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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE40 WinTV-HVR Transport Streams Joe Bolmarcich 1 2010-04-07 18:33:24
Question TE40 Can't get Tmpgenc progam to work me 2 2010-04-07 23:56:37
Question TAW4 Error Senckyz 1 2010-04-07 10:05:23
Question TAW4 DVD Menu Structure piccolo135 11 2010-04-29 18:04:28
Free talk TE40 Great product showing its age... Muldoono 3 2010-04-08 13:10:23
Question TAW4 HD handycam to DVD (sideways jitter) rlevis 6 2010-04-08 06:25:56
Question TAW4 1 Background Question and 1 For Menu graziu 2 2010-04-05 22:50:09
Question TAW4 address 0000b7a4 cristi b. 1 2010-04-07 10:06:05
Question TAW4 incomplete read of VOB by lastest xpress/authoring blackjoe 0 2010-04-02 22:57:43
Question TAW4 Size Handles pepegot1 2 2010-04-02 15:20:22
Free talk TE40 Updated to version tkrave 0 2010-04-01 20:02:25
Question TAW4 Replace video file in track? Shade4 1 2010-04-01 19:59:55

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Question - TE40 - WinTV-HVR Transport Streams No.59380
Joe Bolmarcich  2010-04-07 04:52:32 ( ID:xa654os5zyo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am unable to import transport streams produced by an Hauppage WinTV-HVR 2250 into TMPGEnc 4.0 Express Version I am forced to pass the .ts through HDTV-to-MPEG2 freeware to produce the mpg, and then import the .mpg. Is this by your design or am I doing something incorrectly.

tkrave  2010-04-07 18:33:24 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It only supports MPEG-2 TS files (.mpg, .m2t, .m2ts) or AVCHD (.m2t, .m2ts).

Question - TE40 - Can't get Tmpgenc progam to work No.59377
me  2010-04-07 02:19:39 ( ID:unscybg3zy2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I need help. I am interested in buying this program. So I went and downloaded the free trial version. The installation process was just fine, but as I tried to open the program. It said Tmpgenc program error occured, the program needs to shut down. I tried to install multiple times, but that didn't help. Do I need some other programs to go with this? I even reset my C drive and still nothing. Please help !!!!!!!!!

tkrave  2010-04-07 18:27:15 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Could be a bad install. Try uninstalling and reinstalling.

me  2010-04-07 23:56:37 ( ID:unscybg3zy2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Could be a bad install. Try uninstalling and reinstalling.

I tried many times and no things work. I can't find the application data for this particular program either after I installed it.

Question - TAW4 - Error No.62718
Senckyz  2010-04-06 21:43:17 ( ID:qxb/h.hngmm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

can anyone help me with this? can any

piccolo135  2010-04-07 10:05:23 ( ID:syktnfge1qh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Try here..

Question - TAW4 - DVD Menu Structure No.62710
piccolo135  2010-04-06 14:15:25 ( ID:syktnfge1qh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi there,

Have been using TAW4 for a while creating basic dvd movies with menus. On this occasion, I'm trying to create a dvd with special features on it (ie, a trailer)

I was wondering if anyone can help with the correct menu structure to use?

I'm looking to have the following,

Main Menu - > Button links to Play, Chapters, Setup, Special Features
Chapters - > Chapter screens
Setup - > Subtitle options
Special Features - > Button links to play Trailer 1, and seperate button for Trailer 2.

My main question is for the special features, how to structure correctly!


tkrave  2010-04-07 19:13:39 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've been trying to make a menu as you describe it, but as you may know the special features page is a problem.

If you didn't have the special features page, it would be pretty simple:
Create a custom menu, select to have a title page for the track menu. Select Track menu only (assuming you have one track only). Your Main Menu would be the track title page, the Chapter page is your track menus, and the setup option should appear in the track title page.

Adding the Special Features page however, presents a problem. The trailers would need to be in a separate track; that means you'll have more than one track which means you're going to need a Top and Track menu structure (instead of Track only). This means your main menu won't have the setup button since the setup button only appears in track menus (probably because each track can have it's own set of subtitles/audio).

There's also another problem in that if your two trailers are in the same track, they will play as one whole movie. In other words, if you start playing the first trailer, it will continue and play the 2nd trailer automatically without going back to the menu.

In short, I don't think you can make your menu exactly as you want least, I haven't figured out a way yet.

piccolo135  2010-04-08 14:40:53 ( ID:syktnfge1qh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi there TkRave,

Agreed its very difficult to find a solution, other dvd author programs have the media as seperate entities that you link to, making it easy. Problem is, I like TmpgEnc!

The only possible work around I have is this,

(for single movie track only)

No Top Menu, create menu in track menu only.

Leaves us with Title > Track Menu (chapters) > Setup (if you have subs or audio options).

