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Is there a way to get an idea of the filesize by using
the VBR or CQ options in TMPGenc. When you are using
DVD2SVCD for example and using TMPGenc as encoder, the
program can calculate the target filesize. Is there a
way to fit VBR encodings to the size of CD's?
You can only make a rough guess with CQ VBR as it's imposssible to be precise.
You can find a typical scene in the movie and encode it for 1 minute.
Look at the file size then multiply that by the amount of minutes in the film and that will give you an idea as to how large the file will be.
To be more exact encode about 5 mins of a typical part of the movie then do the math.
Bitrate viewer is reporting the VBV buffer at half of what I enter in TMPGEnc (224 in TMPGEnc, but only 112 in Bitrate viewer!). Is that correct? Anyone else experience the same thing?
How do I select more the one file, so I can output all to one file? Want to take several mpg's and combine into one. Will only let me select one file at a time.
Thats right Tmpgenc does not support encodeing sequential files(in most cases)so you have to either encode a bunch of little files then use the Merge & Cut to merge them together, or which is better is to use Virtual-Dub to frame serve the file to tmpgenc as one big file...
If the files are already MPEG then all you have to do is use the Merge/Cut feature in the MPEGtools to combine them together.
There is no need to re-encode or if you intend to play the files in your DVD player then just load each file in sequence in your burning prog, making sure you set the software so there are no pauses between the files.
The files will then play smoothly in the sequence you put them without any interuption between the files.
Sorry used to be crap, but as for as I'm aware this program does not do correct GOP to GOP joining which can cause video and audio artifacts at the join.
I think you have gotten something Mixed Up somewere...A hardware encoder board is so you can plug a device like a DV Camera or some other video transfer device into it then let the encoder board encode from the video I guess the answer is NO..if you had an encoder board you wouldn"t need Tmpgenc but the quality you would get wouldn"t be as good as tmpgenc unless you had a few thousand dollars to spend..and it being a piece of hardware would not have any effect on how tmpgenc encodes to Mpeg..either get a faster computer or a faster encoder if you need to encode faster..
In Germany, you can Buy the Vidac VMagic-Board. (
It's a TV-Card with Hardware-MPEG2 which is able to act as an Offline-Encoder. On my P4, i can Encode with up to 64 Frames per Second using this Card (reads AVI, MPEG and much more), but the Quality is not the same, TMPGenc offers.
A hardware mpeg2 encoder like Dazzle DVD.master (Video Creator II) takes for the recording the same time like the movie is running. But you have two things to aware: you must use high data rates for high quality and the movie is not easy to cut. With a software encoder you will need more time, but you have a better control about the quality.
Thx for your email. I reaaly appreciate your help.
Load the first ripped VOB of Count of Monte Cristo. This VOB is a mix mode (Film and NTSC format), somehow the TMPG shows the number of pictre is much lower than Rempeg or Ifoedit reports, about 800 to 1000 frames ( don't remember exacty the number, but is very big.
This really cause A/V out of sync
But for other VOB, which is 99.9% Film (base on DVD2AVI 1.76) there is only couples frame missing, which is no bis deal, because the end result, after remux A/V is sync perfect.
Is there a bug in TMPG in seeing correct number of frame/picture in mix Film and NTSC type video clip?
Just want to make it clear, there is no problem for me to encode these video clip...
Thx for your email. I reaaly appreciate your help.
Load the first ripped VOB of Count of Monte Cristo. This VOB is a mix mode (Film and NTSC format), somehow the TMPG shows the number of pictre is much lower than Rempeg or Ifoedit reports, about 800 to 1000 frames ( don't remember exacty the number, but is very big.
This really cause A/V out of sync
But for other VOB, which is 99.9% Film (base on DVD2AVI 1.76) there is only couples frame missing, which is no bis deal, because the end result, after remux A/V is sync perfect.
Is there a bug in TMPG in seeing correct number of frame/picture in mix Film and NTSC type video clip?
Just want to make it clear, there is no problem for me to encode these video clip...
After I install the PowerDvd 4, I can open up the mpeg2 files fine in tmpgenc 2.57 or 58. But once I install the latest patch for PowerDvd to upgrade to build 1811 (downloaded from cyberlink site), I can not open the mpeg2 files anymore, it says file unsupported etc. Anyone else has this problem? Thanks.
I am having trouble burning a DVD from the files created using the
MPEG2 capture on Pinnacle DC1000 capture card. It creates two files - one for audio(*.wav) and one for video (*.mp2). Is there a way to
combine the two files into one and then use it in DVD authoring
programs. I tried using TMPGenc for combining these two files into one. It
did it, but there seemed to be audio sync issues. Further, I was not
able to preview or display either the *.mp2 or the multiplexed mpeg
file in TMPGenc. If I go to the MPEG tools, and try to multiplex the two files, it expects a mpeg file for audio and not a wave file. How can I convert the wave file to an acceptable format and then multiplex the two files without getting audio sync issues. None of the DVD burning softwaren accept the combination of *.mp2 and *.wav created by Pinnacle/Premiere to create DVD's. Please help.
You Cant Mux Wav Files with Tmpgenc, they have to be encoded to Mp2 audio..And only the More High end Authoring programs accept Wav as a Valid Audio format, one good one is Sonic DVD producer, but it is a Bit pricey at about $4000...Depending on the Type of De-sync you have with the Mp2 and M2v file it might be Correctable...if the audio is out of sync from the begining to end and the same amout out of sync then you can use a program like "Mpeg2Vcr" to Mux the files and us its Audio off-set function to correct the audio de-sync ...
Minion, Thanks for the response. Is there any software out there to convert my *.wav to *.mp2 audio. Ashy, the *.mp2 I was talking about is a video MPEG-2 file created by Pinnacle card. It does have a .mp2 extension, but is still video not audio. In addition, it also creates the wav file captured at 48KHz. If I can convert the created *.wav to *.mp2 and then mux it with TMPGenc, then that would be great. On a side note, I did find out that DVDit, ReelDVD, Impression and MyDVD do accept the two streams separately. DVDit and MyDVD are kind of limited in its capabilities. But, I guess thats all you would get for the money. Thanks.
I'm not all that familiar with this mpeg business, but I have some .m2p files I want to make a SVCD of. I suppose I have to make it a .mpeg before i can author my SVCD, correct?
So, I try using the 'mpeg tools', but it says buffer underrun at some point (in all three files). I can watch them in WinDVD, no problems.
..also, will 43 mins won't fit on one CD?
.. (continued)
it seems like my m2p file (actually, all three of them) is 'broken'. I watched the clip in winDVD and noticed a glitch at the same place my multiplex fails (buffer underrun) It continues ok though. How do I fix this?
M2p files are already MPEG files. M2p stands for MPEG2 Program stream.
If the resolution is correct for SVCD then you should be able to burn this file directly as SVCD with Nero.
You may need to remux it with TMPG first to add the SVCD headers using the stream setting 'MPEG2 Super VideoCD(VBR)' if you have any compliance probs with Nero.
By the way do you mean the error is 'buffer underflow'.
Depending on how many packets the the 'buffer underflow' error gives you. You may still be able to burn and play this file no problem.