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Are you using DIVXG400?
To maka it easier for you to understand, let me ask you this:
Once you run a video file, do you see a small "monitor" icon appearing in the tray menu on the bottom right side of your screen?
if yes, double click on it.
There you will see something called "Force vertical flip".
Play with the options - you totally have 4 choices - until your video file goes back to normal.
Note, if you do have the mentioned above program, you don't have to worry, there is nothing wrong with your file, meaning that if you burn it ass a VCD, then your stand-alone player will accept it with no flipping.
First of all, when i decode there is no sound...the sound source is ok...
Second: i encode much stuff with subtitels but the subtitels are not readable because the arent completely on the screen...which format is the best to get the whole picture on the screen so that i have also the subtitles to read?
On the WMP its all ok with the picture...
I am using PAL TV (Europe)
The audio format in the AVI file is not being read By Tmpgenc So you have to extract the Audio from the AVI file to a WAV file with Something like "Virtual Dub" and use the WAV file as the Audio source..To arange the Frame in the Screen so you can see the while frame you Should have the "Video arrange Method" set to "Fullscreen(Keep aspect Ratio)" But if for some reason you aren"t happy with the results The use "Clip Frame" settings in the "Advanced Settings"...
I have just started working with TMPGEnc, which after 2 days finally got to do what I wanted it. The only thing I do not know how to do is how to get the subtitles in. Can anyone tell me how to do this ?? I am using SmartRipper and DVD2AVI_1.77.3 as well . Thanks !!
After transcoding a MPEG-PS (PAL) file in MPEG file for "Sonic DVDIt!", I get
following message: "Each GOP header must be preceded by a sequence header".
What going wrong or where is my error?
How is the correct setting in TMPGEnc for a PAL-DVD MPEG file?
In the "settings" go to "GOP" and set the "Output interval" to "1" this should work...With DVDit every gop has to have a Sequence header..It is a Very picky program...
Sorry, it doesn¡t work. I have a DVB-MPEG-stream and after the transcoding with the setting 1,2,3,1,15 (GOP Structure) it doesn¡t work. Where is error??
In DVDIt! or in TMPCEnc???
I'm trying to convert an AVI file to MPEG, but when I convert it, there is no video, only audio. During the conversion, there is no video shown on the screen.
I thought that it is "normal", but when the conversion is finished, there is really no video. I tried converting other AVI files and it was converted easily with no problem. I tried converting the first AVI file but then I got the same result: no video, only audio. Is there a prblem with the AVI file? Can I fix it with TMPGEnc? I hope u can help me? Thanks.
Probably your AVi file is old DIVX codec such as 3.12 alpha, for example.
If you are not sure what codec it is, open it with VirtualDub and access file information.
Anyway, if your codec is earlier than DIVX5, you might need a small utility called SMR that fixes exactly the same problem for "old codec" files.
I used the tmpegEnc software to convert my *.asf file to *.mpeg file..the video is converted, but with no sound...I try to locate the audio source to that *.asf file...but it just said 'can't open...or unsupported'...what can i do to convert this file with sound? Thx.
Tmpgenc usually will not encode the Audio from ASF/WMV files..But you Can encode the Audio seperately and Mux it with the Mpeg Video...What I use with WMV/ASF files to get the audio is a Freeware Program called "DB Power Amp" you can download it at "" and Download the WMA codec and the "MP2" codec, and rename the "ASF" file to "WMA" then encode it to either WAV or to MP2..If you encode it to MP2 you can just load the Mpeg video file you allready encoded into the "Simple Multiplex" and Load the "Mp2 file in also then click "Run" and it will Mux the 2 files together ,But if you encode it to wav you will need to encode the WAV file to Mp2 with Tmpgenc of some other audio encoder....
I have this movie but i want to erase the bottom of the screen because when i play the movie,we see some information at the bottom and i want to delete that so i can see the movie without having to see that info in my dvd player when i copy it as vcd format.Is there a way to delete that part of the screen with tmpgenc or some other programs.Help will be greatly apprecieted.
You can"t "Erase" it But you can Cut it out..Go to the "Settings" to "Advanced Settings" to "Clip Frame" and From there you should be able to figure it out...
