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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 Dolby Digital or DTS? Billy 5 2003-01-22 01:53:16
Question TE25 50-min. Source File Billy 1 2003-01-21 02:24:38
Question TE25 error message lex_1967 1 2003-01-21 02:07:23
Question TE25 No sound. Danno 1 2003-01-21 02:00:38
Question TE25 Video freeze in MPG-VCD but AVI plays Flang 4 2003-01-23 16:56:31
Question TE25 Strange error code Helvete 0 2003-01-20 21:52:00
Question TE25 Mr. jrobich 1 2003-01-20 22:17:42
Question TE25 Why doesn't match Video and Audio after Cutting? Flo 2 2003-01-20 22:49:23
Question TE25 Illegal MPEG audio stream ROS 0 2003-01-20 19:56:03
Free talk TE25 bad encoding jor14 3 2003-01-21 02:13:24
Question TE25 video error starchannel 0 2003-01-20 19:04:52
Question TE25 External program - tooLame error BubbaLeRoy 2 2003-01-21 04:20:17

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Question - TE25 - Dolby Digital or DTS? No.33796
Billy  2003-01-21 02:43:04 ( ID:ma8lfwhzhl2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I don't know too much about Dolby Digital 5.1 or DTS 5.1 or DTS's all mixed up. Anyway, I was wondering if it is possible in TMPGEnc that you make a VCD/SVCD with Dolby DIgital or DTS...surround sound?

mpeg obsession  2003-01-21 02:58:24 ( ID:0v38fp4fqco )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

TMPGEnc can multiplex MPEG with Dolby AC3 strem, but not with DTS, and also it can't encode Dolby or DTS.

Further more, (S)VCD should have mpeg audio or it's non standard...

Billy  2003-01-21 03:12:20 ( ID:ma8lfwhzhl2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I don't know if my source file has AC3/Dolby/DTS/MPEG Audio (what's the difference?!)... So you mean that if my source file doesn't have one of the above, then you can't have those audio? My source file has 480000Hz Stereo...what does that mean???

Minion  2003-01-21 08:03:55 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

48000hz is the Frequency of the audio, it has nothing to do with the Format, your Source File can Have any audio format But Tmpgenc will Not Encode the audio if the audio is Dolby Digital AC3 or DTS, you have to use a Seperate audio encoder to encode the audio to a Format that Tmpgenc Can encode...SVCD"s and VCD"s have to have Mpeg1-Layer1/2 audio or they won"t play on your DVD Player, tmpgenc will encode the audio to Mpeg1 layer1/2 audio But the audio you load into Tmpgenc has to be of a Format that Tmpgenc can decode and Dolby Digital and DTS are not one of those formats....

Billy  2003-01-22 01:26:29 ( ID:ma8lfwhzhl2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

So how do I make an SVCD or a VCD have Dolby or DTS?

Minion  2003-01-22 01:53:16 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I allready said in my last post that You Can"t...Well you Can But your DVD Player will Not Play it with audio...The VCD and SVCD specification Calls for Mpeg1 Layer 1 or 2 audio and any Deviation from this will Make the File Non Compliant and will Not play the audio..You can try it But I gaurantee you that it will Not work, Very very Very Few Players will Play SVCD"s with Dolby digital Audio and No Players will Play SVCD"s with DTS...If you want to Have Dolby AC3 or DTS audio you will Have to Make a DVD.....

Question - TE25 - 50-min. Source File No.33794
Billy  2003-01-21 02:17:10 ( ID:ma8lfwhzhl2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I downloaded a 50-minute AVI file and it's in great quality! I want to fit it onto 1 CD-R that is 700MB/80MIN. What bitrate settings (as well as other important settings) should I use? Also, does it make any difference if you make VCDs on CD-Rs or CD-RWs? My DVD Player can play both and I happen to know that CD-RWs are erasable...

Minion  2003-01-21 02:24:38 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you are Makeing a VCD and want to Get the Best Possible Quality then you will need to make a Non-Standard VCD and raise the Bitrate to about 1850kbs, this should give you a Mpeg File about 750mb-800mb,(you can fit 800mb on a 700mb 80min CD-R in VCD Format)as to useing CD-R"s or CD-RW"s that is up to you, a CD-R generally will have more space on it 700mb as opposed to 650mb and are Cheaper, But if something goes wrong then a CD-RW would be best, so what you can do is Burn it to a CD-RW and if it works fine then You can burn it on a CD-R and save the CD-RW for next time...

