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Those are Interlaceing artifacts, and you will get them with most interlaced sources, you correct them by going to "settings" to "advanced settings" and double click in the "De-Interlace filter" then a window will pop-up with you movie displayed in it , you go to were the lines are really noticeable then go through the filters untill you find the one that looks the best, usually the "Even Field" gives good results but it depends on the field order of your file.......
Hi people!
There are so many options to specify in TMPGenc! How do I know which option is correct! For instance, how can I specify the correct Video Source Setting when I don't have that information! I have a source file (MPEG, that's all I know) and I just want to convert it to SVCD format. No quality loss, if possible.
I know I can use Nero for this, but whe I do audio gets out of sync (about half a second).
i tried to turn a AVI file made with the tmd codec into and MPEG and it just had a black screen once it finished, the sound was there but no picture was present. I was wondering if there was a way around this problem?
I"m not sure what format "TMD" is but you can try to raise the priority of the "direct show file reader" this works with Direct show formats like divx/mpeg4, go to "options" to "enviromental settings" to "Vfapi plugins" and raise the "Direct show File Reader" to "2"...
That skipping jumping effect could be caused by encodeing to a differant frame rate than your source file,You should only encode avi files with a frame rate of "23.9/24/25/29.9/30/FPS"if your avi file has a different frame rate and you encode it with tmpgenc you will get that jumpy skipping effect....
i cant let Tmpgen work like it should wo
2002-08-23 16:18:18 ( ID:8pumounkuh6 )
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You have to make sure that the audio in your source file is Wav format, you can extract the audio to wav from your source file then encode that to mp2 audio then multiplex it with you svcd/mpeg2 file.....
Yes I tried but impression will not accept the mpeg file, tried different settings but nothing.
If you where able to import something to Impression please let me know.
I have encoded several .avi files using tmpgenc. I burn things with Nero. However, on all of them, Nero is not recognizing the files I have encoded as being vcd-type files. How do I fix this? I tried to bypass the standards (Nero asked if I wanted to re-encode, bypass, or cancel), but then my DVD player can't read the CD. It tries, I get sound, but the picture is all screwed up. Anyway, in short, how to I make a Nero-burnable VCD so I can watch it on my DVD player?
after opening the avi file, make sure you are loading the proper template = vcd mpeg-1; select either PAL or NTSC depending on where you are.
Many burning programs have issues with files encoded by tmpgenc. Nero should be okay. Could be that your DVD player does not play VCDs; or you may have to use a cd-rw disc instead of a cd-r disc (some players read only cd-rw)'ll have to experiment. If all fails, you might try the free VCDEasy to burn or to creat the bin & cue files which you can then feed into Nero. See
Just performed a fresh reinstall of Win2000 with all relevenat apps and codec. But now TMPGEnc doesn't list my 2 DivX codec when using the "Output To Avi" Option. All it shows are the standard window codec...
I had this problem once well actually it would only show some of the codecs and not all of them, and I just re-downloaded Tmpgenc and installed it..But I don"t know if it will work on Your system but you can try it..
>I had this problem once well actually it would only show some of the codecs and not all of them, and I just re-downloaded Tmpgenc and installed it..But I
don"t know if it will work on Your system but you can try it..
Nope, already tried a reinstalle of TMPGEnc & no joy :(
Another quick question. I live in the USA. My DVD player plays commercial DVDs made in the NTSC format. When I go to encode an AVI file with TMPG sometimes the program says that the AVI file is in PAL format. Now when I make an MPG to play on my American DVD player I have, in the past, used an NTSC template.I thought that it was necessary to do this so that the VCD I would burn would play on my DVD player. After reading a lot of these pages today I am no longer certain that I am doing it correctly. Can anyone clear this up?
A Pal movie encoded to the "NTSC" Template will cause the file to have jumpy and out of sync playback when plated on your NTSC DVD and TV, and if you use the "Pal Template" the movie might not play at all..There isn"t an easy way to convert NTSC to Pal and Pal to NTSC, it involves extracting the audio from the avi then changeing the frame rate of the AVI with "avi frame rate changer" then useing a audio editing program like "Sound Forge 6" to Stretch or Shrink the audio file to the new length or the avi file so they will sync up..It is not a procedure for the unexperienced..There is a program called "DV Film Maker" that will take a "25fps" avi file and convert it to a "29.9fps NTSC" file,but It takes quite a while to do..
You have extracted to the Wrong audio format...You have to extract the audio to "wav" not "mpa", Tmpgenc might not encode "Mpa" audio, and extracting the audio to "mpa" causes de-sync, so the correct settings in DVD2AVI under "Audio" choose "decode to Wav" and under "dolby digital" choose "Dolby Surround Downmix"...You will know you have done it correctly when the audio has a "Wav" extention......
For start, no "decode to wav" option in Audio (not available when sourse is mpeg audio format?)
Secondly, seems like DVD2AVI serves TMPGenc with wrong number of frames.
The source file has 77,474 (according to bitrate-viewer) and when I go to source range in TMPGenc it has only 77,454... Maybe a bug in version 1.86?
So it"s a "mpg" file that you are useing in DVD2AVI???You can "de-multiplex" the mpeg and save the audio file then just make a d2v file out of the video then after encodeing the D2v file to mpeg you just multiplex the "de-muxed" audio to the encoded d2v file.This is the method I use when i need to re-encode mpeg files and it is better than haveing the audio re-encoded and looseing quality.This should work without any audio delay.I have noticed that the DVD2AVi 1.77.3 is the fastest and most reliable version so far ...