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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 399 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 Highest bitrate for pc playback - regardless of file size craig 6 2003-11-26 13:03:59
Question TE25 How can convert from avi file to DAT fiile bimbim 1 2003-11-20 20:28:14
Question TE25 Problem merging MPEG2 sequences Nils 6 2004-01-02 10:46:21
Question TE25 Problem in converting rmvb to mpeg Jess 0 2003-11-20 05:13:58
Question TE25 converting avi file to mpeg avi_s77 1 2003-11-20 20:44:19
Question TE25 Problem in converting rmvb to mpeg Jess 1 2003-11-20 22:12:01
Question TE25 Aspect Ratio Problem Robo707 2 2003-11-21 11:32:52
Bug report TE25 SSE corruption on AMD system Andrew 6 2003-11-24 00:29:43
Question TDA1 Audio loss after 1st scene with vro file manderson 0 2003-11-19 16:33:56
Question TE25 can I loop the audio if it is too short ? testdude 1 2003-11-19 20:36:22
Question TE25 Can the outcome of the mpeg file be splitted? avi_s77 1 2003-11-19 20:37:59
Question TE25 can I loop the audio if it is too short ? testdude 0 2003-11-19 07:11:43

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Question - TE25 - Highest bitrate for pc playback - regardless of file size No.39959
craig  2003-11-20 22:56:00 ( ID:8qjlqlt4qn2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am putting MPEG-2 video files on a CDROM for desktop pc playback. I am not concerned with DVD player compatibility, and I have decided against using divx. I will be packaging an MPEG-2 encoder on the CDROM so everyone with a pc can watch the videos using windows media player. The videos are small (about 14 minutes long total) so file size is not a concern.

My question is what video bitrate should I use to get the absolute maximum quality pc playback - but not so high that an 'average' computer can't play it. By average I will say a 1 gigahertz computer. Currently I'm using a CQ setting with 100% quality.

Since I am aiming for CDROM delivery (as opposed to making them copy all the files to their hard drive), I realize one bottleneck will be the speed of the CDROM drive. At this time I am planning on making a system requirement of an 8x CDROM drive, so this should give me a 'cap' of 9600kbps to work with. But I'm afraid a video bitrate set this high will cause an 'average' computer to stutter. Any ideas as to what a 'safe' bitrate setting might be? thanks!!!


Nils  2003-11-21 13:10:59 ( ID:gsn3d1snq6f )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'd say that 6-8 Mbps should be no problem at all to handle for a 600MHz+ CPU, provided the graphics card is overlay capable (all modern ones are) and DMA is enabled for the drive (W2k defaults to PIO!).

Another problem might be the size of the file: a CDR80 gives you a mode 1 capacity of roughly 703 MB (79:58 x 75 x 2048 / 1024 / 1024). Divided by 14x60 that makes a max of 856 KB/s or 6.8 Mbps, running the CD drive at ~6x.


Video Guy  2003-11-21 19:06:44 ( ID:4yfrh0hqv72 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

8 Mbs is way too high for CD-ROM playback. The CD rom is not fast enough.

A 1x cd rom is 150Kbs.
A 10x is 1.5Mbs.
A 20x is about 3 Mbs.

There are 50x+ drives out but 99% of the peopel don't have them and that is just a burst speed. I have to see a drive sustain 50x playback especially on a CD-r.

Just because you can fit it on a CD does not mean you can play it back in real time off of it.

I would not go above 4 Mbs on a cd.

If you use 5 - 6 it will play back fine at first but as the laser moves to the edge of disc it will be choppy and sound out of sync.

Your best bet is to use SVCD bit rate or slight above.

Video Guy

craig  2003-11-21 21:52:19 ( ID:8qjlqlt4qn2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

ok wait a second here, cause i'm getting conflicting info.

is a 1x cdrom drive 150kbps or 150KBps ? ie kiloBITS or kiloBYTES ?

i can find several references on the net that say that it is kiloBYTES:

that's where i got my estimation from:
150KBps = 1200kbps X 8x cdrom = 9600kbps max data rate.

ashy  2003-11-22 15:32:38 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Craig you're absolutely correct.

The term KB/s with regard to CDROM data transfer speeds is refering to KILOBYTES not KILOBITS.

Kilobytes is expressed as KB/s, Kilobits is expressed as Kb/s

Also data transfer speeds refers to audio data transfer and MPEG data is transferred at the same speed as audio as they both use the same size sectors and no error correction.

Look at it this way it only requires a 1x drive for VCD playback which has a data transfer rate of:
10 megabyte/min
10240 Kilobytes/min
170 Kilobytes/s

A 1x drive can actually transfer 1.5 Mb/s(megabits) or 1500 kilobits/s of audio or VCD data.

