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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 545 / 984 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 now Ashy 0 2003-02-12 23:43:36
Question TE25 converting xvid to mpeg 2 errors Mark Dekker 1 2003-02-13 07:36:55
Question TE25 cannot load mpeg2 files george_zhu 6 2003-02-14 17:49:34
Question TE25 How do i Bring The Letterbox Back to a Video without ReEncoding Soulja 5 2003-02-13 21:14:57
Question TE25 Encode cuts off about 5min(help) Jay East 0 2003-02-12 20:37:25
Question TE25 Encode cuts off about 5min(help) Jay East 3 2003-02-12 21:35:29
Question TE25 How to activate SSE for Athlon XP ? Miroslav 1 2003-02-12 20:33:54
Question TE25 How to activate SSE for Athlon XP ? Miroslav 1 2003-02-12 20:30:15
Question TE25 Template reference? savik 2 2003-02-14 12:44:19
Question TE25 MPEG1 file size question jlpotter66 2 2003-02-13 19:58:34
Question TE25 MPEG2 I Frame stream to Mpeg2 DVD??? bob flood 4 2003-02-15 16:04:11
Question TE25 auto shut down in TMPGE Maxgain 3 2003-02-13 00:04:55

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Question - TE25 - now No.34456
Ashy  2003-02-12 23:43:36 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

For anybody interested has now changed it's name and it's web address to:


Question - TE25 - converting xvid to mpeg 2 errors No.34454
Mark Dekker  2003-02-12 23:18:30 ( ID:qnyjh09.atm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I posted this in a other message.
Ok the file is a xvid with ac3 sound.
i extracted the sound with avimux, for a 1 hour part of the movie it's 80 mb
Now i am trying to convert it with tmpgenc to a mpeg 2
and i get a invalid pointer operation...what does this mean, vcd works...but svcd doesn't

odoyle  2003-02-13 07:36:55 ( ID:zcojdto1ibm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Yes, I have the same problem. I extracted the audio with AVI2WAV then at exactly 50% it gives me an error that says "can't read file" Im Really wondering what happend (plenty of hard drive space BTW). I used Nero's SVCD Convertor which actually worked but it was upside down when i burnt it!!?? Anyhelp anyone?

Question - TE25 - cannot load mpeg2 files No.34447
george_zhu  2003-02-12 22:19:00 ( ID:hz6rjbhkmfo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I got a averDVD EZmaker capture card and it is bundled with neoStandard DVD 4.0. It can capture mpeg2 files at VBR with 720*480. I would like to convert it to SVCD. But I cannot loaded it in TMpgEnc 2.510. I have tried to make the priority of directshow highest in VFAPI. But it does not work. What is wrong?

george_zhu  2003-02-12 22:20:59 ( ID:hz6rjbhkmfo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

BTW: I can watch it in windows media play. My PC is Athlon XP 2000+, 256 DDR, 60G HD

Ashy  2003-02-12 22:55:28 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You need a specific MPEG2 plugin to decode the MPEG. You can find which ones you need by clicking the features link at the TMPG main page.


george_zhu  2003-02-13 15:08:34 ( ID:hz6rjbhkmfo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Where is it? I cannot find a link called "feature" in this website.

Ashy  2003-02-13 21:04:05 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What did I say???
>You can find which ones you need by clicking the features link at the TMPG main page.

I didn't mention this website I said the TMPG main page which is located at


george_zhu  2003-02-13 22:13:37 ( ID:n.rayyzutaw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well. I found the explanation about mpeg2 after TMpgEnc 2.507. Is that what you mean? I still have tow questions

1. Where can I download these official decoder like Sony, Liso, ...

2. I can play the mpeg2 file in windows media player. And I have set directshow to be highest priority. But I still cannot load these mpeg2 file into TMpgEnc2.510. Just "file not supported". Some one told me that they can load the mpeg2 file produced by the same software in TMpgEnc2.510. I do not know why I cannot. What should I do?

Ashy  2003-02-14 17:49:34 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Like I have said you will need one of the above decoders. Raising the directshow will have no effect. The decoders are installed when install one of the above DVD players.
You can download the Cyberlink MPEG2 codec seperately and install it though.


Question - TE25 - How do i Bring The Letterbox Back to a Video without ReEncoding No.34441
Soulja  2003-02-12 21:26:56 ( ID:ruep26bafzh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i encoded my Movie from avi to mpg. and it went straight till i played it on my pc. the video was stretched in height. and boxes disapeared. how do i put the letter boxs back and have it original. cause when i downloaded it, the movie had it. Please help.

Minion  2003-02-12 21:42:00 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well Of cource you will Have to re-encode it, But first you should try Playing the File with a Good Mpeg player like Power DVD and Not Media Player Cuz media Player Doesn"r Play Files in there true Aspect Ratio...When encodeing the File set the aspect ratio to 1:1 and it should make the Output file look like the Input file...

Soulja  2003-02-12 22:09:25 ( ID:ruep26bafzh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

but the thing is i also burned it to a VCD and played it in my DVD player and i saw that it was the same.

