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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 490 / 984 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Bug report TE25 New version file download not working hank 2 2003-04-29 00:01:30
Question TE25 audio and video bitrate ? Tina 1 2003-04-28 20:47:50
Question TE25 Cut is 12 seconds off bgm 2 2003-04-28 20:42:30
Question TE25 Encoding stops error generated Jim 1 2003-04-28 05:56:00
Question TE25 Can I use the TMPGEnc 2.5 to convert DVD to Mpeg1? brianv 1 2003-04-28 05:53:07
Question TE25 MPEG2 Codec Expired? D. Button 1 2003-04-28 05:48:47
Question TE25 What the settings IN GOP structure do? Pscylo 3 2003-04-28 05:46:14
Question TE25 Mr Glen 3 2003-04-28 21:04:33
Question TE25 file cannot be created mrnybluesman 2 2003-04-29 19:02:07
Question TE25 MOtion Search Precision Settings Pupster 1 2003-04-27 21:37:08
Question TE25 MPEG File Sizes ?? Pupster 1 2003-04-27 21:35:31
Question TE25 wmv and asf files unsupported error tina 1 2003-04-27 21:31:46

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Bug report - TE25 - New version file download not working No.36606
hank  2003-04-28 19:17:42 ( ID:.a3jmwi0z4r )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm tring to download the latest version at:

And allI get is the following message:

"Not Found
The requested URL /download_files/ was not found on this server."



Minion  2003-04-28 20:50:20 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I don"t have a problem with it, Just tried it and It worked Fine...Maybe Try a Download Manager and if you Are useing a Download Manager then Try it without the Download Manager....

Hank  2003-04-29 00:01:30 ( ID:.a3jmwi0z4r )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It's working now... it was changed from:



Question - TE25 - audio and video bitrate ? No.36604
Tina  2003-04-28 15:54:21 ( ID:sbezb30us6n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This question is about avi to vcd/svcd conversion.

If the source avi has a video bitrate of 1300kb/s and audio bitrate of 128kb/s, is there any benefit to setting the output vcd file to have an average video bitrate highter than 1300kb/s? or the audio higher than 128kb/s?

I use GSPOT to check an avi's information, and I'm just wondering if maybe i've been making the output (s)vcd's too large. Example, I had a divx5.0 avi with aspect ratio 344x232, bitrate 1315, 25fps, and audio at 192kb/s 48000hz. I made an svcd file out of it that was 1.6gb (2 disks), with video bitrate about 2200kb/s and audio bitrate 228kb/s. Was this necessary? or would the quality have been exactly the same at a much lower bitrate since the original avi had a much lower bitrate?


Minion  2003-04-28 20:47:50 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The Source Files Video and audio Bitrate have Absolutly nothing to do with how you encode them To Mpeg so just get that whole Idea out of your Head, They are Two totally different Compression formats that have absolutly no relation to each other..With Mpeg then Higher the Bitrate used to encode to Mpeg the Better the Quality no matter how the Original AVI file was made....

Question - TE25 - Cut is 12 seconds off No.36601
bgm  2003-04-28 13:07:55 ( ID:cbhwgjk/zca )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm using TMPG plus, newest version 160 but this applies to all versions I've tried. Using WinXP pro, Direct X 9a. When I try to cut an mpg2 the place the cut is made 11 seconds before the place I've marked in the merge/cut editor. I have other computers that work correctly but on my production machine I can't seem to fix this problem. I've tried replacing mpg encoder, codecs. nothing seems to fix the 12 second problem.

bgm  2003-04-28 19:06:58 ( ID:cbhwgjk/zca )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thought I'd provide an update in case anyone has any ideas. The merge/cut function of TMPG plus is reading the time stamp wrong on mpg2 video. On a very similar machine with the same codecs installed, I get the correct time showing at the frame I want to cut to. In the computer with the problem the time stamp shown is 11 seconds off, eg, 2:26 vs 2:37 actual.

