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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TAW4 Create DVD with VCD files sourced from DVD macnab 4 2010-08-10 08:44:15
Question TE40 tmpx4 wont import VC-1 coded files loueber 0 2010-08-06 05:15:39
Question TE40 Motion Jpeg has expired on TMPGEnc 4.0 Knuckles 2 2010-08-18 12:27:00
Question TAW4 Burn dvd folder? mos 1 2010-08-04 02:21:23
Question TAW4 Dual Language Dennis 1 2010-08-04 02:22:07
Request TMVS Nvidia Cuda KingPing 0 2023-06-07 15:47:40
Question TE25 avi to mpeg-1 Constantin 3 2010-10-12 03:07:14
Question TME3 How to make a selection HarryPutnam 1 2010-08-03 02:51:00
Question TE40 Converting 4:3 to 16:9 WDLoten 2 2010-07-31 03:20:56
Question TE40 Movie backup and subtitles DaveH 1 2010-09-04 16:31:48
Question TAW4 Divx output - how do I change frame rate and pic size njole 2 2010-08-19 07:05:39
Question TAW4 Disc writing tool not automatically starting janlafata 0 2010-07-22 12:05:53

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Question - TAW4 - Create DVD with VCD files sourced from DVD No.63444
macnab  2010-08-06 21:54:51 ( ID:m1hqrbnlrva )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a large number of DVD's burned with VCD content. I cometimes need to burn a DVD with samples of these. They all need Full Rendering, which is very time consuming. Is there some way I can get around this so that it will use Smart Rendering?

tkrave  2010-08-07 02:41:14 ( ID:rtaw9vhji5c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

TAW4 might not be getting the correct aspect ratio for the VCD video. A VCD I have is should be set to Pixel 10:11 (NTSC 4:3), but TAW4 set it as Pixel 12:11 (PAL 4:3). Once I set it to the NTSC aspect ratio, smart rendering kicked in.
Likewise, if your VCD files actually are PAL 4:3, then you'll need to make a PAL DVD for smart rendering to be activated.

You can change the aspect ratio setting for your clip in the clip properties tab of the clip editing window.

macnab  2010-08-07 12:27:41 ( ID:m1hqrbnlrva )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Using PAL. I have a clip encoded as VCD. Using GSpot, I see the pixel aspect ratio is 12:11. Load it into TAW4 and check with clip properties - par is 12:11. It is using smart rendering.

Burn a DVD. Load the clip into TAW4 ripping from the DVD. Clip properties show par 12:11. Rename the ripped dvddata file to mpg and check with GSpot - par is 12:11. Using full rendering.

With the original VCD clip and the ripped clip loaded into TAW4, I cannot see any difference in clip properties, apart from the tags MPEG file reader and DVD reader. Also, the original clip shows bit rate (1150 kb/s), but the ripped clip doesn't show bit rate. Maybe I should set the track settings to CBR when I burn VCD files? (I'm going to have no end of problems remebering to do this each time!)

macnab  2010-08-07 12:49:05 ( ID:m1hqrbnlrva )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Did a quick test with track setting at CBR and now if I rip it, it gives smart rendering. Pity about all my currently archived material being VBR!!!

Thanks for the help.

tkrave  2010-08-10 08:44:15 ( ID:rtaw9vhji5c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Looks like you're right. I ran a few tests of this myself and it looks like TAW4 is changing the file type to MPEG-2 if you select VBR. Unfortunately, a MPEG-2 VBR at VCD resolutions is not compliant with the DVD-Video format, which is why it will then be full rendered if you try to import the DVD.

So there's two options from there:

1) Change the resolution to a regular DVD-Video resolution (720x480, 720x576, etc.), making it like typical DVD-Video footage. However, increasing the size of the image will also increase the file size, so you wouldn't be able to fit as much on one disc

or, (probably the better option)

2) Selecting CBR will keep the file as an MPEG-1 and retain its ability to be Smart Rendered for future projects.

Question - TE40 - tmpx4 wont import VC-1 coded files No.63439
loueber  2010-08-06 05:15:39 ( ID:z5ovjvqvwtf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

im trying to import an M2TS video file that is using the VC-a video codec.
But when i try to add file to tmpeg ex4 i get error stating it can not open the file.

It seems to be a VC-1 problem and not an M2TS problem as i can open other m2ts files with 264 codecs...

Does anyone have a fix so i can import vc-1 coded videos into tmpegencxpress4?
preferably without having to load in a pile of codec packs..
i could have sworn tmpx4 supports VC-1

Question - TE40 - Motion Jpeg has expired on TMPGEnc 4.0 No.63435
Knuckles  2010-08-04 06:05:20 ( ID:bri/14qwawa )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hey guys!

