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Does anyone know of any good tutorials or sites out there which describe video formats and encoding in depth. I'm not really new to all this stuff (always been able to hack my way around encoding problems), but I want to know more about stuff like "gop structures, i-frames,.....etc.
I really need some help this time , because its driving me nuts.
I lost all my data and needed to reinstall everything but now when i reinstall tmpg enc again i keep getting the following errors.
nr.1 Exception EAccessViolation in module ntdll.dll at 0004B9AE
Write error occurred at address 77FCB9AE of module ntdll.dll with
And then the program shuts down and it says :
Runtime Error 216 at 00053944
Tried it with TMPG enc 2.02 and 2.57 and 2.59 and i keep getting these errors.
I also get some error with ACM or something sometimes
Plz let me know , because i can't work without this program , without TMPGenc why do i need a computer ??
You said that this happens with every version you try,So the Problem is one of 2 things,If you used the same file with the different versions of Tmpgenc then it could be the file, but if this error comes up with every file then the problem can be with your System..You can allways Try a Different encoder,and see if they have problems with your file, There are encoders that are just as good as Tmpgenc in the Quality department,and if they have a problem then you will know there is a problem with the file..The other error you are getting with the "ACM" is a error with the "Audio Compression Manager" so there can be a Problem with the audio in the file that is giveing you the problems...
You are probably trying to convert an avi with an XVID codec. I downloaded the Nimo codec pack and it still didn't help. Download this codec it works better.
I would love to take credit for that bit of advise but I got it from someelse one this board in an earlier thread. (Thanks Ell-Ess-Dee you saved me alot of headache.)
I also noticed that if you restart TMPG it sometimes saves the old file info in it. This seems to cause the error as well. If you still get the error after installing the new codec, make sure to click file new and then click yes when it asks you if you want to reset the project.
I am trying to encode an mpeg2 of a computer graphics AVI test file I created. The ultimate destination is to play into a 1280x720P (native) digital video projector. I would like to use MPEG2 encoding to get the data rate down.
My test file is 1280x720 and the uncompressed AVI plays fine in WinMediaPlayer (albeit a bit slow do to the very large amount of data-appx 2gb in 30 sec-uncompressed).
I setup TMPGE as follows:
MainProfile&Mail Level
Motion Est Search
16:9 Display
When I try to encode, I get the error:
"This window size is not accepted by the selected MPEG-2 Level."
I have tried a number of different settings, but I cannot get around the error.
Can anyone offer a suggestion to move me ahead with this encode or am I trying to do something MPEG-2 (or TMPGE) is not setup to do? (I have searched the net but have not been able to find that MPEG cannot be used at this window size)
I am experimenting here and definitely beyond my knowledge of the standards. I appreciate any and all comments/suggestions!
>"This window size is not accepted by the selected MPEG-2 Level."
The answer is already there for you.
You cannot use the framesize with MPEG2 level you have set.
You must set the 'Profile&Level' setting to 'Main profile & High level(MP&HL)'
You will find this under the 'Video' tab.
Thank you very much for the assist. The High Level tweak was exactly the hurdle I needed to get over. My 2 Gb uncompressed (1280x720) file came down from 2.3Gb to 23Mb and plays quite nicely in WMediaPlayer.
One last question:
Can you recommend a learning resource that explains how to best use the "Profile and Level" settings in detail?
I have always used tmpgenc to lower the bitrate on vcds. However since the new upgrade to 2.59 the bitrate settings will not work. I have reverted to using a lower software edition of tmpgenc and have had no problems.
I believe it is safe to say that there is a software glitch that will not allow you to change to bitrate below 1150. Even though the bitrate calculator and project screen says that the bitrate is lower, the actual conversion no matter how low you set the rate, will always be 1150.
Hope this is fixed soon. I really love my tmpgenc.
Ive been encoding , but now Im getting a "can not obtain timer" message and my project has stopped... any ideas? suggestions? I dont want to lose everything Ive got this far. TIA
I am having problems getting the right audio streem from a .VoB file. When i try for the audio layers the default is comming up as layer 2. This layer will giv eme a Directors Discussion ofthe movie as it plays. When i select layer1 i always get an "encodeing" error around 34% of the way through.
