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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TDA3 Crop picture size? grandsire02 1 2008-09-09 23:58:42
Request TDA3 Transitions Bob 0 2008-09-08 22:09:04
Question TE40 4 Gigabte limit Kerry N 2 2008-09-08 20:50:03
Question TDA3 Dolby Digital 5.1 Decoder Bert 3 2008-09-26 23:14:10
Question TE25 TMPGEnc now will not open video source, opens Windows SMSS process shaneo4217 0 2008-09-06 14:50:14
Question TE40 wtv NightCruiser 0 2008-09-05 19:02:46
Question TE40 Problem with Xpress 4.0 - Corrupted outputs Daniel Pace 3 2008-09-08 22:22:45
Question TDA3 Stream Error = Output Stopped (by 97%!!) PablitoCarajero 1 2008-10-09 04:40:30
Question TE25 no 16:9 option Japz Lapeno 1 2008-09-09 02:39:49
Question TDA3 I get this message. ingeborgdotq 3 2008-09-05 06:51:35
Question TE25 cant open file (HD) - unsupported Martin 1 2008-09-05 13:41:26
Request TE40 Please just post the Xpress CUDA version Scree 0 2008-09-03 18:01:29

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Question - TDA3 - Crop picture size? No.60749
grandsire02  2008-09-09 09:39:38 ( ID:rvgt59ar0rg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm running TMPGEnc DVD Author 3 with DivX Authoring (v. and have some video files with a black bar above and below the picture (videos were originally 16:9 aspect but have been reprocessed by Tunebite software into 4:3 aspect - hence the lines). Is TMPGEnc DVD Author 3 able to crop these lines out to restore 16:9 aspect, and if so how is this done? If not, is there any other TMPGEnc software that will do this?

tkrave  2008-09-09 23:58:42 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

DVD Author 3 won't be able to crop the picture.
TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress has a crop picture filter that should do the job.

Request - TDA3 - Transitions No.60748
Bob  2008-09-08 22:09:04 ( ID:ucbus1wjjgl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I really like TDA3 so far but I would like to see the ability to add simple transitions such as fades between clips added to the program. I know MPEG Editor allows you to add transitions but I don't see that it supports ASF files, which is my primary source format.

Question - TE40 - 4 Gigabte limit No.58385
Kerry N  2008-09-08 03:07:37 ( ID:bi55oqb2spl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have been transcoding? my home movies that were taken in 1080. I have been using the Divx encoder via the TMPenc 4.15 Xpress program. I am however at a loss as to why there is a 4 Gigabyte limit. Maybe someone can explain this. After all why do HighDef in Divx if there is a 4 Gigabyte limit?

Kerry N

Vista Quad Core 2.66 each

rendez2k  2008-09-08 18:49:39 ( ID:kct8aqti.x2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I think its probably because you're drive is formatted as FAT32 rather than NTFS. FAT32 only allows 4gb max files.

tkrave  2008-09-08 20:50:03 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you are encoding to DivX, then the DivX format itself is the limitation. DivX files can only be less than 4GB.

Question - TDA3 - Dolby Digital 5.1 Decoder No.60744
Bert  2008-09-07 22:57:52 ( ID:4s13kwz2g52 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I understand that TMPGEnc DVD Author 3 with DivX Authoring includes a Dolby Digital/AC3-Plugin for but only two stereo channels.
How can I upgrade to a 5.1-DD-decoder?
Thank you.

tkrave  2008-09-08 20:54:46 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

There is no upgrade to a 5.1 decoder.

However, I believe DVD Author 3 has 5.1 AC3 passthrough, meaning that if you don't re-encode the audio, it will remain 5.1.

Bert  2008-09-22 12:31:20 ( ID:4s13kwz2g52 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

tkrave, thanks for your response from 2008/09/08.

You are right, DVD Author 3 handles video files exactly as you mentioned - problem resolved.

I observe a follow-up problem, however:
When I record a pure DD 5.1 audio file in .ts format, which is identified as a52 by VLC-Player, and offer it to DVD Author 3, the program responds, that it 'Could not open the video part of the file . . .ts. Only the audio part can be opened.'
That's exactly what I expected, but in fact it does not open the audio part of my file. How can I convince Author to accept it as being a clip?

Do you have another good idea? I would gratefully acknowledge.
Thank you.

tkrave  2008-09-26 23:14:10 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

So you want to add the separate audio file to an existing clip?

Add your video clip first, then in the Clip Properties window, you can select a different file as the audio input for the clip. I don't have an audio DD5.1 audio .ts file to test this with, but it might work.

Question - TE25 - TMPGEnc now will not open video source, opens Windows SMSS process No.43700
shaneo4217  2008-09-06 14:50:14 ( ID:a881qyiccha )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hi, I've been using TMPGEnc with great success for years, now
suddenly it won't open video source files, and will only select
the video file as the audio source.

It gives the message that the format is unknown or unsupported
but then opens an Windows SMSS.exe process through ZoneAlarm.

Any ideas?

Question - TE40 - wtv No.58384
NightCruiser  2008-09-05 19:02:46 ( ID:rm2qrqv9ptc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Will your programs get suport for the new MS mediacenter format wtv?
so I can use it to cut out comercel brackes after upgrade to?
Or shold one try not to get anything in that format (have not found anything that suports it yet.)
thanks for great program.