I have the latest copy of TMPGEnc and have recently run into some Canon Digital camera files that are .AVI's and are using the Motion Jpeg Codec. So when I add them into a new Project, TMPG will report that my Morgan-Multimedia Codec has expired and it can only do the audio part of the file and not the video. Any suggestions?



tkrave  2010-08-10 04:09:31 ( ID:rtaw9vhji5c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Has your Morgan-Multimedia Codec actually expired? If so, you'll have to buy/renew it.

If you're just using the 60-day trial of that codec, then yes it will expire at some point and be unusable.

sweetnok  2010-08-18 12:27:00 ( ID:pvw8p0kxddk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Hey guys!
>I have the latest copy of TMPGEnc and have recently run into some Canon Digital camera files that are .AVI's and are using the Motion Jpeg Codec. So when I add them into a new Project, TMPG will report that my Morgan-Multimedia Codec has expired and it can only do the audio part of the file and not the video. Any suggestions?

Question - TAW4 - Burn dvd folder? No.63430
mos  2010-08-03 13:05:47 ( ID:yvskm9iwqhf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, here is the situation, lets say I compile a dvd video, but I want to burn it at later time (not right after the convertion to dvd), I can't find a way in Authoring Works 4 that would allow to burn the dvd, is it possible? Will it work if I just burn the audio_ts video_ts folders using the built in disc burner, or do I have to use some other software for this. I think this is a fairly simple operation that should be built in the software.

tkrave  2010-08-04 02:21:23 ( ID:rtaw9vhji5c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Just output the project and not burn it. You can always burn the video_ts folder later with the disc writing tool. The disc writing tool can be accessed in the Start stage.
Once in the disc writing tool, use the "Add folder" button to select the folder on your hard drive that contains the Video_ts and Audio_ts folders, then you should be ready to burn.

Question - TAW4 - Dual Language No.63429
Dennis  2010-08-03 04:50:39 ( ID:hersqaxgqto )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The file has 2 language italian and english italian is audio 1 and english is audio 2 but I can only get the italian and not the english what am I doing wrong? I've tried 4 or 5 times only get the same result.

tkrave  2010-08-04 02:22:07 ( ID:rtaw9vhji5c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What kind of file is it?

Request - TMVS - Nvidia Cuda No.63426
KingPing  2010-08-02 06:35:56 ( ID:vxkjb5gbqsk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I would like to see cuda support added to program

Question - TE25 - avi to mpeg-1 No.63420
Constantin  2010-07-31 06:40:34 ( ID:8zfuyqgjtmg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I found TMPGEnc 2.5 does not read .wmv and .avi files as video source. Could be a setting matter or there is a limitation of this software ? Grateful for a clue.

tkrave  2010-08-17 04:16:37 ( ID:rtaw9vhji5c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Do you have the correct codecs for your avi files? I am able to load wmv and avi files so it's not a limitation of the software.

liberty80  2010-10-01 20:36:49 ( ID:botwe17ikna )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i have a same problem with avi file. what kind of codecs i need?

tkrave  2010-10-12 03:07:14 ( ID:rtaw9vhji5c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Use a program like GSpot or MediaInfo to figure out what codec you need.

Question - TME3 - How to make a selection No.63417
HarryPutnam  2010-07-31 01:11:46 ( ID:jfqp5at1x16 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is quite a lamer question... but I'm somewhat mystified by the `cut-editor'.

After loading a clip of recorded TV, I expected to be able to remove the commercial easily as advertised on tmpgenc home pages.

However, I have not been able to see how to do the most basic step. How to make a selection. The help file mentions things that can be done with a selection in many places.. but appears never to tell how to make a selection.

The tools offered.... Keyframe and clip-split appear to have nothing to do with selecting. Setting either before and after an unwanted section does not select it.

Ctrl mouse drag does not select Shift does not select.

AFter setting keyframes or split frames .. If I press the scissor tool, I'm told the entire clip is selected and I cannot proceed.

Clearly I'm missing some really basic information here.

Googling for `Tmpgenc Mpeg editor Tutorial'... hasn't turned up anything that looks useful either. It turns up dozens of illegal downloads, rapidshare etc etc cracks and so on... but nothing that looks like a good turorial.

So what am I missing... in order to do basic selecting?

tkrave  2010-08-03 02:51:00 ( ID:rtaw9vhji5c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

There are buttons for setting the first and last frame; this is how you only select a certain section.

