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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 MGI VideoWave 4 AVI/MPEG output Person17b 0 2002-12-21 16:00:05
Question TE25 What is can't load p3 package johna 1 2002-12-21 21:57:36
Question TE25 Improve Audio al 3 2002-12-22 23:49:44
Question TE25 Cutting the second half of an 800 meg movie D. 1 2002-12-21 20:02:19
Question TE25 mpg4dmod.dll Wicked 1 2002-12-22 11:51:17
Question TE25 Fitting a VCD onto one CD-R NascarR 4 2002-12-22 12:05:24
Question TE25 Better Quality in VCD? Sakuya 6 2002-12-22 12:23:12
Question TE25 How do I get previous version 2.58 Plus now? joeAgain------ 3 2002-12-30 06:36:03
Question TE25 Better Quality in VCD? Sakuya 0 2002-12-21 01:16:31
Question TE25 MOV to MPEG Veggieburgr 1 2002-12-21 03:22:58
Bug report TE25 Bug in multiplex Feature "mux://" - v2.59 sven 0 2002-12-20 19:36:42
Question TE25 Codec Used by TMPGEnc? mabuki 1 2002-12-20 21:10:21

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Question - TE25 - MGI VideoWave 4 AVI/MPEG output No.32212
Person17b  2002-12-21 16:00:05 ( ID:dpprt6p3d2f )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Has anyone tried using an AVI or MPEG produced in
VideoWave 4, imported into TMPGEnc for DVD authoring?

It is not clear from VW4 if the format is Type-1 AVI
(w/ the known problems), however, there is an
option for Cinepac codec for Windows AVI in addition
to the DV AVI which I am guessing is type 1. Any experience
out there?

Question - TE25 - What is can't load p3 package No.32210
johna  2002-12-21 13:13:58 ( ID:6x98z0o2.iw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What is can't load p3 package

Minion  2002-12-21 21:57:36 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You get this error when you Haven"t go all the Tmpgenc Files in the same folder...All the Tmpgenc Files have to be in the same folder and one of tyhose files has to be the "P3P Package.dll"....

Question - TE25 - Improve Audio No.32206
al  2002-12-21 09:15:03 ( ID:y0cv6nkdwhf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Any suggestion to improve my audio.

My project is an old wedding video, i used Premiere 6 to edit clips and deleted the original audio and replaced it with various music files. I compressed this to mpeg1 vcd-non standard via Avisynth frameserver with the following specs:
Tmpeg 2.57
352x240 29.97 fps
CQ min 1500 max 3000 quality 75
VBV buffer 40, Motion Quality: High quality
GOP Structure - don't think it will matter
Audio - Stream Type MPEG1 Layer II - (no idea why i used II instead of I)
44100 stereo 224 bitrate

The first song was compressed perfectly/flawlessly the second up to the fifth song there was a bit stuttered on the first few phrases and gets better until the song ends. Percentage wise about 3-5% of the audio is stutered.

This could have been acceptable, however i produced the video to be a romantic theme but the stuttering distract my viewers and ruin the rhythm of the story. I made another compression this time doubling the min to 3000 and max 6000 and audio bitrate down to 160 everything else is the same. What transpired is that the first song again is flawless, the rest of the song has stutters but instead of the first part it moved somewhere in the middle of the song and the stuttering increased to about 10%.

Im lost where else i can adjust to improve the audio. BTW in PC playback its perfect. My DVD/VCD player is Pioneer DV-C503.

Videophile  2002-12-21 19:51:40 ( ID:c/vuerl5g4n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The DVD player certainly can't handle the non-standard VCD format that you have choosen, and is getting totally confused with the data rates. To guarentee that the DVD player will work properly encode the VCD so that you don't exceed a video encoding rate of 1150 bps. A CQ_VBR setting of 1150 for MAX, 0 for MIN and 100 percent quality should suffice and allow you to get about 90 to 95 minutes of video compressed enough to fit on 1, 80 min CDR.

I'd also check your owner manual for the DVD player for its specs and check with Pioneer as well. Some newer players will handle some of the weird, experimental bitrates that people are trying to encode into VCD, but to ensure the maximum capatibility 1150 bps will suffice for encoding VHS tapes to digital. Unless you have a lot of superspeed, hiaction, graphics special effects going on, no one is going to notice.