1x Mpeg data transfer rate is 172 kilobytes/s.

As you can see from the calculation above 1x is enough for VCD.
If it was KILOBITS the trasfer rate was refering to it would take a 8x drive to just to play a standard VCD!

170 Kilobytes/sec x 8 = 1360 kilobits/s
1360 Kilobits/s / 172 Kilobits/s = 8

Also DVD players which are capable of playing SVCD only need a 2x drive therefore Craig you are correct, it would only take an 8 x for a bitrate of 9.8Mb/s

9.8Mb/s / 1.5Mb/s = 6.53Mb/s

Here are some sources to verify:

craig  2003-11-25 23:45:21 ( ID:8qjlqlt4qn2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i settled on a 6000kbps bitrate plus 224 for the audio. so far it plays very well on two computers with different cdrom drives, but both cdrom drives are over 24x speed. it's hard to find an 8x cdrom drive to test it with! i'll have to check the local museums. one of the test computers was 'only' 866mhz, so it looks like 6000kpbs is a safe bitrate for what i would consider an average computer.

thanks for the help folks

ashy  2003-11-26 13:03:59 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Download Nero Drivespeed and set your drive to 8x.

Question - TE25 - How can convert from avi file to DAT fiile No.39957
bimbim  2003-11-20 16:31:19 ( ID:zrpsdtw0o8r )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have used the TMPGEnc 2.521.58 to convert file .avi to file .mpg is ok with good sound. But when I use the Nero program to write these files as VCD disk, the program ask me must convert the .mpg files to the VCD file (.DAT files) and it waste a big time to convert these .mpg files as VCD disk. the quality of files is low too. Who can help me how to fix this problem ?

ashy  2003-11-20 20:28:14 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

First of all you need to make sure you encoded to MPEG.
If you did then I guess you must have split the MPEG using the Merge&Cut tool. If this is the case then you probably chose the wrong stream setting.
Make sure the stream setting is 'MPEG1 Video CD'

You can repair your existing MPEG by running it through the simple multiplexer using the mentioned setting.

Question - TE25 - Problem merging MPEG2 sequences No.39950
Nils  2003-11-20 08:11:41 ( ID:gsn3d1snq6f )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

We are trying to cut and merge several short captured (DV) video sequences to SVCD.
We're encoding them to MPEG2 first and when merging the files to one large output file, a small number of frames at the end of each sequence gets lost. Is this a bug or does this depend on the GOP structure of the files? How can this be avoided? (I even tried just running a single sequence straight through cut/merge and still the end ist lost.)

Additionally, when cutting MPEG2 files: I understand that TMPGENC can only cut at GOP borders, but it may be highly desirable to have some kind of indication while chosing the cut point.

Best regards
Nils Petersen

Joe C. Hecht  2003-11-20 15:51:45 ( ID:ofhm4sr9ydm )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Additionally, when cutting MPEG2 files: I understand that TMPGENC can only cut at GOP borders, but it may be highly desirable to have some kind of indication while chosing the cut point.

I totally agree, and have sent this request many times to the developers.

What I have been doing is capturing at a 8mbs constants bit rate, then make a first pass with TMPGEnc, with the settings to produce a super high quality file contining only IFrames (this pass it is pretty darn fast). Then I use TMPGEnc's DVDAuthor to slice, dice, and merge clips together (it has a real nice merge and cut), and take the resulting DVD files, and run them though DVD2AVI and feed them back to TMEGEnc for the final render. Doing it in this manner allows me to slice and dice to a single frame.

Sure wish TMEGEnc would improve the cutting tools. It is possible to do, but would require code to turn those P and B frames to an IFrame.


Minion  2003-11-20 22:16:06 ( ID:/d4nypdxsbj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That is Correct Tmpgenc can only Cut on I frames so if your Cut is not on an I frame it will moove to the closest One...The only real way to overcome this is to use a High Quality Frame Accurate Mpeg editor Like "Mpeg2VCR" which works great for Mpeg editing....Cheers

Nils  2003-11-21 12:48:30 ( ID:gsn3d1snq6f )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for info, folks - I'll try the solutions suggested.

The cutting within GOP structures (or at least an indication of the GOP borders) would be a very desirable wish list item for the future.

However the bug in Cut&Merge (yes, that's definitely a bug) currently restrains me from buying. Is it possible to reevaluate a future version on the same machine? Otherwise that might be it for TMPGENC, as our evaluation time limit will not survive the weekend...


