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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 663 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 PC hangs on encode Madmuhfuh 4 2002-11-01 12:26:47
Question TE25 Final file size mpg ~~ Flying ~~ 2 2002-10-30 19:06:07
Question TE25 direct file reader otkidd 1 2002-10-30 10:37:20
Question TE25 can't encode video knothead26 2 2002-10-31 04:33:14
Question TE25 Read Error cigargod1 18 2002-11-06 04:51:30
Question TE25 did i set up right otkidd 2 2002-10-30 10:40:23
Question TE25 Video Error 0 2002-10-30 05:18:45
Question TE25 Ulead DVD Workshop 1.2 to burn 16:9 widescreen... thuydinh 3 2002-10-30 17:41:30
Question TE25 DTS to .WAV file? dgbowen 3 2002-10-30 13:17:46
Question TE25 Ashy, DVD2AVI woes dgbowen 4 2002-10-30 19:13:10
Question TE25 TMPGEnc renders black after 9 mins greydog 2 2002-10-31 10:52:12
Question TE25 Splitting Mpeg's, Video stops, Sound keeps going Dippah 2 2002-10-29 21:41:23

Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 663 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Question - TE25 - PC hangs on encode No.30083
Madmuhfuh  2002-10-30 13:37:45 ( ID:pgom9z9uuh. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi all,

Ive been using tmpegenc for a long time now with no problems at all apart from running into known bugs.
After upgrading my machine recently my machine now hangs after between 6 and 12 minutes of encoding. There is no crash restart, no system log entry, no error messages of any kind, just a complete lock up of the machine. It doesnt matter what format im trying to encode, tho im actually trying for a 2 pass svcd from ripped vobs.

My new machine spec is athlonxp2200+ on an abit at7 max2, 512 of crucial 2700, leadtek ti4400, sblive 5.1 platinum, dual WD800JB 80gb special edition raid0 etc etc running XP pro SP1. The only thing different to my previous and working setup is the cpu, memory and mobo.

Ive tried underclocking the cpu and ram, disabling all the onboard USBs/firewire etc, reinstall of the software, reinstall of all codecs with no luck at all.
I consider myself an expert with tmpeg and with video work in general, as well as being a certified support tech for a living but this one has me totally stumped. My assumption at the moment is some incompatibility with thoroughbred athlons as i know tmpeg has no problems with the at7 max2 due to a friend having a similar setup but only running an xp1900.

Has anyone seen anything similar or does the tmpeg team recognise a bug with tbreds?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, pulling my hair out here.


ffast  2002-10-31 02:05:33 ( ID:bziuu02jpsm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Try unchecking "SSE" at CPU setting of TMPGEnc. This might help.

I personally think Win2K is more stable than WinXP statistically though.

Madmuhfuh  2002-10-31 13:14:55 ( ID:pgom9z9uuh. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I tried unchecking sse, increased the time before crash to 15 mins or so but still the same outcome.
Ive sorted the problem out now, sort of. If i set my bios to xp2000+ rather than xp2200+ or by manually setting fsb and multiplier then it works.
This leads me to think that its down to the CPU ID string as if i set the same fsb/multiplier (12.5x133) that the xp2000+ setting uses i get the same crash.

If anyone is reading running a 2200 or any other tbred can you try an encode and post your results.

This crash only occurs using tmpegenc btw, using bbmpeg, cce or any other encoder has no problems.

PBear  2002-10-31 22:56:00 ( ID:uzyyst0/g3j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I upgraded to a machine similar to yours (Athon 2000+ w/XP) my hang problems with TMPGEnc went away! But, on my old machine, any program rendering MPEG files would hang my system flat after about 10-15 minutes of encoding. Drove me nuts for months. Finally fixed it -- accidentally -- by reverting my swap file settings to Windows default (changing setting back from fixed size to dynamic). Swap file had been too small to handle MPEG conversion.

XP creates a fixed-size swap file by default, I think, but it may not be big enough for your jobs. Try increasing its size and see if that helps.

mei  Home )  2002-11-01 12:26:47 ( ID:g8e5xq8ypig )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i got the same problem on
windows 2000 Pro. / Service Pack 3
Athlon XP1800+
did all possible patches and upgrades but nothing would help?
this seems to be an processor related problem ???


