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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 File unsupported again - somebody explain! eddie95 1 2002-11-03 01:45:28
Question TE25 Audio is not in sync with video Bobsolo10 3 2002-11-26 19:47:44
Question TE25 Menu Extras jaycdam 2 2002-11-01 10:21:24
Question TE25 frameserving..... regman 1 2002-11-01 10:23:56
Question TE25 Heavy compression? eddie95 3 2002-11-01 14:08:17
Question TE25 Can not open, or unsupported message with MPEG2 EgertonBlue 1 2002-10-31 20:44:11
Question TE25 "can not open or unsupported" SLM 17 2002-11-04 17:37:57
Question TE25 Stop button Steven 1 2002-10-31 16:00:15
Question TE25 RGB1 Uncompressed file??? jwmiller 4 2002-10-31 20:38:50
Question TE25 Blurring Effect Around Credits and Preview Direct7777 1 2002-10-31 20:50:24
Question TE25 Problems encoding certain AVIs tiring_day 4 2002-11-01 02:18:42
Question TE25 Audio / Video not synchron when Cutting/Merging Eurydike007 1 2002-10-31 20:28:30

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Question - TE25 - File unsupported again - somebody explain! No.30164
eddie95  2002-10-31 23:50:09 ( ID:ujv2ebjxawc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Up to now I've always been fine with DV avi files.
But recently Ive been getting these unsupported file error messages. I changed the priority of that thing to +2 and it worked. But now its stopped having an effect. I just dont understand it all. Is there a patch for me to get?

Minion  2002-11-03 01:45:28 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Try Frameserveing the file...

Question - TE25 - Audio is not in sync with video No.30160
Bobsolo10  2002-10-31 22:35:59 ( ID:t4mpyzzbaql )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When converting several of my avi files into mpegs, the audio slowly trails until there is almost a second gap in between. The original file has no gap in it, therefore is this a problem with my computer, or TMPG itself?

Minion  2002-11-01 02:37:40 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No it"s probably not Tmpgenc but the file you are encodeing,With avi files the audio and video are Interleaved so the Video is locked to the Video stream so if the Video allways plays at the same speed as the audio But whan you encode the file to mpeg the audio gets stripped off and encoded and the video gets stripped off and encoded, so there for they aren"t locked to the same time code anymore, and the audio will go on playing the same speed as it should but the video goes by it"s own time code based on the Frame rate which can be slightly different than the audio..So that is why gradual sync problems happen when encodeing AVI files..There isn"t very much you can do about it accept there is a Chance you can use something like "Sound forge" and use it to take the audio and either shrink or stretch the audio to fit the exact length of the video file...

koka  2002-11-01 12:13:19 ( ID:8buzgb12aog )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Do not use PAL 625 lines, but the 3:4 format. It gives a better result.

The Gern  2002-11-26 19:47:44 ( ID:7uze8dry20j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Problem A/V desync over time is digitizing with an Audio unlocked
device (ie DV/D8 camcorder - nonprofessional grade). Canon MiniDV
camcorders slide about 3 sec per hour, Sony about 1/10th sec per hour.

Solution: Canopus ADVC-100 with locked audio, $295. Worked for me -
PERFECT SYNC over time. And I was pulling my hair out thinking it
was a S/W problem...


Question - TE25 - Menu Extras No.30157
jaycdam  2002-10-31 21:44:33 ( ID:rqghnp3u6ul )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

On my friends TMPG the menu screen has an additional well as VCD, SVCD and DVD, there is "Other" which allows him to set the length of the film so that a whole film can fit on an 80min CD. Where can I find it?

Minion  2002-11-01 02:29:10 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It doesn"t Exist..Not if I understand what you are saying, do you mean in the Wizard were you choose if you want a VCD/Ntsc/Pal or a SVCD/Ntsc/Pal or a DVD/NTSC/Pal???you are saying your friends has another option called "Other"????From what i gather there isn"t a option like this or has never been an option like this..You can allways put a Whole movie on Disk but it will look like Total crap, say a 90minute movie might be allmost Bareable but anything longer won"t be Hardly recognizeable..If there was a Way to get a Whole movie on a CDR with Really good Quality then we wouldn"t need DVD'S.............

