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This forum is for users to exchange information and discuss with other users about a TMPGEnc product.
In case you need official support, please contact TMPG Inc.

Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 434 / 984 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 Encoding Quicktime reference to MPEG-2 luky 2 2003-09-07 20:02:09
Question TE25 Resume an encode if machine dies?? gratner 3 2003-08-28 14:40:07
Question TE25 Pointer Error Sparqee1 2 2003-08-27 10:14:53
Question TE25 How to encode .srt subtitles? James X. 1 2003-08-27 10:15:50
Question TE25 good video no audio rsaige 1 2003-08-27 01:09:50
Question TE25 Good Video, No audio Sparqee1 1 2003-08-27 01:00:49
Question TE25 Quality/Detailed Tutorial Electric_Soul 7 2003-09-09 16:16:06
Bug report TE25 Bad Total Time milan 5 2003-08-28 14:55:39
Question TE25 Adding or Replacing audio in mpg files ... Status 1 2003-08-26 16:21:56
Bug report TE25 Cut and Join Audio chirp VCD User 1 2003-08-25 21:37:30
Question TE25 Need Some Help - Error Stinga 21 2003-08-30 23:51:16
Question TE25 English Language on Chinese Windows jdiperna 1 2003-08-31 09:53:40

Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 434 / 984 ]   Next > >>
Question - TE25 - Encoding Quicktime reference to MPEG-2 No.38830
luky  2003-08-27 19:56:35 ( ID:gfdtncuftt6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have one problem when i try to encode from a quicktime reference file. Well, i will explain. I edit with Avid DV, and then i export the video as a quicktime reference (i have to say that the videos are long and it's not "possible" to export as an avi file), and try encode the video with TMPGEnc 2.5 with the quicktime "plugin". When I just click browse and select the quiktime file, TMPGEnc closes without giving any message or error.

In my opinion, it could be that the "plug-in" does not support quiktime 6.0 file format. (I think the .mov format has been changed in the last version).

Does anybody have the same problem? If so, please write me, or better post here the solution, if you have one.

Another thing, the plug-in is not oficial. It would be interesting to write a official one, so we could report and correct bugs, and also stay "up to date".

I have no problems when encoding a normal quicktime file or other formats.


Minion  2003-08-27 21:15:03 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No the Plugin Does Not Support Quicktime 6 ,The Plugin was written by someone who has no connection to Tmpgenc and it was written about 2 years ago and only supports Quicktime 4 and 5 .. A couple of Poeple Have been able to get the Plugin to work in a Limited way But it is Not reliable, and the Plugin will not be Updated unless someone with some codeing abilities takes it upon them selves to rewrite the Plugin...What I would sugest is to use an Encoder that Fully supports Quicktime Files Like CCE SP 2.67 which is a Better Mpeg2 encoder than Tmpgenc and it is Many times Faster than Tmpgenc, But it is also Very expensive at $2000 unless you can find a Hacked version....good Luck....Cheers

luky  2003-09-07 20:02:09 ( ID:gfdtncuftt6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok. I found the problem. I'll explain what was happening.

(Minion)I'm not sure if the plug-in fully works with QuickTime 6, I have not tested it yet, actually I'm running Quicktime 5. But that wasn't the main issue.

The plugin has no problems when importing working with QuickTime reference files. The problem was that when I exported the QuickTime reference file I have the "Avid DV Codec" option enabled. You should have this option DISABLED. This will not have any effect on the quality of the video. It will be the same quality.

I think that you can (I have not tested it), install the Avid DV codec, in some way and use it when exporting. I think that it isn't necessay,so If you have problems just desactivate the option.

I have been searching for the right tools and the code of the actual plug-in, to see if I can do something (I'm not an expert programmer but I think It could be done, with some help.) but I havent found them. If anyone knows how to update the plug-in, please post it here. Maybe it could be interesting to start a project at SourceForge ( to get some help.

I insist that TMPEG Enc is interested in developing as many plugins as possible, so it can be used in many situations.

Thanks to eveybody,


Question - TE25 - Resume an encode if machine dies?? No.38826
gratner  2003-08-27 16:55:48 ( ID:aysgsvmziaw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I was doing a 50 hour encode and the power went out with approximately 7 hours left. Needless to say I am not happy.