Question - TE25 - Final file size mpg No.30080
~~ Flying ~~  Home )  2002-10-30 12:11:09 ( ID:iku04dwsfza )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If i lower the bitrate from 1150 to 900 to obtain a final estimated 760000 ko mpg file which i can burn on a 90 min. 800mb cd-r, i still get a 932950ko file.
It seams that change the bitrate doesn't change anything on the mpg file size.

B_Racer  2002-10-30 17:34:30 ( ID:gxmkoa4dlnj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you are creating Non-Standard VCD, you have to use Non-Standard VCD for Multiplexing. If not, TMPGEnc fills the "missing" Datarate with Zero-Bytes.

Ashy  2002-10-30 19:06:07 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You need to change the stream type when encoding to 'MPEG1 VCD (Non standard)' otherwise the file will be padded.

Just run that file through the multiplexer with the stream setting above to remove the padding. This will reduce the file size accordingly.


Question - TE25 - direct file reader No.30078
otkidd  2002-10-30 07:11:19 ( ID:alnij9bprzo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I went into enviromental setting and vfapi plug in and I saw direct show multimeadia reader it has a setting of -1 and i can't change it also earlier today or tonight i encoded eddie murphy delerios it took 2 hours and played the entire process on the preview screen now i am tring to encode oleander it it took about 1/2 hour and preview screen did not work so i am not sure if it encoded it at all

Ashy  2002-10-30 10:37:20 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Highlight the setting then right click it. A menu will pop up.

If you see nothing in the preview then nothing will be encoded, raising the priority to 2 should solve the problem.


Question - TE25 - can't encode video No.30075
knothead26  2002-10-30 06:45:50 ( ID:p4bakfomxpk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

while trying to encode, i hit the start button, and i get the message " can't load p3package.dll". how can i fix this; already reinstalled and downloaded again.

Juggernaut  2002-10-30 07:41:18 ( ID:2a6y6b5qk9r )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you downloaded this as a zip file, Try re-extracting it to it own Folder. I ran into the same problem and so I created a new folder and extracted the zipped file (The TMPGE...package) to it, which contained the seemingly missing P3*dll . When I ran the package from this new folder it was able to find the *dll file.

Juggernaut  2002-10-31 04:33:14 ( ID:2a6y6b5qk9r )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you downloaded this as a zip file, Try re-extracting it to it own Folder. I ran into the same problem and so I created a new folder and extracted the zipped file (The TMPGE...package) to it, which contained the seemingly missing P3*dll . When I ran the package from this new folder it was able to find the *dll file.

Question - TE25 - Read Error No.30056
cigargod1  2002-10-30 06:27:11 ( ID:qj6fl56n9oc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am using Plus 2.5 version. I get this error when trying to encode to VCD,"Read error occurred at address 0049EA94 of module TMPGEnc.exe with 00000037. It gives me the error at about 1 hour elapsed time. I am using Windows XP. Is there a way of getting the earlier versions of TMPGEnc? I started having the problems when I upgraded to 2.58 and Plus 2.5 versions. I would greatly appreciate any help.

Ashy  2002-10-30 10:38:34 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Go to the VFAPI plugins and raise the direct show to '2'


cigargod1  2002-10-30 15:34:07 ( ID:qj6fl56n9oc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I did that. I even tried it at 3 and I still get the error. Please keep helping me. I greatly appreciate it.

Ashy  2002-10-30 19:07:11 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Frameserve the file from Virtualdub to TMPG.


cigargod1  2002-10-31 03:41:22 ( ID:qj6fl56n9oc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am not using Virtual Dub. I used CladDVD XP 1.3 to create a .d2v file for video and a .wav file for the audio. I load those 2 files in TMPGEnc browsers for video and audio. Then use System-Video+Audio to create a MPEG-1 file to copy on CD-R. Let me know if I should be doing something else. Thank you.