Ashy  2003-02-12 23:28:49 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hmm sounds like you have selected the wrong aspect ratio.
Your movie sounds like widescreen and will be 16:9 unless letter boxing has been purposely added which would make the movie 4:3.
You should really choose '16:9 display' or '16:9 NTSC' as the input aspect ratio.

1:1 is a square pixel aspect ratio and does not mean that the the input and output will be the same.
1:1 means the height of the pixels are the same as the width of the pixels. For example, NTSC video can be made up from 640 x 480 square pixels, or 720 x 480 pixels that are taller than they are wide. Both will display as a 4:3 TV image.

If the output wasn't created with a 1:1 square pixel ratio then your movie will become distorted.


wcpaul  2003-02-13 19:36:04 ( ID:q7gr550x3gw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

There are various programs that can force the aspect ratio in an mpeg file to a new value. Setting it to 16:9 will fix the file without reencoding.

DVDPatcher is a good one but make sure the other settings are the same as the original file. (Use Bitrate.exe if not sure.)

Ashy  2003-02-13 21:14:57 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sorry wcpaul, but I'm gonna have to disagree with you.
I would have already suggested this if it had been the output ratio that was set wrong, but the output is already most likely 4:3 in the MPEG which is correct for the type of MPEG he is making namely VCD.

It is the input aspect ratio which was set wrong and now the image distortion has been hard encoded into the MPEG.

Granted he could change the aspect ratio of the MPEG to 16:9 which would correct the distortion but unfortunetly this would make it out of spec for VCD and wouldn't play correctly on a 4:3 TV or a DVD player or if at all.


Question - TE25 - Encode cuts off about 5min(help) No.34440
Jay East  2003-02-12 20:37:25 ( ID:n9ypvj19eej )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When encoding the end seems to cut off about 5min of the video(audio is unaffected). I'm having to split the video into 2 sections and understand about going back with the 2nd encode but it cuts the ending of the movie off. Is there a setting to fix this.Thanks

Question - TE25 - Encode cuts off about 5min(help) No.34436
Jay East  2003-02-12 20:18:53 ( ID:n9ypvj19eej )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When encoding the end seems to cut off about 5min of the video(audio is unaffected). I'm having to split the video into 2 sections and understand about going back with the 2nd encode but it cuts the ending of the movie off. Is there a setting to fix this.Thanks

Minion  2003-02-12 20:33:34 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

There is Probably something wrong with the File at the Point were it cuts off, Maybe corrupted Frames or some other sort of error, Downloaded files will do this sometimes....

jay east  2003-02-12 20:52:47 ( ID:n9ypvj19eej )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have the entire movie on one file and it seems to run perfectly(it's in xvid.avi format). When i split it into 2 seperate mpeg forms the encode stops recording the video part at 90% finished. It continues to encode audio to the end but just not the video.

Minion  2003-02-12 21:35:29 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Because it plays fine doesn"t mean that there isn"t anything wrong with the file, Players like Media Player are Made to skim over errors, if they werent then you wouldn"t be able to watch many Movies especially ones that were downloaded off the Net Cuz they are Usually full of errors so if you got this File off the net then that is Probably the Problem, Downloaded files from Places like Kazaa are Notorius for Being full of errors and corrupted, You can try to frame serve the file to Tmpgenc, that Might help...

Question - TE25 - How to activate SSE for Athlon XP ? No.34434
Miroslav  2003-02-12 18:49:59 ( ID:hopuwio3fbn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have an ATHLON XP 2000.

In the History file of TMPGEnc I read:
"For compatibility matter, SSE order for Athlon XP is not enabled at default setting. You can enable it with your own risk."

But where is the button to activate SSE ?
Could nowhere find it...

Thanks !!!


savik  2003-02-12 20:33:54 ( ID:nxjofu2v2io )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Option => Environmental Setting... => CPU => Enable SSE [x]

Question - TE25 - How to activate SSE for Athlon XP ? No.34432
Miroslav  2003-02-12 18:36:04 ( ID:hopuwio3fbn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have an ATHLON XP 2000.

In the History file of TMPGEnc I read:
"For compatibility matter, SSE order for Athlon XP is not enabled at default setting. You can enable it with your own risk."

But where is the button to activate SSE ?
Could nowhere find it...

Thanks !!!


Minion  2003-02-12 20:30:15 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

go to "Options" to "enviromental settings" to "CPU" and here is were you enable the MMX and SSE optimizations.....

Question - TE25 - Template reference? No.34429
savik  2003-02-12 18:19:10 ( ID:nxjofu2v2io )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello everyone,

could someone tell me if there is a reference guide of the template-files? Some options I already found by searching with google, but not all I need.


puronombre  2003-02-13 21:58:48 ( ID:vykagpejifg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Probably the best thing to do is pick one and open a file you'll see the default options in grey on the menu

savik  2003-02-14 12:44:19 ( ID:5cnsbyzghmk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thank you, but i meant something like this:

object TMPEGConfigFile
MPEG.Text = '$$VCD_PAL' <= Syntax?
MPEG.WizardCategoryName = '$$VCDPAL (2-pass VBR)' <= Syntax?
MPEG.WizardTargetMedia = MPEGConfig_TargetMediaType_CD_80min <= more types?

