetings from germany

Viawise  Home )  2003-01-09 09:48:57 ( ID:bdlfyrnbrpw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thank you very much (meinem herzlichen dank!)
it works!

Question - TE25 - vob2audio out of sync problems No.33100
AdonisXX  2003-01-08 22:20:16 ( ID:l6kfunnawgr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i use vob2audio and smartripper for my audio files. On the finished product-(my DVD) the video and audio is out of sync. So i must be ripping the wrong audio file. Can some tell me what i should have checked and unchecked in the stream processing window in smartripper? Thanks guys!

ASHY  2003-01-08 22:47:40 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You shouldn't uncheck anything. Just leave smartripper at the default 'Movie'

I also have just recently had your problem. Each time I ripped the audio it was slighly out of sync. It was solved by re-installing VOB2AUDIO and re-ripping the audio again to a wav.


AdonisXX  2003-01-09 17:04:56 ( ID:prmtit7h6tf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks Ashy, that worked perfect!-if i could only choose the right audio file the first time every time:)

ASHY  2003-01-09 21:08:32 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You can. You should always choose the English 6 channel Ac3 track.

Look in the folder where you have ripped VOBs to. In here will be a text file with a name similar to vts_01_INFO.txt.
Open this file and look where it says 'Stream info'. There will be a list of streams. Usually the second stream is the one to choose with a number such as [0x80].
Choose this same number in VOB2AUDIO.


AdonisXX  2003-01-10 16:49:45 ( ID:nikgot0jusn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks ASH all your information has been very helpful!

Question - TE25 - strange video output No.33099
Waltsdog  2003-01-08 21:38:12 ( ID:anoz9rmzeel )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I have a small avi that I'm trying to convert to mpg, but I keep getting an unusual video output. The top 1/3 of the video will freeze on the first frame and the bottom 2/3 will play, but only in grey, inverted, and with several vertical distortion lines.

The avi is:
24 bits
29.97 fps
divx codec

What's happening? Does anybody have any suggestions on how I could fix this problem? Thanks.

Question - TE25 - My Problem (for Minion and others) No.33092
BH  2003-01-08 21:09:35 ( ID:knkidtxkexh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Alright here is my problem. I have the South Park movie, 403 Mb, and i want to put it all on one cd, but when i go to burn it on Sonic My Dvd it blows up to 5.33 GB. So i called HP and explained the problem he recommended tmpgenc, but i havent been able to do anything with it. I've encoded it multiple times with different settings and still it comes out to be 5.33GB. What do you recommend doing?

Specs: Image: 720*420
Audio: bit rate: 128 kbps
audio format: MPEG Layer-3
Video: frame rate: 23/s
data rate: 84 kbps
video compression: divx codec

Need to know anything else to help me?

Thanx for trying to help


Minion  2003-01-08 21:38:41 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

OK...How Big is the File After you encode it ???? Before you Load it into "My DVD"??? and How long is the Source AVI File??? The Size if the AVI file Does not mean anything it is the Length and the Bitrate used to encode it to Mpeg that will determine the Output size..

Rick  2003-01-08 21:44:36 ( ID:vnn0pdu4aag )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This really shouldn't be a problem. I posted what i do for this in Divx->(s)vcd thread. This will get you started as far as setting up your computer. You should be able to get 60 minutes of very good quality in SVCD format to fit one 80 minute CD-r. More than 60 minutes I go to another disk.


BH  2003-01-08 23:36:21 ( ID:knkidtxkexh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i've done it multiple times the lowest it was was i believe 2.23GB, the movie is 1:21:14, i don't know the bit rate for sure but didn't i already give you that. Rick we are talking dvd's here not vcds of svcds

Minion  2003-01-09 03:08:54 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

OK...If the Movie is 2.23gb after you are done encodeing it with Tmpgenc then that is all it should take up on the DVD...Something Is happening with MyDVD that is Increaseing the Size of the File..Is MyDVD re-encodeing the File Before it attempts to burn it to Disk??? Cuz that is Probably what is happenning and MyDVD Could be Useing the Max Mitrate allowed for DVD and that is why the file is getting to Big..Cuz If the Mpeg file is only 2.23gb then it will only take up that much on a DVD...