Minion  2002-10-31 09:54:51 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well that is your problem,you should have said you were useing D2V files...You need to have "DVD2AVI" installed on your system or at least the "DVD2AVI.VFP Plugin...You will know if you have the "DVD2AVI.Vfp" plugin because it will be in the same list as the "direct show" in the "VFAPI Plugins"....seing as your D2V file was made by CladDVD I don"t know if the D2V file will work properly because you have to have the DVD2AVI plugin for that specific version of DVD2AVI and I don"t know what version of D2V file CladDVD Makes..So what you should do is download "DVD2AVI" open up the DVD2AVI folder and copy and paste the "DVD2AVI.VFP" folder into The Tmpgenc folder, then restart Tmpgenc and see if the "DVD2AVI.VFP Plugin is Listed in the Vfapi Plugins..if it is Try loading in the "D2V file but if it doesn"t work you will need to Use "DVD2AVI to make a Compatible D2V file, you can use it to extract the audio from the Vob files or you can use "Vob2Audio"....

Minion  2002-10-31 09:57:09 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Dis-regard that last Re-sponce I totally Mis-understood the Question...Gotta stop drinking Rubbing

Ashy  2002-10-31 10:41:59 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you are using a d2v file then there is no point in changing the priority of the dirtect show file reader as it wont have any effect. The setting you should be changing is the 'DVD2AVI project file reader'
I'm not saying this will work, but it's worth a try. It is more likely the d2v file is corrupt.

If you want my advice dump CladDVD and start doing it the best and the right way. Use Smartripper to rip your your movies and use the d2v file that it creates instead and VOB2AUDIO to rip the audio to a wav.


cigargod1  2002-11-01 01:53:59 ( ID:qj6fl56n9oc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I tried CladDVD with a new movie and made DVD2AVI in plugin a higher priority and I still get the Read Error. I downloaded Smart Ripper. When it was done ripping the info, it gave VOB files. None were .d2v and VOB2AUDIO files. When using Smart Ripper, how do I create those files? Thanks for all the help. We'll get it right soon.

Ashy  2002-11-01 10:52:20 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You need version 2.41 of Smartripper. This one creates the .d2v file.
VOB2AUDIO is a program you use to rip the audio from the VOBS to a wav file.


cigargod1  2002-11-01 16:10:06 ( ID:qj6fl56n9oc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I used SmartRipper 2.41. It created 5 .VOB files and 1 .IFO file. How do I get SmartRipper to create the .d2v file?

Ashy  2002-11-01 21:18:39 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Are you using the correct RIP method when you use Smartripper. You should be using 'Movie'.
The d2v is created when you rip the VOB files. Look in the same folder as the VOBS.
As a hint it is the one with a .d2v extension.


cigargod1  2002-11-03 07:44:57 ( ID:qj6fl56n9oc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ashy, I clicked on Movie in SmartRipper. When done, it did create the .d2v file. I used VOB2AUDIO to create the .wav file. I loaded the 2 files in TMPGEnc. I did not get the usual error during encoding but when it finished, it said completed 100% but only encoded about 12 minutes of the movie. Now what? I like using CladDVD program because it is very simple and it gives the complete .d2v file and .wav file when done. Your way is an extra step using the VOB2AUDIO to get the .wav file. I am very baffled on why CladDVD used to work and now it sounds like it is screwing up the .d2v and .wav files. I tried an earlier version of Tmpgenc and I still get the read error so it must be the CladDVD program. Let's keep trying. Thanks for all the info.

Ashy  2002-11-03 12:50:09 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is my advice to you which will ensure that things work correctly. If these steps don't work then there must be something else at fault.

Step1. Completely delete TMPG then extract a fresh copy of the latest version to your drive.

Step2. Download DVD2AVI v1.77.3

Step3. Copy from the DVD2AVI folder the file called 'DVD2AVI.VFP' into the TMPG folder where the TMPGenc.exe is located.

Step4. Run TMPG and got to Option>enviromental setting>VFAPI plugins and change the priority of the 'DVD2AVI project reader' to 2 and the others to 0

Step5. Using DVD2AVI itself create a .d2v file (there's no need to create a wav with DVD2AVI so check 'none' under - Audio>Track number.

Step6. Load the d2v into TMPG without the wav and select ES(video only) as the stream type.
Now click File>Preview and move the slider all the way to right slowly to see if TMPG can read the whole of the movie.

Step7. If that part went ok you should now be able to encode the movie.