Any suggestions for splitting the file to get and isolate multiple audio tracks would be welcome.
From the above information if i use the Wizard to create a PAL MPEG it will grab the PAL stream yet this picks up on the Directors commentary. Im giveing stream 2-80 a go at the moment. to see how it works.
Obioulsy im new to encoding video etc so if anyone has some suggestions on the best combination of the above and any methods people ahve found useful for this kind of thing.
OK..The Correct Way to encode a DVD Rip is to Take the VOB file and Load it into DVD2AVI then you have to change some settings, you go to "Audio" and choose track #1, Cuz that is the english Track, go to "Dolby Digital" and Check "Decode" and "Dolby Surround Downmix" Now go to "Video" to "Color Space" and set it to "YUV" and go to "RGB=>YUV" and choose "TV Scale" now go to "File" and to "Save" Project" and Give the File a Name and Save it..Now it with Proscess the Audio that you will need to encode and it will Make a "D2V" file you Load the "D2V" file in to Tmpgenc for the VIDEO,and the WAV audio file in for the AUDIO and encode it..DO NOT LOAD THE VOB FILE IN FOR THE VIDEO..This is How you Rip a DVD to VCD/SVCD/DVD..You should go to the audio settings and Raise the Volume of the Audio Cuz DVD Audio is not very loud after it has been extracted..If you are still haveing problems you can e-mail me if you want...Good luck.
basic GOP structure IBBPBBPBBPBBPBBPBB. When cutting and joining in mpg tools, does the cut occur such that the join is between the last B of the first movie and the first I where the cut is in the 2nd movie? So a join will always be between a end B frame and I frame.In other words, mpeg tools only cuts between B and I no matter what frame u have chosen to cut at. The slider only does I frames i believe which is good...but the frame by frame buttons seem useless. Also, is this a general feature off all mpg cutters...that the cut cannot be anywhere else unless the movies are re-encoded? Just trying to get it all clear since i am unable to join 2 movies without the join being noticeable during playback. What freeware editor can cut and merge mpgs better than tmpg and with no re-encoding?:-)
Mpeg files are supposed to be edited on an I Frame But Tmpgenc has been known to edit on other frames which usually causes a distinctive Beep Sound durring playback, and I believe the "Correct" Button is supposed to make sure that edits and joins are on the closest I frame..I don"t know of any freeware Mpeg editors that are any Good but there are a few non freeware ones..Power Director 2.5 pro has a Really good and fast Mpeg2 editor, and m2-edit pro 5 and Mpeg2VCR are good editors also but none freeware..
I am having problems getting the right audio streem from a .VoB file. When i try for the audio layers the default is comming up as layer 2. This layer will giv eme a Directors Discussion ofthe movie as it plays. When i select layer1 i always get an "encodeing" error around 34% of the way through.
Any suggestions for splitting the file to get and isolate multiple audio tracks would be welcome.
ok this is woth is happen i have div4 type codec files i want to encode but all i get is diff color blocks all over the screen i downloaded the file off kazaa and kazaa says it is a div4 codec file i try and encode is in to a mpeg file for a vcd to play in my dvd and it shows diff color blocks can you help me?
OK..First make sure that you Dont have the "Angel Potion" Codec installed on your system, It is a Hacked Mpeg-4 codec that causes Problems like Pink and Purple discoloration on Files encoded with tmpgenc, the codecs file name is "apmpeg4v3.dll"...If you don"t have that codec installed then go to "Options" to "enviromental Settings" to "Vfapi plugins" and raise the priority of the "Direct Show File Reader" to "2"..This should clear up the image...
I am having problems getting the right audio streem from a .VoB file. When i try for the audio layers the default is comming up as layer 2. This layer will giv eme a Directors Discussion ofthe movie as it plays. When i select layer1 i always get an "encodeing" error around 34% of the way through.
Any suggestions for splitting the file to get and isolate multiple audio tracks would be welcome.
What I would do is use DVD2AVI to extract all the Audio tracks and go through them till you find the correct one..If you are encodeing VOB files the Proper way Involves useing DVD2AVI to make a D2V file to frame serve and Extract the audio anyways so you should be familliar with how to use DVD2AVI so I won"t explain how to use it...