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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 829 / 984 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 Index of scan line is out of range(384) ??? CU!ddleBear 0 2002-06-14 15:05:49
Request TE25 IBBBBBBI GOP Obssesion 2 2002-06-17 12:38:55
Question TE25 Why does it play on my PC but not on My videocd player andrew_tiu 1 2002-06-15 02:33:16
Question TE25 Sound problem, help me please... Alessandro L. 3 2002-06-15 09:38:31
Question TE25 Tips on creating the best VCD quality Kenneth 1 2002-06-20 12:29:25
Question TE25 How to minimize halo effects on karaoke text from VCD? Kenneth 1 2002-06-15 11:51:46
Question TE25 TMPG Newbie help New TMPG user 2 2002-06-14 11:21:06
Question TE25 CBR vs. VBR User 3 2002-06-14 22:52:04
Question TE25 Time consumption. John 5 2002-06-14 23:07:15
Question TE25 De-interlace methods, what's the difference?? graham 0 2002-06-14 09:20:21
Request TE25 *.AVI with TMPGEnc dizzydaft 1 2002-06-14 02:37:35
Question TE25 Illegal MPEG video stream when cutting .dat file discus 1 2002-06-14 01:46:32

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Question - TE25 - Index of scan line is out of range(384) ??? No.23339
CU!ddleBear  2002-06-14 15:05:49 ( ID:epaebkz4gxl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I want to convert an AVI-File into SVCD, but everytime I push the Startbutton this message appears:
"Index of scan line is out of range(384)"

What does it mean? I'm using the project wizard, so I don't think that wrong options cause this message.

thx4 your help!

CU! ddleBear!

Request - TE25 - IBBBBBBI GOP No.23336
Obssesion  2002-06-14 14:42:21 ( ID:ev7.eqqomr6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


For static scenes with very low mouvement and fixed camera this
structure it's the best (without any doubt) !!!

Please, insert this option: now I=1,P=0,B=n set IIIIIIIIII.


Hataian  2002-06-15 17:21:40 ( ID:ceso8j9ek8a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm not sure,but maybe this type of GOP is impossible.
I think to have read somewhere that every B-frame must
be next to an I- or P-frame either before or behind itself.

Obssesion  2002-06-17 12:38:55 ( ID:ev7.eqqomr6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I¡Çm absolutely sure that IBBBBBBBI GOP¡Çs are legal:

I-frame: Intra-frame, don¡Çt depends on any other frame.
P-frame: Predicted-frame, depends on previous frame (I or P), and has only changes from between this frame and the previous.
B-frame: Both-frame, depends on previous and later frames type I or P, reflecting only changes between both and actual frame.

Now, TMPGEnc can only output IBBBBBBBPIBBBBBBBPIBBB¡Ä GOP¡Çs, that¡Çs incorporating an inefficient approach: B is from previous I and later P, really P are predicted (much error) and irrelevant, because after are inserted and I frame.

Please, correct actual code: I=1, P=0 and B=n don¡Çt need to produce IIIIII GOP¡Çs!!!


Question - TE25 - Why does it play on my PC but not on My videocd player No.23334
andrew_tiu  2002-06-14 14:11:39 ( ID:x0sji/cvnpc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you have any suggestions in converting Divx to MPeg(VCD). Please do so since I'm having problems with the encoder TMPGEnc

Minion  2002-06-15 02:33:16 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If it plays on your computer then the problem is not with "tmpgenc" cuz if you can watch it on your computer then the encoder has done what it was supposed to do, the problem is either with the way you burned it to disk or with your vcd player,Nero is probably the best and easiest to use to burn vcd"s and if you can watch it on the computer and you burnt it properly then it is a compatability issue with your vcd player...

Question - TE25 - Sound problem, help me please... No.23330
Alessandro L.  2002-06-14 11:42:46 ( ID:lkyjnc.dc5w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Excuse me if I have not a good english...
I've used tmpgenc for convert AVI to MPG but in some Avi i have found this error:
The video is not syncronized vith the audio and i have try to adjust the problem in the option before the starts of encoding, with the option of delay sound... I used 2000 m seconds of delay (the effective delay...) but when the program finish to encode I found the same problem... 2000 m seconds of delay...
What can i do?
Thank you very much..

blepharisma  2002-06-14 16:39:05 ( ID:dir/s4koxlm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi -- I have found the exact same problem!

Sorry, I don't have the answer, but am very curious to find out!


Minion  2002-06-14 22:43:17 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Use a program like "bbmpeg" or "mpeg2vcr" you can use there multiplexor to offset the audio or video to try to sync then up...

Nobody  2002-06-15 09:38:31 ( ID:qualsxlqpwn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Save the audio as uncompressed wav,use Vdub set at 44.1Khz then use this with TMPGEnc

Question - TE25 - Tips on creating the best VCD quality No.23328
Kenneth  2002-06-14 11:34:46 ( ID:1ebitn.8gho )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi All,

I recently switch from CCE demo to TMPGenc for doing standard VCD from DVD. Since I'm new to this program, I was wondering if some of you can share some of your tips ono how to twist in creating the best VCD quality possible. Thanks.


Hataian  2002-06-20 12:29:25 ( ID:ceso8j9ek8a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Question - TE25 - How to minimize halo effects on karaoke text from VCD? No.23326
Kenneth  2002-06-14 11:11:27 ( ID:1ebitn.8gho )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I'm helping a friend to backup a copy of his DVD Karaoke to a VCD Karaoke using TMPGenc. This is my first time doing a VCD Karaoke back and notice there are lots of halo or blocky or haze around the karaoke text. The karaoke text is not subtitle but part of the video itself. Is this normal? Is there anyway I can minimize or reduce the blocky effect on the text? Any suggestions would be very appreciated. Thanks.


noone  2002-06-15 11:51:46 ( ID:tnwva14793j )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

goto setting and look for motion search persition, select high quality

vcd isnt the greatest but it should be fine for karaoke

Question - TE25 - TMPG Newbie help No.23323
New TMPG user  2002-06-14 10:59:18 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have just started converting an avi file to ntsc vcd, this appears to be creating an mpeg file, but how do I get this to play on my DVD player? I can play video cd's, but they are usually in avseq01.dat format when I explore them. Help would be greatly appreciated. TIA

willyiam  2002-06-14 11:12:46 ( ID:nsbkh5almbg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Use Nero Burning Rom and select VCD.