Question - TE25 - error message No.33792
lex_1967  2003-01-21 00:07:04 ( ID:3wccftysfnr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

when i go to add video source i get a message tmpgenc12 has caused an error in kernel32.dll and will now close . what do i need to do now to fix that problem
then it says d2v file isnt supported

Minion  2003-01-21 02:07:23 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

First You should update to a Newer version..The reason you are getting an error when loading the D2V file could be a Few different reasons, First you have to Make sure you have the DVD2AVI VFapi Plugin Properly should go to "Options" to "Enviromental Settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and see if there is a "DVD2AVI.vfp" Plugin Listed there, and if there isn"t one listed then go into your DVD2AVI Folder and copy and Paste the "DVD2AVI.vfp" file into the "Tmpgenc" Folder..Now the Plugin Should be Installed..and you have to remember that you can not Delete or Moove or Re-Name the "Vob/Mpg" files that you made the D2V file from untill after you have finnished encodeing..and if all else Fails Try Makeing a New D2V file..

Question - TE25 - No sound. No.33790
Danno  2003-01-21 00:02:02 ( ID:el3ocq/iwh6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When decoding from AVI to mpeg1 the video is fine but the sound is missing. I downloaded the latest version but still no luck.The system (sound + video) box is checked.Should it possibly be the se(sound + video).Don't want to pay for this until I know it will do what I need.

Minion  2003-01-21 02:00:38 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Certain Audio Formats are Difficult to Decode unless you have certain Codecs and/or Filters installed and even then it doesn"t allways work..So what you have to do is Extract the audio from the AVI file to a WAV file with something Like "Virtual Dub" then use the WAV file as the audio source in Tmpgenc...

Question - TE25 - Video freeze in MPG-VCD but AVI plays No.33785
Flang  2003-01-20 22:16:26 ( ID:lkpdzmtqwoo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I looked through all the messages but have not seen my problem.
When encoding from AVI-DivX to MPG-1 VCD the video freezes, audio continues with no error messages. The AVI plays just fine though the point that it freezes during the encode process. If the AVI were corrupt at the freeze point, wouldn't it stop playing ? Is there any easy way around the problem ?

Thanks -

Sorry for the almost same post as another user.

Minion  2003-01-20 22:52:08 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

There is a Little Tool called DivX-FiX that is supposed to fix Frozen Frames in a DivX file, Maybe that would help you ..Look for it on a Search engine...

don2050  2003-01-21 02:40:38 ( ID:n/mtiz1mmon )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I just had this same issue. this guide explains how to correct Divx/Xvid avi's with bad frames in them so you can load them into TMPGenc and encode properly


Flang  2003-01-22 16:19:01 ( ID:lkpdzmtqwoo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for your help. I'll look for Divx fix and let you know what happens.
Thanks again.

Flang  2003-01-23 16:56:31 ( ID:lkpdzmtqwoo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

DivX-FiX worked great ! It was simple, easy to use and fast. Thanks again for your help !

Question - TE25 - Strange error code No.33784
Helvete  2003-01-20 21:52:00 ( ID:gdoi5fzrbsw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I got a error message.
What does it mean?
What happens?

It sais : -537403781 197008

Question - TE25 - Mr. No.33782
jrobich  2003-01-20 21:21:23 ( ID:njbstgxtfwl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Before the completion of converting an avi file I was forced to stop the process and save the file which was about 1/2 completed. I cannot reload the file and continue the process. Will I have to start the process over again or is there a way to load the saved file?
Thanks to anyone who can help.

ASHY  2003-01-20 22:17:42 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Find out what the last frame was that was encoded then use the source range feature to begin encoding from the next frame after that.
After completion join the 2 parts with the merge&cut tool in the MPEGtools.


Question - TE25 - Why doesn't match Video and Audio after Cutting? No.33779
Flo  2003-01-20 20:30:48 ( ID:fzvlab1ptwg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I'm trying do cut my video with 'Source Range' in the Project Wizard (cutting out commercials)the audio track seems not to be cut and video and audio doesn't match any more. Can anybody help???
I'm using TMPEGEnc Ver. 2.510.49.157

Brian  2003-01-20 21:14:16 ( ID:gfo3sfpr5rm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm guessing your using the mpeg tools section. I've had the same problem when set to mpeg1-auto. My projects were vcd format, so I had to set to the type to mpeg1-vcd and all was good. Hope it helps.