Also, the Noise Ffilter setting of 8, 2, 8 or 4, 2, 4 (depending on how noisy the video is) with High Quality set does an excellent job of smoothing and helping the resize filter crunch the file a bit more than without the filter. It does slow encoding down up to 400 percent, but the results are worth the effort.

Cheers & Seasons Greetings!

ASHY  2002-12-22 11:40:02 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Your problem is probably linbked to your bitrate. Your player doesn't seem to be able to handle the max bitrate you have chosen. A lot of DVD players have a limit to the bitrate they can handle. It is probably limited to 2600kb/s. Drop your max bitrate down. You can find a good list of what DVD players can handle at in the DVD player list. Your player will probably be listed.

Also another important point is the VBV buffer size you have chosen. 40 is too low for the bitrate you are using. The VBV buffer size has to rise with bitrate and 40 is for standard VCD. The buffer size you should be using should be at least double that. About 112 should be ok.
If you set it to '0' then TMPG will automatically chose the appropriate bitrate for you.


ASHY  2002-12-22 23:49:44 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>If you set it to '0' then TMPG will automatically chose the appropriate bitrate for you.

Sorry this should say 'VBV buffer size' not 'bitrate'


Question - TE25 - Cutting the second half of an 800 meg movie No.32204
D.  2002-12-21 08:49:51 ( ID:ncgu0mvgd9j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello, i relatively new to this program. I have an 800 meg mpg file. I want to put on 2 cdr...cutting the first half was really easy...however for the second half... it always gives me 73 megs file instead of a second 400 megs matter where i set the start and end cursor...why....been trying for hours :(

Videophile  2002-12-21 20:02:19 ( ID:c/vuerl5g4n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello, you didn't say which version of TMPGENC that you are using. But, MPEGS aren't really designed to be diced and chopped, split and hacked, TMPGENC does a great job, but somethings things can get really messy depending on how the MPEG is encoded, structured, etc.

Why don't you just encode the video into 2 sections with the encoder instead of the MPEG tools? Just set the start and end marks for the section to encode and voila! Yes, it may take longer but it works for everytime. Since you have the first half cut with the tools, just encode the second half with the encoder and you're done.

Especially those movies that you know that you'll have to split. Just encode each section into 80 minute chunks, or thereabouts. Most movies have fades to black where commericals will be inserted at reasonable breaks, so you may have a fade close to 75 or 78 minutes, etc., etc. throughout the movie. So, you actually do 2 or 3 encodes of the various sections. Saves the hassle of trying to use the MPEG tools after the encode.

Seasons Greetings!

Question - TE25 - mpg4dmod.dll No.32202
Wicked  2002-12-21 07:14:11 ( ID:hrgfdin.mdh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Has anyone ever got some kind of mpg4dmod.dll error? If so please tell me what i can do, it wont let me encode a avi file.

ASHY  2002-12-22 11:51:17 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is a codec problem. You need to re-install your MPEG4 codec.


Question - TE25 - Fitting a VCD onto one CD-R No.32197
NascarR  2002-12-21 02:06:07 ( ID:ss8/olx1c3w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I used the wizard in TMPGEnc and reduced the Average video bitrate and the Audio bitrate so that the Estimated file size would be 694MB. But, after I encoded the AVI, the resulting MPEG was 986MB. Did I miss something?

Minion  2002-12-21 03:16:08 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

There is a Bug in this Version if Tmpgenc That will not let you lower the bitrate lower that the standard VCD bitrate...If you use the Muxer of an older version it will take the extra Padding off the file so it will be smaller...

NascarR  2002-12-21 06:24:25 ( ID:ss8/olx1c3w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Since a CD-R only holds 80 minutes of audio, I can't fit an 89 minute movie on one disk by reducing the bitrate can I?

Videophile  2002-12-21 20:06:48 ( ID:c/vuerl5g4n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello. If you want to get a 90 minute movie onto an 80 minute CDR, try a CQ_VBR with 1150 MAX and 0 MIN with 100 for Quality and lower the audio bitrate to 128 Kpbs.

