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I need to get a new pc for 90% Surfing and 10% editing home Videos from my playsport ZX5 (once a month).
As for space-saving reasons i'm thinking on a System something like the following:
Hard to say. TMPGEnc software is generally optimized for Intel processors, but that AMD processor looks faster than the the Intel processor, so it might be faster processing.
I'm considering moving from DVDitProHD to TAW5. Currently in DVDit I'm able to construct a plain, no-frills menu by creating title text over black background at the top frame, typing "chapter 1" "chapter 2" etc. or other text identifying the chapter along the bottom of the menu frame, leaving space between for the motion/video to loop in the menu. I haven't yet found that totally-custom option in the trial version I just installed. Is one available if I don't want to use a fancy template?
There is an issue where 24 bit pcm audio using mpeg2 or h.264/avc video format created in authoring works 4 and 5 will no longer play using vlc player. the format used to play in previous versions of VLC player. 16 bit plays fine as always. please advise if you know of a setting change.
I suggest asking why on VLC's site (forum), considering that its a VLC matter and its lack of support of a video and audio codec.
I uninstalled the current version of vlc player and installed V2.0.0.0. The VLC player played the 24 bit pcm blu ray audio with no issues. Therefore there is a bug in the vlc software somewhere after V2.0.0.0. I posted the issue at the vlc forum. hopefully they will figure it out and create a fix. In the meantime I am going to use v2.0.0.0 because I do not want to risk infecting my computer with malware from downloading older versions from the internet.
Not the first time i hear about bugs in that player. I abandoned it a long time ago because of constant bugs in it and its lack of propper HD support.
Today i use Media Player Classic - Home Cinema 64bit version.
I have 2 video clips that I want to email to a friend. The original size is was more than 100 MB. I used the template settings, (960x540), 25 fps, VBR, etc. Audio-AAC, bitrate 128. The size of both clips reduced to approximately 70MB each. I then changed settings: reduced bitrate to 2000 in stead of 4000- the size of the output clips basically remained the same, also when I changed the 960x540 to 640x360.
What settings are recommended to reduce the size of each clip to less than 5 MB?
Another question, since I have previously just used editing programmes with "fixed" conversion settings. To reduce for instance AVI to MPEG 2 for DVD, what are the best settings to use? I have a Canon Legria HV40, which is a HDV camera and I capture on 1920x1080, "comp out 1080i", which I presume is 1080 interlaced.
I have never been completely happy with the image quality of the DVDs and would appreciate comments about these settings as well.
I would not reduce the size by that huge factor, because it will severely impact the image quality of it.
Instead i would use a free filesharing service from where friends and family then can download the video clips from.
Personally i always use Multiupload to upload homevideo clips to, if i want to share it with friends and family.
Then all i have to do, is to mail them the download link.
But i am afraid i can't help you with the other matter. I always keep videos in original pixel size and try not to touch the bitrate to much. I have a Blu-ray burner, so if i want to burn something in HD to a disc, i always use Blu-ray media.
I guess this is because the MKV's has DTS audio in them, by them selves the TMPGEnc softwares does not support DTS.
Try browsing thrue the other pages of the forum. The solution was posted a while ago on how to get DTS support, input only, not output, by using 3rd party software for rendering.
I just downloaded your latest version ( of video mastering works 5 and the install fails with a popup that says
"The feature you are trying to use is on a CD-ROM or other removable disk that is not available."
"Insert the 'TMPGEnc Video Mastering Worls 5' disk and click OK."
And also an option to browse to W5ENRetail.msi
When I browse to C:\Temp\D0\TVMW5ENRetail.msi the following message appears:
"The file 'C:\Temp\D0\TVMW5ENRetail.msi' is not a valid installation package for the product TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 5. Try to find the installation package 'TVMW5ENRetail.msi' in a folder from which you can install TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 5.
I had exactly the same problem, contacted the customer support and received the following. Unfortunately, none of the suggestions below worked for my Windows 7 64 bit environment but might still be helpful to you. FYI, in my case, the prior update ( no longer install (posting the very same error message) so the problem is not particularly with the most recent update (
It seems the Windows installer got broken or the security software is
blocking it.
Please run the installer .exe file and choose "Repair" then check about it.
Probably looks like the Windows installer or
msi installer database is broken or It is bug of Windows installer.
You may need to clean up Windows Installer.
- First delete the temporary files from internet.
Please do this:
- Go to...
Internet Explorer > Internet Options > General tag> DeleteTemporary
- Then please download and run Windows Installer Cleanup.
- Also try this:
Go to...
Start > Control panel > Administrative Tools >Services
You can see an option called "WindowsInstaller" from the list.
Make right click and choose "Start" option.
-Download again the installer .exe file .
-Finally try to install.
Please also try in another Windows user administrator account.
Please verify about your security software, probably when you
when you try to install automatically your security software scan
such files or block them and so it possibly adds data into them making
such files unusable or having errors.
Please disable such settings from your security software.
with TAW5 can I create Blu-Ray menu as I like, for example
First Menu
|-------> Second Menu (to choose Track 1, Track 2, etc..)
|-------> Third Menu (to choose Track 10, Track 11, etc..)
This example is to author some TV series and to use one disc to multiple series: first menu it's to choose what series and the others to choose episodes.
Is there any information if NVENC hardware encoding (H.264) will be supported by TMPGenc Video Mastering Works in a near future or in any future? Are there any plans, timelines in the company regarding this?
I don't think that the NVENC of the GK graphic card are use by TMPGEnc.
TMPGRENc use CUDA technology (Nvidia OpenCL). NVENc are the same technology like the QSV of the Intel Core Processor.
How long has the output been running when you see this estimate? It can sometimes take a couple of minutes to normalize and get a more accurate output time.
Roughly 8.5 hours to complete a Blu-ray with 3 movies in 1080p on it.
But then, i also built my own computer with the largest CPU i could get for my motherboard (3.4 Ghz Phenom II X4) and 16 GB quad-channel HyperX RAM.
Has that hardware under Windows 7 64bit.
I have one large working Mpeg file. I need to make the one file into multiple files and put them onto CD,s. File is 5 hours long mpeg 1. I would like to break the file up into files to fit on a CD in one step. Making 5 video files at 700mb each so I can burn the full movie onto seperate disks. Is there anyway to do this in the final step to make your movie?
You can split your movie into 5 equal video clips in the cut editor.
Use the keyframe tool to set 5 keyframes equally apart.
Then go to each keyframe and set a split point.
Upon exiting the cut editor, choose to split and keep the blue and orange clips. You should now have 5 clips.
At output, choose to output each clip as a separate video.
The easiest way to make an MPEG that will fit on a CD is use a constant bitrate (CBR). This will allow you to know exactly how bit the output file will be. Adjust the bitrate until it will fit onto a CD.