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Hi I've downloaded a DivX movie and the audio is out of sync. I've tried to use audiodub, saving the audio to a wav and then spilt it. But the audio is out of sync from the start. Can I use this program to resync it and split it. And do I really need to use audiodub in the future?
This problem normaly is fixed by saving the audio, but not this time, why?
You Mean "Virtual Dub" Right???? the reason that the audio goes out of sync sometimes after extracting the audio to a Wav file is that the audio in the Divx file started before or after the video starts, so it is out of sync, this is among the Many problems with useing downloaded files to make VCD/SVCD"s...You can use "Mpeg2VCR" to sync the file up, the Multiplexor has a function to sync up unsynced audio......
Yes thats the program I meant. I reports Audio being out of sync by 16127 ms. so I dump it as a WAV then load the wave and split it into 2 parts. But it still is out of sync. I have a few movies that I have held for a long time for the same reason.
What you can Try to do is before you extract the audio from the AVI edit about 5-10 seconds off the Beginning of the AVI file, then extract the Audio from the Edited avi file and encode the Editided AVI file..This way you edit out the part at the beginning of the avi file were the audio delay was..I use this method with Mpeg files that I capture off the Capture card cuz they have the same problem with the audio delay at the beginning of the file...
Just correct it with Virtualdubs audio delay feature which you will find under Audio>interleaving>audio skew correction.
A positive value adds a delay and a negative value decreases it. Every 1000ms is one second.
Once corrected just split and encode as normal.
It worked when I first installed TPMGEnc 2.58 but something has changed, I get a pop up page on startup saying that my MPEG-2 encoder trial period has expired but I only want to decode to standard vcd not svcd so if I understand right I only need mpeg-1. The encoder starts but after the first minute I get
ERROR "error -537403781 197904" just as another person has also got but he also has got no answers,
Anyone else know about this
If you got the file off the Internet the problem most likely will be that the file has corrupted sectors in it...You can try to frame serve the file with Virtual Dub...of try to make a Copy of the file with Virtual Dub and encode that...
i have a divx avi movie that i want to convert to a SVCD. the movie was too long for a 80 min CD, so i used tmpg to make the 1st half of the movie into svcd. I used VirtualDub to extract the audio into a wav file. The 1st half of the movie was all good (used tmpg to encode etc...). BUT when i tried to set the start frame of the 2nd half of the movie, the audio is completely off. Is there an easy way to get the audio back into sync???
If you used the source range then that was probably your problem cuz there have been Quite a lot of sync problem caused by it..You can try to sync the file up with the Multiplexor in "Mpeg2VCR"..It will allow you to off set the audio to sync it up...
What is up with the developer, over and over month after month this issue gets brought up and still NO fix. Give what the people demand and want. Lots of us do record Television shows and want to edit commercials out but you merge and cut also has audio sync problems. You may call it a bug on a first release, but on release after release it is no longer a bug but a deliberate lack of concern for what a lot of people want, or maybe it is a lack of kowledge on how to fix it. Either way it is not a bug it is a lack or programming skill.
Sorry i would like to enquire whether having a source file of 900MB for part 1 of a movie,if i use the program Tmpeg can it help me to shrink to VCD format that can fit into 1 650MB CD? Help! need an answer asap.Thank
Encodeing does not go by how big the source file is, it goes by how LONG the source file is, so if you want to make a VCD, then it will be about 10MB for every minute of Source file, and you can get about 740MB on a 74 minute 650MB CD-R, or 800MB on a 700MB 80 minute CD-R.......
I guess this is an AVI.
Be warned if you attempt to fit this movie on 1 cd you will be dissapointed with the reults as the movie will look like crap. VCD's are meant to be split between 2 disks. That's just the way it is and it's not worth sacrificing quality for the sake of a cheap disk.
I have TMPGENC and it was doing a good job encoding MPEG2 files created by PowerVCR. From one day the decoder was not able to open the audio track from the *.MPG (also the same file, which worked fine some days ago).
I used Demultiplex from the mpeg tools and created separate audio and video streams and encoded them, but they did not match exactly.
Does someone have an idea how to solve this problem.
Why encode the Audio at all??? It is allready in the correct format and encodeing it again will just decrease the quality and cause Sync problems..So De-Multiplex the Mpeg from PowerVCR, and just encode the Video, then after encodeing Multiplex the PowerVCR Audio with the Tmpgenc video file, that should solve the problem...
>Why encode the Audio at all??? It is allready in the correct format and encodeing it again will just decrease the quality and cause Sync problems..So De-Multiplex the Mpeg from PowerVCR, and just encode the Video, then after encodeing Multiplex the PowerVCR Audio with the Tmpgenc video file, that should solve the problem...
Sorry doesnot work at all. I have to presume, that the PowerVCR MPG file plays well in Elecard and PowerDVD, PowerVCR. Now after your hint didnot work I tried the following: I took the PowerVCR.mpg file and used demultiplex, afterwards i multiplexed again the two files generated. It finishes and an error message occured: "6408s packets cause buffer underflow. The MPEG file might cause errors when played."