Ashy  2002-11-03 16:59:59 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

P.S. uninstall CladDVD XP 1.3 to make sure there are no conflict problems.


cigargod1  2002-11-04 03:17:16 ( ID:qj6fl56n9oc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If I encode with Video Only, will the sound be there when done or do I have to load in the .wav file that VOB2AUDIO created and stream type: System(Video & Audio)?

cigargod1  2002-11-05 16:20:58 ( ID:qj6fl56n9oc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ashy, I am still waiting for reply. Thank you.

Ashy  2002-11-05 18:49:43 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes load the wav from Vob2Audio and choose System(Video & Audio).

If you still have the same problem after following all the above steps then it
may be a problem with the VOBs themselves.

I once had a similar problem myself. Whereby the d2v was created from the VOBs no problem, but there would be an error at a certain point every time when encoding. When I re-ripped the VOBS with VSTRIP the problem went away.


cigargod1  2002-11-06 04:51:30 ( ID:qj6fl56n9oc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ashy, what should the configurations be set at on DVD2AVI program to create the .d2v file. I want to make sure I am doing it right. Also, in Video, should the YUV->RGB setting be set to PC Scale or TV Scale? I want to watch the movie on my TV. I know how to create the .wav file using VOB2AUDIO, too. Thanks for all the help.

Question - TE25 - did i set up right No.30053
otkidd  2002-10-30 05:37:08 ( ID:cw6xhmtfvxn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I down loaded 5.8 and opened it up i went to set it up and it ask me for a serial number so i put in serial # and it just opened up I don't think it loaded on to my computer i went to add/delete programs and it was't there so i thought it must of loaded why would i get the start page of the 5.8 so i loader a avi file and all i get is a black screen in the preview window but it acts as if it is encodeing a file what am i doing wrong respond

Minion  2002-10-30 06:01:38 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What do you mean it didn"t load onto your Computer???You couldn"t open it up and Enter your Serial number if it wasn"t on your computer...It probably won"t be in your programs list Cuz It can run as a Standalone application...The balck screen can probably be cured by going to "Options" to "Enviromental Settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and Raise the "Direct Show File Reader" To "2"...

Ashy  2002-10-30 10:40:23 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

TMPG doesn't install. It runs as a standalone program. The other problem you are having can be solved by using Minions advice.


Question - TE25 - Video Error No.30052  2002-10-30 05:18:45 ( ID:xv/ahhe49zm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I get this error "write error occurred at address 77F536F7 of module 'ntdll.dll' with 00000000" when i go to create i VCD can someone help me

answer back at
thanks a million

Question - TE25 - Ulead DVD Workshop 1.2 to burn 16:9 widescreen... No.30048
thuydinh  2002-10-30 04:59:11 ( ID:enob4yszwt2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello friends,

I want to burn my video into 16:9 widescreen movie (my source is 16:9 too) but I don't know how to. When I go into Make dics Options - Compression, I see Media type list is blur, so I cannot select 16:9 as I want to burn.

If anyone knows, please help show or teach me what to do.
Thank you very much in advance.


Minion  2002-10-30 05:57:16 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you are talking about "ulead DVD workshop" then you are in the wrong place but heres a Tip, you need to Make a Custom Profile to set it to 16:9...

thuydinh  2002-10-30 07:53:11 ( ID:enob4yszwt2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for your kind reply but in fact because I don't see any so that I can set my profile 16:9. It's blur. Another forum also no reply.


wcpaul  2002-10-30 17:41:30 ( ID:q7gr550x3gw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Mpeg file flags determines whether the title is 16:9. Use TMPGEnc to encode (it is MUCH better) and set the aspect ratio in the Setting/Video sheet. Make sure DVD Workshop does not re-encode. There are some tools for fixing mpeg files on

Don't trim the beginning of the title in DVD Workshop because it will lose the 16:9 setting.

I author Leno Show music captured from a Hi-Def tuner and the result looks VERY close to the Hi-Def broadcast when played off the DVD. On a computer, it blows people away since they are used to ultralow def.

Question - TE25 - DTS to .WAV file? No.30044
dgbowen  Home )  2002-10-30 04:27:17 ( ID:aitjvxtmffr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Does anyone know how to produce a .WAV file from a movie that uses the DTS audio format? thanks -Don

Minion  2002-10-30 05:48:28 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

As of now there aren"t any Programs that will Decode a DTS File to WAV..There is a program that will Encode to DTS called "SureCode DTS" But I don"t think it will Decode to WAV...