Minion  2003-11-21 23:10:59 ( ID:/d4nypdxsbj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

It isn"t a Bug in the "Merge & Cut" that is stopping you from editing in Gop"s, This is the way it is supposed to be as Most Mpeg editors work this way and Only the Most High end Mpeg editors are Frame accurate and thay are very Expensive as I only know of 2 Frame accurate Mpeg2 editors and One of them costs about $1500 US...For the Price Tmpgenc is the Best Encoder you will get and you will not Find an encoder that comes with a frame accurate Mpeg editor as Mpeg editors are more expensive than Mpeg encoders, and you will be hard pressed to find a better mpeg Encoder than Tmpgenc in the Price range....Cheers

B_Racer  2003-11-21 23:47:18 ( ID:f0tdjnbzg.2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Cutting within GOP-Structures isn't possible without reencoding some Frames. Only expensive Programs are able to do that - with a loss in Quality at the Cutting-Points.

If you want to try an other Cutting-Tool, try the German Program MPEG2Schnitt.

Nils  2004-01-02 10:46:21 ( ID:qjrsb4sjsgl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Running a sequence through Merge&Cut _without_ any cutting and losing the last couple of frames is most definitely a bug, sorry...

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll check that one out.

Question - TE25 - Problem in converting rmvb to mpeg No.39949
Jess  2003-11-20 05:13:58 ( ID:sbezb30us6n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I am having a problem in converting rmvb to mpeg. When I try to conver it, it says that it is not support is there a way I can get around that problem ?


Question - TE25 - converting avi file to mpeg No.39947
avi_s77  2003-11-20 04:34:26 ( ID:pb7ijsdud4m )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I was trying to convert avi file to mpeg.
Although i choosed system option(video
+voice)and merge and cut -all the process
-the outcome is no voice.original 702 mb avi file inflated to more then 2gb
mpeg.the movie itself took approx 1.16 gb and the rest-i could not figure qut what it entails ,who knows?
anyway no voice and impecable video quality.
Ill appreciate your comments and help.

ashy  2003-11-20 20:44:19 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You chose the wrong setting.
The setting you are using is for DVD only which can use wav audio (I presume this is what you mean by voice)
Obviously by splitting it you are trying to create a SVCD or VCD which CANNOT use wav audio and the merge&cut tool will not accept wav audio.
You need to choose Mp2 audio.

Question - TE25 - Problem in converting rmvb to mpeg No.39945
Jess  2003-11-20 04:11:24 ( ID:sbezb30us6n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I am having a problem in converting rmvb to mpeg. When I try to conver it, it says that it is not support is there a way I can get around that problem ?


Minion  2003-11-20 22:12:01 ( ID:/d4nypdxsbj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

No there is no way to get around the Problem because Tmpgenc Does not Support RM Files...Actually there are No high Quality encoders that support RM files Probably because RM is such a Crappy low Quality format...The only encoder I know of that will encode RM to Mpeg is called "EO_Video" but it is slow and the Encodeing Quality is Not very good......Cheers

Question - TE25 - Aspect Ratio Problem No.39942
Robo707  2003-11-20 03:18:18 ( ID:g6fdu86jdrw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Brief Description of Problem:

I've never had this problem before and I've done a lot of encoding but when I try to encode an AVI file, it no longer comes out with the same aspect ratio as the source.


I'm using TMPGEnc Plus v2.521.58.169 and my source is a simple AVI file (160x120 [4:3], 4CC: iv32, Name: Indeo 3.2, Bitrate: 278 kb/s, FPS: 15.00; Audio Codec: PCM Audio).

I'm trying to convert the AVI file to a Super Video-CD in PAL, CBR Standard format.

In the "Select source file" page of the wizard, I selected "4:3 625 line (PAL)" for aspect ratio (I also tried "4:3 Display" and also "1:1 (VGA)" but the problem persists). I set video type to Non-interlace.

The only filter I changed was the "Video arrange" setting, which I changed to "Full screen (keep aspect ratio)". I also tried encoding with the default setting of "Full screen" but the problem still persists.

When I try to play the encoded AVI file in any video player, like Windows Media Player 9, the picture width is decreased about two thirds of the original and the height is increased by about the same amount. Any figures in the video look stretched much too thin and tall.

I never used to have this problem. Oddly, if I encode the AVI file to MPEG 1 format, with exactly the same settings as described above, the file comes out OK, same as the source!

Is there abug in the program or have I got a corrupt MPEG-2 encoder or am I doing something wrong?