Why doesn't TMPEGEnc have the ability to resume an encode if the machine hangs or power is lost?

Also, it would be nice to have a "pause" button too since there are times when I would want to temporarily stop the encode in order to use the machine to do something else.

I am a paying customer, btw.


Minion  2003-08-27 21:07:53 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No there is No way to resume encodeing were you left off, No Encoder has this Feature probably because it is Impossible to Implement..What you either have to do is Use the "Source Range" to Start encodeing again a Frame after were you left off then Join the 2 files together with the "Merge & Cut" ..You either must be encodeing a Really long movie or you have a Really slow PC if it is Takeing your 50 Hours to encode a Movie, It takes Me about 3 hours to encode a 2 hour Movie useing Tmpgenc and only an hour useing CCE, Maybe you should Upgrade your PC as you can do it Really Cheap, You can probably upgrade to a 2ghz PC for about $100-$150 US, Cuz I"m sure you have better things to do that wait 2 days just to encode a Movie, ...Cheers

gratner  2003-08-27 22:35:23 ( ID:aysgsvmziaw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well, I'm encoding using 2-pass VBR and also using Noise Reduction since I'm recording a 3 hour football game from VHS. I want the best quality I can get.

I have a pretty fast machine... an AMD XP2400 with 512mb of RAM.

So unless I'm doing incredibly wrong, it should take this long.. correct?

ashy  2003-08-28 14:40:07 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

50 hours!
Jaysus I wouldn't even bother, 2 days to encode any movie is just far too long especially on a fairly fast PC.

My guess is you are trying to optimize everthing to the hilt resulting in a pointless and seriously long encoding time.

Don't bother with 2 pass, honestly 'Constant quality(CQ)' will give better results in most cases at half the time, so thats now 25 hours, next DO NOT use the HIGHEST quality setting for motion search. It is well know by the more experienced of us here that there is no percievable difference between just HIGH and HIGHEST apart from doubling the encode time, so that's now only 12 hours.

Next forget about using TMPG's noise reduction, this filter works in a colour space which is far too slow. Your best bet is to use the Virtualdub VHS Flaxen filter which is specially desigen for cleaning up VHS and works really well.
Download here:

Also read the online help for tips how to use it, but usually the default is good enough, just enable the Stabilize, Noise reduction and Sharpen boxes, but leave the settings at default.

Once you have loaded the source file into Virtualdub and added the filter you will have to frame serve it to TMPG. You can find info how to do this in the Virtualdub help files.

This should cut down the encode time another half, so that's now 6 hours or probably even less which is more or less what it should be not 50 hours because that is just ridiculous and unecessary.

Question - TE25 - Pointer Error No.38823
Sparqee1  2003-08-27 06:40:51 ( ID:rvfhv70m8or )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I try to convert a avi file at the end of the operation I get a "pointer Error" window pops up. Anybody have any ideas what this is and what to do to eliminate it in the future.

Sparqee1  2003-08-27 06:48:00 ( ID:rvfhv70m8or )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>When I try to convert a avi file at the end of the operation I get a "invalid pointer Operation" Error-window pops up. Anybody have any ideas what this is and what to do to eliminate it in the future.

ashy  2003-08-27 10:14:53 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>When I try to convert a avi file at the end of the operation I get a "pointer Error" window pops up. Anybody have any ideas what this is and what to do to eliminate it in the future.

Just thought I'd repost it too seeing as you are.

Question - TE25 - How to encode .srt subtitles? No.38821
James X.  2003-08-27 06:10:44 ( ID:gyh0mvj8cu2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Can anyone tell me the step by step method of encoding a divx file with a matching .srt subtitle file?

Thanks for any help.

ashy  2003-08-27 10:15:50 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Question - TE25 - good video no audio No.38819
rsaige  2003-08-27 00:01:37 ( ID:f/mgva6hmdl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I to have this same problem with no audio but good video not all the time tho
some files are fine but others wont encode the video i can find no commonallities in the files in the properties window all help would be appreciated

Minion  2003-08-27 01:09:50 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well read the Answer below for dealing with No audio and for No video you should First try useing the FFDShow Decoder as your Video Codec instead of useing Divx or XviD codec, that is if you are trying to encode from Divx,XviD,Mpeg4 formats..and you should try raiseing the Priority of the "Direct show file Reader" in the "Vfapi Plugins" to "2", this will usually fix a Unsupported file error or haveing no video in the encoded file...

