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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 209 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TMVS Can the defaults on Quick encode be changed Cy 1 2009-01-15 00:23:33
Question TAW4 Slow VOB Finalization Christian 1 2010-02-18 22:56:52
Question TDA1 can you change button functions on dvd author 1.6? mar 1 2009-01-22 18:26:08
Question TDA3 Change output format? Blouskall 1 2009-01-17 01:15:10
Question TAW4 Batch Authoring Tool - Problem Deleting old Projects KirkH420 1 2009-02-08 10:19:07
Question TAW4 Lipsync problems on playback on LCD TV Dave 0 2009-01-09 14:55:13
Question TAW4 New templates and other stuff Frank 1 2009-01-09 18:04:41
Question TAW4 TAW4 Crashes when I attempt to Simulate a DVD joshuacorpo 2 2009-01-14 10:58:34
Question TE40 Xpress 4.0 and CUDA mitchum22 3 2009-02-15 07:33:53
Question TE40 Quicktime 24P Conversion Loses 1 Frame wrawlind 0 2009-01-08 20:10:04
Question TAW4 Authoring Works & CUDA mitchum22 2 2009-01-08 21:04:44
Question TE40 Problem with batch encode has developed P Michener 0 2009-01-08 03:12:59

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Question - TMVS - Can the defaults on Quick encode be changed No.61238
Cy  2009-01-11 15:12:17 ( ID:9jxv5frov6n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


The feature I use most is the quick encode from explorer, but I would like to modify the defaults, is this possible?

I love this program and I've tested most of the others, they simply aren't in the same ball park.


tkrave  2009-01-15 00:23:33 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is possible. The Quick Encode feature uses the first encoding profile for each device (by default it should be "Standard Quality"). With MovieStyle open, you can right click on the first (or left-most) encoding profile and then change the setting to a different predefined profile, or even use a custom profile. You would have to do this for each device you would like to change the defaults on.

Question - TAW4 - Slow VOB Finalization No.61695
Christian  2009-01-11 14:41:05 ( ID:klgxhj5dodf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Is it normal that the VOB file finalization procedure was so slow ?????

For a full DVD, it need about 4 minutes 30 for the "build track" and almost 10 minutes just for the VOB finalization.

With Version3, it was much faster.

Is there a way to improve the speed of finalization.

My source files are one 1 hard disk, the output is on another hard disk.

Karen  2010-02-18 22:56:52 ( ID:dtia.sbkt6n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi there,

There are some options in TMPG Enc that enable caching into the temporary memory (RAM) of the computer. If these options are enabled the process of outputting the Audio and Video files is significantly faster.

Tick all of the following settings in preferences:

Multithread settings
Use multithread for filtering
Use file caching
Prefetch video while encoding (default setting)
Prefetch audio while encoding (default setting)

The last two settings were disabled after we installed the software. The first output of a half hour video took an hour. After enabling this setting it took 10 minutes.



Question - TDA1 - can you change button functions on dvd author 1.6? No.49493
mar  2009-01-11 13:08:01 ( ID:5iwm.sp685o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

have created my 1st dvd-with title (main) menu and track menu (its a music dvd)

is it possible to change title page button function from "play all" to "next" so it does not skip the track menu?

tkrave  2009-01-22 18:26:08 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Isn't there a thumbnail and/or text link to your track? If you have a track menu it should be there. That is what will link to your track menu.

Question - TDA3 - Change output format? No.60835
Blouskall  2009-01-10 23:15:06 ( ID:tzuknub8dlr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is there a way of changing so the output is not the 2 folders: audio_ts and video_ts? So it's .iso instead for example?

tkrave  2009-01-17 01:15:10 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No, but you can use the Writing Tool to convert the video_ts folder into an .iso file.

Question - TAW4 - Batch Authoring Tool - Problem Deleting old Projects No.61693
KirkH420  2009-01-10 07:47:10 ( ID:dtfe5befy72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Maybe Im doing something wrong, but i cant seem to delete my completed batch progects.

JoeH  2009-02-08 10:19:07 ( ID:ndhumw6ov3j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have the same problem. If I try to delete the files, I get "Access is denied". Then, I can't even take ownership of the files... and I'm an administrator. It happens with all the VOB files.

Question - TAW4 - Lipsync problems on playback on LCD TV No.61692
Dave  2009-01-09 14:55:13 ( ID:ar/yhddtm8k )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I don't understand why but a created DVD with lots of talking is out of sync on my LCD TV but on an a CRT TV all is fine ie no lipsync problems at all

Video is 25 fps PAL standard, would adjustment to 30 or 29.97 etc help or not ?

Question - TAW4 - New templates and other stuff No.61690
Frank  2009-01-09 07:01:11 ( ID:vdgwq8g4fa6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I saw many templates and a lot of stuff for TW4 in Japan web site, I just wonder when those new stuff could be added in English site for downloading

tkrave  2009-01-09 18:04:41 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm sure more will be coming to the English site. For DVD Author 3 templates appeared on the Japanese site first and then some of them were released on the English site later.

Question - TAW4 - TAW4 Crashes when I attempt to Simulate a DVD No.61687
joshuacorpo  2009-01-09 02:07:46 ( ID:e3zwrvce.vr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I have just purchased TAW4 and have found the every time i attempt to simulate a dvd the pc crashes and gives me a blue this a memory leak, bios clash or what?