But yes, normally an 89 minute VCD at 1150 Kpbs video rate and 224 Kpbs audio rate won't fit onto an 80 minute CDR. If you have just 9 minutes to crunch down, just reduce the audio rate first to 128 Kpbs. There are various calculator programs that will allow you to play around with video and audio bitrates. There's an equation on this site for simple VCD guestimates, and other programs can be found by just doing a google search, or just go to VCDHELP.COM to start learning about this topic from the ground up.

Seasons Greetings.

ASHY  2002-12-22 12:05:24 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I agree, reducing the audio bitrate to 128kb/s and using the CQ VBR method and also overburning to 82mins, you should be able to fit this 89min movie on to 1cd even though the quality will leave a lot to be be desired.

Standard VCD bitrate is pretty crap to begin with and reducing it any further will make it worse.
The CQ method shouldn't make it any worse than standard VCD though, but my advice would be to split this movie to 2 disks and increase the max bitrate to 3,500 using the CQ method.

This will give you a much better movie.


Question - TE25 - Better Quality in VCD? No.32190
Sakuya  Home )  2002-12-21 01:19:08 ( ID:ma8lfwhzhl2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello. I am encoding some files to make into a VCD. In the past, the movies come out fuzzy(but it is still clear) when it appears on the TV. How do you increase the quality when encoding files? If you can, please explain to me about the motion search precision option because I don't get it. Currently, I have it on "Highest Quality (Very Slow)" but it will take me 4 hours and 20 minutes! Is there another way that has good quality and is fast?

Minion  2002-12-21 03:20:07 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The Motion Search precition is setting is so the encoder reads ahead to it can predict motion and the complexity of upcomeing frames the higher you set it the farther ahead it reads, but haveing it on the Highest Setting doesn"t really help, it is not any better than the High setting, but to increase the Quality the best thing you can do is increase the Bitrate, but this will also increase the file size....

Sakuya  Home )  2002-12-21 03:22:53 ( ID:ma8lfwhzhl2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How/where do I increase the bitrate? Can you show step-by-step please? What I did was I first went to "Load" and clicked on "VideoCD(NTSC).mcf" or something like that. After that, I cannot switch to something else in the Rate Control Mode because it's fixed at Constant Bitrate(CBR).

Sakuya  Home )  2002-12-21 03:24:01 ( ID:ma8lfwhzhl2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How/where do I increase the bitrate? Can you show step-by-step please? What I did was I first went to "Load" and clicked on "VideoCD(NTSC).mcf" or something like that. After that, I cannot switch to something else in the Rate Control Mode because it's fixed at Constant Bitrate(CBR).

Minion  2002-12-21 03:27:00 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It you click the Load button the main screen then navigate to the Templates folder then to the Extra Folder then load the "Unlock.MCF" Template, Now all the settings will be unlocked, now click the "Settings" tab and go to the "Video " Tab then raise the bitrate..if you raise it to 1600kbs the Quality will get a lot better But you will only be able to fit about 60 minutes on a CD-R....

Videophile  2002-12-21 20:33:24 ( ID:c/vuerl5g4n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You said that the encoded VCD video was "fuzzy" but "clear" which are contraditions in terms. What was the type and quality of the original video source? Also, don't forget that you are downsizing the video to 352x240 which will amplify any defects in the original source.

Yes, the encoded video will look "softer" or less "sharp", but you can only tell the difference because you are comparing the two videos. Let's not get so nitpicky. You are using a medium, a CDR, that wansn't designed originally for what we are trying to burn onto it. If you want "sharper" quality encode in DIVX and burn to a DVD, and don't use video tapes as the source.

Seasons Greetings.

ASHY  2002-12-22 12:23:12 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>You are using a medium, a CDR, that wasn't designed originally for what we are trying to burn onto it

What has the medium got to do with the quality? The only way the medium will affect the image is if your player cannot handle the bitrate on it or it has been burned incorrectly.

>If you want "sharper" quality encode in DIVX and burn to a DVD, and don't use video tapes as the source.

DIVX is not DVD compatible and not everbody has a DVD burner.

My advice if you want better quality images is to encode to XSVCD MPEG2 using the CQ VBR mehod.
If your player supports it, use the bitrates:

Min- 1800 kb's, Max- 4000kb/s and Quality- 65%
VBV buffer- 224
Resolution- 480x480 NTSC or 480x576 PAL
Motion search- High quality

This should allow you to fit a regular 100min movie on 2 disks.
If your player struggles with playback then you will need to reduce the max bitrate to an appropiate level which your player can handle.