Question - TE25 - Good Video, No audio No.38817
Sparqee1  2003-08-26 22:42:18 ( ID:wwucbh.zdgc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am trying to convert AVI to MPEG. I get a outstanding picture without any sound. I tried it with winmpg and the video stunk but the audio was great. I want to get this one working due to the better video. What can I do to get audio. I want to eventually get from avi to dvd using author to encode and burn. Thats my ultimate goal. Please help

Minion  2003-08-27 01:00:49 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The Audio format in your AVI file is Probably of a Format that Tmpgenc does Not Support, Probably either AC3 audio or VBR Mp3, What you need to do is extract the audio from the AVI file to Wav format, There are a Few ways to do this But I rescently started to use a Little Utility called "Decompress.exe" that Decompresses the audio from AVI files to WAV format..But I would also sugest that if the Audio in your AVI file is AC3 audio that you should try to Keep it as AC3 as that is the Best Format for DVD, I think you can Use a program called AVI-Mux that should(I actually can"t remember at this Moment) be able to extract the Audio as AC3 which you can use in your DVD authoring Program as your Audio Track, So all you need to do is Just keep the Mpeg video file that you allready have then Extract the audio from your AVI then Load them seperately into your DVD authoring Program to Make a DVD as Most good authoring Programs accept Seperate audio and Video streams.....

Question - TE25 - Quality/Detailed Tutorial No.38809
Electric_Soul  2003-08-26 21:49:08 ( ID:oiwedssihhw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I checked TMPGEnc and I use a Constant bitrate of 2520. Still...... some frames do look really bad.

How can I avoid such mistakes? 12a did not make such mistakes.

I guess I have to play around with the GOP Structure.....but I do not know how to use it.

I hope somebody can help me.


Minion  2003-08-26 22:24:05 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you are Encodeing SVCD then you should leave the GOP structure alone accept to maybe change the Length of the gop to between 12 and 18 frames,And make sure the "Motion Precition Search" is set to "High Quality" but if it is allready set to High Quality and if some frames look Bad at 2520kbs then it is probably because your Source file is Of Low Quality cuz a Good Quality source file should look Quite good if encoded to SVCD at 2520KBS ,I have used Bitrates Much Lower than that and still have files turn out with Pristene Quality when useing Good Quality source files..You should clean up any noisy source files before you load them into Tmpgenc Cuz when an encoder encodes Noisy Files to mpeg it spends a Lot of Bits Trying to Encode the Noise and you will end up with low Quality Mpeg files....

Electric_Soul  2003-08-27 13:51:26 ( ID:oiwedssihhw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>Source file is Of Low Quality

Naaaa... I checked the frames. Everything is cool. The source is a DV file(exported from Premiere using avisynth) The bad frames even appear when nothing big happens. No scene changes or something. This is driving me nuts.

Now I've got an even bigger problem.
Me and a friend made a movie and a part of it has slow motion in it. TMPGEnc screws this part up really bad. The flow of the pictures becomes really jerky. It looks like 6 pictures/sec. Why does this happen. ???

I hope you can give me some hints.


Electric_Soul  2003-08-27 16:08:26 ( ID:epaebkz4gxl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Oh.... the Slow motion part is not real slow motion.

We took a scene and streched the timeline a bit(Adobe Premiere). Well Tmpgenc has it's difficulties with this speacil effect.


this sucks big time.

hope you can help


Minion  2003-08-27 21:17:51 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well how is this Stretching done in Premier??? Is it done By Slowing down the Frame rate???

Peter  2003-08-27 21:48:56 ( ID:3bcbppyctk. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Stretching in Premiere does not affect the framerate. If you have a second and stretch it to four seconds, you will get 100 frames instead of the original 25 (under PAL). Electric Soul, put some details on this BBS on what format of mpg you try to create (probably SVCD with a framerate of 2520, PAL or NTSC, etc) and I am sure someone will be willing to send you an appropriate template for the settings. I will check the BBS every now and then.