Ashy  2002-11-01 10:21:24 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Which version of TMPG is your friend using?


Question - TE25 - frameserving..... No.30155
regman  2002-10-31 20:54:12 ( ID:jmiymllqlvf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

this message is for ashy.....first of all, I want to thank you for all the important information you've been giving me thus far, but I have a question....I've never worked with frameserve....can you tell me how to frameserve a movie please? If you need my e-mail address I can give you's if ANYBODY can tell me how to frameserve a movie or how to work with frameserve I'd gladly appreciate it....thank you very much!!!

Ashy  2002-11-01 10:23:56 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you look in the Virtualdub help files it will tell you how to set up the Frameserver. If you need more additional help have a walkthrough.

If you still can't work it out I will try and explain.


Question - TE25 - Heavy compression? No.30151
eddie95  2002-10-31 17:39:55 ( ID:cgx3nbhwwxm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I want to compress my video file quite a lot so that my 1 minute video file is less than 10mb. When I encode as mpeg 1, I cant get at the bit rate setting because it's greyed out. How can I change the bit rate? Or better still, how can I use a lot of compression to get the file size down?

Minion  2002-10-31 20:48:19 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Mpeg Format doesn"t really go By Lots or Little Compression it Goes By Bitrate, to change the Bitrate you need to load the "Unlock.mfc" Template from the "Extra" Folder then ALL the settings will be unlocked and you need to go to "Settings" to "System" and change the stream setting to "Video-CD Non-Standard"..The quality of the Video will be Quite Bad if you go below the standard VCD bitrates actually Regular VCD Bitrates are bad enough ....

eddie95  2002-11-01 13:12:47 ( ID:cts0b298yqw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I cant open that file. It says invalid stream or something.

Ashy  2002-11-01 14:08:17 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

LOL....He doesn't mean load the file as in the video source box!
Use the 'Load' button in the TMPG main window and then navigate to your template folder and double click the 'unlock.mcf' template.


Question - TE25 - Can not open, or unsupported message with MPEG2 No.30149
EgertonBlue  2002-10-31 17:29:57 ( ID:dkgr6x4yk4a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Just upgraded to the latest TMPGenc and find that I get tha above error message when I try to import MPEG2 files via the project wizard or by the main screen.

Apologies if I have missed something obvious during the install, but I thought that TMPGenc could handle MPEG2 source files.

Any ideas as to what may be the problem or what to check would be much appreciated.

Minion  2002-10-31 20:44:11 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Tmpgenc can only Accept Mpeg2 sources if you have the Proper Mpeg2 Decoder installed... go to "options" to "Enviromental settings" to "vfapi Plugins" and Look for a Mpeg2 decoder in the List like either "Ligos ,Cyberlink or Sony" if none are there then you need to have one installed, If you install "Power DVD" that will install a Mpeg2 decoder or if you install the latest "Nemo Codec Pack" it will install the "Ligos" Mpeg2 decoder...Sometimes De-Muxing the Mpeg2 file will help if you are haveing problems loading it the file But I still find it Quicker to Make D2V file with DVD2AVI and encode that....

Question - TE25 - "can not open or unsupported" No.30131
SLM  2002-10-31 15:19:02 ( ID:mykvhqj3iwh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have some avi files,and I can use tmpgenc to change them to mpeg files,but one day,the tmpgenc doesn't know the avi files again, "can not open or unsupported",who can help me to reslove the problem.thanks

Cutukjock  2002-10-31 15:51:21 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>I have some avi files,and I can use tmpgenc to change them to mpeg files,but one day,the tmpgenc doesn't know the avi files again, "can not open or unsupported",who can help me to reslove the problem.thanks

I have Exactly the same problem I have tried putting the Direct show at 2 But no Difference, I have even rebuilt the Machine Ie:- Format and reinstall but still the same, If you find out Please let me know. Jon.

eddie95  2002-10-31 17:19:18 ( ID:cgx3nbhwwxm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am having the same problem. One day I can open the files fine, but then the next, its saying the files are unsupported. Whats going on?