...and all other Wizard specific entries.

I'm also looking for something like:
"MPEG.Video.ImageArrange_ArrangeType =


Question - TE25 - MPEG1 file size question No.34426
jlpotter66  2003-02-12 16:57:15 ( ID:sda/ru1rpof )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What should an approximate file size be for a 192x144 mpg with a framerate of 15 and CBR of 600 with 8,000hz mono audio? I'm having a very hard time creating a small mpg. I have tried numerous combinations of resolution, framerates and bitrates and the file sizes never change by much. All have been coming out around 17 to 18mb for 2 minutes of video. Is this the smallest I will be able to get this using MPEG1? Thanks.

Ashy  2003-02-12 17:34:12 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You need to change the stream setting to 'MPEG1 system(automatic)' or 'MPEG1 VCD(non standard).


jlpotter66  2003-02-13 19:58:34 ( ID:sda/ru1rpof )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks Ashy! Worked great!

Question - TE25 - MPEG2 I Frame stream to Mpeg2 DVD??? No.34421
bob flood  2003-02-12 16:33:00 ( ID:q0g7ebxahqh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

hello again,

I have an editing application, discreet edit, that can export and mpeg 2 stream thats just iframes. is there a way to use this as a source for TMPGE to convert to MPEG IBP For DVD? I like the results i am getting out of my edit application, but i need tmpeg to force i frames for chapter markers, so if i do the primary encoding out of edit and encode on TMPG i should get the best of all worlds.

i know i can convert my i frame stream to avi, then back to IBP mpeg 2, but i would rather do it as mentioned above, or at least try it once to see the results!

thanx in advance

bee eph

Ashy  2003-02-12 17:36:44 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I don't understand your problem. Just load the MPEG2 file into TMPG and encode.


wcpaul  2003-02-12 19:24:29 ( ID:q7gr550x3gw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Some people claim DVD2AVI has a higher quality Mpeg decoder than the ones allowed by TMPGEnc so I always us that to frameserve Mpeg into TMPGEnc.

What is the source format of your edited material? Mpeg 2 I-Frame-only is pretty lossy for Hi-res camera source at anything less than 25Mbs. On such material, consider exporting with Huffyuv Lossless Codec.

For a compact, lossless archive, encode at 15Mbs IBP 4:2:2P@ML using TMPG. Frameserve that back into TMPG with DVD2AVI when reencoding to DVD spec.

My motto is: Allow NO loss between source and archive. (And it is amazing that software at such a low cost makes this possible.)

Bob Flood  2003-02-12 22:13:03 ( ID:q0g7ebxahqh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

thanx guys

1. when i try to open my mpeg2 iframe stream in tmpg i get an error message saying the file format is not supported, so i thought is wasnt supported (duh). same w virtual dub.
why am i getting this? waht can be conflicting w the mpeg 2 decoder?
any guidelines would be appreciated

2. i can export out of edit as Truevision Motion jpeg AVI, which i can then use a software codec and or virtual dub to get into tmpg, except i looks soft on type/text. I can also export a TGA sequence, but with the same outcome. tmpg makes the type soft. (the TGA sequence is about as lossless as it gets)

3. My built in encoder is ligos go motion, and if i do cbr at max i get a 10 Mbps file, so i though i would try that

thanx again

bee eph

Bob Flood  2003-02-15 16:04:11 ( ID:epwmtdggcm2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

back again

i resolved the issue of not being able to decode mpeg2 i streams

i had already had PowerDVD installed on the Machine, thereby giving me the Cyberlink Codec to decode mpeg 2. By raising its priority, i was able to read my mpeg2 file!!

how come it seems that you have to always raise a codecs priority? isnt there someway that the software can just try ALL the codecs in the listing??

btw, the experiment of decodinfg an i straem into a dvd stream yeilded soft type as well,,, so after all that, i still have to find a better way

thanx again

bee eph

Question - TE25 - auto shut down in TMPGE No.34417
Maxgain  2003-02-12 08:51:29 ( ID:xzjt7bz5kdh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello everyone this is my first post here. I am new to all of this but I have learned a lot
reading from this forum. The question I have is why the auto pc shut down switch in TMPGE Plus is not always available. This is a pretty handy tool to have. This is the down loaded Licensed version 2.510.49.157.


EricJ  2003-02-12 16:51:05 ( ID:8w4j.tnrkzl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This does not directly answer your question, but for an alternative approach, see:

Eric J

Ashy  2003-02-12 17:38:59 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Th make the shutdown check box appear every time simply click File>Output to file>MPEG file.


Maxgain  2003-02-13 00:04:55 ( ID:xzjt7bz5kdh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Asly it works.

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