Cheers, Peter

Minion  2003-08-30 23:43:37 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well If premier Keeps the same Frame rate while doing slow Motion then that is Probably why you are getting Jumpy and Choppy Video in the Slow Mo Parts..Premier has to Duplicate frames to keep the Frame rate the same when slowing down the video so the duplicate frames will give a Jumpy effect, But if you could for instance took the 30fps file and then slowed down the video by cutting the Frame rate to 15fps bu then seperated the fields and made each field a Frame Like a Bob Filter does then the Video would be smooth and in slow Motion and at 30fps, You could do this with AVISynth and get a Much better result....Just a Thought....

Electric_Soul  2003-09-09 16:16:06 ( ID:epaebkz4gxl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>You could do this with AVISynth and get a Much better result....Just a Thought....

Hmm..hello again. Well...... I do not know how to use AviSynth. There must be some other way.

I try CCE or something.


Bug report - TE25 - Bad Total Time No.38803
milan  2003-08-26 15:57:57 ( ID:iabs1ad70a2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

After encoding from AVI (codec DV produced by Pinnacle) to SVCD (PAL) various bitrate has mpg file bad Total Time, as can be seen in Windows Media Player.

ashy  2003-08-26 16:25:52 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is liklely not a bug, but some other error.
For a start Mediaplayer is crap for MPEG files especially MPEG2 SVCD, use a proper MPEG player such as WinDVD.

A little more info on what the problem is would be also helpful.

Milan  2003-08-27 09:28:23 ( ID:iabs1ad70a2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Bad time is also in other player (Power DVD, desktop DVD player). Power DVD play video well, but if I try to change position it colaps. On DVD player the build skips especially in second half.

ashy  2003-08-27 10:20:49 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What settings did you use for encoding the AVI to MPEG?
I.E. bitrate, res, GOP structure anything else tha's relevant.

Has this happened before or is it just this one file?

Minion  2003-08-27 21:21:06 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well I have dencoded a Few Movies that ended up with the Wrong Time code in the File but was able to fix this With Mpeg2VCR"s GOP Fixer, it fixes and Audio PTS and Gop Time code errors so the File shown the Proper Time when Playing and editing the File...Maybe this is what you need???...

Milan  2003-08-28 14:55:39 ( ID:iabs1ad70a2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I tried various setings (CQ and constant bitrate). Sometimes total time was zero. But it depended on bitrate. Other setings was default for SVCD-PAL. My friend had the same problem.

Question - TE25 - Adding or Replacing audio in mpg files ... No.38801
Status  2003-08-26 11:40:31 ( ID:ldntd3ngwan )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

How i can audio in a mpg file?

ashy  2003-08-26 16:21:56 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Demultiplex or Multiplex using the MPEGtools

Bug report - TE25 - Cut and Join Audio chirp No.38799
VCD User  2003-08-25 21:31:40 ( ID:nhb3ttooitg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I join video (specs below)where it joins the video chunks it gives a high chirp. Is there a way to stop it from doing this? I updaed to the latest version and it made no difference.
MPEG-1 704x480 29.97fps CBR 1800kbps, Layer-2 48000Hz 224kbps

ashy  2003-08-25 21:37:30 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This NOT a bug. This is an artifact of joining and editing MPEGs.
Next time click the 'correct' button this should ensure frames are joined correctly and should cure it.
If not then move the join a few frames.

Question - TE25 - Need Some Help - Error No.38777
Stinga  2003-08-25 18:33:31 ( ID:.2apoxaaj96 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I get this message occasionally, and i was wondering if there was a fix to it. With some movie files, but only some, i get the message "cannot open, or unsupported" when i select it for conversion. I have the latest DivX installed, so i don't know what it could be.

Any ideas?


ashy  2003-08-25 20:53:12 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It usually means you don't have the right codec installed. Download and install FFDSHOW.

Minion  2003-08-25 21:18:47 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

And try going to "Options" to "Enviromental settings" to Vfapi Plugins" and Raise the "Direct show" to "2"....

Stinga  2003-08-26 12:40:56 ( ID:5zeuqmqixz. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

damn, it still isn't working. I installed FFDSHOW and changed the option but i still get the message "cannot open or unsupported". The movie plays fine in WMP, but it just won't convert.