Minion  2002-11-01 05:29:59 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Have any of you rescently updated to media player 9???it has been known to cause these problems and there is No fiX accept to go back to MP8...

johng  2002-11-01 19:24:26 ( ID:at0ygnxhyen )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have used this program earlier this year to convert asf files to mpeg1 without a problem.
Now it tells me they are not supported, nothing has changed my end, so what's the issue that people are now having, with the unsupported file message?

Minion  2002-11-01 19:29:33 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well if you are encodeing ASF file then the problem coulc be the fact that Tmpgenc doesn"t seem to totally support this format, It says it does but I have had problems in the past useing asf and WMV files in tmpgenc...if raiseing the direct show doesn"t work then there isn"t that much you can do about it ...

johng  2002-11-02 05:28:55 ( ID:thmv/zplph2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

From my experience today in searching for a solution I have come to the conclusion that MS has put a stop to any decoding of their WMA/ASF files with a patent to cover them.
VitualDub doesn't allow it with the message that MS has a patent on their files and thus can't be converted, but if you can find version 1.3 you'll be still sweet.
Nero's ROM which claims and advertises that it's possible with their latest version + mpeg2 encoder to be able to drop/drag/convert files (also says that it supports WMA/ASF files) but when you do you get the message that these files aren't supported.
So looks like MS has closed the door again.

Minion  2002-11-02 10:52:31 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Nope thats not it ...It has to do mostly with your computer configuration and your Direct Show filters not being able decode the ASF/WMV file..This is very common with that format Because it is Highly compressed and being so compressed that errors in the stream are very common..You might be able to fix this if you download a program called "ASF Fix" it will fix any errors in the stream and might make it readable to Tmpgenc..Tmpgenc can encode pretty much any format that Media Player can play cuz they both read files useing Direct show..But if in the end you can"t get it to encode you can try to use "Virtual Dub-ASF" to frame serve the file to tmpgenc but I have never been able to get it to work..You can encode the WMV or ASF to AVI and then encode that to Mpeg, there is a program called "Stoik Video converter" that will convert the ASF to AVI and there is a program called "EO-Video" that will convert the ASF to Mpeg1...

Ashy  2002-11-02 11:39:13 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I agree with Minion. It is more likely a problem with your PC configuration. Lets just remember what ASF files are.
ASF files are simply microsofts proprietary MPEG4 format with a wrapper which makes it suitable for streaming over the internet.
It isn't some special kind of codec contained within the ASF just plain old MPEG4, so there should be no problem if you have the right codecs installed in the right way.

I have encoded several ASF files using both TMPG and Virtualdub and have never had a problem yet, so as I say it isn't the format itself.
As for Nero, I have just tested and Nero has no problem with these files either, so there must be some other reason why Nero is not accepting the files.


johng  2002-11-02 12:15:58 ( ID:at0ygnxhyen )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well OK guys where do I start to change my situation.
It was all working fine several months ago.
What is it exactly I need to do to sort out these WMA/ASF files for all programs.

johng  2002-11-02 12:37:32 ( ID:at0ygnxhyen )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Just tried STOIK for my asf files, and it says "cannot open source file"
Has MS locked my computer out of encoding these file through windows updates?
If any of you can help me with a step by step guide to correct this problem I'll shout you a beer when your in Oz.

Ashy  2002-11-02 17:18:01 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok it seems like the MS MPEG4 codec on your PC has either been removed or corrupted.
What you need to do to install support for ASF files is to download and install this codec:

Just ignore any warnings windows may give you.