Next, add a Note Page.

This will add a link to the title page, which you could rename from 'Note' to 'Special Features'.

Next, in the note page set your background to be a motion menu and add your trailer, making sure to set the motion length to the length of the trailer. You can also link back to the title menu from here.

In theory, you could add two note pages, one being the Special Features page, which then links to Note Page 2 which contains your trailer. Its not ideal, but could work.

tkrave  2010-04-09 19:55:38 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That's an interesting solution! Didn't think of that, but now that I think about it, I've seen other people use the motion menu feature to create content instead of using it for menus.

piccolo135  2010-04-12 12:18:28 ( ID:syktnfge1qh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The only problem with it is that it really ramps up the space for output, I usually output to 8.5gb to retain quality.

And also if you have the motion menu as a trailer you need to have a button displayed that returns you to the previous page, which isnt really ideal as when it finishes it should auto return. But no idea how to get around that or hide the button.

piccolo135  2010-04-12 12:18:45 ( ID:syktnfge1qh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The only problem with it is that it really ramps up the space for output, I usually output to 8.5gb to retain quality.
And also if you have the motion menu as a trailer you need to have a button displayed that returns you to the previous page, which isnt really ideal as when it finishes it should auto return. But no idea how to get around that or hide the button.

Chris Robbins  2010-04-19 18:46:58 ( ID:zjd2v5k8ejo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have been doing this to my dvd for a long time now..since tmpeg3

HERE is what you do.
FIRST: make a BLANK video in an editor. 1sec is fine

Second: add your files each as a NEW track


this is how my menus look


add track: MAIN MOVIE
add track: blank video
add track: blank video

THIS will put ON FIRST page 3 videos OR three selections

add track: what ever trailers or special feautes video you want

REMEMBER: each page has 3 OR as many as you want

mine usually has the main movie
3 or 4 blank video files

NOW, create menus
Choose: TITLE PAGE I use the TEXT (4) - TRACKS (8 pics) the structures will look like crap I know, BUT then go into DVD MENU STRUCTURE and unchecked each track leaving just the main movie.

NOW on the TITLE MENU you will have track 1 (movie)and at least 3 or four BLANK TRACKS (double click) on the tracks and delete the names and MOVE them OFF the screen

Click the NEXT BUTTON and you will see your trailers and special features. The key to this is a BLANK VIDEO file and deleting the names of the blank tracks and moving them OFF SCREEN

piccolo135  2010-04-20 11:26:02 ( ID:lvsifje1qo6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi Chris,

Cheers for posting this, I've heard of this method before but never found a set of instructions. Going to give this a go tonight, if it works how I hope it will work, I owe you beers!!

Just a little confused on a couple of areas..

I'm not sure where you mean to add the blank video and my special features.
Let's say I have 1 movie file, trailer1 movie file, trailer2 movie file.

How should that look on my track listing on the top left hand side?

Or am I getting confused, and every track should have...

1 movie
1 blank
1 blank

1 trailer1
1 blank
1 blank

1 trailer2
1 blank
1 blank

Thanks for your help!

piccolo135  2010-04-24 08:01:27 ( ID:n/ulcnqfh.o )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Can anyone else help out with the theory on this one? I've read whats been put and tried to apply in authoring works, but I'm really not getting how it works out. Help please!!

tkrave  2010-04-24 10:07:02 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Honestly, I don't understand the theory behind it either. I think Chris Robbins will have to try explaining it again.

piccolo135  2010-04-29 16:59:11 ( ID:syktnfge1qh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

tkrave - any thoughts on the above at all? I'm not seeing how Chris Robbins theory works so looking for alternatives.

My main goal is to sort the special features page. I'm after having my main menu link to a sub menu (the special features index page), which then has three links on it,

1)Back to main menu (which would be standard obviously)
2)Link to Trailer 1
3)Link to Trailer 2

The catch being that I want the link to the trailers to play the trailer and return to this special features index page.

The only other way is the way I suggested, using background menu's and note pages, but then in order to get to trailer 2, you would have to go special features index page > trailer 1 > trailer 2. Which is weird.

What if both trailers were under the same track on the source tab? Couldn't I then use what is effectively the 'chapters' page, and replace the track thumbnails with a custom button or somethiong and add text in? The only problem then is I will have a track menu that I dont want...sorry if I'm confusing you!!

piccolo135  2010-04-29 18:04:28 ( ID:syktnfge1qh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok, been messing around with the structure, and I believe I've solved it. Because it's hard to explain in writing I've put together some screenshots with detailed explanations should anyone want to try it out. I'm happy to be proved wrong or shown holes in the logic, but so far I think I've got a working DVD like structure. Have uploaded the MSWord doc to rapidshare, I dont think you can add tags on here so will need to add the tag to the end.