I have purcheased tmpgenc plus and i have had problems opening mpg2 files ever since version 2.57 came out. I have a fully licensed version of Ligos encoder installed that i just purchased. I have set the Ligos vfapi plugin priority to 2, i have uninstalled tmpgenc plus , Ligos encoder, reinstalled even resinstalled Windows XP. I know the mpg files are godd because Tmpgenc 2.6 will open them without problem. I am at my wits end. I read a lot of posts in the newsgroups about this same problem so i know i am not the only one. Can someone please help
If these are Mpeg2 files then The best and fastest way to encode them is useing DVD2AVI to make a D2V file out of the Mpeg2 file then encodeing that..I have no problems loading Mpeg2 files into Tmpgenc But I still Use DVD2AVI to frame serve them Cuz it is a much better Mpeg2 decoder...Sometimes De-Muxing the Mpeg2 file and Just loading in the M2V file works..You don"t need to encode the audio anyways Cuz it is allready in the Correct format for VCD/SVCD/DVD and encodeing it again will just degrade the quality and in some cases can Cause Sync problems...
I have upgrade from tmpgenc 2.01 to 2.58.44 plus. Since this, I cannot convert avi to mpeg with out errors like "Write error occurred at address 77f536f7 of module 'ntdll.dll with 00000000" I have tried three seperate files. Help?
I've been having the same sort of problem .. but I get 'Read Error Occured'! Check out my thread on the next page called "Read Error Occured ..." . I have just tried the Panasonic MPEG 1 encoder, and that seemed to work fine!!
Cheers, THM
Are you using Win XP?
Are you using Nimo codec pack? And it is the latest one?
If the second condition is true, then here is your problem.
In that case you will need to get back to pack 4 or 5.
it will fix it.
I use dvd2avi, smart ripper and Tmpgenc to back up copies of my DVDÃÔ. I donÃÕ have any Problems with the DVDÃÔ that have a frame rate of E9.97Ebut when itÃÔ E3.976Ethere is Problems with the audio on the finished product is there any way to change the frame
rate on the DVD to 29.97 ??
What do you mean 23.976? There are no DVD's which are 23.976. All NTSC DVD's playback at a rate of 29.97 fps.
The only way you will end up with a DVD which is 23.976 is if you have used the ForcedFILM option in DVD2AVI.
This removes what is called telecining from the DVD and returns a 29.97 fps interlaced DVD to it's original 23.976 fps progressive frames.
This should not affect the audio in any, but DVD2AVI has been known to create out of sync audio files.
Switch off the audio option in DVD2AVI then use a program called VOB2AUDIO to rip the audio from your VOB files to a wav then use that as your audio source for TMPG.
Doing it this way is more accurate and yeilds better results than using DVD2AVI to rip the audio.
Hi, Ashy, I have a DVD titled 'momie dearest' and when i run it through dvd2avi the frame is 23.976 and the audio problems i am having is during play back of the back uped dvd the sound/audio is just in and out-sound plays for a second then there is no sound-does this through out play back. and as far as the forced film feauture it doest show up in the static window and i dont think that i am using that feature because i cant find it in dvd2avi anywhere-unless i am over looking it. i WILL TRY VOB2AUDIO thanks Ashy!
I see it now Ashy-force film was not checked-none was checked-so i checked swap field order and ran the dvd through dvd2avi without audio-which i will do with vob2audio-it did change the frame rate to 29.97:) thanks ashy for your help your great!
It is Phisicly Impossible to Have a DVD with a Frame rate of 23.9fps..It just Is not Part of the DVD Standard and if it did have that frame rate it would not play in your DVD Player...So somewere down the Line something is going wrong...The only way DVD2AVI will report a Frame rate of 23.9fps is if the "Forced Film" is Enabled....Ripping the Audio with "VOB2Audio" will Not make the Movie 29.9fps But it might rip the audio so that is in Better sync with the Video..I personally haven"t had sync issues Atributed to DVD2AVI But it has Happened with others...
Hi, I'm new to this, so plese be patient. I am trying to import completed AVI files from Premiere 6.0 (meaning the video has been edited, with transitions, etc). TMPGEnc says this type of file is unsupported. However, if I have raw footage from my Sony PD150, that I have not done any editing on, that is taken fine my TMPGEnc. Am I able at all to import the finished Premiere files into TMPGEnc? I have MYDVD, and the transcoding on that it terrible, especially with movement.
Thanks for any help
Have you tried to raise the "Direct Show File Reader"????Go to "Options" to "Enviromental Settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and raise the "Direct Show" to "2"....this should work..
I had to export my movie from premier to Microsoft DV AVI. Then TMPGEnc would read it. It would not read the Pinnical DV format that I captured everything in.
I don"t know of any place that specificly carries Older versions ,I have a Few older versions Like 2.52 and 2.53 and 2.57, But you might be able to Find some old versions on Kazaa, But no gaurantees..