This codec will also allow you to encode to MS MPEG4 unlike the MPEG4 codec which is downloadable from their site which is locked and decodes MPEG4 and ASF only.


johng  2002-11-03 00:08:26 ( ID:at0ygnxhyen )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks Ashy
Still no go after installing/rebooting this fix.
TMPG still displays the file name and "cannot open or unsupported" in a message box.
Maybe a re-install of windows would fix it?

jonlg  2002-11-03 02:42:33 ( ID:at0ygnxhyen )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Just reloaded windows to see if that would help, but no it didn't.
Still the same messages.

Ashy  2002-11-03 12:27:08 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Which operating system are you using and does this file play with mediaplayer?

Go to this page and download the test file called 'MS Mpeg4 v3 (ASF)' use 'right click - save as'

If this file plays ok then your file is corrupt.


Ashy  2002-11-03 12:27:34 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Which operating system are you using and does this file play with mediaplayer?

Go to this page and download the test file called 'MS Mpeg4 v3 (ASF)' use 'right click - save as'

If this file plays ok then your file is corrupt.


jonlg  2002-11-04 05:12:58 ( ID:at0ygnxhyen )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks Ashy
It plays fine and I know that you've given me the links to fixes and I've tried them, but I can't help but think MS has done something to alter these files somewhere along the line.
You see VD puts up a message that says, even with old VD 1.3 that "at MS request they no longer support WMA/ASF files".

Ashy  2002-11-04 17:37:57 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You need VirtualDub14c-asf. This should work just tested it.


Question - TE25 - Stop button No.30129
Steven  2002-10-31 15:04:06 ( ID:9mrdftg2qzm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

While TMPGenc was encoding, I hit the STOP button because I made an error in my choices. When I redo it, it shows my previous messed up choices as batch jobs it has yet to encode. I can't seem to start a new project or make any choices that clear it's batch history. I now have 8 jobs to encode because of this and I only actually want 1. Where is this job history and how can I clear it?


(Great program BTW)

Ashy  2002-10-31 16:00:15 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Why are you creating batch jobs if you are only encoding one file???

To start TMPG encoding just simply click the 'Start' button to start encoding, theres no need to create a batch job first.

To delete the 8 batch jobs which 'YOU' must have created simply click File>Batch encode. Then highlight all the jobs. Right click on the highlighted jobs then choose delete from the menu.


Question - TE25 - RGB1 Uncompressed file??? No.30124
jwmiller  2002-10-31 14:12:49 ( ID:cazxnolcgda )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have recently downloaded some video files with a uncompressed RGB1 decompressor and they will not playback in windows media player...I have the DIVX 5.02 bundle installed...Do i need a different codec or am I missing something???

Ashy  2002-10-31 16:06:28 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Your statement isn't making sense what sort of files are they?

The video files would be huge (were talking Gigabytes here) if they were uncompressed RGB.
Where are you getting this info from and where did you download the files.
Your problem is most likely because you don't have the right codec.


jwmiller  2002-10-31 16:24:23 ( ID:cazxnolcgda )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I downloaded the file off kazaa...when the file would not play in windows media player I opened in virtual dub and went to file information and the decompressor was listed as uncompressed RGB1...what else can I do??

jwmiller  2002-10-31 16:25:47 ( ID:cazxnolcgda )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The file is an avi...

Minion  2002-10-31 20:38:50 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well the Format is wrong Cuz Uncompressed RBG takes close to 1GB per minute of Video and If you can open it with Virtual Dub then use V-Dub to frame serve the file to tmpgenc..if Virtual Dub can open it and you can see the Picture then you probably have the right codecs installed but the file could be corrupted Cuz media Player won"t play it....Try the frame serveing thing with V-Dub it could work...

Question - TE25 - Blurring Effect Around Credits and Preview No.30122
Direct7777  2002-10-31 14:10:42 ( ID:jeji9g1jkfn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I encoded my last movie the beginning credits had blurred areas around the edges. Does anyone know how to remove this. Also in the source range I selected the beginning of the movie as the start point and the end as the ending point, but TMPGENC only encoded half the movie. Any ideas. I am running winodws 2000, TMPGENC v Thanks for any help.