BH  2003-01-09 03:11:21 ( ID:knkidtxkexh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

ok i'll try it again but if it doesn't work what software do you use to burn dvd's

Minion  2003-01-09 08:05:36 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Generally speaking if your Mpeg file is totally DVD Compliant then it should Not get re-encoded By the authoring program ,But that is not allways true Cuz Some Programs are Pickier than others when it comes to what the Program thinks is compliant and Sonic Products are Extremely Picky..I usually use "Ulead DVD Workshop 1.2 or 1.3" it is Very easy to use and It seems to accept Most Mpeg files as Long as they are 720+480 and have 48KHZ audio ,were Sonic looks for a Sequence header before each GOP and it has to have the exact Mux rate and Gop structure or it will re-encode ..

Question - TE25 - 2.5 Plus Merge and Cut bug using NT 4.0? No.33091
msimonds  Home )  2003-01-08 19:53:46 ( ID:1h.up.fdu/a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

We are trying out TMPGEnc 2.5 plus, and just purchased the retal version.

On my Windows 2000 machine at home, the program runs great!

However, at work, we have a NT 4.0 sp6a machine, which is the machine that will house our retail copy.

When trying to open a program stream .mpg with the "edit" button in "Merge and Cut", we get an error message that says "Unable to open with Direct Show" and gives a detail message that is a bunch of characters (assuming the detail is meant to be in Japanese).

I have no problems of any kind on my windows 2000 machine, and the merge and cut so far sems to be the only problem on our NT machine.

Any suggestions?


Question - TE25 - JPEG to MPEG conversion No.33085
Peter Erbar  2003-01-08 17:50:21 ( ID:aiwmpwtiaxj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I use TMPEnc to covert JPEG-Files of a digital camera to JPEG-Files, which should be used to burn a Video-CD.

The results are very poor. The quality of the JPEG-pictures is not good.

Can anyone help me please.


ASHY  2003-01-08 18:00:54 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Do you mean JPEG to MPEG?

You don't need to do this.

Simply use the VCD or SVCD option in NERO and drag your JPEG files directly into the compilation window.
Nero will create a compatible Photo VCD CD which will work in your player.


Peter Erbar  2003-01-08 22:04:58 ( ID:lh1udvptj1c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes i mean JPEG to MPEG.

I need this because i use VCDEasy to create the VCD. VCDEasy needs MPEG-Files as input.

ASHY  2003-01-08 22:56:48 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Look, do yourself a big favor and download Nero. It's free to use for 30 days and will save you a lot of hassle.

It's just a simple case of dragging all your JPEGs from one window to another and burning, no encoding necessary and is quick and easy.

After the JPEGs are burned you will be able to step through each image on the disk as you please using the buttons on your remote and the quality is good.


Mpeg Obsession  2003-01-09 03:10:15 ( ID:tmdsptwfkem )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

In VCD easy you have a converter under 'tools'.

ASHY  2003-01-09 21:16:39 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yeh but this is still harder and more messing about than just dragging all the JPEGs at once into another window and then clicking burn in NERO.


Question - TE25 - TMPG Crashes when Importing a VOB file No.33082
Digiguru  2003-01-08 17:35:40 ( ID:/8xr0jj2ivl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Trying several different encoding parameters to get a feel of how I want to encode my DV video. I ripped some VOB files from a DVD to ensure that I was using good quality source files. When I attempt to import the first VOB into TMPG I get a runtime error. R6025 Pure Virtual Function Call is the exact message. TMPG is crashing. The second VOB file and all subsequent files work just fine. The VOB files were ripped from a DVD and are all from the same DVD. Using DVD Decrypter for the test files.

ASHY  2003-01-08 17:41:28 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Just one word will solve your problem...'DVD2AVI'.


dankescheen  Home )  2003-01-09 00:36:48 ( ID:sr.dep3dv1. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

a little bit longer :
Open your vob-file in dvd2avi (dont forget the settings) and save as XXX.d2v (Project-File). DVD2Avi produces a small d2v-file & the audio-part.
Open the d2v in TMPGEnc as video and the demuxed soundfile as audio.

Greetings from germany

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