Ashy  2002-10-30 11:31:36 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Except Graphedit, which I think is to complicated for a beginner to use.


dgbowen  Home )  2002-10-30 13:17:46 ( ID:aitjvxtmffr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

well...I just wanted the .WAV...I didn't care about if it came from DTS or the AC3 format... I just wanted a .WAV, but you guys solved the previous posts.

Question - TE25 - Ashy, DVD2AVI woes No.30039
dgbowen  Home )  2002-10-30 04:22:24 ( ID:aitjvxtmffr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ashy, I posted a while back that I couldn't get the audio out of "castaway". You told me I was decoding the wrong track and gave me lengthy instructions on how to do it correctly...I am grateful, but they did NOT work.
You also recommended using VOB2Auido...I'd like to...but it doesn't produce the .D2V file TmpgEnc wants...
Can I use DVD2AVI to make the .D2V (project?) file and VOB2Audio to make the .WAV? Will mixing it up like that work?
still confused -- Don

Minion  2002-10-30 05:45:48 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

OK...If you ripped the VOB files with "SmartRipper" there will be a ".TXT" file in the Folder with your Vob files in that text file there will be a List of audio and video tracks that are in the Vob files...The first audio track on the list will be track "One"..Look for the first audio track that is "English" and "AC3" not "DTS" then extract the audio track that corresponds with that Number..Meaning if the "Second" audio track on the list is "English" and Not "DTS" But "AC3" then extract track Number "2"...if you want to use "Vob2Audio" you have to use "DVD2AVI" first to make a D2V file, but if you used "SmartRipper" then there should allready be a "D2V" file in with the "Vob" files...I ripped "Castaways" when it first came out on DVD and from what I remember I didn"t have a Problem with it....

Ashy  2002-10-30 11:12:02 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You are definitely doing something wrong somewhere. There isn't a DVD on this planet that has DTS as the only audio track as this would be illegal as defined by the DVD specs.

Do as minion suggests and look for the Ac3 track under where it says 'Stream info' in the text folder called something like vts_02_INFO.txt.
It is almost always the first audio track and will look something like this:

Stream[002] X=[[0x80] Audio English AC3(6Ch) 48kHz

Note the stream number, in this case it is [0x80] then choose that stream in VOB2AUDIO.

If you used the latest version of Smartripper you will already have a .d2v file in your VOB folder. If not create one with DVD2AVI but check 'None' under Audio>Track number. This will create a .d2v without the wav file.

Now simply use the Wav from VOB2AUDIO and the .d2v from Smartripper or DVD2AVI in TMPG.

As a note this is the best and fastest way to rip a DVD and is the way I use and hardly ever have any problems with it.


dgbowen  Home )  2002-10-30 13:15:41 ( ID:aitjvxtmffr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ashy, I searched the .txt file, and "stream 3" is the first audio track that is AC3 and english...does that mean I want track 3?
using DVD2AVI to make the .D2V file and VOB2Audio to make the .WAV file worked fine...
I never knew that Smart Ripper made it's own .D2V project file...can TmpgEnc use that?
thank you...I have learned something again.

Ashy  2002-10-30 19:13:10 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes you can use the .d2v file that Smartripper creates and VOB2AUDIO for the wav. Just don't delete DVD2AVI as it is still required to decode the VOBS.

Did everything work OK?


Question - TE25 - TMPGEnc renders black after 9 mins No.30036
greydog  2002-10-30 02:44:04 ( ID:gh60/rvr6cj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Please offer any suggestions as to why my movie starts rendering black after 9 mins.

I have a 12 min home video that runs just fine in the AVI format. I put the AVI into TMPGEnc for encoding into MPEG-2. At the 9 min position of the video (Which is 1 hour into the TMPGEnc encoding) the video turns black and continues to encode black till the end of the file. If I edit the movie (for trouble shooting purpose) so it contains only the section that begins playing black, make that section into an AVI, place it into TMPGEnc and render with the same settings, that movie section looks fine.

