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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TDA1 Menu problems Pirtorm 0 2003-07-20 10:58:33
Question TE25 audio from dvd THE WATCHER 2 2003-07-20 09:17:28
Bug report TE25 Error COLdGiN 5 2003-07-20 23:16:54
Question TE25 Aspect ratio question THE WATCHER 3 2003-07-29 18:30:11
Question TE25 TMPGenc on linux GS 3 2003-07-20 13:03:40
Question TE25 DVD backup THE WATCHER 1 2003-07-19 19:40:23
Question TE25 DVD backup THE WATCHER 0 2003-07-19 17:40:35
Question TE25 need instructions walt 1 2003-07-19 14:08:27
Question TE25 Mr James 5 2003-07-20 16:38:48
Question TE25 dvd to vcd The Watcher 10 2003-07-19 22:38:43
Bug report TE25 MPEG2 Demuxing, Muxing and Cutting with multiple audio streams martona 5 2003-07-18 23:59:22
Request TE25 Pause Button!? Torque 1 2003-07-18 21:13:58

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Question - TDA1 - Menu problems No.48674
Pirtorm  2003-07-20 10:58:33 ( ID:y00rkardn2f )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I make a DVD I can navigate the menu system ie: I can click on a film on the title page, then browse the chapters. But when I click on a chapter to watch the DVD hangs my player. This is only with my Matsui dvd110 player on to my tv not software on my pc (my pc works with the DVD fine). If there a problem with this program and a Matsui dvd100 or do other people get it. Is there a fix?

Question - TE25 - audio from dvd No.38161
THE WATCHER  2003-07-20 01:51:08 ( ID:szidsaf47lk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i have a dvd2avi project that i have loaded into tmpgenc, i just want to know if there is anyway to rip the sound to wav from the dvd, the reason being that i want this movie in 2 languages and i don´´t want to have to reencode the whole dvd

Minion  2003-07-20 02:39:06 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well that is What DVD2AVI is For..If you Did it right DVD2AVI should give you a D2V file and a Wav audio file for the audio Track that you choose in DVD2AVI...

ashy  2003-07-20 09:17:28 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Look, for a start I already told you that you could rip the DVD to a d2v and a wav with DVD2AVI or do you not read the answers to your many other posts.
Which is my other point.
Please refrain from creating multiple posts about the same subject.
You could have just posted this question in the same thread as your previous post. You are breaking the terms & rules of this BBS and will not have your posts answered any quicker.
If you continue to multiple post you will find that the ones who can really help will start to ignore your posts, myself included.

Bug report - TE25 - Error No.38155
COLdGiN  2003-07-20 01:32:32 ( ID:jvufjskbx6c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When trying to convert an XVID to MPEG2 i get the error
"Write error occurred at address 77F83AED of module 'ntdll.dll' with 00000000"
I have the latest XVID codec installed and ffdshow. I an using TEMPENC version 2.513

Here is some info about my avi file:
Video: 627 MB, 1129 Kbps, 25.0 fps, res. 608*256 (2.21:1), XVID = XVID Mpeg-4, Supported
Audio : 72 MB, 130 Kbps, 48000 Hz, 2 chan., 0x55 = MP3, Supported

I initially see the error when setting the source range and then again as soon as I start encoding.

Minion  2003-07-20 02:37:37 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Have you Got FFDShow Configured to Decode Xvid?? as this error will Only happen if you are useing the XviD codec to decode, If you download GSpot and Load your File into it it will tell you what it is useing to decode the File, if for some reason you can"t get it to decode useing FFDshow then Get rid of the XviD codec..You can also Use Virtual Dub to frame serve the File to Tmpgenc which Should stop the error also...

COLdGiN  2003-07-20 05:35:30 ( ID:jvufjskbx6c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok, I'm quite new at encoding. I downloaded Gspot. Where exactly do i see what is being used to render xvid once i load my file? (under the video heading in Gspot, in the name field i see Xvid) Is this it? Or under Direct show renderer, video path i see (S) --> AVI Splitter --> ffdshow MPEG-4 Video Decoder --> (R) How do i configure ffdshow to decode my xvid?


COLdGiN  2003-07-20 05:49:06 ( ID:jvufjskbx6c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I uninstall the XVID codec and now only have ffdshow on my system. I am able to watch my XVIDs in media player and windvd, but when i try to load it as the video source in TEMPENC, i get the error "cannot open, unsupported"

What do i do now?

Minion  2003-07-20 23:15:47 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The Unsupported error can Usually Be easilly fixed By going to "Options" to "Enviromental Settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and Faise the "Direct Show" to "2"...This should work...

Minion  2003-07-20 23:16:54 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sory that is "Raise the "Direct Show" to "2"...