Question - TE40 - Problem with Xpress 4.0 - Corrupted outputs No.58380
Daniel Pace  Home )  2008-09-05 16:50:34 ( ID:hky5lfjqfeg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Any render I do from Xpress 4.0 results in a corrupted mpeg file. Sometimes I render a file that plays (plays in Windows media and Author 3.0) but 80% of the time the file is corrupted. I submitted a ticket on this issue but Tmpgenc support is horrible and they didn't help except for asking ovbious questions. I'm suspecting that the mpeg encoder is conflicting with some other encoder/application. I do have installed in my PC, Media Concept Mpeg encoder, Cinema Craft Basic and Nero. Has anyone experiencing the same issue? I'm completely frustrated by the lack of support from this company but I do love the results (when it works) from Xpress.

My OS is XP with SP3, Xeon based machine. Please help!!!

tkrave  2008-09-06 02:18:47 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Sorry, never had this issue. What are the source file formats for the ones that end up corrupted? Are they different from the ones that come out OK?

Daniel Pace  Home )  2008-09-06 04:51:48 ( ID:rh.s0s4kbqk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The sources are mostly avi (using Cineform codecs) and also uncompressed Quicktime. The files range from 10 to 15 mins and the final output 1:45 hour. I tried smaller files with no luck. Every single file is corrupted and not even Mpeg editor will open it. I installed the updates with no luck. Once in a while it produces a viewable files. If it wasn't for the superb quality i would not bother with this product.

tkrave  2008-09-08 22:22:45 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Can your source avi files play in Windows Media Player?

Also, what do you mean by corrupted? They just don't play, they play but it's black, garbage artifacts or what?

You can check to see if your Cineform codec is being recognized by 4.0 XPress by going to Options-->Preferences-->AVI settings. If it doesn't show up in the list, then 4.0 XPress doesn't see it. There may be a codec conflict as well, and you may need to uninstall your codecs and reinstall them one by one to see if it shows up.

Have you tried encoding it to other formats other than MPEG?

It could also be that the source file is corrupt.

Question - TDA3 - Stream Error = Output Stopped (by 97%!!) No.60742
PablitoCarajero  2008-09-05 11:53:38 ( ID:9ep8pk3ag0n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello, maybe somebody can help me.

Was athoring a DVD with two tracks (In one of them, a concert with 26 songs/chapters, in the other, a "bonus" with 2 songs), and after checking all is ok in the simulation, I started the output. At 97% an error mesage pops up, reading something about a Stream Error, and in the output screen, another one telling me that the output had to be stopped due to an error.
Googling about that I read that it could be due to a lack of disk space, but it's not my case.
In the output folder, checking the final .VOBs, I see that the concert (track 1) was succesfully finished, but there's nothing about track 2 (apparently there was when output stopped, I think) and menus...

Well, if someone can help me, I'll be very grateful. Please give me ideas to solve this. I'll post screen caps of all the settings for the videos and the properties of the video sources too, if needed.

Thanks in advance!

myself  2008-10-09 04:40:30 ( ID:uexq2jhhhql )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

"Stream Error" means that the TDA3 couldn't read(decode) the file
> with the preview near or at the end of the first track
Do you know which source movie file was in process?
Could you create a DVD with that source file or it becomes also problem
even without that specific source file?.
Seek and wipe out clips which are making errors in the output process.

good luck

Question - TE25 - no 16:9 option No.43698
Japz Lapeno  2008-09-05 04:52:11 ( ID:1tlzi0r1tna )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

So I'm running version and when I open the Wizard, there's no 16:9 NTSC or 16:9 PAL option under DVD. I had to redownload this program because i built a new computer, and I remember the option being there on my old computer. Did I download the wrong version or am I missing a patch? What gives?

tkrave  2008-09-09 02:39:49 ( ID:lgrl8ryjzyl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Whoa, where did you download that from? That is an old version from 2002.

If you're using Plus, go here:

If you're using the free version, go here:

Question - TDA3 - I get this message. No.60738
ingeborgdotq  2008-09-04 20:49:01 ( ID:qpbmppeckv2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I just started working with this product but when I start the program and start up something this is what I get.
This application has failed to start because pthreadGC2.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
I have reinstalled several times. What could it be.
Vista Ultimate 64bit.

Bob  2008-09-04 23:38:24 ( ID:ucbus1wjjgl )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

A Google'd "pthreadGC2.dll" and came up with this link which might help.

ingeborgdotq  2008-09-05 04:55:02 ( ID:qpbmppeckv2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Ok, I went to that but my question where do I find the dll and how do I get it where it needs to be? Not sure I know?

Bob  2008-09-05 06:51:35 ( ID:apft9vsj3l2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I searched my system for that file and found it bit not where I would have expected to find it based upon that information. In any case, I have no idea if this is the correct file and/or if it will work but you can download a version of it here:;7674775;/fileinfo.html

And it looks like from reading the other page it needs to be copied to your operating system's 'system32' folder. I don't know where that folder is in Vista, but in XP it's in here: c:\windows\system32

I would try that and see if it works. If not, I would contact tech support. Good luck.

Question - TE25 - cant open file (HD) - unsupported No.43696
Martin  2008-09-04 16:14:44 ( ID:8.c9eb5ksso )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Hello, I reinstalled my OS from Win2k to XP, installed all important video codecs but TMPEG cant open high definition file (1280 x 720, .avi) that I could open before on win 2k, probably missing some codec or what. The file is encoded with Windows Media Video-9 codec and I can play it in media player normally. Can you please help me?

Martin  2008-09-05 13:41:26 ( ID:8.c9eb5ksso )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

problem resolved :-)

Request - TE40 - Please just post the Xpress CUDA version No.58379
Scree  2008-09-03 18:01:29 ( ID:0ed1isrxiqn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I saw the "available upon request" for the CUDA beta version of Xpress, but the company's mailbox is always full now! lol

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