Feedback please!

Free talk - TE40 - Great product showing its age... No.59373
Muldoono  2010-04-05 14:47:41 ( ID:wou83/vn0xk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have been using this product for several years and overall have had a positive experience. However the base product has been falling behind my own needs and started thinking about what it needs to keep up.

1. 5.1 Audio encodes... Ok SERIOUSLY? We still don't have this? Almost every TV show on the planet has this now and movies have moved well past it. It is probably the single largest short coming of the product. It is great having WTV inputs, but we shouldn't have to downgrade the audio.

2. Audio selection from AVCHD... When you have an AVCHD file that has multiple audio embedded into it there is no way to select the specific audio stream for encoding. This requires me to demux the file first and for a product that is supposed to support AVCHD input, it is a clear gap.

3. DTS-HD audio input support... Blu-Rays are moving towards this almost exclusively and it is getting harder and harder to find Blu-Rays that have a DD 5.1 input in English. I think people are moving past encoding DVD's to encoding their Blu-Ray sources and this will be needed to support these activities.

4. MKV container support... This seems to be becoming one of the standards for encoding high-definition video. I personally like the .divx container, but .mkv is a highly supported standard with support in a number of consumer electronics products. Who knows what will win out, but it should be an option as a container.

These are my personal major gaps. Overall I think the product is great with encoding speeds and quality among the best out there. But it is 2010 and AVCHD is quickly becoming the norm. I need a product that can help with taking Blu-Ray and other AVCHD collections and getting them into manageable sizes with high quality and audio that is not overly downgraded.

Just my thoughts.

Frank Corona  2010-04-06 21:24:37 ( ID:8hqeawkg2br )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

1) I agree 100%. How hard can it be to get multichannel audio? You want to sell us a *useless* Dolby Digital add-on but it only does 2 channel compressed. I'd pay for the extra funtionallity to cover any royalties to Dolby Labs.
2) Sure, why not. I dont use this feature now but could someday.
3) Both DTS & DD high defintion stream fall back to their core 5.1 audio when hardware is not present to play back the HD stream. I don't see what you're looking to get.
4) MKV is nice but more devices support AVC & MP4 containers than MKV or DivX and TMPEGEnc already does those well. I could live without this but, again, it wouldn't hurt to have this option.

tkrave  2010-04-07 18:23:50 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The Dolby Digital plug-in is NOT for TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress; 4.0 XPress already has 2ch Dolby input/output support.

I'm not sure why people keep bringing up this plug-in here. The webpage clearly says it's only for TMPGEnc DVD Author 1.5/1.6, TMPGEnc 3.0 XPress, and TMPGEnc MPEG Editor 1.

Frank Corona  2010-04-08 13:10:23 ( ID:8hqeawkg2br )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yeah, I know the plugin is included now. I'd grown accustomed to needing it in 3...just old habit. My point is I'd be willing to pay a small fee to get a multichannel audio plugin to support 5.1 DD, DTS, & AAC.

Question - TAW4 - HD handycam to DVD (sideways jitter) No.62703
rlevis  2010-04-05 05:08:09 ( ID:wcfy2q8a3h2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I'm creating a PAL DVD from a 1440 x 1080 25fps interlaced source. When playing back, any sideways scene panning is very jittery compared to the original HD source.

I'm using highest quality settings, VBR 2 pass.

I was expecting the resolution to appear lower as it's only 720 x 576, but since both videos are 25i I thought the sideways camera panning would look about the same.

Is this normal, and why?

tkrave  2010-04-05 18:46:35 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No, that's not normal. It sounds like the field order setting of your interlaced video might be incorrect.
Try changing the field order setting in the Clip Properties/Clip addition window. If that doesn't work, you may have to change the field order setting in your Track settings (Source Stage--> Track XX --> Settings button).

rlevis  2010-04-06 02:47:37 ( ID:wcfy2q8a3h2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for your reply. I had already wondered about that and checked the original source video properties using a free program called MediaInfo, and it tells me the video is Top Field First, so I made sure all settings were set to this.

I've been reading about other conversions of this nature on other forums where the concensus is to always deinterlace the video to progressive using Bob/Weave techniques, and then resize before converting to interlaced again. Several tests were done with AVISynth and this provided the best results by far.

I wonder if TMPEGEnc is doing any interlaced to progressive conversion and what techniques they are using. I suspect it's not. I may need to investigate AVISynth and use this before creating the DVD.

tkrave  2010-04-06 19:11:12 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

TAW4 shouldn't be converting it to progressive because that would not conform to the DVD-Video specifications.