Question - TE25 - Aspect ratio question No.38151
THE WATCHER  2003-07-20 00:01:58 ( ID:szidsaf47lk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

does the aspect ratio affect whether or not it will play in a dvd player?
the vcds i have created are all 1:1 which is just like a square, this looks good on a normal tv but i wonder how it would look on a wide screen tv?
also, how does a vcd look like in a 16:9 aspect ratio


Minion  2003-07-20 02:33:59 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

1:1 is the WRONG aspect ratio To watch anything on TV, 1:1 is Mostly for Watching on your PC, All Regular TV"s Require that you use 4:3 Aspect ratio and if you are Not useing it then you are Not getting the Best looking Image as Displayed on a Regular TV..You can Watch 16:9 on a Regular TV But it doesn"t look Right, 16:9 Is Mostly for Widescreen TV"s...1:1 will Not look Correct on Any TV, and Some DVD Players will Not Play 1:1 Aspect ratio VCD"s and Will NOT Play 1:1 Ratio DVD"s...So I would Advise you to Switch to 4:3 as your Picture will Look Much Better Actually It will Look Correct as 1:1 is Not correct for TV...

ashy  2003-07-20 09:23:39 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Are we talking about the input aspect ratio here or the output aspect ratio.
If it's the input you are talking about then it depends on the source you are using whether it should be 1:1 or not.
As for the output aspect ratio Minion is correct. All VCD's have to have an output aspect ratio of 4:3.

Tracer  2003-07-29 18:30:11 ( ID:as4qxzcqqln )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Where do you change the output ratio?


Question - TE25 - TMPGenc on linux No.38147
GS  2003-07-19 20:53:24 ( ID:rihoxasgx3r )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Will TMPGenc ever be made for Linux?

Minion  2003-07-19 22:35:51 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

From what I have heard there are No Plans to make Tmpgenc compatible with Different Platforms, But I have heard of Poeple Running Tmpgenc under Linux..

ashy  2003-07-20 09:28:35 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Run can run TMPG under Wine.

ashy  2003-07-20 13:03:40 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sorry correction.
You can run TMPG under Wine.

Question - TE25 - DVD backup No.38145
THE WATCHER  2003-07-19 19:08:49 ( ID:szidsaf47lk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have been tring all day to copy my DVD "Robbie Williams Live At The Albert" into a VCD video as to save repeated playback of the original DVD.
I tried creating a project using DVD2AVI, I set the audio to
Dolby Surround downmix and the video YUV-RGB to TV Scale. This project saved as a .d2v file and a .ac3 file, but when i try loading this to TMPGenc it tells me that it is unsupported, I have the VFAPI plugin installed, I have the DVD2AVI.vfp file in the TMPGenc folder but it still does not work. I can however using the VFAPI plugin directly load each VOB file but then I get no audio and I will end up with a bunch of files instead of the one mpeg file i want.
Can anybody help me out?

ashy  2003-07-19 19:40:23 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Firstly you cannot load an Ac3 file into TMPG you must let DVD2AVI convert it to a wav.

Make sure that the DVD2AVI.vfp that is in your TMPG folder is the same as the one from the DVD2AVI version you used to create the d2v file and is located in the same place as the TMPGenc.exe

If it still doesn't work then make sure the plugin is registered and checked in the VFAPI plugins.
If it is try raising it's prority.

Question - TE25 - DVD backup No.38144
THE WATCHER  2003-07-19 17:40:35 ( ID:szidsaf47lk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have been tring all day to copy my DVD "Robbie Williams Live At The Albert" into a VCD video as to save repeated playback of the original DVD.
I tried creating a project using DVD2AVI, I set the audio to
Dolby Surround downmix and the video YUV-RGB to TV Scale. This project saved as a .d2v file and a .ac3 file, but when i try loading this to TMPGenc it tells me that it is unsupported, I have the VFAPI plugin installed, I have the DVD2AVI.vfp file in the TMPGenc folder but it still does not work. I can however using the VFAPI plugin directly load each VOB file but then I get no audio and I will end up with a bunch of files instead of the one mpeg file i want.
Can anybody help me out?

Question - TE25 - need instructions No.38142
walt  2003-07-19 13:13:37 ( ID:lf8bomhf4rj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


i need the instructions for the ver 2.5


ashy  2003-07-19 14:08:27 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well go and get the plus version then.

Question - TE25 - Mr No.38136
James  2003-07-19 06:39:13 ( ID:o10nietw26a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I selrct my soucre file which is an avi file, it states it cannot open or is unsupported. Why is this ???

Minion  2003-07-19 08:52:40 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Go to "Options" to "Enviromental Settings" to "Vfapi Plugins" and Raise the "Driect show" to "2"...This should help If it is a DivX or other Direct show Format...