New TMPG user  2002-06-14 11:21:06 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks very much, I appreciate your help.

Question - TE25 - CBR vs. VBR No.23319
User  2002-06-14 10:36:23 ( ID:xaagdma.afc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I was wondering if I could change the bitrate to a lower rate. With the Wizard it automatically chooses the "CBR 1150kbps 70min/650MB" and there is not other option. If I can lower this bitrate to maybe 800 or 900, then it may be possible that I can get the whole movie on one CD right? How can I change this bitrate (VBR)?

ffast  2002-06-14 11:14:10 ( ID:rq73n1voqvj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You need to learn the "standard of MPEG-1".

There is no VBR on MPEG-1 standard.

ASHY  2002-06-14 11:45:23 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

User  2002-06-14 22:52:04 ( ID:xaagdma.afc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for all your help. However, please view the new problem I posted. I'm still having trouble.

Question - TE25 - Time consumption. No.23313
John  2002-06-14 10:26:56 ( ID:xaagdma.afc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a 1.8Ghz comp., with a Pentium 4. I tried to convert an avi (565 MB) into an mpg and it says that it will take almost 24 hours to do that. Why is this happening? It had only finished 4% in 1 and a half hours. That is really slow for such a fast computer. Is this normal? How come some other people say they finish theirs in about 1 and a half hours and mine is only 4% done?

graham  2002-06-14 10:38:54 ( ID:0ue6vwhmujh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have recently doubled performance by adding some memory. going from 256 mb to 512 mb doubles encoding speed. adding more meory doesn't significantly increase further.

Problem is, with a fast cpu you still have memory access as the speed bottleneck..

graham  2002-06-14 11:51:28 ( ID:0ue6vwhmujh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have recently doubled performance by adding some memory. going from 256 mb to 512 mb doubles encoding speed. adding more meory doesn't significantly increase further.

Problem is, with a fast cpu you still have memory access as the speed bottleneck..

Minion  2002-06-14 22:40:06 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

There is difineatly something wrong with you configuration cuz on my 800mhz p3 system I can encode a 2 hour movie to mpeg2 in 7-10 hours, try deleteing tmpgenc and re-download it maybe that will help.....

User  2002-06-14 22:53:08 ( ID:xaagdma.afc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I tried redownloading it, but it still does that. How can I configure it to where it does it faster?

Minion  2002-06-14 23:07:15 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have no Idea how to configure your system to work faster I think there is something wrong with it cuz it seems to be encodeing at the speed of a 400mhz,The only thing i can think of is maybe raise the amount of "virtual memory" you have and make sure that you direct memory access controller is enabled(DMA).and make sure you have directx8.But that is all I can think of, maybe get someone to check it out for you......,

Question - TE25 - De-interlace methods, what's the difference?? No.23312
graham  2002-06-14 09:20:21 ( ID:0ue6vwhmujh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Could anybody give me some indication what the different deinterlace methods do? (even, odd, double and animaption, adaption and animation adaption?)

I would think for the best results you should try to integrate both fields so double (animation adaption) sounds logical, it does not exist....

I presume even and odd methods just leave half the fields out, does this mean I could use half the cbr bitrate??

Request - TE25 - *.AVI with TMPGEnc No.23310
dizzydaft  2002-06-14 02:04:27 ( ID:2jy5nw6ruw6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

ok dory'
i was woundering as a greate fan of TMPGEnc, would there be any release of
a TEMPGEnc that will support all *.AVI files and mpeg 2[with the plugin built in]...

as this would make it lot more easyer' for us #=)

thanx for thaking your time


Minion  2002-06-14 02:37:35 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That is easier said than done, makeing the mpeg2 plugin is easy enough but to make tmpgenc compatible with all avi formats is nearly imposible cuz you need permision to decode someone elses codec, say for instance tmpgenc was able to encode avi"s that are encoded with the "pinnacle dv codec" pinnacle would get pretty pissed off cuz then you wouldn"t need the pinnacle mpeg encoder, most every compression format is pattened or copyrighted so you need permision or pay fees to decode there format,but tmpgenc is compatible with all the major codecs like all the direct show formats all the video for windows formats and open DML formats as long as you have the codecs installed on your machine...

Question - TE25 - Illegal MPEG video stream when cutting .dat file No.23308
discus  2002-06-14 01:21:02 ( ID:kep2fgz0ebh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, I got the error "Illegal MPGE video stream" when I was trying to cut a movie .dat file and convert it to many .mpg files. I didn't have this error when I was cutting the file from eg. 01:11:00 to 05:00:00 When I try to cut eg. 12:12:00 to 15:15:00, the problem occurs, this happen quite often when I use MPEG Tools. Is there a way to solve this problem or it's the problem of my source file eg. .dat or .mpg ? I tried to convert the .dat to .mpg and then do the cutting again, the problem still occur. Pleae advise. Thank you!

Minion  2002-06-14 01:46:32 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It is probably both , the mpeg tools have been getting a lot complaints lately so the advice i give to people is to get something else to do the job, get a different mpeg editor or different multiplexor ect, cuz there isn"t much you can do when the mpeg tools say they don"t want to work for you...

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