Thanx for your help so far, any more suggestions?


ashy  2003-08-26 16:19:40 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Did you configure FFDSHOW to decode your file first?
Make sure XVID,DIVX and MP4 are all checked.

Stinga  2003-08-26 16:31:18 ( ID:5zeuqmqixz. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

sorry, this FFDSHOW program is new to me, how would i go about configuring it to do that?

ashy  2003-08-26 20:16:16 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Goto Programs>FFDSHOW>Configuration then select codecs.

Stinga  2003-08-26 20:25:25 ( ID:5zeuqmqixz. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yeh that was all done before. However, it hasn't solved the original problem.


ashy  2003-08-26 22:26:42 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Make sure the 'directshow file reader' is the top one in the VFAPI plugins by raising it's priority.

If none of this works then your file has a problem.

ashy  2003-08-26 22:28:15 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Is this file actually an AVI or what?

Stinga  2003-08-26 22:50:43 ( ID:5zeuqmqixz. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No, it's an MPG, but i wanna convert it into PAL VCD format so i can burn a DVD.


Minion  2003-08-27 01:24:35 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If it is a Mpeg file then you Might not need to convert it so you can put it on a DVD...As long as the Resolution of the Mpeg file is 352+288 or 352+576 or 704/720+576-Pal then it is DVD Compliant, You can even burn SVCD Resolution files on a DVD and they should Play without a Problem But if you have to encode the File then you should encode it to Mpeg2 instead of Mpeg1/VCD as you will get better Picture Quality and even though the DVD standard doesn"t specificly say that 352+288 SIF can be Mpeg2 I have never had a DVD authoring Program complain about useing Mpeg2 and every DVD player I have tried plays them..And if your Source Mpeg file is NTSC you should not use Tmpgenc to convert it to Pal cuz Tmpgenc doesn"t properly Convert NTSC/Pal, you should try useing AVISynth to convert the Frame rates or if yor DVD player supports Both Pal and Ntsc like Most do even the cheapo ones then just make it as a NTSC DVD....

Stinga  2003-08-27 08:40:41 ( ID:5zeuqmqixz. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yeh i would burn it as it is but i have found that if i do not convert it, the dvd will have a sound delay, which is really frustrating. Oh well,

i really appreaciate your help, i'll just have to watch it on my computer and not burn it!


ashy  2003-08-27 10:37:38 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well why didn't you say it was MPEG?!

All the advice we have been giving you relates to AVI's not MPEG and is why none of it worked.

The MPEG you have is likely MPEG2. If you have the latest version of TMPG you should have no problem loading this MPEG as TMPG now has it's own MPEG2 decoder. Just make sure the 'CRI MPEG decoder' is top of the list in the VFAPI plugins.

If you still have problems loading it try demultiplexing with the MPEGtools to seperate the Video and Audio streams. (You don't need to re-encode the audio anyway)

If it still doesn't load after that then try frame serving it from DVD2AVI to TMPG (that doesn't mean create an AVI, it means create a project file to load into TMPG)

As for your audio delay problem there could be few reasons for this.
Firstly you must make sure you run this MPEG through the 'Simple multiplexer' first to add the proper header, either select 'MPEG1 VCD' or 'MPEG2 SVCD' as the stream type depending on the format of the MPEG then when done it should load into Nero no prob.

Secondly if the audio sync problem only exists on your DVD player then you may have the SVCD audio sync problem, what model of player do you have?
This can be corrected using a modified version of VCDeasy.

If you really want help then post back with more info.
1. What is this MPEG, MPEG1 or MPEG2?
2. What is it's resolution?
3. Does Nero give you any warnings when loading the MPEG?
4. Which model of player do you have
5. Does the audio sync problem occur on the PC also or just the DVD player?

Download 'Bitrate viewer' this will give all the details of the MPEG you need to know.

Stinga  2003-08-27 10:58:35 ( ID:5zeuqmqixz. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

First of all, sorry about not mentioning that it was an MPG, i thought that i had mentioned it, sorry!

Secondly, i have the latest version of TMPGE (, but i don't seem to have "'CRI MPEG decoder' " on the list of plugins. Do i have to download this separately?