Minion  2003-01-20 22:49:23 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have tried to Use the "Cut Editing" feature in the "Source Range" to Edit out Comercials and the audio allways allways went out of sync, this is Probably Because AVI files have to be edited on a KeyFrame or the audio will go out of sync ..I don"t think there is Much you can do in Tmpgenc to fix this, What I end up doing Takes Up a lot of time and is a Hassle But it works, what I do is Just actually edit out the Comercials with Virtual Dub then Use the Edited File in Tmpgenc...

Question - TE25 - Illegal MPEG audio stream No.33778
ROS  2003-01-20 19:56:03 ( ID:yoy/6hbp7sf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Why is it that when I go to Multiplex it will only allow certain MP3's to work?

Free talk - TE25 - bad encoding No.33774
jor14  2003-01-20 19:21:34 ( ID:hyi1f2fyung )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have 2 problems, please help me.

Problem (1); each time y try to encode an avi file to mpeg1 or mpeg 2 the result is not good. The final file shows horizontal lines distorsioning the image. it is like the image wolud be interlacing or something like that.

Problem (2); After installing tmpegenc Plus, media player does not work correctly.I can not play all the avi files that i colud before. I cant play any mpeg1 file, while i hadnt this problem before. Why?

Thank you.

Minion  2003-01-20 22:43:24 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Those Horizontal Lines ARE interlace Lines, they are a Fundamental Part of the Video and not some sort of aberation..These Lines show up on your Monitor Cuz you monitor Displays a progressive Image so the Lines will Be much more Visible, they Should not Show up on a NTSC TV Set...But if you really want to get rid of them then try one of the Deinterlace Filters that will get rid of the Lines But you will loose a Bit of the Sharpness of the Image...

jor14  2003-01-20 23:13:50 ( ID:fglzfyzke72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thank you very much, Minion.

I think that that the first problem is solved. I have realized that the horizontal lines that i refered only appeared on the preview window but not in the final file.

The second problem is still. I have reinstalled media player (version 9). But its imposible to play mpeg1, vcd, or dvd. When i play that kind of files only sound is played while screen is on black. I hadnt that problem before installing TMPGENCPLUS.
Have you any solution for this problem. Thank you again.

Minion  2003-01-21 02:13:24 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You Can"t use Tmpgenc and Media Player 9 together on the same Machine at least with Most isn"t a Tmpgenc Problem But a Media Player 9 Problem seeing as Tmpgenc came out Way Before Media Player 9 came out..MP9 also Causes Many Problems with Other programs Cuz it seems to interfere with Certain programs when trying to Connect to certain Codecs...This is a Well Known problem and the Only way I know of to fix it is to do a "System Restore" to an earlier Point before you Installed MP9...

Question - TE25 - video error No.33773
starchannel  2003-01-20 19:04:52 ( ID:phqtkaej84c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I get an audio only output file (wave sound file),with no video when setting the trial version of TMPGEnc to DVD-NTSC. I need an output file that has sound and video (DVD-NTSC), do I need to use TMPGEnc Plus 2.5?, or pay for the full version? (US $50)

Question - TE25 - External program - tooLame error No.33770
BubbaLeRoy  2003-01-20 18:53:52 ( ID:dvob6yf7wf6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I just started to use SSRC for frequency conversion and tooLame for my layer II audio encoder. My first SVCD (Sopranos season 1 epsode 1 backup) worked just fine (source dvd2avi 192, 48, 2ch AC3 to wav). My second one (episode 2), SSRC processes then tooLame fails with, Error opening mpa-4.wav (i think that is the file name, I'm at work now). Do not cache is checked. Temp directory is set and has plenty of space. The file is there. I have rebooted and cleaned the temp directory, Same problem occurs again. Encoding works using SSRC with built-in encoder. Other settings, stream type system, mpeg1 layer II, 44100, stereo, 192kbps, error protection, audio edit change volume 200%. Any help would be appreciated. I'll retest with episode 3 at lunch or this evening.

Minion  2003-01-20 22:39:02 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well you Can Just use a Total seperate Audio encoder and encode the wav file to Mp2 then Mux it with the encoded Video..I use "Headac3he" to encode My Audio files ,It is a Very High Quality audio encoder...

BubbaLeRoy  2003-01-21 04:20:17 ( ID:7rkyoga0jww )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Looks good. I was having a look at BeSweetGUI. HeadAC3he looks easier to configure and uses pretty much the same utilities.


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