Minion  2003-04-28 20:42:30 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The easiest thing to do would be to Just Not use Tmpgenc"s editor, the Merge & Cut is Buggy at the best of times and does not support the accurate editing of VBR Encoded Mpeg files...Use a Real Mpeg editor Like "Womble Mpeg2VCR" or Ashy posted a link to a Freeware Vob/Mpeg editor a Page or 2 back called "Chopper XP" I haven"t tried it yet but I"m sure it it better than the Merge & Cut, there is also another Freeware Mpeg2 editor called "Mpeg2Cut" based on DVD2AVI that works well also....

Question - TE25 - Encoding stops error generated No.36599
Jim  2003-04-28 04:51:39 ( ID:ld.cawffvk2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello, I'm encoding a 3+ gig AVI file after approx 6 min of file encodong
(from the source file) an error log message is generated. It doesn't tell me the error name/number. What may be some common culprits? I am using the downloaded sample version. I should add that the encoding process functioned very well on a similar type file.
Jim S

Minion  2003-04-28 05:56:00 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Probably need more information than this, Like the Format of the AVI file and were the AVI came from(Captured/Downloaded/ect) and audio Format in the AVI file and Framerate and anything else you can think of...

Question - TE25 - Can I use the TMPGEnc 2.5 to convert DVD to Mpeg1? No.36597
brianv  2003-04-28 04:09:04 ( ID:vdy973zf2o. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I went to select the source file, the DVD has only either .VOB or .IFO extensions, which are not listed in TMPGEnc. I would like to convert DVD to VCD. Please help.

Thank you,


Minion  2003-04-28 05:53:07 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The Way you encode DVD"s is to first Use "DVD2AVI" to Make a D2V Project file and a Wav audio file from the Audio track you want, then you load the "D2V" and "Wav" file into tmpgenc and encode it to mpeg...You can not Properly Encode VoB files directly with Tmpgenc you have to Use DVD2AVI to Frameserve the VoB files to Tmpgenc....Go to "" and look for a Guide on how to encode VCD/SVCD"s from DVD"s Useing DVD2AVI and Tmpgenc....

Question - TE25 - MPEG2 Codec Expired? No.36595
D. Button  2003-04-28 02:20:15 ( ID:yfq3hghdb5n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I just downloaded and ran the version from the website. It says that the 30 day trial period has expired and I need to buy the full version to make SVCD's. Why?

Minion  2003-04-28 05:48:47 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This will Only happen if at some point in the Past you have Downloaded Tmpgenc before, you Might not have even used it more than once But that is all it takes, Cuz once you have downloaded and installed Tmpgenc once that is it, you get no more chances at useing Tmpgenc for Mpeg2, But mpeg1 is free forever...

Question - TE25 - What the settings IN GOP structure do? No.36591
Pscylo  2003-04-27 21:35:12 ( ID:gyx2w45yfel )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I understand the IBP notation and just wondered whether anyone knew what the check boxes in the GOP structure box do.

I know what closed GO does, the other two were of interest



Minion  2003-04-27 21:47:30 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You should ALLWAYS have "Detect Scene Change" Selected, And "Force Picture Type Setting" is so you can Make certain Frames in the File be forced to be encoded as "I" Frames..This setting is Generally Not used often...

Pscylo  2003-04-28 00:55:57 ( ID:gyx2w45yfel )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No probs with that, I just was curious as to what the do. Obviously detect scence change does what it says on the tin, but difference does it make to the stream.

Minion  2003-04-28 05:46:14 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When a Scene change is detected the Encoder with Puts in an "I" Frame, this makes it easier for Chaptering and Editing cuz you want to Put in Chapters at the Beginning of a Scene and you want to edit at the start of a scene and you have to edit and chapter on "I" Frames so this Makes it easier....

Question - TE25 - Mr No.36587
Glen  2003-04-27 21:00:11 ( ID:yy0ncampghr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I try to convert an 'm2v'file I get a message saying it cannot be opened or is unsupported.