Stinga  2003-08-27 11:00:25 ( ID:5zeuqmqixz. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

>First of all, sorry about not mentioning that it was an MPG, i thought that i had mentioned it, sorry!
>Secondly, i have the latest version of TMPGE (, but i don't seem to have "'CRI MPEG decoder' " on the list of plugins. Do i have to download this separately, or do you mean "CyberLink MPEG-2 Decoder? If so, i have given this the highest priority and it still doesn't work, so i'll try the other sugestions you gave.

ashy  2003-08-27 13:08:19 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What's going on with everybody reposting the same thing twice?

The reason we thought you were talking about AVI is because you mentioned the DIVX codec in your first post. DIVX is for AVI only.

The CyberLink MPEG-2 Decoder is not what I was referring to, but this should work also, but you may need to demultiplex the file first.

It is important to know if this file is MPEG1 or MPEG2, so go and download Bitrate viewer and then we'll know and be able to sort this!

The free version of TMPG does not have the CRI decoder. You can download a better TMPG compatible codec anyway from here:

Extract and copy the files into your TMPG folder then follow the instuctions to install.

Stinga  2003-08-27 14:40:16 ( ID:5zeuqmqixz. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok, i've just installed bitrate viewer.

Num. of picture read: 197546
Stream type: MPEG-2 MP@ML VBR
Resolution: 480*480
Aspect ratio: 4:3 Generic
Framerate: 29.97
Nom. bitrate: 1954000 Bit/Sec
VBV buffer size: 56
Constrained param. flag: No
Chroma format: 4:2:0
DCT precision: 8
Pic. structure: Frame
Field topfirst: No
DCT type: Field
Quantscale: Nonlinear
Scan type: Alternate
Frame type: Interlaced

And the codec didn't work.

ashy  2003-08-27 15:12:47 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok this MPEG is an MPEG2 file in SVCD format, so there should be absolutely no problem in loading this into TMPG.
If none of the installed MPEG2 codecs are working then this file is corrupt.
Try running it through the simple multiplexer in the MPEGtools and select 'MPEG2 SVCD(VBR)' as the stream type.

Now load it into Nero using the SVCD option and burn at low speed, 4x if possible.

If you can't load this MPEG into the MPEGtools then it is corrupt, in that case load the MPEG into DVD2AVI and make a project file then load that into TMPG.
If that doesn't work then you can try and fix it with a full version of MPEG2VCR..

I guess you probably downloaded this MPEG. This is what usually happens to downloaded media files, which is why I never bother.

Stinga  2003-08-27 15:53:59 ( ID:5zeuqmqixz. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok, i really appreciate everyone's help with this file. I'll try to do what you said.

Thanx again!


Minion  2003-08-27 21:27:48 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This File is a NTSC SVCD File which you can"t make into a Pal File useing Just Tmpgenc, You should Convert the Frame rate useing AVISynth but if your DVD Player Plays Both Pal and NTSC then you should Burn this SVCD as a Non-Standard DVD useing something like "DVD-Lab" Most DVD Player should be able to Play Such a Disk especially if the DVD Player supports SVCD....

Minion  2003-08-30 23:51:16 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Something that is Confuseing me is that you want to encode the File to Pal VCD and Put in on DVD, So do you want to make a DVD or do you want a VCD??? Either way all of this Long post is Moot Because you can not Convert NTSC Mpeg to Pal Mpeg with Tmpgenc, You would need to Use one of the Many Fairly complicated Methods for converting NTSC/Pal formats....

Question - TE25 - English Language on Chinese Windows No.38775
jdiperna  2003-08-25 11:01:55 ( ID:q.uqu0zli3c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Kind of obscure but annoying nonetheless - tmpgenc seems to be unable to set its user interface to English on Chinese Windows 2000.

I click on options ... language and choose American English. It tells me that the settings will take effect when I restart the app. I do that, but it still comes up in Chinese.

French works, but not English. Any ideas?

Gunslinger  2003-08-31 09:53:40 ( ID:v92qlnrpeeh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hmm I use Chinese Windows XP and it works fine, any software that has language options I use English because I am more used to it. Maybe because XP has multi-language support.

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