Converting to progressive with some other program should solve the problem, but then again, that's another generation of encoding. However, as long as you're staying at your source resolution (1440 x 1080) when you're converting to progressive, I think you'll be fine.

rlevis  2010-04-07 11:16:14 ( ID:wcfy2q8a3h2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I've been reading a lot more on the subject, and an intermediate step of deinterlacing to progressive with double the frame rate, before down sizing and reinterlacing the video is the best solution to maintain fluid motion.

In my case the 25i should be converted to 50p, then downsized to DVD resolution and reinterlaced to 25i.

I'm not really sure how much better the result would be as I cannot find any software that can convert my 25i files to 50p at this stage. AVISynth won't read my files.


tkrave  2010-04-07 18:56:39 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Have you tried changing the field order? I know you set it to what MediaInfo said it should be, but it doesn't hurt to try it.

rlevis  2010-04-08 06:25:56 ( ID:wcfy2q8a3h2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I hadn't tried changing the field order but just gave it a go and it was worse.

Question - TAW4 - 1 Background Question and 1 For Menu No.62700
graziu  2010-04-03 21:39:22 ( ID:hebctd6cqrl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

1. When i use a .m2ts file for background, after encode there is no audio on background. did i have to seperate sound and use it that way?
there is no way to use these kind of files without demuxing?

2. is there any way to create continuous play for menu? i want nobackground song or video to start over and over when changing menu pages.

tkrave  2010-04-05 18:36:58 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

1. Did you set your BGM to use the audio from your background video? In the background's menu item editor, there is a separate tab for selecting the audio; by default it is not set to use the audio from your background video.

2. Not possible. Even commercial DVDs do this, but they usually hide it with transitions. Each menu page is a separate piece of data, so it has to "reload" when you change to a different page.

graziu  2010-04-05 22:50:09 ( ID:zpivai/krer )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

1. hmm.. yes i need to check that.

2. looks harsh but thanks for explaining. splitting and understanding the transitions are really hard to design for me...

Question - TAW4 - address 0000b7a4 No.62698
cristi b.  2010-04-03 14:18:32 ( ID:xprdq4qxi4m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i have a problem with TMPGEnc Authoring Works
at start say "at address 0000b7a4 , read error occurred against address 0000b7a4"
please help me

piccolo135  2010-04-07 10:06:05 ( ID:syktnfge1qh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Try here


Question - TAW4 - incomplete read of VOB by lastest xpress/authoring No.62697
blackjoe  2010-04-02 22:57:43 ( ID:5vci0ij4ha6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

reads in 3 8CM SONY DVD recorded by DVD405 camcorder, 1DVD 1st 1GB VOB only reads in 2min. This problem not exists on old version ConvertxToDVD, and the 1GB VOB plays well ob VLC.
funny thing is that TMPG seems never check whether it reads to the end of input file.

Question - TAW4 - Size Handles No.62694
pepegot1  2010-04-02 00:46:52 ( ID:ruekz3xuxrn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I create a custom frame, which I import to a menu item to be surrounded by the frame. However, the size handles reach to the end of the work area making it impossible to place the frame on the object properly. There is no Ctrl+O, as in Photoshop, to preclude this problem. Does anyone know if there is a way to make the size handles smaller(closer to the frame) in order to make it function?

tkrave  2010-04-02 02:12:47 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Are you talking about the frame effect for menu items? Or is this a separate image that you're placing on top of a menu item. Can you show a screenshot? I've never seen the handles go outside of the menu boundries.

pepegot1  2010-04-02 15:20:22 ( ID:ruekz3xuxrn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I create the frame and apply it using "Add Picture" Some frames work, others do not. Could be size of frame, but no guidance is provided. The stretch handle is at the top and can move no higher.
I don't see a mechanism for attaching a file for upload. I could email it to you, if that's OK?

Free talk - TE40 - Updated to version No.59372
tkrave  2010-04-01 20:02:25 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

TMPGEnc has been updated to version
Looks like CUDA support has been updated so people who were having problems with the latest drivers might want to get this update.
Driver version 190.38 or higher now required for CUDA functionality.

Revision history page:

Question - TAW4 - Replace video file in track? No.62692
Shade4  2010-04-01 08:02:41 ( ID:m7wgmxexzia )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is there a way to replace the video file on a pre-existing track, keeping the audio file and chapters intact? Or do I just have to create a new track each time I make a revision to the video?

tkrave  2010-04-01 19:59:55 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm not entirely sure I'm understanding what you're asking, but if you want to keep your audio and chapters but change the video source, then it's possible but you have to go the other way around. In other words, you can replace the audio and import a keyframe list (your chapter marks) in your new video.

First, export the keyframe list from your original video clip (Cut-edit window--> Edit menu --> Export keyframe list).

Then you can add your new video clip to your track and in the Clip properties window, change the audio source to the audio of your old video.

In the Cut-edit window, import the keyframe list you just saved from your old video.

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