Mr X  2003-07-19 10:00:04 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Answer - Mr

argh  2003-07-19 13:58:39 ( ID:erf0.muwo/h )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

how to raise the piority?

Minion  2003-07-19 23:08:26 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well Pretty Easily, You Just Right click on the Plugin in the List and go to "Raise Priority"..Raiseing it to "2" Is usually good enough...

aqualung  2003-07-20 16:38:48 ( ID:ayfjj.q1jxk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

cheers minion, worked a treat.....

Question - TE25 - dvd to vcd No.38125
The Watcher  2003-07-18 22:19:59 ( ID:szidsaf47lk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

is there a quick way of doing this, i am sick of using flaskmpeg to convert it to avi, is there no shortcut using tmpgenc?
or if not could somebody recomend a quick way to acomplish this task of converting dvd to vcd using tmpgenc

Minion  2003-07-18 22:38:23 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

This is Totally Simple and there is No need to Make an AVI first as that is useless and Quality degradeing Step that shouldn"t be done in Any Circumstance..Well First you Rip the DVD in "Movie" Mode with "SmartRipper" then you use a Program called DVD2AVI(No it will not make an AVI file) you Load the First Vob file ripped from the DVD into It and the Rest will load automaticly, Now you go to "Audio" and set "Dolby Digital" to "Decode" and set it to "Dolby Surround Downmix", then under the "Video" tab set "Yuv/Rgb" to "TV Scale" now go to "File" to "Save Project" and Gibve the Project file and name, Now DVD2AVI will Make a D2V file and a Wav audio file, Now take the D2V file and Load it into Tmpgenc as the Video source and load the Wav file as the audio source and then Just encode it like Normal...If you get an error saying that the D2V file is Unsupported then Copy the "DVD2AVI.vfp" file from the "DVD2AVI" folder and Paste it into the Tmpgenc Install folder ,now restart Tmpgenc and Load the D2V and Wav files in again and it should Load...

ashy  2003-07-18 23:02:26 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Jaysus do people still use FlaskMPEG?
I thought that went out with the Dinosaurs....LOL

THE WATCHER  2003-07-19 15:30:42 ( ID:szidsaf47lk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i have saved the project from dvd2avi and it did produce a d2v and a wav file, but tmpgenc won´t open it, i put the dvd2avi.vfp file into the tmpg installation folder and then when i go to select the video source i can at least select it but it gives me an error saying it is unsupported, i also tried the open project option but that did not work either

ashy  2003-07-19 16:44:15 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Do NOT move, rename or delete any of the VOBs or files and folders associated with them after you have made the d2v until you have finished encoding.

THE WATCHER  2003-07-19 17:25:48 ( ID:szidsaf47lk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i have not touched the vob files, i am at a loss. I am using the latest version of tmpgenc and i have followed previous instructions meticulously

Torque  2003-07-19 18:59:01 ( ID:yvyzl4fy5kk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Get the latest version of DVD2AVI here ->

If you're lazy ... extract the contens to your Tmpgenc directory.
The file DVD2AVI.VFP must be in the tmpgenc dir ... other files don't matter.
Open Tmpgenc, go to options -> environmental settings -> VFAPI plug-in
and make "DVD2AVI Project file reader 1.77.3" the second entry from the top.
(Dunno if that is really needed ...)

This way it should work!

Further information can be found @ ->


THE WATCHER  2003-07-19 19:33:12 ( ID:szidsaf47lk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


THE WATCHER  2003-07-19 19:48:23 ( ID:szidsaf47lk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


Minion  2003-07-19 22:29:15 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have had this problem before ,and What solved it is To Just Make a New D2V file and Try again...And Make sure the DVD2AVI.vfp Plugin has a High enough priority in the Vfapi Plugins..And I have allways Had the Best results with DVD2AVI 1.76 But 1.77 should work Fine also...

the watcher  2003-07-19 22:38:43 ( ID:szidsaf47lk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i finally did it!
what i ended up doing was unzipping all the contents from the dvd2avi archive to the tmpgenc installation folder, running dvd2avi, create the project, then in tmpgenc it opened up straight away, wierd how it did not work before.

Anyway, i have just finished encoding robbie williams live at the albert and it took a total time of 3 hours (dvd ripping included)

thanx for all your help

Bug report - TE25 - MPEG2 Demuxing, Muxing and Cutting with multiple audio streams No.38119
martona  2003-07-18 18:25:37 ( ID:kesxssjft0a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello All,

I'm trying to use TMPGEnc for converting MPEG2 .ts files (transport streams) to MPEG2 program streams.

Here's what I do at the moment:

1. I record Formula 1 digital broadcasts with my satellite receiver.

2. I demux the resulting .ts files using ds.jar (a tool written in Java). I get two audio streams and one video stream as the result. I need both audio streams, since one of these is the track with commentary and the other one contains only ambient and engine sounds.