Playing the file the audio and video tracks were desynchronous. The video finished a lot earlier than the audio track.
What shall I do further ???
>Sorry doesnot work at all. I have to presume, that the PowerVCR MPG file plays well in Elecard and PowerDVD, PowerVCR.
What do you mean doesn't work at all?
Minion is absolutely correct. If Power VCR is indeed creating true MPEG files then the audio should be MPEG1 layer II or to give it it's more common name MP2 audio.
Then you said...
>I took the PowerVCR.mpg file and used demultiplex, afterwards i multiplexed again the two files generated.
Which has just contradicted what you said previously. If you can re-multiplex the audio with the original MPEG video after demultiplexing then there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to multiplex the audio with new encoded video.
You have obvoiusly done something incorrectly with the multiplexing somewhere.
>It finishes and an error message occured: "6408s packets cause buffer underflow. The MPEG file might cause errors when played."
This is a regular error and not normally needed to be worried about and is quite common when using TMPG to multiplex.
Are you using the correct stream type when multiplexing or are you leaving it at the default?
6408s packets is not a whole lot anyway even though it seems it, so don't worry about this if you are using the correct stream type as the file will most probably play fine anyway.
I'm new to TMPEGEnc and was wondering what the best machine is to run TMPEGEnc on? I have an old machine so I need to upgrade. Should I get a Athlon, P4, Dual Athlon, Dual P4? I tend to prefer Athlons. Is it better to go for a 2.6Ghz Athlon or a couple of 2Ghz Athlons working together. Which solution would be faster?
One of the problems you will have with Athlons is the have a Bad tendency to Overheat while encodeing, and Tmpgenc is optimized for Pentium 3 and 4, so you will get a bit better performance useing a Intel Based Product..But if you are going Dual CPU then it probably won"t make that much of a Differance..On my 1.7GHZ Intel I encode VCD"s at real time with Tmpgenc but with CCE I encode VCD"s at 2.5-5.0 times Real time.......
I would choose P4 since Athron may have overheat problem as Minion said.
Video Encoding is most stressful work for PC including CPU, HDD, RAM and system, so I'd rather have stable system(P4) than bit faster and less stable system(Athron).
I agree Athlons are not the best choice for CPU intensive processing such as encoding. Athlons already run hot and have been shown to rocket in temperature when given something intensive to do.
Pentiums are renowned for being stable. Athlons are not and even though this will probably start a flame war it is of my opinion most of the problems posted on this BBS are from Athlon owners.
Hi people!
I created VCD files from DIVX files. The VCD files are much larger and now they don't fit on one CD.
I cannot find a way to make the output files smaller. I don't mind quality loss, it's a requirement that they fit on one CD.
What is the best option to make the output files smaller?
Thanks in advance for your reply!
Kind regards,
i believe u can't...VCD is set to a strict standard..bitrate is set, resolution is set, frame rate is set. 1 mb will always give the same playing time...this is correct right experts?
You Can lower the bitrate but you will loose a lot of quality, VCD"s are barely watchabe as they are and lowering the Bitrate will make it look horrorable...But anyway you said you didn"t care, beware your DVD player might have problems with it if it goes to low..Load the "Unlock.MFC" Template then lower the bitrate then go to "System" and set it to "Video-CD Non-Standard"...
It sounds like a problem I have with some DivX AVI files.
Do you know VirtualDub ?
Open your AVI with it.
Set Video and Audio as Direct stream copy.
Jump to the end of the movie, then go back few frames before.
Press 'End' key (on your keyboard)
Go back to the begining of the movie, press 'begin' key : you'll get a selected time.
Then 'File' and 'Save it as Avi' and type a new name (to not rewrite the source)
Now use this new avi file with TmpgEnc : that will work.
Hoping that it was your trouble.
Otherwhise you can get the program DixFix on the web (
I had the same problem and have found the cause.
I have the DIVx5 codecs bundle installed.
I installed the DIVx 3.11 alpha codec and after that all worked well.
Good luck
Haveing problem with video that has static overlay text. After compression the video is fine, but the overlay text comes out block, like some alias effect even though this doesn't exist at the source... I'm encodeing to VCD-Film from a 352x240 23.976fps uncompressed AVI...
Text is encoded into the avi. I just noticed however, that if I use Text with color similar to the surroundings (but not same brightness of curse!) that the block effect is much less noticable.... Is there any way to avoid this without changing the color of the text? I can change anything in the text because I'm adding it in an editing program and still have the clean source...
means exactly what it says.....input video resolution (say 352x240) must be multiples of 8 ie 352/8=44 exactly and 240/8=30 exactly..u must have an illegal resolution for your input video.....what is it? (ps resolution is the number of pixels horizontally and 352 horizontal and 240 vertical..this determines the size of the picture). what file type is the input video? sounds like u'l have to resize it somehow
It's probably not the input video which is giving you this error, but your output resolution. When you load a movie source into TMPG the output resolution will be set to the same as the input unless you are using a template.
Seeing as your input resolution is not in multiples of 8 TMPG will therfore give an error warning. Simply change the output resolution under Setting>Video to something like 352x240 and everthing should work fine.