Check out the templates I am sending you.


Question - TE25 - How do I get previous version 2.58 Plus now? No.32186
joeAgain------  2002-12-21 01:18:58 ( ID:dcvp4vwlqcf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm using 2.56 Plus now, and have heard 2.59 has a couple of bugs that I'd like to have fixed before I use it.

Is there ANY way for a paid user to get 2.58 now?

Videophile  2002-12-21 21:16:39 ( ID:c/vuerl5g4n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello Joe,

By using a search engine such as google you can find a lot of sites that have 2.58 available for downloading. For instance try:


Yes, it's in German but if you READ and LOOK around, you'll figure out what to click on to download the file. Best that I could in a 1 minute search.

Seasons Greetings.

joeAgain------  2002-12-22 15:41:45 ( ID:dcvp4vwlqcf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

thank you for those links, but they are for the free trial versions.

everytime I've tried those, there is no place for me to enter my license no and get the Mpeg-2 use past 30 days.

Do you know of a place to get the Plus versions, please?

PeteC  2002-12-30 06:36:03 ( ID:qowkrclr4q6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have the 2.58 plus version. Now I am concerned as I have reading about issues with 2.59 related to bitrates and file sizes but have used it with no real issues that I can see since its release.

Question - TE25 - Better Quality in VCD? No.32185
Sakuya  Home )  2002-12-21 01:16:31 ( ID:ma8lfwhzhl2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello. I am encoding some files to make into a VCD. In the past, the movies come out fuzzy(but it is still clear) when it appears on the TV. How do you increase the quality when encoding files? If you can, please explain to me about the motion search precision option because I don't get it. Currently, I have it on "Highest Quality (Very Slow)" but it will take me 4 hours and 20 minutes! Is there another way that has good quality and is fast?

Question - TE25 - MOV to MPEG No.32183
Veggieburgr  2002-12-20 23:12:08 ( ID:slwaedfqlpw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I cannot open mov files for TMPGEnc. I downloaded the plugin, and the directions say to copy it to the TMPGEnc folder, i tried it, but i still get the error of "can not be open, or unsuported". please someone help me.

Minion  2002-12-21 03:22:58 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Go to "Options" to "enviromental Settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and see if the Mov Plugin is listed in the Plugin List..and if it isn"t then it wasn"t installed properly and if it is there then try raiseing it"s priority....

Bug report - TE25 - Bug in multiplex Feature "mux://" - v2.59 No.32182
sven  2002-12-20 19:36:42 ( ID:born1pd.vyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I Enable multiplex with "mux://", but i don't mux a Audio-File (thus my Audio Source File begins not with "mux://": it's a normal WAV-File), then the Video-File will be not supported...
Even if i choose "Video only" (ES or System) the error a appears.
Only if i empty the AudioSource-inputfield TMPGenc would work or i use the "mux://" Feature...

Question - TE25 - Codec Used by TMPGEnc? No.32180
mabuki  2002-12-20 19:29:08 ( ID:pjelu5pba7a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm a relative novice with TMPGEnc, so forgive me if these basic questions.

We've been using version beta 12a for about a year now to create MPEG-1 clips, exporting a timeline from Adobe Premiere (6.0) with Avisynth (v0.28 beta 36), making an AVS file that TMPGnc then turns into an MPEG. All has been well until recently, when a client was unable to play our clips on their computer. Some discussion with an associate led us to the realization that the client's computer didn't have the codec to play the MPEGs created with TMPGEnc (or at least the version we had). I just downloaded the latest version this week (Version, and have started to play around with it a little.

1) Is there a way to choose the codec TMPGEnc uses to make an MPEG?
2) If not, what is the codec that TMPGEnc uses?

ASHY  2002-12-20 21:10:21 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

TMPG doesn't use any codecs for encoding to MPEG1. The MPEG1 encoding algorithm is built in. Also MPEG1 is MPEG1, no matter which encoder has made the MPEG.

If it isn't playing on your clients PC then either the operating system doesn't support it by having the correct player installed, such as Windows media player which has native support for MPEG1 files, or the MPEG has a problem.

It is more likely your client needs to upgrade his player to support MPEG1 playback. There is no particular codec to use or install.


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