3. I remux the three streams into an MPEG2 SVCD-type program stream using TMPGEnc.

The resulting MPEG2 file plays correctly in any software DVD player (NVDVD, WinDVD), but they refuse to let me select the audio stream. I tried playing the stream with the otherwise excellent VideoLan client, but it cannot handle the SVCD-type streams and crashes after a few seconds. If, on the other hand, I convert the stuff into a regular MPEG2 program stream (and not an SVCD-type one) the resulting streams play both in software DVD players and in VideoLan. Best of all, VideoLan allows me to select the audio stream as well. The problem is, that if I mux a regular program stream instead of an SVCD one, the audio is out of sync by several seconds.

The problem is in step 3. If I use an SVCD stream, the resulting MPEG2 is in sync. If I use a regular program stream, it's not. Furthermore the fact that I have more than audio stream is irrelevant: If I just take a single audio track to mux with the video track, it's still out of sync.

I would also like to use TMPGEnc's Merge & Cut functionality to chop off the uninteresting parts from the beginning and the end of the stream. However, if I run it on my dual-audio MPEG stream, it throws away one of the audio tracks.

So, are these, in fact, bugs? And will they be fixed? Or does anyone know of software that:

a) allows the muxing of more than one audio stream into a standard MPEG2 program stream with proper sync?

b) has GOP-level MPEG2 cutting (I don't want to re-encode the video just because I want to chop off a minute in the beginning and a minute in the end) that handles more than one audio streams

- or -

a) plays an MPEG2 SVCD stream with multiple audio streams properly and allows selecting the track I want to be played?


Minion  2003-07-18 21:12:52 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No these aren"t Bugs as The Mpeg tools are "Officially" only supposed to be for files that were encoded By Tmpgenc..If you want to be able to edit Bulti stream Mpeg files then Try something like "Womble Mpeg2VCR" as it has a special option Just for De-Muxing TS Streams and it is Made For Frame accurate editing, Plus Tmpgenc"s Mpeg editing Function Does not Support Files that were encoded To VBR, and can cause sync Problems editing Files of this Kind...

martona  2003-07-18 22:06:57 ( ID:kesxssjft0a )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have tried MPEG2VCR, it does not allow more then one audio track per MPEG file so it's not an option. As for the tools in TmpgEnc being only for files created with TmpgEnc itself: MPEG2 is a standard, and if TmpgEnc can't handle them properly then it's broken. As for your remark about VBR: I'm not trying to use VBR files with it: the stuff comes from digital broadcast, hence it's CBR.

ashy  2003-07-18 23:04:53 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Try using BBMPEG. It will allow you to mux 2 audio streams and 1 video stream together.

Minion  2003-07-18 23:20:31 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Not True, Mpeg2Vcr does allow For Multiple Audio tracks While Muxing, You will see when loading audio files into the Muxer that there is a Dropdown Menu for all of the audio streams, You can even adjust The order of the audio tracks...As For Tmpgenc and Files Not encoded By Tmpgenc, if you read I think it is the Faq it clearly states that it doesn"t Officially support Mpeg2 files encoded By other encoders, Tmpgenc Files are a Little Different that other Mpeg files, Like if you Load a Tmpgenc File into VCDEasy it will give you some sort of error then is Says that iT is probably OK as the File was Probably encoded By Tmpgenc(Or something to that effect) as Not all Mpeg files are Created Equal even if there is a "Standard", Like Most Captured Mpeg files have a Different Data Structure than Other Mpeg files and Files encoded With a Hardware encoder Have a slightly Different Data structure, they are all Mpeg files Just created Differently,AS the Mpeg standard Does Have some leway Just because they conform to a standard doesn"t mean that they are all the same...

ashy  2003-07-18 23:59:22 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

True MPEG2VCR does allow multiple audio tracks, but not for SVCD only program streams.

As for selecting audio streams in SVCD. You need to create a real SVCD first. I.E. burn it to disk then most MPEG players such as WinDVD will allow you to select the audio track.
You can't just run the MPEG from the hard dive, it needs to be formatted on disk first to be recognized as SVCD or use some sort of image creation program such as NERO and then load the image into Nero Image drive.

There is little program which comes with the MPEG2 VFAPI plugin that can cut frame accurate at the GOP level.

Request - TE25 - Pause Button!? No.38117
Torque  2003-07-18 18:12:18 ( ID:/fgcb2keinl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Could you implement a pause and resume button for the mpeg encoder?
Thanks ...

Minion  2003-07-18 21:13:58 ( ID:w8yn5mktf8w )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

There is...Well Sort of, if you want to pause the encodeing Just Click "Stop" and when you want to resume Just click "No"...

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