1.) Navigate to the first frame you want to cut, then click the "set start frame button" (bottom row, to the left of the scissor button).

2.) Navigate to the last frame you want to cut, then click the "set end frame button" (bottom row, to the right of the scissor button).

3.) The section you want to cut should now be the only thing selected (it's the blue section in the slider and the frames in the thumbnail film strip are highlighted blue/purple).

4.) Click the scissor button to cut it out.

Question - TE40 - Converting 4:3 to 16:9 No.63416
WDLoten  2010-07-30 10:42:48 ( ID:e.dgac8rfu6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have video from my camera in a .MOV file that says it's frame width:height is 640:480 (4:3). I want to include it in my 16:9 DVD (Pinnacle Studio 14)along with a number of photos. I would like to resize the video so that it fills the full width of the screen but with the correct aspect ratio; by cropping the top and bottom off the video. After much tinkering with the Clip Settings/Aspect Ratio and applying resize and crop filters, it still will not generate the correctly sized output. Please help, I'm loosing my mind!

tkrave  2010-07-31 03:09:52 ( ID:rtaw9vhji5c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is what worked for me.

When you crop your video, make sure the dimensions after the crop are 16:9. For example, the width of my video ended up being 644 pixels, so my height needs to be 362 pixels to make it a 16:9 image.

For the resize filter, the only thing I needed to change was unchecking the "keep aspect ratio" box. It's kind of counter-intuitive, but leaving it checked added black bars to the sides of my video (for DVD output). Leave everything else at their defaults. The format chosen in the format stage will make it the correct dimensions.

In the format stage, choose DVD standard MPEG file as your output format (since it's for a DVD) and make sure to choose 16:9 as the Aspect ratio.

In the Encode stage, click on the preview button to make sure it looks the way you want it to. It should look just how it does in the crop filter screen.

tkrave  2010-07-31 03:20:56 ( ID:rtaw9vhji5c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Actually, you might need to keep the "keep aspect ratio" box checked for your video. See how it looks with it check and without.

I say this because my source file is a 4:3 DVD-Video MPEG-2 so its pixel aspect ratio is probably different than your .mov video and this could make a difference in how you should process your file.

Question - TE40 - Movie backup and subtitles No.63415
DaveH  2010-07-29 23:31:53 ( ID:vtmti4ydvnw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a question regarding subtitles. When I use TMPGEnc to create a MPG backup of my movies sometimes the subtitles are not in the MPG. By subtitles I mean the ones that are part of the movie itself not the different languages. For instance District 9. During the movie there are several times when the alien’s words show at the bottom of the screen. But when I look thru the video I can't find it. I see the director comments, foreign languages, etc., but not the captions. When I do the conversion there are no captions.
Am I missing something?
When this happens I end up just copying the DVD in it’s entirely which wastes a lot space.
Any suggestions would be helpful.

Jay  2010-09-04 16:31:48 ( ID:rit7crqo0u6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

TMPGEnc doesn't support line21 captions for some dumb reason. Your only choice is to try ccextracter to create a srt file then get a program like Aimersoft that will convert to mpg using the srt file so you get the captions back.

Should be mandatory for serious video editors to fully preserve Line21 in any conversion because there is no excuse not to.

Question - TAW4 - Divx output - how do I change frame rate and pic size No.63392
njole  2010-07-24 04:21:48 ( ID:by/2nmvg8r. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I need to reduce the file size of some avi's and reducing the frame rate or the picture size would seem the answer, but I can't see how to do this ?

tkrave  2010-07-24 05:32:45 ( ID:rtaw9vhji5c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

To change your output settings:
1. go to the Source stage
2. click on the "Settings" button for your track(s).
3. in the track settings window, click on the video tab

Then edit the settings you want to change. You may need to change the Encoder Mode to "Re-encode all videos as below" in order to change some settings.
Lowering the bitrate might be a better way of lowering the file size though, but it's up to you.

njole  2010-08-19 07:05:39 ( ID:by/2nmvg8r. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for that. The logic of going to "source/settings" for the "output requirements" had passed me by completely. Anyway, in business now.

Question - TAW4 - Disc writing tool not automatically starting No.63385
janlafata  2010-07-22 12:05:53 ( ID:fvoxm4xv6h. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Foe some reason, all of a sudden, after my project gets through trans coding, the disc writing tool starts up but does not start the burn process. I have to do that manually and yes I do have it checked in the output before I start to write to the media automatically. I get the problem more with re-writable discs than R's and I also tried changing blank brands. I'm using Verbatim now. Also the problem does not happen every time.

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