Minion  2002-10-31 20:50:24 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well useing to low of a Bitrate will cause this or you can try useing the "Reduce Block noise" filter......

Question - TE25 - Problems encoding certain AVIs No.30117
tiring_day  2002-10-31 12:16:44 ( ID:6nivppeoqqf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi guys

Been using the program for quite sometime but recently have been getting a lot of problems encoding some AVIs. It isn't just a TMPG thing but thought one of our local genii would have an answer.

When trying to encode to VCD, TMPG gives out BS file size in the Wizard, claims file will be ex. 348% of disk. There is not way this is the real file size but if I set it encoding I get an error and the audio is out of sync. This is only with certian AVIs. These same AVI also resist the change from 23.(whatever) fps to 25 fps with the resulting MPGs audio being out of sync.

I have also tried loading the audio into sound forge but the program crashes.

I am gussing this has soemthing to do with the audio offset of the AVI but have no idea how to get these files to encode.

Any help would be much appreciated.


Minion  2002-10-31 20:33:59 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you are Converting the File from 23.9FPS to 25FPS then the audio is going to be out of stnc and other problems also...You CAN NOT use Tmpgenc to do frame rate conversions..It does not do them properly, you have to use a Different software to do Frame rate conversions from NTSC to Pal or Visa Versa, like Avisynth has a Script command that converst Frame rates pretty good and "ProCoder" does it well for file size use a "Bitrate Calculator" to determine the file size and bitrate...

t1968  2002-10-31 21:49:09 ( ID:ltznoefrjna )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The problem is the AC3 sound stream.
I had the problem and I solved following the steps below.
1.Install VirtualDUB (FreeWare).
2.Extracting the Audio from AVI to Uncompressed WAV file.
3.Downgrading the sound rate from 48000 to 44100.
4.To convert using TMPEGEnc the Viedo Source is the AVI and the Audio Source is the .WAV

I hope it works for you

tiring_day  2002-10-31 23:53:02 ( ID:6nivppeoqqf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sorry guys maybe I didn't make myself very clear. I have been doing this for a while. I usually strip the audio off with VDub put it through BeSweet, use AVIFrate on the Video and bash it all through TMPG no probs. The problem is some AVIs just won't have it. The Audio is out of Sync from the start. Oh by the way you can stick a 23 to 25 in TMPG, the audio stays pretty much in sync but the picture is way jerky. Trying demo of Procoder as we speak but last time I tried it didn't fair much better. Bludy AVIs

Going to Try Goldwave to strip off Audio as Forge won't take it off these AVIs without choking on it and dieing

Any other suggestions gratefully accepted

Minion  2002-11-01 02:18:42 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The Procoder Demo will only make a 6 minute file with a Logo on it so it won"t do what you want and unless you have a Cracked version but those are Very rare..But avisynth will do it and it is free...The way I extract AC3 is use Virtual dub to save as wav then rename it as AC3 then use AC3Fix to fix the wav header and then I have a AC3 file..The sync problem with frame rate conversions is the least of the problems the Jumpyness it the most anoying....

Question - TE25 - Audio / Video not synchron when Cutting/Merging No.30115
Eurydike007  2002-10-31 10:51:26 ( ID:t.pdb7megpj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I wanted to cut a large video into two smaller pieces.
Usind MPeg Tools/Merg&Cut worked for the video. But the audio is not synchron in the new parts.
Anyone out there who knows the solution or whatm i'm doing wrong?

Minion  2002-10-31 20:28:30 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You need to use Something else to Edit you mpeg files...Tmpgenc can not properly edit Mpeg file that are VBR..and it doesn"t edit CBR very well sometimes either and there isn"t really anything inside tmpgenc that will fix the problem, you might want to try a different version but that might not help either so you either have to encode your movie in parts that you can fit on a CD-R or use something elce to edit with....

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