Minion  2003-11-20 22:08:32 ( ID:/d4nypdxsbj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well It might be because you source file is 4:3 But NTSC, What should fix this is if you set the "Video Arange method" to "Center(Custom Size)" and put in 352+240 as the Size, This will display the Image in it"s original 4:3 Aspect ratio but with a 24 Pixel Boarder on Top and a 24 Pixel Boarder on the Bottom.....Cheers

Robo707  2003-11-21 11:32:52 ( ID:g6fdu86jdrw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

thanks, your suggestion solved the problem!

Bug report - TE25 - SSE corruption on AMD system No.39935
Andrew  2003-11-20 00:07:51 ( ID:wsb3xh23ptf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I try to convert *any* video to either MPEG-1 or 2, the output displays lots of corruption. Lots of randomly coloured blocks appear over the video, and render it unwatchable. However, this only occurs when SSE is enabled. I am using an AMD Athlon XP2400+ with windows XP Home.

And example can be seen at:

Does anyone know what is happening? I'm pulling my hair out trying to fix it!!

Minion  2003-11-20 22:03:05 ( ID:/d4nypdxsbj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well This Could be because some of the Older Athlon XP Proscessors(Palamino) do not Support the SSE Instruction set so this might be the Problem and since you know what the Solution is (Disable SSE) it seems that you have the Problem Beat......Cheers

Andrew  2003-11-21 00:11:43 ( ID:wsb3xh23ptf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I am using a TBred Athlon so this shouldn't be a problem :(
I just wanted the speed increase that's all...

B_Racer  2003-11-21 13:58:40 ( ID:0jd4rmr3tyn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Looks like a Memory-Timing-Problem. Tried to change the Timing in the BIOS?
Hm, and your Speed is very low. My P4 1.9 with only SD-RAM(!) is faster than Realtime while producing VCDs.

ashy  2003-11-21 17:32:37 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Have you tried raising the priority of the 'Directshow file reader' to 2 in the VFAPI plugins. This just looks like a decoding problem to me and raising the priority may well fix it.

Andrew  2003-11-23 00:28:30 ( ID:wilapgngvzl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok will try changing the memory speed settings in the BIOS. I have tried changing the filter priorities but I don't think that's the problem because my PC also has trouble decoding wma files. When I play these there's lots of digital popping so I assume it's a more general system problem. Thing is, I've already had the motherboard replaced once due to an AGP timing fault, so I hope it's not from a faulty batch :((

Thanks for the suggestions!

Andrew  2003-11-24 00:29:43 ( ID:wsb3xh23ptf )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

After changing the timing settings in my BIOS, I still haven't been able to solve the problem. I even managed to stop my system from booting once! (brown trousers time)

While looking through the TMPGEnc version history, I noticed this in v2.50: "For compatibility matter, SSE order for Athlon XP is not enabled at default setting. You can enable it with your own risk."

I wonder if this could be part of my problem (Even though I'm using v2.521 etc)? Perhaps TMPGEnc has a compatibility issue rather than my system being at fault... I may never know :p

Question - TDA1 - Audio loss after 1st scene with vro file No.48860
manderson  2003-11-19 16:33:56 ( ID:bme4mp6t/ij )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I downloaded the trial version to test on vro files copied off my Hitachi DVD-RAM camcorder. The resulting project when played back with PowerDVD looked great with video and audio in the first scene, but the audio completely stopped for subsequent scenes. The Hitachi specs meet the requirements of the TMPGEnc DVD Author software - MPEG Audio Layer 2, 704 x 480.

Am I missing a setting, or has anyone else run into this?

Question - TE25 - can I loop the audio if it is too short ? No.39933
testdude  2003-11-19 14:31:21 ( ID:voe8cjtcneo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

can I loop the audio if it is too short ?
I added an mp3 to some video and it is too short.. can I loop the audio somehow.

ashy  2003-11-19 20:36:22 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What do you mean it's too short?
Do you want it to play over and over right until the end of the movie?
If so then you will have to use an audio editor to just copy the audio track and attach it to the end of itself as many times as you need to.

Question - TE25 - Can the outcome of the mpeg file be splitted? No.39931
avi_s77  2003-11-19 13:26:52 ( ID:x3/fon87r6f )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I presume this a very dumb question. will the new mpeg file be splitted
if it exceeds the 700 mb standard disk size?

although its quite obvious I want to be sure about it.

I just downloaded the latest free version.


ashy  2003-11-19 20:37:59 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The limit is 800mb not 700mb and no it will not be split unless you use either the source range function while encoding or use the Merge&Cut tool to split it afterwards.

Question - TE25 - can I loop the audio if it is too short ? No.39930
testdude  2003-11-19 07:11:43 ( ID:voe8cjtcneo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

can I loop the audio if it is too short ?
I added an mp3 to some video and it is too short.. can I loop the audio somehow.

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