After installing the "MPEG 2 Video VFAPI Plug In' I can now open/convert the video part of the file but not the audio. It does not even appear in the 'Audio Source" area.

Does anyone know of an audio plug in that will solve my problem.


Minion  2003-04-27 21:42:43 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Why do you want to encode the Audio??? It is allready in the Correct Format for mpeg(mpa,mp2)..Just encode the Video and Use the "Multiplex" to join the Audio and Mpeg video together....

lemmy  2003-04-28 17:56:44 ( ID:r7s8eflde8o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Being a newbie i hadn't worked out what the multiplex did


Minion  2003-04-28 21:04:33 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The "Multiplex" or "Muxer" Joins Video and Audio streams, and "Demultiplex" or "DeMuxer" Seperates Video and Audio streams from a Mpeg file into Seperate audio and Video files...

Question - TE25 - file cannot be created No.36584
mrnybluesman  2003-04-27 18:04:11 ( ID:kqeswzcpkao )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am new at this and use Roxio software to burn vcd's. Any time I try to use TPPG to convert to a usable file it goes through the settings portion and then when I hit start it always says cannot create file. It also tells me that the file I am working with already exits should I overwrite it. Anyone have any experience with this problem?


Minion  2003-04-27 21:40:30 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It would only ask you to Overwrite if there is a File with the same Name in the Output Directory, Either change the name of the Output file or change the directory were the file will be Created....OOHHhhh I allmost forgot "RoXio is Crap" you would be well advised to get a Real Burning App for burning VCD"s/SVCD"s...

Ashy  2003-04-29 19:02:07 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Why are you encoding an MPEG to MPEG?

Question - TE25 - MOtion Search Precision Settings No.36582
Pupster  2003-04-27 18:02:11 ( ID:4fzyjf0xypa )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Does the "Motion Search PRecision" setting affect resulting encoded file size ?

Does it affect the video quality ?

What does it do ?

Thanks, I am new to this and can use all of the information you can supply.

Is there any documentation which decribes in depth all of the program options ?

Minion  2003-04-27 21:37:08 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

"Motion Precition Search" Affects Quality But not File size it also Affects the time it takes to encode the files...

Question - TE25 - MPEG File Sizes ?? No.36580
Pupster  2003-04-27 17:18:44 ( ID:4fzyjf0xypa )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a question on the resulting file sizes when converting to NTSC VCD from AVI

Some of the AVI's I encode end up being huge files, too big to burn on a 750MB cd as a vcd.

What affects the size of the encoded files ?
Below are two examples of files I have converted:
Audio source for both is the MPEG layer 1 audio from the AVI.

Example 1
Original AVI: 717MB, 640x272 with a 448 bit rate.
Resulting MPEG: 628MB

Example 2:
Original AVI: 713MB, 576x320, bit rate 137
Resulting MPEG: 2.5G

Why is the resulting MPEG in example 2 so large ?

This file is too large to burn as a VCD with a 750MB cd. Is there something I can do to reduce the size ??

What determines the size of encoded files ?

Please help.

Thank you !!

Minion  2003-04-27 21:35:31 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What determines the Size of the Mpeg files is the Length of the Source Files and the Bitrate used to encode them to Mpeg, generally for VCD it is 10mb per minute of AVI..Most movies Have to be Put on 2 or more CD-R"s....

Question - TE25 - wmv and asf files unsupported error No.36578
tina  2003-04-27 15:42:28 ( ID:sbezb30us6n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

On my old pc i was able to convert wmv and asf files with tmpgenc about 80% of the time with no problem. I was always able to open them in tmpgenc.

On my new pc, i can watch wmv and asf files in windows media player, but i get the "unsupported" error when trying to open any and all of these types of files in tmpgenc. Changing the extension of a wmv file to asf does not help. I already have the DirectShow Multimedia File Reader set to the top of the priority list.

Minion  2003-04-27 21:31:46 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

All I can think of is do you have the Latest Windows Media Codecs installed?? and if all else Fails you can allways convert the Files to AVI then encode them to Mpeg....

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