Had been running version 3 with no issues at all.

Old versions were unistalled and a full new install completed.
Xpress 4 as well.

System was not having this issue until this software was installed.

Is running on XPPro SP2
4 Gig Ram
Nvidia 7500GE 512mb Graphics with 2009 Drivers
Intel Dual Core 2.7

Any thoughts, suggestions or ideas?


New Zealand

tkrave  2009-01-09 18:00:54 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It's possible that it's a memory leak. Did you contact support? They can probably give you a definitive answer.

joshuacorpo  2009-01-14 10:58:34 ( ID:e3zwrvce.vr )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]



With awesome help from the support team I have found the problem to this issue.

It is an issue if you are running a ASUS motherboard with Enhanced Video and dual screen features.

The file that cause the crash is atkdisp.dll.

Here's what I did to fix it:
Desktop-> Properties-> Settings-> Advanced-> ASUS

I turned off ASUS OSD, and ASUS Splendid.

OSD and Splendid are both video altering software that is supposed to enhance the "experience". OSD allows you to set Brightness/Contras/Gamma. Splended allows you to set various coloring options.

Some have also fixed this issue by moving the atkdisp.dll to another folder.

the actual link to the solution is

anyway hope it works for did for.

Thats to TMPGENC support who provided me the link to the solution and offered a steady stream of possible fixes and work rounds...


>I have just purchased TAW4 and have found the every time i attempt to simulate a dvd the pc crashes and gives me a blue this a memory leak, bios clash or what?
>Had been running version 3 with no issues at all.
>Old versions were unistalled and a full new install completed.
>Xpress 4 as well.
>System was not having this issue until this software was installed.
>Is running on XPPro SP2
>4 Gig Ram
>Nvidia 7500GE 512mb Graphics with 2009 Drivers
>Intel Dual Core 2.7
>Any thoughts, suggestions or ideas?
>New Zealand

Question - TE40 - Xpress 4.0 and CUDA No.58617
mitchum22  2009-01-08 21:08:12 ( ID:1bpu.bkdoxk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Happy New Year to all.

Just purchased Xpress 4.0 and it is a thing of beauty.

My question: why is my CUDA option panel greyed out? I'm running Vista Ultimate 64 with 4 gigs of memory and my graphics card is the 768MB NVIDIA GeForce 9600GS.

Thanks in advance!


myself  2009-01-16 06:54:24 ( ID:uexq2jhhhql )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Try by updating your graphic card´s driver, it may be is related with it,
good luck

NonW00t  2009-02-05 08:51:48 ( ID:0ed1isrxiqn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Wouldn't worry too much about the cuda support anyway. It actually makes conversions slower on my system (QX9650 quad and 8800 GTS 512 2xSLI), and on many files the conversion stops with error "parameter is incorrect" at the very end even when not using any filters at all!

Sirtoddo  2009-02-15 07:33:53 ( ID:9tjvibsr/uo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I enabled the CUDA renderer on the trial version and it works, just bought the full version, and I think it also works. What you were probably missing: go to Nvidia and get the CUDA DLL's - It's not a giant program, but it's essential: kind of like the operating system for doing logic on your GPU - has to be installed, or none of the apps can run. You should have no problem finding the download.

Question - TE40 - Quicktime 24P Conversion Loses 1 Frame No.58616
wrawlind  2009-01-08 20:10:04 ( ID:cybusi0tzxa )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm using TMPGEnc 4.0 Xpress to convert Quicktime files (Codec: H.264, 23.976 fps) into .avi (Codec: Panasonic DV CODEC-DVSD, 23.976 fps) so that I can edit them in Premiere Pro 1.5.

The converted files play fine. The problem is that they are missing the 1st frame of each clip. Sometimes TMPGEnc adds 1 frame at the end of the clip, other times it creates a clip that 1 frame shorter than the original.

Any ideas?

Question - TAW4 - Authoring Works & CUDA No.61684
mitchum22  2009-01-08 19:38:25 ( ID:1bpu.bkdoxk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Happy New Year to all.

Just purchased Authoring Works 4 and it is a thing of beauty. A major advance. Props to Pegasys!

My question: why is my CUDA option panel greyed out? I'm running Vista Ultimate 64 with 4 gigs of memory and my graphics card is the 768MB NVIDIA GeForce 9600GS.

Thanks in advance!


tkrave  2009-01-08 20:39:38 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

There is no CUDA compatibility with Authoring Works 4.
4.0 XPress is the only TMPGEnc product with CUDA options.

mitchum22  2009-01-08 21:04:44 ( ID:1bpu.bkdoxk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>There is no CUDA compatibility with Authoring Works 4.
>4.0 XPress is the only TMPGEnc product with CUDA options.

Ooops. That's what I meant, of course. (Purchased both products at the same time.)

Will move this to appropriate forum.

Question - TE40 - Problem with batch encode has developed No.58615
P Michener  2009-01-08 03:12:59 ( ID:0jcoagbk2wo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am having trouble with batch encode, using TMPGEnc When I attempt to add project to batch encode, I get error message "Incompatible file format," then " batch encode has encountered a time out." Just started happening, worked fine a couple days ago. Have tried reinstalling program, running spyware programs, etc. to no avail. Anyone else had this problem??

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