I edit my home movies with Premier 6.0 to AVI, render them in TMPGEnc V. to MPEG-2 using the same settings (exception being I select video+ audio as the stream type) suggested in the tutorial supplied by

I have had excellent success with all my other home movies which have been up to 15 mins long.

System: ABIT KG-7 Raid MB, AMD Athlon XP 1.7, 1Gig Crucial ECC 2100DDR ram, 32Mb Asus V7700 GeForce Deluxe AGP video card, C60Gig IBM 75GXP, D100 Gig WD BB E120 Western Digital BB, FPioneer 104, GPlextor 16/10/40a, Enlight 7235 case W/ Enlight HPC-300-101 PS, Soundblaster 5.1, 1394 Firewire card supplied with Studio DV, Win 2K Professional OS

Camera: NTSC Cannon Optura Pi, Full-Rez DV capture only, Microphone for Camera is Cannon DM-50

Thank you ..........

Minion  2002-10-30 05:37:31 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Raiseing the "direct Show File reader" could help with the file turning black...go to "Options" to "Enviromental Settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and raise the "Direct Show" to "2"...I"m more concerned with why it takes 1 hour to encode 9 minutes of video..On your System it should only take 10-15 minutes on High quality to encode 10 minutes of Video...

greydog  2002-10-31 10:52:12 ( ID:gh60/rvr6cj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I Raised the direct Show File Reader to 2 but the video still came out bad. I saw in the options that a recently loaded program called "DVD2SVCD" had added some stuff to the "Vfapi Plugins" list. I removed the "DVD2SVCD" program from my system. Now the video will encode properly. I will do more troubleshooting on this as the video still took 2 hours and 24 mins to encode. I will post more here when I have some findings. Thanks much for the help!!!

Question - TE25 - Splitting Mpeg's, Video stops, Sound keeps going No.30033
Dippah  2002-10-29 20:00:07 ( ID:tbwe0zqo4ll )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I made a rather large DVD quality rip of a movie. It came out to about 2.3gb in mpeg-2 format. I want to split the movie up into 4 segments so I can burn them to disc. However, when I use the mpeg tools included with TMPGEnc, and split the files, something goes wrong in the playback.

When I play the split files one by one, each of them stops playing video after 5 minutes or so, yet the Audio keeps on streaming normally. So Ill reach a point in a scene and the video will just freeze on one frame of video, but the soun keeps going.

Anyone know what causes this? Im using Windows Media Player to play the file, which works fine on all DVD and MPEG files Ive used before.

Thanks for any help.

1800+ Athlon XP
GF2 Pro
GTXP Sound
512mb DDR

Minion  2002-10-29 20:37:30 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well you can split a 2.3GB file into 3 parts and fit it on 3 700mb 80min CD-R"s (3 times 800MB=2.4gb)The problem is With the "Mpeg Tools" so you need to use a Different Mpeg editor..The mpeg tools are quite buggy at times you can try to re-install tmpgenc or use a different version but the best thing is to find a Reliable Mpeg editor...Mpeg2VCR is good but it adds To much padding to the edited mpeg stream..M2-Edit pro 5 is good but it costs $1500 US...There is a Good Mpeg editor that comes with Power VCR...To view your Mpeg2 files you shouldn"t use "Media Player" cuz it doesn"t display the true aspect ratio or resolution of the file....Use "Power DVD" or something simular...

Klaus Deiss  2002-10-29 21:41:23 ( ID:oiwedssihhw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a similar problem. Sound stops - video goes on. I'am working with files created with hauppauge pvr. Sometimes (if there are some activities on the pc) the pvr-encoder cause some errors in the mpg-stream. If tmpgenc finds such an error it will either stop imediatly or continue without error but in the resulting file audio stops.

There is no problem to convert such a file with tmpgenc's encoder to annother format (e.g. VCD) - seems to be a special problem in tmpgencs cutting engine.

I found a workaround for the second error: demuxe the mpg file. take the resulting mp2 file and encode it with tmpgenc (audio only project).target mp2, same bitrate as input (or lower....) - remux mp2 and mpv - and there is sound !

For mpeg-2 input I'am using ligos decoder - I've also tested others - no difference in behavior. Prehaps Mr. Tsunami (thanks him a lot for his great great work!!!!) can fix this in a later release ????

Klaus Deiss

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