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I cannot open mov files for TMPGEnc. I downloaded the plugin, and the directions say to copy it to the TMPGEnc folder, i tried it, but i still get the error of "can not be open, or unsuported". please someone help me.
Go to "Options" to "enviromental Settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and see if the Mov Plugin is listed in the Plugin List..and if it isn"t then it wasn"t installed properly and if it is there then try raiseing it"s priority....
When I Enable multiplex with "mux://", but i don't mux a Audio-File (thus my Audio Source File begins not with "mux://": it's a normal WAV-File), then the Video-File will be not supported...
Even if i choose "Video only" (ES or System) the error a appears.
Only if i empty the AudioSource-inputfield TMPGenc would work or i use the "mux://" Feature...
I'm a relative novice with TMPGEnc, so forgive me if these basic questions.
We've been using version beta 12a for about a year now to create MPEG-1 clips, exporting a timeline from Adobe Premiere (6.0) with Avisynth (v0.28 beta 36), making an AVS file that TMPGnc then turns into an MPEG. All has been well until recently, when a client was unable to play our clips on their computer. Some discussion with an associate led us to the realization that the client's computer didn't have the codec to play the MPEGs created with TMPGEnc (or at least the version we had). I just downloaded the latest version this week (Version, and have started to play around with it a little.
1) Is there a way to choose the codec TMPGEnc uses to make an MPEG?
2) If not, what is the codec that TMPGEnc uses?
TMPG doesn't use any codecs for encoding to MPEG1. The MPEG1 encoding algorithm is built in. Also MPEG1 is MPEG1, no matter which encoder has made the MPEG.
If it isn't playing on your clients PC then either the operating system doesn't support it by having the correct player installed, such as Windows media player which has native support for MPEG1 files, or the MPEG has a problem.
It is more likely your client needs to upgrade his player to support MPEG1 playback. There is no particular codec to use or install.
i am having problems in encoding process. each time i try doing so a popup would come up saying that it "can't load P3Package.dll"
the audio file is extracted for the divx file to a wav file
please rep asap.
thanks !
This is error is caused By you not haveing all of the Tmpgenc Files in the same folder....All the Files that Come with Tmpgenc Have to be in the same folder, and one of those files has to be the "P3P Package.dll" file..You can"t have any of the files sitting on your desktop or as a Shortcut....
2.56 will work with any other version installed. If you are using the MPEG2 feature of 2.56 then you must have the serial which will also work with all other versions including 2.59.
Firstly I don't like your 'cocky' attitude when I'm trying to help you.
Secondly you obviously did not read the reply properly, so I will repeat exactly what I said this time note what it says in my first statement.
2.56 will work with any other version installed. If you are using the MPEG2 feature of 2.56 then you must have the serial which will also work with all other versions including 2.59.
>2.56 will work with any other version installed.
Did you get that bit or was it to hard to comprehend?
I am trying to convert an AVI file to vcd and everytime I try selecting the video source i get a pop up stating it can not open or the file is unsupported any suggestions. The audio file is ok.
First ensure you have the correct codec installed then goto Options>enviromental setting>VFAPI plugins and raise the priority of the 'Directshow file reader' to '2'
I haven't upgraded since buying TMPGenc Plus when it was version 2.56 because I didn't want to buy additional software to make it work with mpeg-2.
Now I think I'm ready to upgrade to 2.59, but have not had any luck doing it. I downloaded 2.59 from your website download page, but see no place to enter my License No. and keep getting a 30 trial splash screen.
Where and how do people who already have paid for it, get the free upgrades?
I don't want to do that. It works well and I'd like to keep it too.
Will I be able to download a separate 2.59 version to use?
THAT is what I'm wanting to do because even though it hasn't had some bug fixes, 2.56 works OK without any additional mpeg-2 encoders(or whatever it is that 2.59 needs) and in case I'm not able to make 2.59 work with the mpeg-2 encoder I'm trying....I'll be stuck, and lose 2.56's use.
I don't want to lose 2.56 by having this overwrite it,...Will it?
Hi! I 've read most of the topics about read error, but stil can't realy understand. I got a new mainboard+proc+ram and after the upgrade TMpgenc generates the read error when converting a movie, even if I convert the same movie, what I did convert fine with the old 733Mhz celeron. Also intresting that my PIII 500Mhz notebook can convert the same movie from the same CD, with the same Tmpgenc version without any problems (exept that it takes 5 hours, instied of 1,5). I reinstalled my operating system, upgraded it to XP, changed some setting in the bios, but no permanent solution. I will check the file-s I'am converting as discribed in the other articles, and will change the DirectShow filters priority and will try everything, but still don't beleive, that the movie would be the problem, since the notebook can convertit it!!! So if you have any comment on that, I would highly approtiate it!!!
Ok so 'virtual dub' to convert the adio into a wav file.(which worked)
Next I converted the avi to mpeg.(mpeg has great quality but has no sound)
what do I need to do now. Do I simply burn the mpeg and the wav file on the same vcd or do I have to do something else?
You should have used the wav file as your audio source in TMPG. You can encode it seperately then multiplex it with your MPEG using the MPEGtools and then burn with Nero using the VCD option.
I'm experiencing problems selecting "source ranges". I think I'm running version 2.59. When moving the slider the screen goes blank and I have to click the close button in the top left of the window which closes the application down. I am running Windows XP. Has anyone experienced anything similar?
i run 2000 and i also get the same problem it does 2 others in there as well like inalid pointer operation, or it just closes when i have finished selecting and hit okay it just sguts down or freezes
You can try VCDHELP.COM and READ all the sections from the start to get a better understanding of what you are trying to do. A quick google search turns up this specific link
Plus there are lots of other links available. Just type AVI AUDIO TO WAV in your favourite search engine. The amount of stuff that comes back is overwhelming at times, so try VCDHELP first.
I got a perfect avi I converted it to an perfect mpeg and there's also sound in it, but the video has a delay on the audio. First a person speaks then 2 seconds later his lips move. Does anybodu know about this problem? Or what to do?
If the Delay is the same all the way through the movie you can use the Multiplexor in a Program called "Mpeg2VCR", it has a Feature in it"s Multiplexor that will allow you to off set the audio or Video to Fix sync Problems.....
if you are planning on burning your file to a cd...and playing in your will correct itself. when i convert to sound is always off from the video...but when i burn and watch..its fine.